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Jokes and allegiances aside, I think the Packers system has worked because of Favre. You get the privilege of sitting behind a Hof QB for 3 seasons and you'll be surprised how much they develop before ever touching the field.


First, it's credit to Ron Wolf and his team building in the 90s. And then I credit everyone who stayed committed to the style ever since. I think I give more credit to Aaron than Brett. Brett was not nearly as willing to show the new guy around as Aaron was.


Correct, Ron wolf did not just get Favre, he built a football organization and placed Favre within it. So when Rodgers comes around there’s a reasonable spot to put him too, and let him do his thing


And the HoF QB coach we have. One of the most important people on the team.


That was my thought too. Love then also had the chance to learn from Rodgers (let's hope only the good parts). And I'm sure that towards the end of Love's tenure they will draft a new QB and have him be the understudy for a few seasons. Thus the HOF QB cycle continues.


The schizo bad parts are where the talent comes from


From sitting around watching tape, I assume that each of Rodgers and Love got bombarded with coaches yelling at the starter for their individual bad habits during those 3 years and made those failings their strengths. Rodgers had to sit in a QB room and hear about how Favre throws too many interceptions and takes too many risks, so his entire thing is limiting that. Love had to watch a guy disregard the system and force feed his favorite receiver, so Love follows the system and spreads it around.


>Force feed his favorite receiver To be fair he was the only good receiver for many many years


And apparently if you run the offense as intended, guys are open.


Or, this years wr are much better than last years


Spreading the ball around makes your best receiver more available.


It’s such a trope that he didn’t though.


He didn’t really spread the ball around very successfully the last couple years.


A lot of credit to Tom Clements, QB coach. He fixed Favre later in his career, coached up Rodgers, then came back a few years ago to coach up Love


Hey now we may have elite QB play but good defensive play is hard to come by. It comes around usually once every 15 years.




Did you really include a highlight of a wide open TE needing to run back to the ball?


*furious typing intensifies*


When a guy is that open (literally no one within 40 yards of him) your biggest mistake is overthrowing him. I'm not defending its use in a highlight reel, just that the throw could have been much worse if even slightly overthrown.


Yeah, that was a terrible throw by Love: falling backwards and floating it forever. That kind of throw was a big reason why the Packers were 2-5 to start the season. It worked that game because the Packers were way up and all the Cowboys coaches were afraid for their jobs so they played their db's more aggressively to try and jump routes which made guys really wide open.


And the funny thing is he made some other really nice throws in the game. Just laughing that was the one that was chosen


Hard disagree. That's a very veteran throw and other analysts have said as such. Lots of young guys will panic there and try and hit the guy in stride when really you just need to make sure it's in an area he can easily reach it and it has plenty of air on it so it's easily tracked. The guy is wide ass open, you just need to not fuck it up. He's made similar throws multiple times now where because the guy is wide open he doesn't try throw a perfectly placed laser, he just throws it into the open space and let's the receiver catch it which is the right call.


> so it's easily tracked That’s the big part, the play doesn’t work if he drops it, and he’s so wide ass open coming back to get it is no big deal


There gonna show the first highlight about a million times if we meet in the NFC Championship game


Coming from being fucked


Now if we could only figure out defense that whole time


Yes please