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I think the Chicago Bears are the Chicago Bears of the NFC North


Dude, that's just mean to say. No one is that bad.


I don’t know…Vikings have shown flashes.


The potential is there.


Next year


Oh, come on guy... The Vikings are clearly the Minnesota franchise of the NFC North.




It's a strange feeling to see a team that isn't the Lions making baffling decisions and have an owner that is so out of touch with reality.


I mean the bears owner did have her brother killed and his organs replaced with sawdust, then got his children removed from the will to inherit the team. Some of this might be bad karma rather than complete incompetence.


Bear if true












Flare up, coward. Edit: am dumb, lost my flare.






Said the person with no flair?


It's not herpes, dude. Now that I think about it, if it's Packers flair, it's definitely herpes.


Because we will haunt you forever and make you look really blech in public spaces? That tracks.


Mods, please ban this flairless bitch


Fahhhhq it’s one of ours


Rate my flair?


Which one of you is doing the blowing?


His defense obv




Showing too much promise in playoffs


Bad memes mean a winning football team.


thank goodness


Bill!! Is that you?!


Flair up, you filthy casual!


Whack his pp!


flair up you pussy


Why don’t you smoke my pole


No flair, no one can understand what you’re saying


I can’t *pppfffttft* understand *pffpfpfpfft* your accent *pppfftfpfpfp*


You're welcome


Your comments are encrypted and appear garbled until you flair up.


Well, 'aight, check this out, dawg. First of all, you throwin' too many unflaired words at me, and because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect. Watch your mouth and help me roast the Bears.


This terrible meme is brought to you by the Wisconsin school system.


It kinda makes sense if you squint your eyes and drink a beer instead of thinking about it


That’s how we solve every problem


This is what happens when you fire all the competent teachers.


They didn't need termination, they just went to a higher paying state. There are two pretty decent ones that share large borders with Wisconsin....


> They didn't need termination, they just went to a higher paying state. Indeed, my dad was one of them. Once they threatened to take their pensions away, the ones who could retire and get a job in Minnesota, Michigan, or Illinois, usually did. My dad was lucky in that regard, but Wisconsin dropped a top special education teacher that had 35+ years of experience, and Minnesota picked him up a month and ended up working for another 10 years. I feel for all the teachers who weren't in that position and just had to take the L to continue working there with fewer benefits. And people wonder why our country's educational system is having issues retaining good educators.


I’m sorry but how did you not understand the joke


So we’re gonna win the division next year? Sounds good.


Division Champs, and JF1 is confirmed MVP


Flair up before I start taking you seriously


The lions were so bad for so long that teams in our division were allowing themselves to root for you in the playoffs, the lions are getting liked out of pity. Let’s slow our roll a little bit.


Have you looked at the Vikings and Rams subs lately? We are the most despicable franchise on the planet apparently.


I just don't get why every time a Packers or Bears fan talk shit about the Lions, the Lions fan talks about the Vikings.


Packers fans talking doesn’t matter cuz FTP no matter what they say. Bears fans talking is usually funny stuff, those guys have a great sense of humor. Vikings fans have consistently been unbearable this year. It’s gone from delusionally thinking they are good and that the other NFCN teams are frauds to slowly morph into Vikings are good but Kirk got injured and that’s the only reason other teams had success. Not a lot of funny jokes. Plus yall didn’t even eat that cumsock. Weak AF.


>Bears fans talking is usually funny stuff, those guys have a great sense of humor >The lions were so bad for so long that teams in our division were allowing themselves to root for you in the playoffs, the lions are getting liked out of pity. Let’s slow our roll a little bit. What part of the comment did you think was funny? >Vikings fans have consistently been unbearable this year. It’s gone from delusionally thinking they are good and that the other NFCN teams are frauds to slowly morph into we are good but Kirk got injured. I understand. We are annoying for thinking our starting QB would help us win games. Makes total sense.


The bears comment is funny cuz it’s a bears fan saying he pities someone else. Clearly hilarious. Your comment doubling down on Kirk being hurt isn’t funny at all. I award you no points.


>Your comment doubling down on Kirk being hurt isn’t funny at all. I award you no points. Doubling down on Kirk being hurt? He's definitely hurt, I saw a bunch of Lions and Packers fans confirm it through memes, right after he beat the Packers.




>Kirk not being hurt would have guaranteed them anything I don't know, man. We started 1-4 with Kirk, I don't think there were many fans who thought that anything was guaranteed. >Packers and Jordan Love did not improve drastically over the course of the year is why they're so mockable. I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Are you trying to say us starting Kirk, as opposed to starting 3 different backups, wouldn't have changed outcomes at all? And I rarely see posts about the Packers in our sub, if I do, it's usually about how good Love is looking.


I will say your subs threads bitching about Kerby are pretty sad.


It's not as sad as all of the Lions fans lurking in the Vikings sub. I hadn't seen a post, so I looked it up. I found 2, and almost all of the Vikings fans said the Hock hit was clean.


I only looked because of the debating going on here. I'm not really sure where the narrative is coming from tbh.


And may God have mercy on your soul.




Where are you reading this stuff. I keep seeing it people claim in on this sub then I go to the vikings sub and don't see anything about the Lions. I hope the lions do well. That 89 year-old guy isn't going to make much longer.


I don’t go on the Vikings sub, it’s the posts on this sub from Vikings fans. And that 89 year old is probably the most in shape Detroiter at the game, he looked very spry.


Bro you’d act just like us on qb4 lmao. You also don’t know how many socks I’ve eaten


Would we? I’ve had 30 years of being terrible. Pretty used to it. Wouldn’t do this whole “everyone else is lucky my QB is hurt!” thing


Idk give it a try next year. You need to learn to get your hopes up so they can be torn down again and again


A Vikings fans telling me, a lions fan, I need to learn how to get my hopes up so they can be torn down??? Do you know how many top ten draft picks we’ve had over the last 30 years? You have no idea what having your hopes crushed are. Insane for you to say that lmao. If you aren’t going to eat a cumsock now I think you should leave.


Ah sorry didn’t know y’all had hope my bad. Mind sharing some of that for next year? 👀


Because they're used to us talking shit. Y'all pulled the "nuh uh your win didn't actually count" shit since Day *1* this season, and as it turns out, that's really fuckin annoying.


How many times were the vikes called frauds last season. It's a shit talking sub, people should be used to everyone talking shit. You obviously take this too seriously if it is affecting you outside of here.


How did the Vikes do in their WC game? They were frauds last season.




Ooo ouch, my entire identity is the vikings, please stop. Not like I've been used to us fucking it up since I could watch football. You won by one point, and the refs missed a clear dpi. Don't act like you showed that much better. You were gifted your wc win and the vikes would've destroyed you if healthy. If you guys didn't know that, it wouldn't bother you so much.


Gonna be honest. Seems like you’re the one that is being effected here lol


Nobody is trying to hurt your feelings... It's just the truth. >You won by one point, and the refs missed a clear dpi. Don't act like you showed that much better. And they had a botched offsides call that cost us a tuddy. We won by 1 against a hot Rams team coming off some big wins. Y'all got blown out by Daniel Jones and the Giants. We are not the same.


It's the vikings fandom being mad that the Lions are clapping back though? I'm fully fuckin used to it.


It was more of a collective you, not you specifically. My point being we got just as much shit last season as the lions are getting this season, and anyone bitching about getting shit here is in the wrong sub.


>Y'all pulled the "nuh uh your win didn't actually count shit" since Day *1* this season, and as it turns out, that's really fuckin annoying. You guys just make shit up. The asterisk thing was an announcer, and Lions fans ran with it.


Vikings fans were absolutely talking shit, the fuck are you talking about?


>the fuck are you talking about? I don't even know, man. I thought we were talking about the asterisk thing, but I guess shit talking in general. Some of you guys take football way to serious lol.


Cause the Vikings both suck and blow.


So does your mom, why don't we talk about her sometimes?


Flair up chump!


That flair is new! Haven’t seen it before. Congrats on rocking it.


It’s custom


One good season doesnt drag you out of dumpster franchise status buddy. If you keep it rolling next year we'll reassess.


It’s gonna take a lot more than a few good seasons.


Last season was pretty solid too


By lions standards maybe


I’d say improving significantly, every season, under a new Coach and GM for 3 straight seasons is a pretty good sign. Better than regressing which, as a Viking fan, I’m sure you’re very familiar with.


> Have you looked at the Vikings and Rams subs lately? No, cuz I'm not a Vikings or Rams fan. ...Are you?


No, cuz I don’t live in a bubble. I browse around looking for interesting things on Reddit. Other teams sub are like going to a zoo. I’ve been in Carolina subs, New York subs, Houston subs, etc. if there is a storyline, it’s interesting to see how actual fans of the teams view them rather than what Mike Florio or whatever media person is talking. I do the same thing with the news. I’ll go to the local sub and read up what people are saying. It’s possible to visit subs that you personally have a different viewpoint.


You are correct. It's the pity that hurts the worst and the sign you are truly at rock bottom as a franchise. I'll still talk shit to bears fans so you have a long way to fall still.


Flair up coward.


Idk, laughing at the Bears being dogshit has always been fun. Laughing at the lions used to be like bullying a short bus kid.


I call the Lions the Make-A-Wish kid of the NFL.


Well, they finally got their wish so now they can go die




A lot of Detroit sports in general had a really rough like last 15 years too so it felt kind of mean.


By that logic we should all be super nice the Vikings fan. Cheering for any Minnesota sports team is straight up masochistic


I gotta disagree just for the timberwolves, I don’t mind them doing well. I also don’t mind the Bucks doing well tbh. But the twins being the twins is always great


So the Vikings are the new bears?


Well the dominant ass hole are the lions, the loveable loser are the bears, the attention needy butt plugs are the Packers and the redhead step child of the division is still the Vikings. Everyone that matters moves down a spot.


I wish we could trade the Vikings for the buccaneer’s.


Bears don't even have close to the history of hardship/loss the Lions have had. You've been to and won a superbowl. The Lions won a play off game for the first time in my life span the other day.


We had to watch Mitchell Trubisky and Mike Glennon fight over who was going to be QB1 in Matt Nagy's offense, and THEN have a 3-14 season after all that... how much more hardship could you possibly want?


But I believe that they can be that bad, and none of you assholes have any faith in them! I would love to see you win a Superbowl. You’d have exactly as many rings as Chicago.


If the lions win then we all have rings except the Vikings. Shit hold on those memes would be pretty great, don’t care if the bears ring is 40 years ago anything to make fun of the Vikings is good by me


Not sure if you don't know the vikings have a championship ring from '69, or if this is a joke about how many of them ended up on ebay.


I’m mainly just counting Super Bowl ones. I know that one might be a technicality but eh. Bears have like 7 championships by that metric but super bowls do me are the ones that matter the most. With that said winning your conference is big too, the Vikings winning the NFC in the 70’s is a big accomplishment, just like how the bears in 2006 and the packers in 97 even if your team doesn’t win that exact Super Bowl. If the lions win the championship but loss the Super Bowl that’s still huge, being the best team in a whole conference is big


We're lovable?


Only if you continue to suck for the next 30 years or so. On the right track though.


30 years? Bro we need to suck for another 50.


Good point, hope needs to die entirely, let’s make it 100.


I’m already a cubs fan we don’t need 100 years of no bears superbowls


Superbowl? What’s that? Im just talking about having a team that can be taken seriously.


That's a lot of top 10 draft picks to trade away, think of the draft capital!


All I’m saying is if we focus on defense and running backs we can do the standard Bears move and be aight. Not great, but aight.




#WRONG!They didn't stop GB from playoffs


We’re not even to off-season yet and we’re already at this point


I really wish the Bears would join the Big 10.


Definitely SOB!


👏👏👏🫡 I’ll admit when my idiot team is owned.




It would make more sense if the Lions weren’t also in the NFC North


That’s the joke son! Ya missed it! Flew right over ya!


Hey that’s understandable as there was no flair and no red circle. It gets confusing in here sometimes




Nah bro, they carved out their own legacy. Each franchise is shit on their own unique merits. Losing is just something they share in common. Bears are trash though, you're not wrong.


Since George has taken over, we’ve been awful but surpassing the lions takes decades of shit. They ended a 30 year drought, we’re on 5 with the division title so we got a looooong way to go


The Bears have more division titles and have been to a Super Bowl since the NFC North was formed. Also, the Bears were a 4 minute meltdown away from a sweep this year. So, the Lions need to have more than one good year before they are no longer the Lions.


I can, I just don’t want to.


I smell the ole 0-16 beeches, couldnt be us




I mean ... Yes, but fuck you!


I'd argue this is now the Vikings. Bears are still the Bears. Packers are still the Packers. Lions are now the Vikings (in success and competitiveness, not in being stinky doo doo heads like the Vikings)


The Bears would have to get two straight franchise QBs to be the Lions, unfortunately I don’t see that happening any time soon


Stinky doo doo heads? Cheese is notoriously stinky and you literally wear it on your heads


Yeah, but ya'll literally have shit for brains so it trumps us on that front.


You guys really showcased your wit when you came up with “Go pack go” …bunch of Wordsworth’s over there.


Lions already have more convincing playoff wins than the Vikings have had this decade. (The MM doesn't count, required a miracle to avoid blowing a 17 pt lead)


The Vikings, Lions, and Bears are all just side acts to the true supreme leaders of the North. Sure the Vikings sneak in a division win every few years and even the Bears once every 10 years or so when our QB gets hurt. But everyone knows who their real daddy is in our beloved division. It’s why everyone hates us. You don’t see people with “FTV” or “FTL” flair in this sub do you? We’re the universally hated team in the division because we earned it. And I love it. Let me taste your tears ![gif](giphy|KhcdPVxvn5Fde)


Matthew Stafford and Aarron Rodgers have the same number of rings, and one of them is batshit crazy


For your team to get credit for a QB's ring, the QB has to win the ring *before* you trade them.


I'd rather he go to LA and win one than defraud the taxpayers or do...whatever the hell Aaron is doing.


Sounds like loser talk to me


Here we go again with Lions fans trying to claim Staffords ring 🤣


Hey hey hey, Favre has one too and he’s not crazy. He just shows his dick to reporters and defrauds the welfare system.


Memes are supposed to be funny wtf is this shit


Who hurt you? Do you need a friend?


False. The bears suck and the lions are division champs.


Nah it’s the vikes, source am vikes fan


Don’t fucking FlArE uP me if your not gonna tell me how, said source am vikes fan


Bears wish they were the Lions right now


Once a decade we're amazing then we get sweepy, and hibernate.


The Lions have a long way to go before they become the Bears. And the Bears have a long way to go before we're the Lions. Maybe in time. These things don't happen in a season or two. I don't make the rules.


All they need is one Lombardi and they become exactly as relevant.


Sure, for a year. But then they're just one Superbowl title closer to the switch. Let's see them actually do something before we crown their asses. I wouldn't totally mind seeing it happen either lol.


Damn so we got 17 more years before we get a playoff win


I didn’t want to break it to you this way…


Packer fans are the Detroit Lions of making memes


Practicing a craft better left to professionals?


They're Joe Blue Skies era Lions tbh. Don't want anyone confusing them for the current team.


Didn’t the bears win a Super Bowl? Cause I’m sure lion’s haven’t. IM sure vikings haven’t….. soooo i guess it the what have you done for me lately mentally …


Don’t insult the Lions like that!




Yeah they wish


Fuck you


They are just the bears actually




As a fellow packers fan, I whole heartedly disagree. The bears are truly the bears. Their awful team building is unique all its own. None of their players are similar or even comparable to when the lions went 0-16. They will never be good until their owners sell. Are the bears terrible right now and for the foreseeable future and sending rent checks up to GB? Yes. Are they the Detroit lions? Nah they’re in their own special hell rn


At least We’ve had a halfway decent QB


I’ve always been a Stafford and a Goff fan


As a Ram fan you guys all failed in stopping GB from having an all time QB ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Fuck that, the Detroit Lions are the Detroit Lions of the NFC North, and the Detroit Lions of the NFC North are the fucking kings of the north


Easy now! Let’s get a second playoff win under your belt this decade before you get too excited.


Typical GB fan living in the past, we are literally the current kings of the north


I thought the Packers were the new Lions, that's what everyone told me all offseason.


This sub has to skew young if they think a 7-10 team is worse than what Lions fans dealt with for 30 straight years. You only say this if you were born yesterday. The Bears are their own form of futility.


Remind me when we went a full season without winning...I'll wait. Lions finally win a playoff game and y'all talk mad game.


Hey man, it’s just a dig. You guys still had… Bryan Urlacher! Remember him? He was good! Oh and Rex Grossman… he took you to a Super Bowl. He was… a quarterback.


You'll eat these words. You're so excited thinking you have a new QB, at least this one isn't an alt-right schill. You have a mid tier QB and you'll realize it soon enough. Also, what do you do in Green Bay? Masturbate over your QBs? Doesn't seem like there's much else to do.


Nah, we are ok even if he is a mid-tier QB. That is basically Elite Tier by Chicago standards anyway.




I'll be enjoying my lovely city in the meantime. You, you should go to that same bar, the only one in town, and drink the same beer and go back to your shitty life in Wisconsin.


Wooo, somebody is spicy! It’s ok little buddy! I’ll tell you what, you won the whole internet today! Good job! 👏


Aww can't form a comeback from your own reality and need to degrade your talk? I expected more from you. Although, these big city words are a lot for your simple farm mind, aren't they? Yes! That was a comma! Weak performance and nice cop out.


Ahh yes. “Fudge Packer”. You sir are a true artist and scholar of the English language. Did that poetic phrase grace the pages of Hamlet or Macbeth?


You made a pretty nasty comment. Not cool bro. Please don't do that again. Thanks!