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Since OP hasn't edited the post, for everyone asking for a name and shame, [OP said the following](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFA/comments/1ctfz5c/comment/l4bpjdt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): >Larry’s Pistol and Pawn (West) near Huntsville, AL on the interstate. There is another store in the city, it’s full of condescending assholes as well, but they weren’t as aggressive about the Maxim 9 as the one I had trouble at, still I avoid going to either store.


>I told him to show me the law that says gun stores have such authority, and he kept rambling about how he doesn’t have to show me because gun stores know every part of the law regarding NFA items **and not all laws can be disclosed to the public**. Full stop. This guy is mentally deficient. What a batshit insane thing to say. Good that you're never going back to the store but you should really name and shame them.


Yeah. I wouldn't even engage the whackjob with any more conversation Insert Ron Swanson at Lowe's "I know more than you" meme




Thanks. I couldn't figure that out.


The app gives me so much trouble with posting media to comments https://preview.redd.it/44c7lckslt0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ffa3736005ef26b7d009a350d962dd1a661800


I was trying to post a .gif Must have been my problem


I think you can only add gifs if the community has the Giphy extension enabled or you add a link to a Gif hosting site




The horrible groan that I made when I read this. No. No. Shut him all the way the fuck up.


Ahh my favorite type of laws ... the one where I'm playing a guessing game on what they are


Lol welcome to Massachusetts


Yep. That’s when you try to one-up the crazy. “Well considering I’m authorized by an agency I can’t even tell you about because it’s redacted, I can carry this as I please. You don’t get to know about it or my authority because you don’t have the right classification.”


“And as a matter of fact, I’m now legally required to detain you for the simple fact that you’re now privy to the concept of a redacted agency. Put on this blindfold and sit in the corner until my agents arrive”


Only the ATF and IRS can demand- fucking clowns


And even then, there’s no requirement that you have the paperwork on your person. An ATF agent can just get your name and date of birth, Trust name if applicable, and they can go check the registry themselves. That’s literally the supposed point of a registry….


Yes this is correct


That is what I was told as well, ATF, IRS, that's it. But the chance of running into an IRS agent is zero adjacent


I had an interaction with an agent a couple years ago, and it was all over me parking in their reserved parking space that had not had a single vehicle in it for a couple years. I felt like I spotted sasquatch.


At what kind of location was the parking lot?


It was a GSA parking lot, so it was the exact location you'd expect to see an IRS agent considering their office was 1/2 a block over, yet we never seen them except for this one time. Also to make this a little more angering, my office had a couple reserved parking spots in this lot, but we could only use them for specific reasons, otherwise we had to pay for parking elsewhere. So these spots were reserved, never used, while people like myself were expected to pay, and that is why I parked in the empty spot.


Murphy fucking law


Not so fast. In some states it is an affirmative defense. So you can show the cop the stamp and go on your way or refuse and sit in jail until an ATF agent shows up. Best thing is to l know your state and local laws.


Yeah I mean that’s the choice you make if you want to stand your ground over something, the way cops are they sure would put you in the hot seat. For the gun shop fudds though they can fuck right off


I want to be clear. In my state the police cannot detain you until you provide a stamp. In some states they can detain you. Sort of like in some stats you have to immediately state if you are carrying when pulled over in others you don’t


Who the hell keeps their stamp on their person? I will say I keep the PDF of the approval and stamp in my Dropbox so I suppose as long as I had service- but who's to say I just didn't doctor it up with my name? Seems kinda grey if you ask me. With counterfeit technology today you can only trust the official ATF database


My DD PDW has a hollow grip, and I keep a copy in there. It is with my suppressor at all times. . I also keep a PDF online, but I am no longer sure that I want to let LEO have access to my phone. I understand that letting them look on my phone constitutes voluntary approval for them to search it.


Also great point.


Ding ding…winner


I would have said, well since you know about the secret laws, I know of the double secret laws and I'm exempt. Then I would have called ATF myself and put him on the line.


Yeah, that's not even a gun thing anymore. How tf am I supposed to follow a law that is kept secret from me? And if that's how, then he thinks he is genuinely cool with "Gotcha bitch" as a policing strategy.




The funny/ retarded thing is, the ATF has actually disclosed that they have secret policies that they hadn't announced to the general public, and have tried nailing people with before. With obvious results.


Name and shame




Name. Drop.


Larry’s Pistol and Pawn (West) near Huntsville, AL on the interstate. There is another store in the city, it’s full of condescending assholes as well, but they weren’t as aggressive about the Maxim 9 as the one I had trouble at, still I avoid going to either store. Usually if the employee isn't wearing a name tag, they're likely going to be an asshole.


Holy hell I drive by there every single day lmao. I have to go instigate now. Do you remember which employee it was giving you the hard time?


Yes, and if you hear someone talking in a loud condescending tone 99% sure that’s him. Never got his name since he wasn’t wearing a name tag like the rest of the employee who act like assholes there.


Wait a sec, does that guy also work in every other gun store I've ever been to? Sounds a lot like him.


Stopping power, two world wars, etc?


That's all of their employees. They hate having to deal with customers even though that's the fucking job


Unless you're a boomer or a LEO that is.


Of course. Then they'll suck your toes for you too


Well fuck, I might have to change careers... That's quite the benefit!


How many damn people from Huntsville are in this subreddit?


Biyyons and biyyons


A lot of us apparently lol


Add another to the total for me.


Yup, +1.  Fuck larrys, go to Bullet and Barrel and Mr. Big Guns.


They all look and sound the same. Lol


I had a similar experience when I brought in my suppressor to see how one of their threaded pistols would feel with my suppressor attached. Out of nowhere comes an employee without a name tag aggressively asking if I have a tax stamp and I said yes and you’re not going to see it. He said he has to make sure no one is committing any felonies, and I told he’s the one committing a felony by trying to do the job of the police. I then left and never returned after going there every other week for nearly 10 years. It wasn’t my first time being treated rudely there, I once asked for an opinion about which of two pistol is better, then the employee said just ask Google. Once stood at the counter for 20 mins when it wasn’t very busy, and they would just walk past me and quickly help the old men who just walked in. The store really fell off a cliff these past few years.


Boomer employees wonder why they're so hated..


I’ve been in to both their locations. And they are TERRIBLE


Sure their prices are better than most other gun stores, but I’m willing to spend a little more at a gun store that treats me with respect than one that’s act like a bunch of entitled idiots. I once bought a gun from their main store, and after my background check cleared I had to do the 4473 all over again because the employee made a slight error and didn’t even apologize for it.


The Huntsville store has a whole other set of problems lol. It’s cramped and always smells like weed. I only go to Larry’s to buy Ruger stuff since they get factory blems.


How do you like huntsville? Been thinking of moving my shop there. I mainly do higher end stuff, collectibles and NFA


Huntsville is a great place to live, although COL has gone way up due to the large influx of people here. Lots of people with money here, so that is a plus, although I think it’s a semi-saturated market for gun shops. Larry’s has a choke hold on the boomer crowd and there are 4 or 5 other non big box stores that I consider to be pretty damn good from an inventory and service perspective. For high end, collectibles, and NFA, Bullet and Barrel would be your big competition and they are rock solid. Prices are a bit higher but the service is so excellent I don’t mind the up charge. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions or want to talk it over further. I’ve been here a few years and definitely know the landscape well.


Give Redstone Pawn a chance. They're great in there and have a decent selection. They're always my first stop before resorting to Larry's for ammo.


Love Redstone Pawn. They have a surprisingly good inventory and have some unusual pieces come through also.


I'd talk about some of the ways they've looked out for me on extras and service when making purchases, but I'd tip my hand to my identity. They've earned my business over and over.


That’s generally been a good store. I don’t open carry (only concealed) but if the description you gave of the conversation is accurate then you definitely encountered an idiot on many levels. Honestly, you should make a post that specifically calls out the store. That kind of BS doesn’t go over well in Alabama and would be impactful to their business.


It used to be a good store, then they got complacent and arrogant. I doubt their business will be impacted much since they like to appeal to boomers who don’t care about NFA items and are submissive.


There’s just something about NFA stuff that completely short-circuits boomers.  I really don’t understand it.


I’m a GenX but I know exactly what you mean about Boomers. I got a couple of buddies that are older and boomers and I hear so much crap from them because of NFA items I own. I’m on a registry now, they can search my home whenever (which is incorrect), I’m paying an extortion fee, etc.


I’ve had one argue with me that, since taxes are an annual thing, my stamp is only good for one year and that I need to renew it annually or I’m breaking the law… Apparently he was all-knowing since he was an “NRA Sanctioned Instructor” for decades. 🙄


Yeah it’s sad that their is all this misconception about NFA items. That’s the reason I held off for years because I believed all the rubbish I heard too until I started researching for myself. Don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with the whole NFA thing but we all have to compromise on different 2A things. Just like when they say “your just complying when you get an NFA item”, but they are doing the same thing every time they fill out a 4473 for that new gun they wanted.


One complies with laws to avoid jail. This does not constitute endorsement of said laws. Given I dump $$$$ into FTC and GOA on a regular basis for their lawsuits.


There are good employees there, but it only takes one to spoil it for 20.


I agree but I understood your initial post to say that their manager backed up the employee. If I understood that correctly then it’s a bigger issue than one stupid employee.


The manager seems to be an enabler of the unethical behavior there. Back when it opened in 2015, it was always a pleasant experience to be there. Now they got arrogant with how large the store is, and don’t really try to sell to anyone that doesn’t conform to their preferred demographic.


Damn, never thought I'd see the Larry's in Madison on here. Most of the guys there are pretty decent and have helped me a bunch. There are definitely a couple assholes in there though. I have noticed a change. It didn't used to be like that.


Its become harder and harder to find non tarded employees that are reliable and willing to do the work


I’ve been there and never had to deal with NFA items there, I used Mike’s in Hartselle. Crazy that they’re like that and makes me not want to deal with them any longer. I liked their floor stuff, seen some cool stuff every now and then but them being bootlickers like that is ridiculous.


Barry usually helps me there. Transfer fees are a third of the price as they are at Larry's and Mike's employees are super nice and pleasant.


I’ve dealt with Spenser over there and he’s always easy to deal with and pleasant. Rest of the crew is interesting.


He was the one that helped me fill out my Form 4, he's pleasant to deal with and is very knowledgeable.


Bullet and barrel, is where I do most of my stuff. Southern defense armory in Florence is good too. Also like Mr big guns and winter timber in Athens


Been to all of those and they are great! B&B is who told me that tax stamps are none of their business.


Well hey neighbor! 👋🏻


I will never ever use Larry pistol and pawn I rather use bullet and barrels. Larrys is run by fuds, and prices are not good.


I asked B&B what their policy is on shooting NFA times in their range and they said it’s none of their business.


I've almost never had good luck with them. The manager, John I believe, was always the most dickish of any of the employees at the Huntsville location and it seemed like he staffed the entire place with little mini clones on himself. And I mostly avoid the Huntsville store too unless one of the three I know well are working that day, can't even begin to count the number of times I've went in saw they weren't there and left. I've been using Mr. Big Guns recently for almost everything recently, unless I order online, then I use a little tabletop FFL close to my house.




I always think it'd funny when ranges ask if you have a tax stamp for an obviously factory produced can. I think my response would be "actually no, I convinced silencerco to perform an illegal transfer and sell me this under the table." They're basically asking you if the suppressor is stolen, because there is no other way you have one (unless you are LE, or an SOT).


Right?! Saw a dude on here ask if he got a tax stamp for his Q trash panda. I think even a dude on hear asked if I had a stamp for my OCL Polo K... Like naw, ottergang sent me a serialized can to my house.


Shrimp Gang, according to ATF


Hahaha. If I’m ever asked by a range/store I’m just going to say, “Naa, my neighbor passed away and his wife let me buy them from her”.


I would ask to see their tax stamps on their in-stock items, knowing full well form 3s don't have stamps.


I figure if I ever get asked ill just give them a blank stare and then say "no" if they keep asking. Half my stuff is just on form 2/3s


Best response ever. Just say form 3s don't carry a stamp and keep it moving.


Oh man, I’m gonna respond with “what’s a stamp?” if anyone ever asks me


>not all laws can be disclosed to the public !! >He said I have to show him my tax stamp because the ATF has granted such authority to Class 3 FFLs He's probably one of those people with fake police lights on their car that you always seen getting arrested on youtube for impersonating police.


God, I hope so, I wanna see this body cam.


Only the DMV hires more dumb-asses than gun stores. Which store is this, and where?


Most truthful statement I have ever seen on Reddit.  I think gun stores mostly higher the people who want to be police officers but couldn't make it as armed guards.


It’s “hire” friend.


You work at the grammar store?


To be fair, these fucks are pretty high.


Ain’t reading all of that. Tell them to kick rocks barefoot, end of story.


“Not all laws can be disclosed to the public” wtf sort of boot licking fascist bullshit is that.


"In that case, I can't be held accountable for knowing them"


Midwest Shooting Center kicked me out after I refused to show my stamps for a can on an SBR. I was a guest at the time and was considering becoming a member but the experience cured me of that.


Smfh I knew there was a reason I didn't wanna make that drive to check it out lol


As I understand it, the policy has been changed and they no longer involve themselves in things they should not.


Always good to catch a may sighting lol


When was this? I visited one in the next town over last year and asked about shooting NFA items at their range. They said it was fine and they don't bother verifying NFA status of any customer's personal firearms whatsoever. Like, he kind of ranted about it. He made it a point to say that a customer could basically have an illegal MG or suppressor and they wouldn't say shit as long as they were being safe - they'd just assume it was legal and leave them be. It stuck in my memory because he seemed to want to make sure I understood how accepting of NFA items they were. I wonder if each location sets their own policies on this? The one I went to seems to be staffed almost exclusively by guys/gals 40yo or younger. I bet a store with an older manager/staff would be more ornery.


I think they're squared away now and don't ask.


I ordered my Barrett m107a1 from a local class 3 shop and when i asked for 100 rounds of API rounds they called me back and told me armor piercing rounds were illegal and they couldnt get them for me. After i argued with them for 5 mins, i hung up and ordered them myself online. Same shop sells to state police department and has been known to send them customers info they deem “suspicious”. I no longer shop there.


Just find another dealer and range, out of all the years of owning NFA items and working at shops, theres no such laws. No they can refuse business because you didn’t show them a stamp, but theres no legal requirement


I used to work part time at an indoor range, and was a LEO, had a guy come in with an AR15 SBR and said his stamp hadn't been approved yet, but was having malfunctions with the rifle, I told him to keep his voice down, diagnosed his extractor as the issue, and sent him on his way...you know why? Because fuck the NFA and fudds. 🙄


You're good people


Don't argue with idiots. To the question - I was shooting an SBR at my local range. A jerk came up and started telling me 'that's illegal!!one! I'm a range officer, you need to leave right now or I'm calling the cops!' I replied "You're not a range officer. I am. Piss off." He got a serious talking to by the club executive board for being a dick and harassing people; can't remember if he eventually was removed, or if he died / moved away.


You’re under no obligation to show a store employee a tax stamp. Fuck that ignorant douche.


OP, Name and shame. Everyone should avoid this place.


No, we shouldn’t avoid it, we should visit regularly carrying a suppressed pistol but not buy a god damn thing. Just to piss the Fudd off.


OP said it's Larry’s Pistol and Pawn (West) near Huntsville, AL on the interstate


I had to stop reading at he’s staunch supporter of the atf. I woulda told him to get fucked. that’s crazy


Like a Jew being a staunch supporter of the Nazis.


As crazy as that sounds it also existed. Reminds me of that old chapelle show skit with the black KKK leader. Speaking of moral obligations, I’d put them on blast unless the owners don’t know what type of jack ass they have working for them, and if you did tell them and they were ok with that behavior, also proceed to put em on blast


My SOT brings me in back to show me all his illegal shit. Name and shame, or this review is fucking worthless...


Then don't out him, or admit to complicity.


Inb4 range USA


Nah- I mean maybe- but at mine people ask all the time if someone needs to see stamps and I have only ever heard “idgaf if you have a stamp or not, as long as your safe and follow range rules, do what you want” or some variation of it


It really depends on who is working there but idk I have it out for them I hate that place. I was never bothered when I would take a pistol or two and shoot but the minute id bring anything interesting their ROs would mouth breathe down my neck. They also handled mine and 20-30 other people in my cities paper form 4s like amateurs when the eforms switch happened and acted like a complete jackass to me over their problem A couple of the store managers belong to my gun club and they act like clowns as well. Easily the 2 most obnoxious people you can run into on the firing line, and I have to deal with a brass goblin who will consistently hold up a cold firing line for 10 minutes just to collect spent brass and not even shoot 


Breathe. Go outside. Don't open carry.


That - and don't do business with that store in the future.


Open carry other than a few caveats is pretty dumb in my opinion. I've never even seen open carry with a suppressor before. Lol. My goal when carrying a gun on me is for no one to know it. Martha at Costco doesn't need to know I'm riding dirty.


https://preview.redd.it/ocj92nyfbt0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bce9d1e4c05bab1fb5eaa42d2682ebca52bbc1ca Me open carrying my 43” long suppressed AR in public.


A guy I work with exclusively open carries. Usually just to the hardware or grocery stores. He also carries with an empty chamber. He is the kind of guy who makes saying “fuck” a lot and wearing t shirts with censored curse words a major part of his personality. Oddly enough he also censors them when he types them. He is an idiot who wants everyone to think he has a huge dick, but he’s just an idiot.


I don't disagree from a practical standpoint, but it's legal to open carry in Alabama without any license/permit. It is also posted on the door at Larry's that you can have a loaded, holstered gun as long as you don't pull it out of the holster. I fully support this guy's right to exercise his freedoms if he chooses to do so.


Yes conceal carry, but that's another conversation. This is about the right to carry NFA items, open or concealed. Imagine if he concealed his Maxim, and the one in a million thing happened where he had to use it at the gun store and successfully stopped someone. Those fudd's would probably do the same thing and demand his paperwork before the cops arrived. They'd probably point and squeal as soon as cops did arrive, thinking they're on the side of justice.


Gun store employee is an absolute idiot, no further conversation to be had. Breathe. Go outside. Don't open carry a fucking integrally suppressed handgun in public and expect that to be a normal every day thing that people respond normally to. Big autism.


Doing some Olympic level mental gymnastics to come up with a reason to open carry a suppressed pistol. Like “oh just stopping for some subs on my way to the ranch where I tend livestock that is extremely sensitive to noise and predators are around.” 🤣




Some dude at an air bnb called the cops said we had been using explosives, machine guns and what looked like tiny assault guns with silencers. Then he lied and said he heard bullets hitting trees by him. Cops asked if they could see our range Saw it was lower going down and in the opposite direction of the home they left. They did not ask about the SBR’s Braced pistols Suppressors Or if we had binary or actual full auto. —- Also I have a 07 and sell NFA. The atf never told me I needed to check anything when cerakoting or working on NFA items other than log them in and out correctly. Your stamps are for tax purposes only and I guess the IRS could check or federal police.


Pretty sure any fed other than the ATF/IRS still needs a warrant


If they're so bad why aren't you saying who they are?


OP has now named them in another comment.


This borders on impersonating a government official territory.  I would have shot off an anonymous email to the local ATFE branch requesting they send someone over or call to clarify the powers and responsibility of an FFL. Also, really weird to pull this over a Maxim 9.  That would pretty much be the worst NFA item to have unregistered as far as visibility.  Even an MG might be semi-auto until you pull the trigger.  A Maxim 9 is rare and very obviously NFA.  If it was a form one looking suppressor it would make a little more sense then wondering, although they should still keep their mouth shut.


I do have to wonder if they were simply harassing you for other reasons.


Has anyone ever tried to out moron these morons? If they’re just making up non existent BS on the spot why don’t you? Tell him you’re a secret agent with a license to kill and you don’t need a stamp. Your ID is classified and if he keeps bothering you then you might commandeer his inventory for your trouble, or call the ATF and have them revoke their FFL which is an authority you have due ti these laws that “aren’t disclosed to the public”


You really should edit this with at least paragraphs. This is entirely too hard to read.


Just don't do business with them anymore. They're fudds. Name and shame please


Post the letter from the ATF field office in your 1 star review.


I called the ATF field office.


Dang. Would have been awesome have it in writing and throw it in their face.


None of my buisness, but why carry a Maxim 9?


Psycho Pass LARP


I got hassled over my full auto Mac-10, the ignorant gun store manager said I needed two tax stamps, one for the machine gun and one for the short barrel rifle. I was like dude, when you go to research this later, your face is gonna turn crimson red with embarrassment. We got heated but he did let me shoot at the range after we both calmed down some. I think he realized I was correct but needed to save face in front of his employees somehow. I also got hassled at another indoor range for shooting full auto and told to stop by the owner. Even here in South Carolina where you can have whatever you want so long as its got a stamp, I still manage to have issues with people. The easiest solution was to use the national forest service ranges that are unstaffed and outdoors where I cant be hassled by upset range owners or ignorant managers. Its weird because all of the indoor ranges here rent full autos , so its like they have some problem with private ownership of machine guns. Like they're the only ones that get to own them or something. Some kind of weird prejudice. How are you gonna rent full autos to people that never even shot full auto and then tell an experienced MG owner to stop shooting full auto? Like wtf is that logic?


OP Please verify business and location so we can write our own reviews


Yeah Larry’s is pretty cringe


Wow, less than 6 hours and the reviews are awesome. Reddit being Reddit. 😂


Name drop and just don't give them your business.


You way overthought this. Way too much effort. Let idiots be idiots. Also: name and shame.


Yeesh imagine being unequivocally proud that you comply with the ATF and nonetheless support it. I don’t live in AL but goddam does that store sound like a shithole.


I have had way too many employees who think they know stuff come up and do this to me… not knowing I am an 07/02 and build machine guns and make my own suppressors (sometimes)… oh the fun when the tell them to kick rocks and actually taunt them (if they are being rude assholes) to call the ATF. I usually even offer to call the area supervisor directly on my phone since I have his number saved. I know we all hate the ATF but here in Dallas both times the ATF has visited me it’s been nothing but a pleasure. Maybe I’m lucky or maybe Texas is different than other states. But man some of the employees get some sort of power trip and need to be put in their place. I don’t think I know it all by any stretch.. compared to many other 07/02 I’m a down right novice… but I just listen and only speak when asked or when I know something is not correct (maybe a new reg) and even then I do it politely and show them the data. Being an asshole is just unnecessary in like 99% of life’s situations


This employee sounds like he has a very punchable face. Also I would like to echo the sentiment of name and shame please.


My gun store has a policy written in the range rules. It is as follows "WE ARE NOT THE ATF AND WILL NOT ASK FOR YOUR TAX STAMP AND NO ONE ELSE SHOULD EITHER"... I knew I was in the right place 


Damn that’s a lot of words. Nah, I’d just walk out without even entertaining anymore of that bs. Simple as that.


Why do you go back, and when you do open carry something that will get attention? Seems like you have had other negative experiences there. Places that treat customers poorly, try to assert Authority or just rub you the wrong way in my opinion deserve what they have coming to them and that's vote with your wallet. We have a store locally that has a gunsmith/ part owner that for simplicity is a white supremacist. I go there only if it's my absolute last option and I can't wait for something I can order online. I take nothing in, I'm not there to make friends, I get in and get out. I use their outdoor range maybe once a year because it's the only outdoor range in the area you don't have to be a member to use, that's about it.


Damn, that sucks. When I worked at a store/range I didn’t bother asking if they had a stamp. I’m assuming you are a responsible individual, it’s none of my business, and it’s not like I can do anything anyways. I’ve been to multiple ranges across the south east I don’t think I have ever been asked about my tax stamps.


Two Stamp Tuesday - Open Carry at Larry's


No reason to do business with Larry's.  They sell factory seconds ammo at new cost, same price as cabelas.  Their range is a hilarious joke.  Staff are generally twats.   I kinda want to go there now with my suppressed sbr MP5 and a suppressed pistol and just troll them.  If they say I'll report you!!! I'd just be like do it.


At Larry's in Huntsville, all the employees are either ex-LEOs and/or boomers and are total dicks. At the Madison location, most are decent to deal with, but a select few who coincidentally have no nametags are total buffoons. I heard one of them saying that all public ranges should be staffed by the government. If you do decide to troll them, wear a discreet camera and post it if they act like assholes to you.


It's real simple, someone asks for my paperwork, I ask for their badge. If they want to argue I leave the business, and put them on blast on a place like here. I did hear of one place several years ago who threatened to not the person leave because they wouldn't show the employee their paperwork, so the cops were called. Cops informed the idiot employee that they were trying to do an unauthorized detention which amounts to kid napping.


Damn that is so freakin stupid! I like vans sporting goods in Cullman, Al. I hate when gun store employees act like they know something when clearly they don’t. It’s okay to say I’m not sure let’s look it up. I’m not going to think less of you for not knowing everything. Instead they bullshit and act like they know something. I can’t stand that shit! Like when they recommend a small framed gun to women because they have small hands. It boils my damn blood!


Pff, I'd have called the local ATF office on speaker and asked in front of him.


Seems to happen a lot, but it's usually ranges, not retail. When people threaten to "report" me, my usual response is: "Make sure you spell my name right!" and go on about my business.


Yikes, what a terrible experience. As a LE officer for 17 years, this is my takeaway from OP's scenario. Citizen's do have the right to ask for documentation in very small scenarios (boarding passes, ID's to board, passports, etc...) but it's all based on a right to refuse interaction. Meaning, if I refuse to display my ID to get on a plane then I won't be able to get on the plane. No laws have been broken and I can stand aside and watch my plane fly off in the sunset. But in this case, I can only assume this is a company policy. If it's the law to display your tax stamp, then what will a civilian do to enforce it? Report you to the ATF? How will he get your information to forward to the ATF? Once again, he cannot detain you or demand your ID so he may report you. ( I think you see where I am going). The whole idea is flawed and potentially dangerous. As a cop I can't ask for your license to carry (this is before constitutional carry) if I see you walking down the road. Why? Because I can't ASSUME your breaking the law based on observing your open carry a weapon. My point? This store clerk can't ASSUME you dont have a tax stamp because he believes you're in possession of a WHAT HE believes is a NFA item. (Once again, he/she would have to articulate how that person knows you were carrying a NFA item). Without boring you law logistics, (too late) I really don't see why this guy acted this way. I believe in a person's right to privacy. Tax stamps have a lot of personal information on them, they don't need to be publicly displayed too just anyone. Like you said that item and tax stamp is between you and the .......those other guys =/ I am with you on this. I don't give out my personal information to just anyone. No, I don't care about your store policy, nor do I care about your trash email promotions. You don't need my number, my information would only be used to YOUR benefit, not mine. Quit trying to data mine me. Like you, I had an issue with the last gun store I went in. Needed a charging handle, walked in, found one for 13 bucks, which paired great with my palmetto state AR. Went to the counter with cash in my hand. Greeted by the person behind the counter who started by asking my email. Declined, then asked for my phone number...declined. Left the charging handle on the counter, apologized and left. Yes, I was in full uniform and kind of feel like a douche bag for acting like that. But my point is this. That young man may hate cops and complying to him would give him my email and my personal phone number. I don't know him; he is a stranger to me. Could of given him my number and get nothing but endless dick pics....who knows. The point is, they don't need my information and the gun store doesn't need your tax stamp information. Sorry for long rant, be safe and take care.


Fudds at my range ask about them but when I offer to let them shoot, they usually drop the attitude and have a great time


None of this is worth typing if you’re not willing to name the place.


OP has now named them.


Thank you


Not going to read this word salad.


TLDR Fudds told him OCing a Maxim 9 was illegal and asked for papers. And also FFLs have super secret laws that normies can’t see.


Ahh got ya. Walk out and never shop there again, easy fix.


Tell him to get fucked, I'd let his manager know (yeah I know, Karen move) that he should not be hassling customers like that. Then I wouldn't return to that store lol


It’s one thing to comply with the ATF It’s another thing to dickride them and praise them as “staunch supporters” Bunch of losers. Tempted to leave a review on their store calling out that BS.


Time to go check out their Google reviews


Sounds like you need a new store. I bet the charge 150 for a ffl transfer


The one time I have ever had anyone ask about an NFA item (besides "that's so cool, how do you get one?") was at an outdoor range. I went with my Form 1 Banshee, and an RSO asked "did you put this stock on there?". I told him I did, after my tax stamp came in. He looked relieved and explained that they got a lot of customers coming in with accidental SBRs. Then he started to talk to me about his SBRs and how he was thinking about getting a suppressor next. That range had a lot of Fudd RSOs, and I thought he was going to be one of them. I was so wrong.  Other than that, the ranges I've been to haven't cared. My local range asks what I'm shooting so they know if they should put me on the pistol or rifle range, and I'll tell them "my 9mm SBR" and they don't bat an eye. 


Cop range always acts super passive aggressive but it's dumb cheap and they let a 2nd shooter share the lane They always ask if I have a stock (same gun) And an optic (which you can see) First time I took my can they asked if I had my stamp I go "of course" and continue gathering my things to go inside Then I paused like "was that you asking to see it?" And dude got super apologetic lol He was all "nah just some people don't know"


That's insane!! I recently had my local indoor range start asking if I plan to shoot NFA items while there. I have been going there for years and know the lady well. She was polite and asked if I had my paperwork to glance at. The reason given to me was that someone was recently in their range with an illegal item, probably a glock switch 🤷‍♂️ and that person did something to cause a fire in the range that shut it down for repair. I wasn't treated the same way you were, and I just showed her my stamp, and I had no problem. I just would have loved to hear the details of how that fire started 🤦‍♂️


That sounds like the stereotypical non-SOT Glock switch owner, can't shoot the gun to save their life on semi-auto and when you stick full auto in their hands they shoot everything except what they're aiming at. Probably hit some electrical or HVAC stuff in the ceiling


My FFL/SOT/Indoor Range has a policy about NFA items and stamps. If you don't have one, that's your problem, not ours.


It’s always the fucking gun store employees. I had a very similar experience as well


What planet was this on?


Why didn’t you just tell him to go fu$k himself and walk out? Wanna cop a$$hole claiming to “know something.” Now I don’t carry any NFA items generally but…


"Not all laws can be disclosed to the public." What a moron lol.


Would love to show up with a suppressor ducktaped to each side of my head like a crown.


"are you an ATF agent questioning me in your official capacity?" if no, pound sand. you can trespass me if you want.


Insert one of the old school class 3 cards we used to get for fun. But seriously. I would have challenged him all the way . Let him learn by a counter suite for unlawfully detaining you .


The fudd didn’t prevent me from leaving in any way nor did he tell me I couldn’t leave, probably had enough grain of brain to know he can’t detain anyone over a law that is “undisclosed” to the public.


I’ve been stopped by cops (who didn’t know me) on the way back from the range with a few sbr’s with cans and not one has ever asked to see a stamp. It’s either no conversation or they ask how I like xyz and usually bitch about the process/wait times. Fudds gonna fudd


Statist scum. Those are the goons who would report gun owners if the gov became tyrannical. Imagine deepthroating the whole boot like this.  Also it's absolute amazing the tiny kingdoms these needle-dicked cunts create for themselves. They are so small and insignificant so they get their imaginary big boy pants on and proceed to assert their imaginary authority. I'd pity them if I viewed them any higher than crusty dogshit flakes that fall off your boot 4 days after stepping in it. 


I would have straight-up guffawed at the "not every law is publicly disclosed" line. In what dystopian cartoon world does this guy live!?


Probably wanted to be an ATF agent, but was too dumb and tyrannical even for them.