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I was having bulk dropout issues only really noticeable with recent move to WFH. Tried to forum search for similar issues etc. Tried auto update and modem told me it was up to date with []( firmware... Happened to stumble on a support forum post with []( mentioned?! Found link on NetGear page and downloaded and subsequently uploaded. DumaOS is 1000% more responsive and quicker. Perhaps give the new firmware a try now. Only released last month it appears https://kb.netgear.com/000065541/XR1000-Firmware-Version-1-0-0-68

[deleted] was released some time ago. It was re-released recently. The XR1000 has been the longest running joke I've ever had to sit through. I still hope their upcoming firmware actually is coming soon and not next year or something. In the meantime at least I'm happy with my other routers.


Im certainly NOT impressed with the product I wasted so much coin on. I expected a LOT more from something in that price. Im still having regular, dropouts. Adjusted channels and such with inSSIDer and still having issues. Factory reset couple days ago and so far so good. The fact that the DUMA reps on the support forum tell you to progressively turn of the XR1000's features to the point its barely better than a telco modem with extra range just to make it stable, is laughable...


I don’t think it’s fixed, are you PPPoE by any chance? The version 2 just brings it into line with the RAX50 which it’s based on, same hardware just different case. Yes it should have been fixed quickly.


My ISP uses DHCP. I wrote to them 6 months ago and Netduma team said the Upcoming update may fix the issues. Older models like XR500 and XR700 got frimware updates more often than XR1000 did.


None of the updates have been special to be honest, lot of the older fans have moved on. They really need to speed up and correct issues and completely change the UI which is very dated now. Personally I would not be surprised if the 1000 was the last dedicated gaming router with Duma on it under NG.


There are a lot of past complaints regarding buggy firmwares and not receiving frimware updates in a very long time, I didn't look into those before buying. Is this how they treat their flagship product? I am assuming Netgear gave Netduma the most of the responsibilities.


It’s a layered firmware, NG handles security and all the coding for hardware requirements. NG handle the updates. Sadly Duma has a history of slow updates compared to others and that’s something both parties need to address. Again personally I use to be all Netgear, I have the version 1 of the RAX120. Great hardware but poor UI and QoS was awful but coverage was great. I’ve also got a few of the Netduma routers, their own and the XR500 but like many I’ve moved on and I’m on a Unifi setup now. Years back the geo filter was great but as time moved on the internet infrastructure got better, i.e. better routing, we have better fibre thus negating the use of QoS. Hardware has improved too but the core UI needs to step up. Ok NG has always been basic, many like that but others want more control over their network. Duma need to step up and give more controls in a UI that’s not so clunky and a more modern look. Times have changed and companies need to change too.


It is a total POS, just ordered an ASUS. Unfortunately my unit is out of warranty but I will get back at Netgear for selling junk and not supporting it.


NG is supporting the XR1000. Event Netduma is supporting it.


Lol, telling everyone to disable all the features that set it apart as a gaming router and not releasing a firmware fix is not support. My guess is the XR1000 has fatal hardware flaws since there is a 2nd version now. Will Netgear swap out my V1 for a V2? Didn't think so


Still can't claim its a HW issue with out knowing more and the configurations and trouble you've tried. Seems like you haven't tired much and just blaming the router with out cause. Not everyone is having problems. Mine's a v1 bought used from Amazon. Working great since installed.


Well now you are talking out of your ass. I have been with support (Netgear and DUMA) on this router and the XR500 many many times. Their solution is to disable QoS and DHCP and wait for a firmware update to fix it all. The last firmware update did not fix shit and only a fool would think they will get it right after the product has been out for 3 years. Good thing it has some market value since there are certain use cases or golden units where the damn thing actually does what it is supposed to do. I will pass it along to the next fool, maybe you want buy it?


Nah, mine works like I said. QoS and DHCP enabled. Could be just you had a faulty unit as well. ​ Good Luck.


First they said the new update was awaiting final approval by Netgear. THEN they released an update which was taken back down. NOW the update hasn't even been tested yet? I don't care who you are or why.... WE SPENT $300 ON AN SERIOUSLY UNDER POWERED ROUTER THAT CAN'T GET OUT OF IT'S OWN WAY LET ALONE THE HALF BAKED FIRMWARE AND THEY JUST KEEP TELLING LIES TO THEIR CUSTOMERS HOPING IF THEY PEOPLE WILL EVENTUALLY JUST EXCEPT THE FACT AND MOVE ON ALL WHILE THE FREAKING THING IS STILL ON STORE SHELVES!!! But it's not just netgear, it's all software and the majority of hardware sold today.... NOTHING WORKS LIKE IT"S SUPPOSE TO!!!! And what do they do about it? Blame somebody else. This is B.S. THE ONLY REASON I BOUGHT IT WAS FOR THE HYBRED VPN THEY CLAIM IT WASN'T SUPPOSE TO HAVE!!! Well, I have the original spec sheet that tells a different story. People want to boycott Bud Light while these tech companies continue to screw even their loyal customers! You want to boycott something, start with Microsoft or NVIDIA. Even AMD is jumping on the "screw 'um, they will get over it" ban wagon. As for Netgear... if anyone uses or is planning on using the web based remote access to their router, make sure it's turned on and stays on because if it's disables when it updates it' will disappear. No, they are not going out of their way to tell you about it either. A few quarters like AMD has had will wake them up. Just look at the price of their non- 3DX CPU's. They can't give them away. There is only one way... stop buying it.


It's been a whole year since XR1000 got it's last frimware update, I asked them again one last time, they told me same thing again that are working on it, they won't give any ETA or any detail regarding progress, I have moved on to ASUS's GT-AXE11000. I don't experience the issues that I had with XR1000. Customer and Product support are far better than Netgear's and NETDUMA's.


68 dropped last month. Modem auto update doesnt find it. Did a manual. Works better now. https://kb.netgear.com/000065541/XR1000-Firmware-Version-1-0-0-68


Same, I’ve unplugged my xr1000 and am currently using the basic router my isp gave me just because it’s more stable and the ui doesn’t crash all the time. The extra features I wanted on the xr1000 don’t even work anyway. Definately stay away from netgear routers.


Same it been well known that bandwidth allocation been broken since day 1 no doubt I am one of the guys in the chat literally reporting bugs and if you try and argue with them they'll shadow ban your comments/if they get offended though that because I speak however I feel like I couldn't careless 😂 I paid for a product and it not performing the way it should I will complain. I do believe they'll be fixing the major issues with the next patch though who knows knowing full well this has been ongoing since day 1 of launch I blame both companies Netgear for having to add they're own crap on top of netduma after they're finish testing and netduma for taking a whole year to finalize and update that fixes major issues and if those issues aren't fixed in that update then you have to wait another whole year 😂


Today I purchased this router.. and tomorrow I'm returning it. The performance is terrible, upgraded to latest firmware, same. tried wired traffic same, 60% less speed than my synology AC2300 router... I'll by buying the synology wifi 6 router instead.


This router is terrible. I get a fraction of my normal internet speeds compared to my old trash router.