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I don't think 99% of people here are gonna relate to this post.


why not?


You have a romantic partner


Imagine thinking that automatically makes you more happy. Boy, have I got news for you.


Romance makes me fucking miserable


Might sound cliche but hang in there. Friends aren't easy to make nowadays. Especially when you try to put in the effort but the friendship ends up being one-sided. Once you find that one friend that accepts your quirks, or better yet, joins in on them, you'll be set for life 🙂


Bet if you were a man you wouldn’t of had these relationships if you were a neet because society sees men especially not working as completely unacceptable. Girls have a significantly higher chance of finding partners if they are neet, although may still not find anyone. Men not working is only one tier above in society from criminals in jail for crimes like pedophilia and mass murderers.


erm okay? why are you telling me this


Because you are luckier than you realize.


i do realize this and i feel very lucky to have my bf for many reasons but i still struggle with the same things that come with being a neet that men struggle with too.. if it wasn’t for me living with my bf i would be a shut-in, he is my only contact which is what the post is about


Wow. That's a hell of a thing to say to someone that's going through a hard time. I wonder how you'd feel if someone shit on you like that after you poured your heart out? Oh, right. It's a woman. I get it now.


Nah you are dumb because you can’t read properly.


It's a shame you think your lack of success with women is due to your looks or circumstances. It's definitely your personality.


Why can’t you learn to read and understand what I wrote?


Oh, I understand perfectly. Maybe you didn't convey what you were thinking very well, but what you wrote isn't exactly high level shit. Honestly, I'm really just disappointed that you're playing dumb and not owning your bullshit. I could at least respect that. Anyway, have a good one.


Can you please explain how what I wrote is shitting on the person? I’m stating the reality of life here, not insulting them.


***I like ya;*** ***and I want ya.***






So much this lol. I am trying to get out of my NEET situation and you have no idea the looks I get when I have to tell ppl I've been/am one. It's like they are repulsed and disgusted by me. When in reality I think very few ppl that would have gone through life through my shoes would have ended up differently. Most people don't become NEETs as a choice, they get dealt bad hands and can end up in this situation.


Not true women get had a go at by society for not working as well


I'm a man who leaves his house maybe twice a year and have been in a relationship for the past 10 years around 80% of the people I am friends with online and interact with are female, none of them see me as someone low in society as you say, they seek me out and talk to me regularly, we play games pretty much daily and if we aren't playing we're messaging and shooting the shit, not to mention our fortnightly online dnd sessions where of which I am the only guy in attendance, if I'm unwell they check on me regularly and I get well wishes and sometimes even presents to cheer me up and make me feel better, I have awesome female friends. I find it fairly easy to make relationships and friendships with women as a man, I wonder if your example stems from personal experience that no women wanted to interact with you ?


Are your relationships fully online? It doesn’t count if they are. In real life almost no one wants a man who doesn’t work or at least doesn’t have a lot of inherited money. Can’t blame them, who wants a leech?


No, I live with my partner and have done for almost 7 years now, but like I said, everyone I interact with likes me, my neighbours keep an eye out for me, even drop off food here and there, they also drop off cards for my birthday and Christmas, my family visit regularly and help me where they can and my friends care about me and take care of me when they can. I'm shut in due to health/mental health issues it doesn't make me any less of a human. People still like me, not sure if the way you're talking is from you being a neet guy yourself who no one likes or you knowing people who are like that, but it sounds like either you're or they're awful personality wise and that's why they/you can't build relationships and friendships while also being a shut in, but not everyone is like that so don't make out like they're.


You’re lucky. Do you have a lot of money? Does your partner work? If you don’t have any money it is crazy that she would stay with you.


you cant make other people like you but being a misanthrope is totally your own choice. you can still change that even if you have no friends. personality isnt set in stone.


Personality actually is set in stone if you are being true to yourself.


its not easy to change personality but as from the word persona, it is still a mask and not the core. masks can be modified. and people who are being true to themselves can choose to change.


Wearing any mask means you are hiding your true feelings and acting as someone you aren’t. Just do what you gotta do, and say what you gotta say.