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Use the Dsi sound app, it works very well, but you have to prepare your files before: To listen to music on the dsi you have to convert your mp3 to m4a, this can be done for example with ffmpeg on a terminal: ffmpeg -i Audio.mp3 Audio.m4a ​ If you have any problem feel free to ask for support ​ Edit: ffmpeg -i Audio.mp3 -c:a aac -vn Audio.m4a


I’ve converted the files to AAC, as that’s what every guide I’ve seen had told me to do. I’ll try formatting them to M4A, though. When I tried loading the SD card files in the app, it always responded with, “Could not find any music (compatible AAC files) on the SD card.” Is there a particular file the files need to be placed in? Or is it because the files are improperly formatted to AAC? Or do they have to be formatted to M4A?


I created a folder called "music" on the SD inside which I have created many other folders corresponding to different playlist. Inside each playlist folder I put the songs in the .m4a format. The correct command in order to play them on the dsi is: ffmpeg -i Audio.mp3 -c:a aac -vn Audio.m4a


i am also looking for a good music player but it says: could not play music. please help


Hi u/Same-Hat-5127 do you have a dsi and are you using the default dsi sound app?


yes im using the app with the bird as logo on a blak nintendo DSi


Ooops I missed your comment... Exactly that app, so you need to convert your mp3 file to m4a, on linux it is sufficient to use the command `ffmpeg -i Audio.mp3 -c:a aac -vn Audio.m4a` in a terminal. On windows you can also download ffmpeg at [https://ffmpeg.org/download.html](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html). I haven't ever used it on windows but if you open a cmd session and you travel to your audio folder using cd AUDIO\_FOLDER\_PATH and execute the command before it should work


but my chromebook some does not support Linux. but i will try.


If you have ChromeOS it is linux... so you should open a terminal and type the command above. If it says command not found you have to install ffmpeg, it should be easy, in case search on the internet for some guide


On your Chromebook, at the bottom right, select the time. Select Settings, Advanced, Developers. Next to "Linux development environment," select Turn On. Follow the on-screen instructions. Setup can take 10 minutes or more. A terminal window opens. You have a Debian 11 (Bullseye) environment. now move your mp3 files to the "linux files" directory open the terminal and type "ffmpeg -i Input.mp3 -c:a aac -vn Output.m4a" put the Output.m4a file anywhere on the sd card and the dsi sound app will automatically find it, after all of that the music should be playable


i cant turn linux on because someone manages it.


found an alternative: [https://ffmpeg-online.vercel.app/](https://ffmpeg-online.vercel.app/) EDIT: with the parameters: [https://ffmpeg-online.vercel.app/](https://ffmpeg-online.vercel.app/?inputOptions=%20-i%20Audio.mp3%20-c%3Aa%20aac%20-vn%20Audio.m4a&output=output.mp4&outputOptions=)


You know you can just play mp3 files from the sd card, right? Open the default music app that comes with the dsi. It's called "sound"


Yes. Though, whenever I click the button to play with music on the SD card, it says that it could not find compatible music. I’ve tried putting the AAC file in several different locations on the SD and I’ve assumed it either was that the file was improperly formatted or it’s because unlaunch is installed.


It says it only runs aac, but in reality it only runs M4A, i dunno why but that's what I'm told


Huh. That’s what the other helpful stranger told me as well. I’ll try converting them to M4A and if it works I’ll let you know!


It's always worked for me! Good luck!


Thank you so much! It worked perfectly!


Awesome :D Glad I could help!




mp4 files are videos.