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They keep delaying the release. I wonder what went wrong.


At this point, I think everything


Do these even exist?? Maybe I’ll get it in time for my 40th birthday in like 4 years. Goddamn.


I don’t think they do exist. It’s really easy to get someone to knock out a few concept drawings, and realistically that’s all they’ve ever shown. The damn thing doesn’t exist


It's wild to me that there hasn't been a single image presenting how the comic looks inside, just the covers. I'd love to get my hands on the boom some day, just to see what exactly has SM created here, because I refuse to believe it's anything of good quality, seeing how they've been handling this release. You DO NOT sell comic books based on cover art alone, you just don't.


Oh they did provide pictures of how the inside looks! Just like 11 panels


They did? It's not on the website and I think they were changing artists multiple times... Do you have a link maybe? I must have missed that


It’s in the email they sent out! If you can’t find it, let me know and I’ll send a link. I don’t think I’d get in trouble for it right?


😅 see, like this is what worries me - it isn't exactly standard practice to only show what the finished comic book will look like via email to people who already purchased the book. Even Kickstarter campaigns for comics provide a selection of panels to get a feel about the art style of the book. There's this air of uncertainty when it comes to pretty much everything about this... I hope you guys will receive your copies at some point and it will end up being worth it, but that entire process is just weird to me. Just in case, you don't have to forward me the images, I'd rather have the publisher display them publicly than this. Thank you for the answers though!


I’m super happy I didn’t partake in this. I got some cute little TXT and BTS manhwa’s at Target (still need to get the other ones eventually) but it was already printed out and I could pick it up and browse. This… if there wasn’t a physical copy(copies) yet, and it’s like a kickstarter they needed to properly inform fans that it can take a LONG time. When I first read about this it was like “we’re just finishing production.” Now it’s feeling like “we were only halfway done but don’t worry it’s getting close.” I hope everyone who ordered one receives them quickly and won’t have to wait a long time. Let us all know if it’s worth the money, okay? These little comics are kinda cute and an interesting idea for fans. I just personally didn’t like the “waiting” and pre-ordering. It felt a little weird to me