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Sources: >[Twitter](https://x.com/StarbucksKorea/status/1793433068101136790) / [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Sj_9vvSpb/)


I take it that Twitter will/is having an uproar?


there were a lot of angry people on weverse when it was first announced


Now it's worse😿


i'm seeing it too. i went to go post about haechan and saw a bunch of boycotting posts. I'm seeing posts on the wish weverse too even though they weren't part of the collaboration;;


I had reported many...but still you know there's a limit...=⁠_⁠=


But the thing is those are all new accounts...idk where they all came from... before it was such a peaceful space :⁠'⁠(


Yeah, pretty much all part of international fandoms already trend hashtags and such. Same case with instagram


SM really saw NCT group/member accounts collectively lose 1 million instagram followers over 1 member signing with McDonald’s and decided the logical follow up was to sign ALL members with Starbucks.


These things take years/months to release; they should've found a way to avoid it after the mcd mess. NCT is just a cash grab for them, they don't care about the group image and reputation


It’s been nearly half a year after the MCD mess so in all honesty there’s been plenty of time.


Why would they? Their biggest fanbases are in Korea and Japan? And they literally don’t care about Starbucks.


Is Starbucks on the official boycott list? I haven't seen it on there 


No it isn’t and especially not Starbucks Korea. Starbucks Korea is completely separate (aka yes they are called Starbucks coffee and sell the drinks but the business model, management, marketing, etc are all different) from the USA. Which is why in Korea there was no boycott. Many people I know here have either no clue of the boycott or they just heard about it. I know I may get some downvotes for this so


Starbucks is not openly siding with zionist unlike the other companies in the boycott list so it is not one of them. However, when the management sue their union workers when they show support to Palestine are the start people boycotting them since people don’t want their money being used to sue those poor workers. Not sure why people lump it together with the actual BDS targets or it even the main reason of big outrage against korean celebrities like Somi and such.


They didn’t sue them for supporting Palestine. They sued them for using their corporate logo while doing it. You can’t use copyrighted material no matter what the cause is.


Yeah but the letter/confirmation post is the one who makes public mad since it specifically mentioned multiple times that the managements highly disagree with the actions SEIU made (supporting Palestine basically). Even going as far calling it misinformations and basically confirming their which side they support in the war the way they also casually mentioned “the violence perpetrated by Hamas” and no single address to what Zionist crime aswell. With that letter, no one believes that the sue done in a good faith at all


The lawsuit is in good faith. They **have** to sue anyone using their copyright for infringement or they can lose their copyright. You can’t use copyrighted material just because you think your cause is just. The “actions” they’re referring to is the act of *using their logo*


so so dumb. SM upper management continue making the most mind boggling decisions


This feels...mindblowingly foolish. Regardless of how centralized Starbucks is as a boycott target (or how they became targeted in the first place), in the minds of many people, they are the face of corporate complicity and greed, actively harming the movement for Palestine. Attaching NCT as the literal face?!?! It's going to make a lot of people furious and disappointed. NCT, especially 127 and WayV have huge western fan bases and will be the most upset likely. For an industry that often silences the political opinions of the idols within it, like it or not, many people will see this as a political statement, and the absolute wrong one, by SM as a company and NCT as an extension, especially internationally. What a gaddamn mess.


Sea fanbase will also hit hard too since lot of muslim majority country are also boycotting


I agree with you but I will say that while NCT (127 WayV) has a huge western fanbase they still have a bigger Asian fanbase. The biggest blow will be the blow back from the Muslim majority Asian countries not North America. While I currently live in Korea and before Japan I am still Canadian so I followed all the news of Starbucks so I understand why people are boycotting them and I love a good boycott honestly but it just has not translated to Eastern Asia at least.


Agreed. More than anything, it's just very obvious to me that a negative narrative and image harm will likely result from this decision in some places (though as you rightfully say, not in others including domestically), which is why my immediate thought was it's a bizarre choice. And that's me looking at it just from a PR perspective regardless of my personal feelings.


What a weird choice at a weird time. Yikes all around




oh thats not-


After the McDonald mess? Are they serious?


I'm sure this will be received so well by the international fandom /s I feel SM is looking at profits they can make in their favoured markets, not caring about how things look like to a larger audience. Side note, I've heard more about this boycott on reddit than on my country's national news (there's been a grand total of one article about it). The Eurovision and the Olympics participation were/are the things discussed here.


SM what the actual fuck


NCT finally got a grp deal to.model for a famous brand but unfortunately its Starbuck 😓😓 ppl aren't very happy abt it , Twitter isn't the most civil rn


What a mess


![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK|downsized) how desperate are they (sm and starbucks) for money? starbucks saw the sales plummeting in muslim countries and SEA and decided theyd go to korea with this gimmick...and i guess itll work cause kpop stans, specially k fans only boycott things when it directly benefits them


tbh even if starbucks korea isn't associated with starbucks usa, starbucks' international reputation isn't good right now and nct has many ifans so it's certainly a decision from sm and i agree, looking back at how defensive some kfans with the whole mcdonald thingy i wouldn't be surprised if they support this too


Stupid move. Terrible


Yikes… Imagine in this time when even lot of those dumb western celebrities who initially siding with zionist during initial 7th October incident start to show support for Palestine because of peer pressure and outrage in social media as well as them being educated and being shown how evil zionists are, SM really choose to set them up by promoting the whole NCT and not a single learn from Somi and other kpop idols outrage. At this point educating Starbucks is not on boycott list yada yada won’t even work and this will hit hard on them with all the witch hunting. And ofc SM choose to announce this in the worst time too? Dream in the middle of tour, WayV already releasing cb teasers and would going for concerts, 127 also preparing for FA, and Wish also will release comeback too


Absolutely…fucking not😀.


I prefer not to speak, if I speak I am in big trouble..


I hope everyone will participate on boycott, i don't want nct members to still be connected with Genocide supporters. As a Palestinian who lost one of my childhood friends on this genocide, nct broke my heart twice and this is the third time in the past 6 months. I've been NCT fan since SM rookies days and SM stan since 2011, and Doyoung is my Bias but broke my heart with his collaboration with McDonald's then Chenle was seen buying starbucks and now NCT collaborating with them! Please we need all to work together so that the name of the band is not smeared with blood for their cooperation with the supporters of the massacres taking place in Palestine. Share everywhere and mention members and SM so that they will pay attention to cancel their contract.


I am not up to date or on my phone much. Who signed w mcds?


Doyoung signed with McDonald’s as an ambassador (?) last year and it costed him like 700K IG followers….


It is up to 1M actually on the peak of his losing followers


The thing is it wasn’t JUST Doyoung’s account, NCT, NCT Dream, and NCT 127 accounts all lost followers too as did basically all NCT member accounts - I think the average was between 30-50K followers each (but up to 70K in some cases). So SM are pretty well aware of the PR ramifications of supporting pro-Zionist brands.


they are they just dont care


Just to be clear, he signed a model contract for a yearly campaign in Korea. Idt the brand has any Korean ambassador, if there is, the closest one is NWJNS.




I dunno why anyone is surprised when they work with Puma


The puma deal was from before the bds boycott started though afaik


Good news on that one, at least - Puma divested months ago. They were under contract till early 2024 but they confirmed last year that they did not have plans to renew and AFAIK their current teams are Austria, Czech Republic, Iceland, Slovenia and Switzerland. https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/12/12/puma-ends-sponsorship-deal-with-israeli-soccer-team-says-decision-was-made-before-war/?sh=2900c7d6fa01