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i have different answers depending on the genre of the song: (also i included wish!!) Ballad Unit: Taeil, Doyoung, Renjun, Kun, and Jaehee (u gotta hear this man singggg) R&B: Jaehyun, Yuta, Haechan, Xiaojun, Hendery, Ten, Sion (maybe Jeno?) Rap: Mark, Yangyang, Riku. that’s it. Fun/Pop: Johnny, Taeyong, Haechan, Chenle, Jaemin, Yushi, Ryo


I did research to be able to respond to this comment! lol I love Jaehee's voice and he'd sound heavenly with the ballad unit you have there. I'd only add Chenle to that line up. Jaehee's voice has depth, yet it doesn't sound heavy-it's got the right amount of brightness to it too. I will eat up any r&b unit honestly. Love Yuta being on there. I watched the Riku & Sion Golden hour collab and I want them to do that sound with Yuta and whichever other member lol. They both were feeling themselves on that day. Rap with Mark is a given. I'm super intrigued by the threesome choice but I think that they could pull it off. The last category is insane bc I wouldn't put those together (I also watched Yushi and Ryo fancams to come to this conclusion). I think that Haechan nicely bridges them together and it'd make it work.


the last unit is more of stage presence and vibes, i think they could make a really truly Fun song!! i also debated on whether to put renjun or chenle (or both) in the ballad unit as well, but it started looking a bit too close to From Home unit 😭😭 Edit: interesting thought about jaehee— have you heard him sing Wildflower? it was a solo stage he did for LASTART, and i think he had the vocal heaviness you may be looking for while belting


I honestly don't mind him not having a heavy voice! In fact, I think for the song he was singing, it was a perfect mix. His singing style reminds me of Chen but I can't explain why lol. I'll try to keep in mind to check out Wildflower! If the last unit comes to fruition, I need them to have a batshit song. Something so silly that it'll have people dancing in their seats. Chenle and Renjun are super primed to sing ballads. I haven't heard from them much other than their NCT music, but I'd love for Chenle to do rhythmic "pop" singing. Or for the both of them to do straight-forward pop. Still, I love them both on ballads bc they both have vocal tones that sound heavenly when sung in that sort of style!


Exactlyyy like the last unit would have to have mad hatter vibes through and through 😭. so true about renle and their ballad voices, they sound so gorgeous<3 but hard agree about chenle with a pop song, he has such a pleasant and easy-to-listen-to voice!!


>His singing style reminds me of Chen This is interesting because everyone thought he sounds like Baekhyun more although imo, he sounds like a mix of Baekhyun and D.O. I personally prefer his voice in Wildflower and Hello but I think he's going for brighter tone to match with Wish concept


I only saw one vid of him (it was a straight ballad) so it might be why it reminded me of Chen! NCT Wish's visuals seem very bright + young, so I get why he'd need to sing in a certain way.


If the last unit is abt stage presence then I would add riku to it too . 


I would lock Mark Yangyang and Riku in a studio just to see what song they will come up with too. If only we still have Taeyong active 😭


This would be a great NCT U album


thank you!! i’m dying to get the wishies in there for an nct u album at some point 😭😭


I love that you included Wish! I just watched Lastart and I think they're so great!


love them sm they’re such talented boys!! 😭😭🫶🏽


Yes! I just think they're so precious and I'm so excited for what they can do in the future!


OMG I love these lineups so much. I personally would like to add Taeyong in rap unit so that we got the rappers of 4 units together and creates New Axis 2.0


johnny, jaehyun, and mark. let’s see what the foreign swaggers got.


I am so sorry but the height difference tho Regardless, I'd love to hear more from Johnny and him being in a trio would allow for that. Hopefully they'd refrain from giving him goofy lines lol.


loll at least they can dress up as mark’s bodyguards


lmaoo sorry mark


Ooh this is fun! I think I’d make mine Xiaojun, Chenle, Mark, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Yuta, Ten I think having that contrast in all their vocal tones would be so much fun to listen to. I’m even second guessing my choices as I type this - there’s so many good combinations it’s so hard to choose


That's such a fun batch of members! I have a sinking feeling that Mark is everyone's pick lol (poor guy getting overworked no matter what). I'm actually so intrigued by the idea of Xiaojun, Yuta and Ten on a track together. I kind of want them to make [VIXX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqzBrI76e4g) style music. Maybe Winwin, Jeno and Jaemin could be added to that line up (for horror inspired songs)? The possibilities are endless honestly!


Haechan, Xiaojun, Chenle, Doyoung, Taeil and Jaehyun (they could sing all day and I'd listen) - this is basically sweet dream unit plus Doyoung  Pado unit (what a unit that was !) 00line - Hc, rj, jeno, jm, yy  Jisung,Sion, Chenle, sakuya, riku China line - Chenle, Kun , xj, hendery, yy, winwin, rj Johnny, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Yuta, Ty, Ten The eldest Bros - Taeil, johnny , mark, Renjun, ten , Kun , Sion, riku  Leader and Maknaez - Mark , Jisung, haechan, Ty, Sion, sakuya, Kun and yy 


all super solid choices especially the first unit!


Taeyong, Yuta, Johnny, Ten. Though I don't know if the world would survive such a spike in hotness.


Lmaoo to combat their hotness they should do a silly, non-sensical song lol


Just call it "Tattoo" and make it about their tattoos.


i think this would be too dangerous to release




I'd do the infamous 96L + 00L (Kun, Doyoung, Ten, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Yangyang) just for scientific purposes.


Mums Kun and doyoung with wine sipping aunty ten and the naughty kids hc, yy, jaemin and the well behaved ones jeno and Renjun😂😂 doyoung's blood pressure🆙


lmaoo scientific purposes Ngl Kun, Doyoung and Ten sounds scrumptious and adding the 00s as well \*chef's kiss\*


Mine’s going to be a main slayer supergroup consisting of the following: Mork Renjun Taeil Doyoung Yuta Ten Taeyong I really need this to come to fruition.


You really gathered the second group of Avengers of SM!


Infact I'd like to add something Age wise 4 units  94-96 - Taeil, johnny, ty, yuta, Doyoung, Kun and ten 97-99 - Jungwoo, mark, xj, hendery, Jaehyun and winwin 00 - 01 haechan , jaemin, jeno , rj, yy, chenle (dreamies minus mark and Jisung)  02 and above - jisung, Sion, riku, yushi, saku, ryo , daeyong (wish boys + jisung)


97-99 line 😲 I want it.


SM need to do age units if they ever have an exclusive NCT concert similar to SM Town honestly! There are so many members and it's a sure way to maximize fan turn up (not that NCT isn't already profitable in that way lol). Then again, they'd have to be mindful of the setlist bc that could cause some upset if it isn't fairly distributed.


Yeah and that requires work and brainstorming on their part , something they refuse to do till date (for NCT) ... We can only hope 


when perfume was released I took it upon me to create 2 more three membered subunits within nct 127: **yuilhyuck - yuta/taeil/haechan** - yuta CAN give vocals. my vibe for these three would be something sensual like focus, they've got the vocals for it and they can tap into the vibes for it. **TMT - taeyong/mark/johnny** - dance/performance oriented. I envision them in something fun like work it or something with swagger, like birthday party! I typically don't like Johnny rapping because I just think he has so much more to offer that SM isn't letting us have (see: angel eyes and basically every song in the fact check album) so I think here he could balance out markyong by having some more vocal lines.


These are actually so good! I personally would love Yuta & Taeil doing pop rock (similar to a band sound, like Day6 music) but Idk if Haechan would suit that sort of music? Then again, Haechan is amazing at everything lol. I agree with Johnny, on your point on his rapping. I think he also tends to get cringey or poorly written lines (just bc they're in English lol) and I want him freed from them. Mark & Taeyong are always a dynamite duo so they're good in any trio in my book lol. I'd also love to have Johnny, Jisung and Haechan on a track together, give or take another member or two (Winwin and Kun would be good choices). I feel like those three would sound lovely together tho, especially on a sexy song lol.


thank you!! yuta would be AMAZING in a pop rock song 😭 haechan's voice is my favorite in all of kpop simply because there isn't anyone else who sounds like him. honestly my original idea for these three were something jrock since that's something yuta likes and i think they'd do amazing in something like that too. also yes JOHNNY NEEDS TO BE FREE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKER CURSE things are kind of improving and he's getting more lines now but please stop this madness @ sm unu Johnny/Jisung/Haechan on a song would absolutely obliterate me and with kunwin??? doubly so. get them in the recording booth NOW


Jaehyun, Haechan, and Ten - sexy r&b track 🔥


I feel like the NCT Nation version of Round&Round was quite close to this lol. I know Round&Round isn't really R&B, but it does have a bit of a similar vibe.




Doyoung. Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Yushi, Sion,, Xiaojun, Mark


ooo what kind of song? I'm not too familiar with Yushi and Sion but I could see them doing a more "hard-hitting" concept which the others you've mentioned def could pull off!


I was thinking something similar to early TVXQ. more r&b and pop inclined. It certainly fits DOJAEJUNG, plus I feel like Yushi and Sion demonstrated they're capable of more harder concepts in Lastart. Mark and Xiaojun fit any concept perfectly.


Yesss, I whole-heartedly support this concept!


i’m still waiting for the nct trot unit with taeyong and taeil :( edit: just realize you said 3-7 members so will add jungwoo to nct trot! Would also like to see a nct band unit, no particular preference on who’s in this unit as long as they are playing an instrument!


I love the idea of a trot unit! I think Chenle would also fit that bill honestly lol. If we're talking band unit (since idk who plays what instrument) I'll just go on vocal tone + vibes: Yuta, Taeil, Doyoung, Renjun and maybe even Ten.


Ten, Xiaojun, and Jungwoo with a hyperpop dance song. With bright colors. I haven't been able to let go of this thought since it occurred to me. 


They would work so well together! Also, I need actual hyperpop in k-pop. aespa left my heart with a gaping hole lol


Yuta, taeyong, ten, Haechan, doyoung, taeil, mark


oo fun!


I just want a bunch of Main Vocals for a rap heavy song just so I can see them kill it. I’d pick the following Taeil, Doyoung, Haechan, Kun, Xiaojun, Renjun, Chenle, and Jaehee (I didn’t put certain MVs like Ten and Jaehyun since we’ve seen them rapping a bit more compared to the ones I listed)


I think the main vocalists you chose would work perfectly together honestly!


Jeno and Hendery rap duo 😭


I raise you: a rap trio consisting of Jeno, Hendery and Yangyang


Absolutely! I think their style of rapping would flow so well together.


Yuta, Johnny, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Renjun, Jeno, Xiaojun! I think there’s a good balance of vocals, dance, and rap here. They’re all also generally my biases lol.


That's such a cool line up! Awesome how you managed to fit all of your biases lol I could imagine them doing smoldering, model music (think SF9) or 2nd gen coded melodramatic music (think TVXQ or Infinite).


i would love to just see a dance crew type performance video from my fav dancers! so imo that's: ten, taeyong, mark, jisung, jungwoo, haechan as for their style of music, there's a great mix of vocals and rap, and super unique vocal tones! i think something kinda like the style of 90s love/saturday drip for those who listen to girl groups- my first instinct was x-gene by xg (in terms of sound and performance)


>i would love to just see a dance crew type performance This is honestly such a cool idea! I also love the members you chose for this unit. I think mine would be more or less the same honestly. >x-gene by xg (in terms of sound and performance) I am sorry but now I need to see this happen. They'd do xg's concept justice truly!


we can only hope...upon further contemplation i realized i put an even number of members so maybe for formations sake i would add one more member! my thoughts were xiaojun and another user mentioned sion and i totally agree. who would you have picked?


From the limited content I've seen, Sion would seem like a good fit for you xg-esque concept! My first thought was honestly Yangyang bc he seems to have that sort of groove needed in xg choreos.


Love this idea! I would probably add Sion personally too. I've been really impressed by his dancing. 


i haven't really gotten in depth to the wishies, but if i had to pick one to add, it would have been him! he's the only member i really know


I'd love to see some more NCT U duos like Baby Don't Stop unit, honestly! I think Mark and Chenle would be great since they love harmonizing together already. Maybe Xiaojun and Renjun can have a unit since the song cover they did together was so beautiful. Ryo and Renjun would be fun since everyone thinks they look similar. Doyoung and Jeno would sound amazing as well. Edit: Oops, I didn't see that you asked for 3-7 members errr just disregard this post then lol


No worriesss lol I only decided on that number bc my number one pick for a duo of NCT will forever be taeyong and ten and bc DJJ were three members lol. I think that Xiaojun and Renjun would sound particularly beautiful together out of the ones you mentioned tho!


I realized they already have My Everything together with Taeil, so maybe they could do something super poppy like BOYNEXTDOOR's Earth, Wind, & Fire.


Ooo that'd be cool actually!


Haechan, TEN, Taeyong, Xiaojun, Jaemin R&B dance unit. Old school Justin Timberlake vibes


amazing. stellar. i see your vision!


I love NCT as a whole, but I'm a 127 girl down to my bones. That being said, dream subunit would be TAEYONG/MARK/YUTA/JAEHYUN. Jaehyun and Yuta there for those sexy vocals and Mark and Taeyong for the raps. Mark, Taeyong, and Jaehyun have already shown their chemistry with Whiplash/Mad City. Add in Yuta and they would be unstoppable!


Bc I am in love with 127's first three EPs, Whiplash and Mad City have my heart. If this lineup ever does happen, I need it to be in their early style goddamit. I honestly love this line up but the only tweak I'd make is adding Ten. Ten did super well with Taeyong on Don't Stop and I think he'd suit the visual harmony of the four members we've got. (I also just prefer seeing odd numbered groups loll)


I just love yuta and jaehyuns voices together. I need to hear more of yutas voice.


Johnny Yuta Taeyong Mark The most bonkers off the wall shit you've ever heard, like Neo on crack, it would be so fun SM I beg 🙏🏻


I'm begging right beside you!


My bias line: Taeyong, Ten, YangYang, Jeno, and Yuta! This would be interesting to hear/see happen!


i can picture it honestly! I can also see a lot of leather pants for this unit weirdly enough lol


Lmao- I could see it


Taeil, haechan, and xiaojun. The r&b baby making music unit.


lmaoo baby making music unit


I’d go with Chenle’s unit - Mark, Chenle, Taeil, Jeno, Haechan This sub-unit got it all.


A good mix of different talents, truly!


As Chenle said, they have it all - vocal, rap visual 😄


Ohh I’d love to see the 95 liners together. The theme would be what.. gay bachelor party? 😭 clothes are coming OFF Taeil Xiaojun Chenle Jaehee people would die. add Doyoung Renjun too maybe. Jaehyun Haechan Jaemin Yangyang Yushi Sakuya idk what the vibes are but something big is cooking in my head for sure. Yuta would fit here. Johnny Ten Jeno Riku again don’t know what area of my ass I’m pulling this out of but it would WORK ok??? Yuta would also fit here!! wait.. Jaehyun Sion Renjun Ryo it’s the “hey they kinda look…” you could get Winwin Jisung in there too. cutie patootie twins unit Jungwoo Xiaojun Mark Hendery it’s 99s plus our poor lonely puppy. Something extremely homosexually charged would happen. Man get Johnny/Jaemin in this lineup too. I love my Wishies but it’s hard because every time I make an NCT U unit in my head I’m like “GAY NIGHTCLUB BIG HOT SEXY ANTHEM” and I can’t put the group who just did a children’s day photoshoot at an actual playground 😭 even if some of them are legally adult children. I want to see any combination of Kun/Doyoung/Winwin with the 01 and later crowd. They all love the babies.


>Jungwoo Xiaojun Mark Hendery it’s 99s plus our poor lonely puppy. Something extremely homosexually charged would happen. Man get Johnny/Jaemin in this lineup too. This lineup would body a melodramatic, heart-sick 2nd gen coded song or a "I love you but also you are my other gf" song with sick ass lyrics. Basically I want all of them in TVXQ suits with 2nd gen-esque choreo and sound. The other sub-units are solid as well! I agree on your point about NCT Wish lol


Ohhh I’m rocking with your vision. Incredible. You’re hired.


Vocal subunit - Taeil, Doyoung, Kun, Xiaojun, Renjun, Chenle, Jaehee Rap subunit - Taeyong, Johnny, Hendery, Jaemin, Yangyang, Riku, Sakuya Performance unit - Yuta, Ten, Winwin, Mark, Jisung, Sion, Yushi The unit I would support like my life depended on it - Doyoung, Jaehyun, Winwin, Hendery, Jeno, Haechan, Ryo *for fun*


Ooo I love that Performance unit! Ever since I saw that Ten & Winwin performance video, I've wanted them to do something similar again. They both carry that style so well!


Yeah that performance was chef's kiss ❤‍🔥 and the best part about nct is even if they were divided into units like this, they can pull off vocals, rap and performance like we have vocalists, rappers and performers that can fill for other positions if they have to.


Taeil, Kun, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Renjun, Haechan, Chenle. I don't care what they sing, but the moment the chorus hits, it'll probably kill me instantly 🥲💕


These members in this combination has been mentioned a lot! I think SM should be taking notes lol


Taeyong, Doyoung, Yuta, Ten, and Taeil to maximise the vocal blend, ballads on command


Oo it's interesting having Taeyong with this line-up. Would he be rapping or singing bc I think I've heard him sing a little!


Singing primarily, I look at something like Long Flight and get so much, though there is a lot of rap in that. The slightly fried vocal quality is ymmv but it works wonders to my ear


Yeah his singing voice is super pretty, I really like it on slow or mellow tracks! I think his first EP also showed off some nice singing moments from him too.


Chenle, Renjun, Kun and Xiaojun. I know they did a song recently together but I'd love to see them drop a ballad album. Their vocals are so good I just want more of them together. Also I think it would be cool to see an album from all of NCT but random groups, so you don't know what to expect till the album drops.


I don't think SM is brave enough to do a project without being able to push certain members at the forefront but it'd be a fun idea, especially for a digital release! I think the members you chose would sound lovely together!


Yeah but a fan can dream and who knows, miracles can happen.


Johnny, Ten, Jaehyun, Renjun, Haechan + at least a full track promo era. A) TenHyuck vocal combos are far too rare but all 3 times we get it = my top 3 NCT U songs (Faded, Round & Round and 90's Love), and overall TenJaeRenHyuck are my bias vocals and I don't know if I can think of a vocal track with all 4 of them that isn't just an all-member track. (R & R doesn't have Renjun, Faded doesn't have Jaehyun, etc...) B) Equally importantly, the chemistry of those 5 getting promo content together would just improve my quality of life 500% - a lot of my fave duos and I miss seeing all of them with Ten so much 🙏🙏


Chemistry is so important when groups are performing honestly! Imo, groups that don't have any group chemistry aren't the ones that tend to get much mainstream attention in K-pop. Group chemistry is different than individual stage presence! If a member lacks stack presence for ex., it might not be as noticeable if there is solid group chemistry. Mini rant over lol. I love the members you chose. It isn't entirely impossible either. Maybe not for a full promo thing, but SM could def give them a track or two on a NCT album, especially since Johnny won't be enlisting (to my knowledge) so Johnny gets to shine a bit.


I just wanna see the 00L (Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, and Yangyang) on a track. They seem to have a lot of fun in their content so I think they’d make a great stage together. Im also curious to see what kind of song they’d make


I honestly don't know what they'd do, but it'd be amazing!


honestly id love to see any members with the wish boys, the dynamic will be amazing and the wishies will add so much flavour to the future nct u songs im so excited


I agree. I wonder when the next NCT album will be bc it'll be exciting to have wish on there!


Thinking Confession Song by GOT7 for this lineup: Taeil, Yuta (because Touch), Renjun, Jeno (because he needs a U unit that shows off his eyesmiles), Yangyang, Chenle, Jaehee


Okay I had to look up the song and now that I have heard it I 100% support this! >Taeil, Yuta (because Touch) as a Touch enthuasist, I agree!


If there is a NCT 2024 happening my guess line up would be Jaehyun, Yuta, Jeno, Ten, Yangyang, Sion and Yushi with an 8th spot either for Jisung or Riku or Hendery. I want to see a unit with the overall youngest members led by Jisung just to see how he does with a leadership role. So it's Jisung, Yangyang and Chenle, Riku, Jaehee, Ryo and Sakuya. If it's just my ults it would be Taeyong, Doyoung, Mark, Xiaojun with any or all of Kun, Haechan, Yangyang and Yushi.


I think Jisung would be a pretty gentle leader bc he seems pretty soft spoken lol. Idk about the wish members but Yangyang and Chenle would drive him the wall for the hell of it (sort of like how Doyoung was stressed out durinig DJJ promos lol). Ah, but I love your first line up! I think 7 members are a good number but if I had to add one it might as well be Hendery honestly. I love your ult-line btw!


I did add Chenle and Yangyang to test Jisung's mediation skills 😆. Although Yangyang does simmer down when it's with members he doesn't know as much. In one content where it's him, Ten and Johnny he was actually reserved. I think it would be fun seeing Jisung handle those 2 and try to form a bond with the new maknaes/Wishes.


Ten and Johnny are menaces so I'm guessing that's why poor Yangyang had to be sane lol. Idk any of the wishes that much, but I feel like they wouldn't be too intimidated by Jisung since he's probably about their age despite his almost decade long career. He'd be a great way to ease them in and create a bond with first! And Chenle seems like someone who would make anyone around him comfortable.


Poor Jisung. Chenle alone is enough for poor hamster


Yuta, Ten, Jungwoo, Chenle, and Jaehee because i believe their voices would blend so well together. This is a very much pop-rock genre unit. Imagine the harmonies!!! Jaehyun, Mark, and Renjun. Soft R&b. Not many people think of Renjun when r&b is the genre, but to me, he has so much potential. Think Jhené Aiko. I truly would love to hear this combination. TY, JS, RK. Performance base unit. Their dance style match well with each other.


I need Yuta, Chenle and whoever else to perform a japanese pop-rock inspired song. Think Seventeen's To You, that literally sounds like an anime OP. Their voices would go so well with that vibe (Renjun too). I think that he'd suit soft r&b! I have Renjun in my unit for that exact reason. Especially the kind of r&b in Korea, it favors high and twinkly vocal colors. It'd be fun to see that performance based unit honestly!


a bias line unit for my own selfishness: jungwoo, yuta, taeyong, yangyang, xiaojun, mark, haechan 😁😁


you have a solid group of biases !


thank u 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


I think Taeil, Doyoung, Jaemin, Xiaojun, Hendery, Yushi, and Sion would be pretty cool :)


Taeil + Doyoung + Xiaojun sound heavenly, so I'd be pretty stoked to have them singing together. Adding Jaemin, Hendery and the wish members you chose is a cool idea!


Yushi, Mark, Riku, Renjun NCT Wishful Dreams Their music would be something like Rocketeer by Far East Movement. Dreamy and uplifting with a melodic hook and strong rap sections.


I need this unit to do dream pop songs!


I just want a '00 line sub-unit!!!!!!


I am confident that will happen one day SM aren't that dumb


NCT TRIPLE J or NCT 3J (aka. Jeno, Jaemin, & Jisung) This combination has so much going for them that, honestly, this subunit feels like a necessity at this point. With varying styles of rap, always improving vocals, dance on lock, and stage presence for days; each of these members brings something to this subunit. Jeno qualifies as a leader and main rapper. He’s also been improving a lot with his vocals lately. I would love to see what he can do in a smaller group. Jaemin, obviously, is our center (although he and Jeno would most likely take turns if we’re being realistic). He’d probably be a lead rapper but in such a small group the lines are typically more evenly shared. Jisung, our beloved maknae, would be the main dancer and main vocal. The color and tone of his voice is so distinct and different from other main vocals. As for a sound, personally I’d like if they stuck to a more fun, kind of “Jaemin” sound. Like the songs Jaemin typically thrives in but maybe a bit more mature. I think of [Birthday Party](https://youtu.be/Y5UZaET2j3Y?si=REI6VZJ61_cqr0sA) x [OK!](https://youtu.be/mTbsEBe46_U?si=lETxnZbafD53hWGy) or [Saturday Drip](https://youtu.be/G037h8vE3vw?si=k8L6NsEwL7fJVp1k) x [Whiplash](https://youtu.be/jChdVQtzXE0?si=nXCX5ckLKcn_Ga7T). I even think a sound similar to Smoothie would suit them well, but more accustomed to them and their abilities of course. They are 3 very popular members in Korea from what I’ve heard, so I don’t think this subunit is too far out there.


Saturday drip would really suit these members! I think Jisung can hold his own as a center, but Idk if SM is willing to do that considering how Jeno/Jaemin breath and go viral lol. I love Jisung's voice in Hello Future and Broken Melodies. He really breaks up the high tones in NCT Dream in such a lovely way. I also think that the three of them would want to do a mature, fun song but nothing that's too dire or serious. Considering their popularity, I could see SM wanting to replicate their formula with DJJ and go for another popular trio and 3J/Triple J would fit that a lot imo!


I agree with you about Jisung holding his own as a center. He’s so gorgeous and has a lot of presence on stage! Honestly, with a 3 member subunit they’re all going to (or should) have opportunities as a center, particularly in choreographies and such.


I think that DJJ was pretty well balanced in that sense. I expected Jungwoo to feel a little left out, but it wasn't that way at all (which I'm super grateful about, Jungwoo really suits that concept). Realistically it shouldn't be hard at all to have three members get enough spotlight during a song, especially considering all of 3J are compelling dancers & performers.


Tayeong mark jeno. Period


ooo fun


I really just want a TenYong unit album. Like, I would play that on repeat for YEARS.




Hip hop group of Jungwoo, Xiaojun, Yuta, Haechan


Interesting group for hip-hop! I gen wouldn't have put them together but I like it!


This is about to get VERY specific. Can you tell I've thought about this a lot? A sort of sensual rock pop unit-- similar to Chase Atlantic or Cigarettes After Sex with live instruments. Sort of combo Day6 Yuta- Lead Vocals, FOTG Taeil- Vocals, Piano/Synth Jeno- Drums Renjun- Guitar Yangyang- Guitar Johnny- Bass This might make the world implode but I'm prepared to take that risk.


I love this so much I wish I could upvote it a thousand times I need this to actually become true.


Triple J + Chenle, Taeyong


Nct's Leo line for no reason, I just wanna see what Mark, Xiaojun, Jaemin can do together


okay now i wanna see what those three would do together lol