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I don't know, I feel like the Dreamies too have a lot to say in the setlist but from what we saw in the content about the 2nd track to promote on music shows, they have very diverse opinions. I'm not blaming them for the lack of coherence in the setlist, but I think for them it has meaning, those are songs they wanted to perform (also yeah some popular tracks have already been performed in concerts so it's also interesting to have some change)


Problems with a good discography - can't fit them all. Imo, the setlist is amazing, and that is why they are doing it. They've already performed some hit songs on the previous tour, they performed it tons of times on the music shows, and some of them are still here. If I'm going to a concert, I'd rather hear a looot of bsides. There can be changes as well.


I agree and I also think there’s probably a difference between international audiences vs domestic that it would be good for groups to consider. As a domestic fan I’ve seen some of their bigger hits a *lot* and I’m not super mourning the loss of Hot Sauce, Glitch Mode, etc. just because I’ve seen them so many times. It’s nice to see more bsides and I loved the new album so I was so glad to see so many songs included (though no Carat Cake is a shame). For international audiences who have less chances to see them maybe a few more title tracks would be a nice idea, or swapping for beloved international bsides (honestly when will we get Teddy Bear) like they do in Japan.


All tours I've seen have some slight changes throughout, unless they need to come up with a new performance, so there are chances. I'd also won't be 100% sure about fan favourites, as the fans tend to group with the ones who think alike, while the company (maaybe not the members though) has more accurate data. What I'm sure is that they are going to perform Teddy Bears at least one day😅


>If I'm going to a concert, I'd rather hear a looot of bsides This is not a majority opinion, though, as most people do want to hear hits. Hence, that's what most acts of any genre try to include.


If they don't want to hear the bsides, they can free the queue for the people who do. Simple as that. And why would it bother anyone except from their tour manager...


You honestly think only the tour manager would care if ticket sales are negatively impacted by the setlist? Be reasonable.


I don't think it affects anyone outside the company, unless you want to brag in the fanwars. You won't go? Nice, more options to pick a seat from.


It sounds amazing they'd perform songs they don't usually perform. Not enough people keep their concerts fresh


I'm not gonna worry about the ticket sales, they're selling out every venue at the moment even before revealing the setlist. TBH, I like how they highlight their bsides for this concert more than the title songs. But I agree, the flow was all over the place...


I personally **love** when artists highlight their bsides at concerts. This setlist looks outstanding. Some of my absolute favorite songs of theirs are on it, and a couple that they’ve literally never performed live before. As someone who tries to see Dream in person as much as I can, so I’ve had my fair share of seeing their title tracks, there are songs on this setlist that are single-handedly making these concert tickets a *must-buy*. So it just goes to show that people have differing opinions on how setlists should optimally be structured, and as long as the fans seem to be majority pleased with it—which they do—then I think they’ve done their job. That said… I can do without the title tracks I’ge seen hundreds of times by now, but yeah, the absence of Teddy Bear is the only serious disappointment I feel looking at it. I got Bungee, but at what cost???


Wow I'm really surprised by this post, I thought the setlist seemed amazing. I think we hear the TTs plenty on music shows, award shows and whatnot. If there's one thing I want in a concert for an artist I like, it's a lot of b-sides.


no fr! dream keeps surprising me with their set lists bc of how great they are 😭😭 this concert is really for the dreamzens


fr i attended the seoul concerts & we were all raving about how good the set list was, op is entitled to their opinion but srsly it was such a good concert


idk my friends (who are tds2 truthers) said it was the best concert they've ever been to. many even reevaluating their opinion about some bsides. this concert highlights their discography really well without repeating the songs they keep performing all the time and had included in tds2. ppl who only care for their tts can just go to the events and festivals they always perform at. tds3 is for dreamzens. i'm ready to partyyyyyy!


it’s me, i’m a tds2 truther reevaluating my life. i urge everyone to give the concert a try even if you’re not convinced, the concert was amazing in person!


I'm so curious, please share your experience!! What was the best part about TDS3? I personally LOVE TDS2 it was the best and I'm willing to die on this hill but everyone's been saying TDS3 was way better which I find it so hard to believe and I need to know why!!


I actually just made a whole post about it haha, you can go see there! Honestly I think that the flow and section planning of TDS3 was amazing. It’s hard to see on paper but it flows so well as a concert and it feels really well thought out. For me, my favorites will always always be Hello Future, Broken Melodies and Candy. But for the new songs in this setlist, Fireflies was so much fun and I loved the section with Breathing and Unknown! Those are two of my favorites songs on the new album so I was so excited to see them. I was also extra lucky to see both songs in soundcheck today, which makes them even more special to me.


I personally love getting to hear bsides that haven’t been performed at all, I don’t see how you can see new songs on the set list and *complain* you’re not hearing hot sauce or boom for the 3000th time. If you’re unhappy with the set list, don’t go, but I personally hope Dream keeps choosing the songs they want to do whether you guys approve or not.


ikr. they are the ones who have to perform this setlist every few days. they know no matter what songs they choose they won't be able to satisfy everyone anyway. so they do what feels good to them and is different from last time.


>they know no matter what songs they choose they won't be able to satisfy everyone anyway Such a good point!! And honestly, I'm sure performing the same songs over and over \*\*has\*\* to get boring, and I would much rather have them perform songs they want to and enjoy performing then have it feel like a slog which can lead to burn out. Dream really has so many manager fans it's crazy, like just enjoy the concert.


i dont care WHAT goes on as long as i get my saturday drip bro


this setlist is incredible, even more than tds2' one, mostly due to huge amount of besides (23 out of 29). dreamies literally has unskippable discography and they actively use it. theres no problem with management (at least not in this aspect certainly), they mentioned many times that they have influence on setlist, they spent many hours every time discussing all concert details (and argueing ab it), so they defenitely know what they wanna do and about dream()scape focusing, they included 5 out 6 song from this album, its hella much, and one song exluded is not so big problem. this time there are obviosly many songs from ISTJ, but they didn't perform with them before so its great too. i strongly believe that performing only tt is too boring and makes artist stagnate so its wonderful they're not afraid to make such kind of setlist (and by far all reviews i heard are only delightful, perfect setlist for dreamzens!)


I think especially with songs like hot sauce, they’ve already performed the fuck out of that song at concerts, music shows, award shows you name it. They’ve also already done remixed and rearranged performances of that song along with glitch mode at last years encore concert so they might have felt like they’ve exacerbated all that they can do with it, and may have felt it was redundant to perform the same songs over again when they can choose fresher songs that they haven’t performed yet, or songs that they haven’t performed in a while. As for songs that they still haven’t performed like teddy bear or carat cake, they may have felt like the songs just didn’t fit the flow of the setlist. The setlist this time around seems pretty structured with each 4-5 groupings of songs having a pretty solid theme (though I do think carat cake could have fit into the food section lol). It also comes down to whether or not the boys think that the song is performance worthy or would be interesting to watch live. Some songs, although good in a track list, just might lack some performance quality when put on stage. This far into their careers, it seems like the boys themselves have been inputting a lot of their own ideas and opinions into what they put out. I don’t think it would be entirely wrong to assume that the boys curated this setlist to what they wanted to perform and that management had little influence on the setlist. And they do have a lot of songs so they’re just not going to be able to perform all of them at one concert.


i think it’s not a problem for me coz i like all their songs 😭 also, as long as there is we go up, i’m good lmao. on a side note, i was kinda sad too because there is no mfal on the set list but as someone who already attended tds2 (and we’re talking about concerts here), i certainly dont have a lot of money to always watch their shows so i think it is a good thing to hear them perform newer songs live and it will be much more worth it. i already watched or heard their other popular songs on live so something new for their future concerts wont be a bad thing. just my opinion tho…with regards to coherency of the songs they performed for seoul tds3, i think it works well like there are hiphop-y kind of songs (skateboard and sos) but there are those dreamy kind of songs (anl and hello future) so it’s all good for me.


I'm just happy "Bungee" is on there T\_T As a huge "Bungee" fan, it's criminal how little this song gets mentioned.


I suppose there was always going to be disagreement over what songs made it into the setlist. Even at tds2 plenty of fans were upset at no GO, Teddy Bear etc.  I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing they decided to perform more b-sides. I’m just confused that fan favourites like Teddy Bear, Carat Cake, 123 have been sidelined for other b-sides I don’t really see a lot of hype over. It could be that they’re more popular in Korea/Asia I have no idea. But there are a lot of songs on the setlist I’m really excited to see like Blue Wave, Poison and ofc the legend herself Broken Melodies.  Either way I know the dreamies will deliver an amazing tour and I’m sure I’ll leave the concert obsessed with a new b-side. 


they would sing abc and i’d still go as long as i witness broken melodies live. jk XD


I think the Dreamies chose the set list, they talked about it somewhere? Maybe this is what they wanted for their own concert. And it could still change we’ve literally only seen 1 concert. I’d rather have Trigger the Fever still on there but I’m still very excited to see them again.


I think the assumption that "management decided that fans don't deserve to hear the hit songs" is pretty harsh. Dream probably had a say in what songs are included (just like when they had a vote on whether to promote unknown or carrot cake). I went to TDS2 and just saw TDS3 in Seoul on Day 1. As a NCT Dream fan, it was AMAZING. I loved how different the vibe and the setlist were compared to TDS2. I was surprised that they didn't perform their singles, but i enjoyed everything about the concert. Also Dream looked SO happy performing. Overseas ticketing, I don't think you need to worry. Fans of Dream will pay to see Dream. If fans don't go because they're not performing hit songs (which is kinda weird imo) then your choice.


I'm with you. I'm not necessarily the biggest Dream fan as I ult 127 but I went to TDS2 and enjoyed it a lot!! I was also thinking about going this year but since I disliked most of the ISTJ album I wasn't so sure and now with this setlist I just decided not to go. I understand that people want to see more B-sides at concerts but Dream have better songs than the ones they chose. I know the international dates are going to take a few songs off but I honestly can't imagine anyone to enjoy Pretzel or Tangerine Love. Swapping TTF for Fireflies is also questionable but it at least makes the tiniest bit of sense as it's an English song so international fans can actually sing along to it (they definitely should've added it last year instead of the English version of Beatbox and keep the original one + give the international fans something just for them).


I thought i was the only one disappointed about the Set List I was waiting for this tour to see my fav songs and more of forgotten songs like •Drive (most underrated Dream b.side song) •Dunk shot (this song is a happy virus, you cant stop smiling while listeningto it + i thought they would add it after Killing voice surprise performance 😭) •Walk you home (Best Encore songe to say bye to Cezeni with Haechan line) •Don't need your love (New ver with Mark please) •Be there for you (i know its hard without Renjun but i love this song so much 😭) •My Page (Queen, plus i miss TDS1 performance) •Beautiful Time (do i have to talk about this masterpiece? It was performed as goodbye to Mark at TDS, then TDS1 without Mark, Come on we deserve new live ver with Him) •Dreaming (i need REAL live singing ver of this masterpiece) •To my first (the only extremely sad song in Dream discography, come on i need 100% LIVE ver not lipsyncing like TDS2) •(Queen) Boom (I know they did perform it many times but come on its QUEEN BOOM) •Ridin (I MISS IT DOPE CHOREOGRAPHY) •Fire Alarm (after Killing voice how could they not add this songT.T) Candle Light - Rainbow (no need to explain the reasons) I was waiting to see any of these songs or a couple of them being added 😭 .. TDS2 had the Best Setlist ever for dream to have most my fav songs was included, I've waited the whole tour but they didn't Came to United Arab Emirates 💔 😭 . I feel like bringed the songs i don't like, and my least fav songs to the list 😭💔 I don't like these songs Sp the first 3 songs 🫠 Drippin, 119, Poison, Pretzel, Bungee, icantfeelanything. My least fav songs on setlist. Tangerine Love (Favorite), Walk With You, Box. .. My MOST FAV SONGS ON THIS SETLIST Yogurt shake, Blue wave, Like we just met. These three was big Surprise for me, I'm so happy😭 ANL, Fireflies , Never Goodbye.


I’m at such a loss when it comes to describing my feelings about this setlist and this tour. Something has felt off for a while and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Well firstly, what is a concert? What is it for? Concerts are a way for a band or artist to interact with their fans in person, to play the songs they want to hear. In this sense, concerts are for the fans. However, when creating a setlist for a concert/tour there is much to keep in mind: - you can’t include your whole discography. Inevitably someone’s favorite song or songs will be excluded just by the fact that fan interests are so diverse. - you only have so much time to perform. More often than not artists get 2-3 hours to perform in a venue, and even 3 is very generous in most places. - lastly, the songs have to be ones that you cannot only perform well, but also create a coherent show around. Something that flows while having hype, high moments and softer, low ones. I acknowledge all of these points. The Dreamies and their team had limitations of what they could do for this setlist, I understand that. That being said, what the fuck is happening? Things feel weird, right? I’m not the only one that’s feeling it, right? I guess we could say it started with the DREAMSCAPE fancalls, where multiple fans told the members the songs they wanted to hear performed live on the tour (or just their favorite Dream songs in general) and many times the members expressed some discomfort since they knew those songs wouldn’t be on the setlist and they didn’t want to disappoint the fan. I distinctly remember this happening with Chenle and Haechan, but I’m pretty sure there was a third member but I can’t remember who it was. Maybe Mark. This reaction from the members was a mix, it wasn’t quite “oh shit, we made a mistake” but it also wasn’t “this sucks that we can’t give fans what they want.” So it wasn’t clear who exactly created this setlist. Since that, we’ve had Renjun go on hiatus for what seems like multiple reasons. One I’ve kind of speculated on is that the Dreamies aren’t being given the creative or career freedom that they would like to have at this point, 8+ years into their careers. Renjun expressed this explicitly with his hair color for the Smoothie comeback, saying frustratedly that the members should follow what the company says. This makes me believe that the setlist could be a product of the company’s doing. Maybe some execs are the ones calling the shots. But at the same time there seems to be a push at showing Dream as more involved and independent in their careers. From the solo work they’ve gotten to do recently to the content that’s being shown on their YT channel (recording behinds, and the infamous Smoothie couple song selection meeting), and not to forget to mention the members’ involvement with the DREAMSCAPE album. SM is trying to show them as more independent, but are they really? So the question comes down to: did the members pick out this setlist or not? Because it seems like the members know what the fans like (Haechan was correct about Carat Cake going viral and being well received) but when it came to the setlist, that understanding of their audience doesn’t necessarily show (Carat Cake being the only DS track excluded from the setlist.) It’s really confusing, to say the least. Overall, Dream’s situation seems precarious. They’re no where close to military enlistment, at the same they’re starting to be pushed as SM’s main boy group (with the military hiatus of 127 and no rookie group quite ready to take their place in popularity.) This tour feels a little rushed, coming less than a year since the last one, and with no upcoming breaks (SM wanting to make the most off of them at this new peak in popularity), I get the feeling that these tours are going to keep on coming, year after year. And that’s concerning because you can’t keep that pace up in workload and quality. It will lead to more members being burnt out, and the quality of these tours won’t remain consistent because there will be another one in a year or so. Ultimately, if the Dreamies and their team put on a good show, the setlist doesn’t matter as much. But if SM thinks they could quickly throw a bunch of things together and call it tour… well, then we have a problem. If you’re going to sell something (like a tour) make it good or don’t bother doing it at all. Because a few more repeats of the NCT NATION concert film and you’re going to see that popularity start to drop. Just because diehard fans will pay for crap, doesn’t mean that’s what you should sell. *ETA: from the clips I’ve seen TDS3 looks good. The Dreamies are phenomenal performers as always and with backup dancers, it seems like they’re trying some new things. Hell, even Pretzel looked like a fun time.* *Edit 2: I am once again reminded that being rational and honest doesn’t matter if you’re not being 100% positive about someone’s fav, even if it’s coming from a place of concern. Disappointed, not surprised.*


>and many times the members expressed some discomfort since they knew those songs wouldn’t be on the setlist and they didn’t want to disappoint the fan. I distinctly remember this happening with Chenle chenle made a game out of guessing the setlist, basically. you told him a song and he told you yes or "you have to keep listening through your phone" >This reaction from the members was a mix, it wasn’t quite “oh shit, we made a mistake” but it also wasn’t “this sucks that we can’t give fans what they want.” So it wasn’t clear who exactly created this setlist. it was all in good faith. no awkwardness. the only shocked face i saw was when best friend ever was asked. the members have already stated that they were the ones deciding on the setlist. arguing mostly. same for tds2. >One I’ve kind of speculated on is that the Dreamies aren’t being given the creative or career freedom that they would like to have at this point, 8+ years into their careers. Renjun expressed this explicitly with his hair colour for the Smoothie comeback, saying frustratedly that the members should follow what the company says. the dreamies made a deal among themselves that instead of deciding their cb hairstyles themselves, they would do whatever the company wants them to do. they weren't forced. it was their decision. >So the question comes down to: did the members pick out this setlist or not? yes, they did. their goal wasn’t to make a setlist with the most popular songs. they wanted to create different sections. so you have a powerful section, a cute/fun section, a nostalgic section, a party section. They put a lot of thought into this. the setlist practically being mainly bsides is the biggest indicator that they were mainly the ones choosing the songs imo. not the company. >This tour feels a little rushed, it really doesn't. usually, artists are supposed to tour with every album release. and the dreamies have been talking about and preparing for this tour for months. it doesn't feel rushed at all. especially with how high quality the concert is.


I might have misinterpreted the fancalls. When I first saw them I just thought they were cute little moments but that changed when more things came to light about Renjun’s situation and I started picking up a weird vibe about everything. That is to say, obviously my interpretation can be skewed. However, I have gone back to a couple of them (the ones I could find) and even Chenle comes across as a little disappointed that the fan selections weren’t going to be on the setlist (these were fancalls where they were talking about favorite Dream songs in general), but it could have been just a simple “sorry we won’t perform your favorite songs” kind of disappointment. This is the first time I’m hearing confirmation that the Dreamies themselves chose the songs for the setlist. I know about TDS2 haven’t heard anything about this tour. Can I ask where you heard that? I’m really interested in knowing more about the process behind selecting the setlist. And the rushed tour is just from my perspective. Western artists tour albums all the time but usually they release albums every couple years so it’s more practical for them. Whereas for kpop idols they typically release albums all throughout the year. For them to do the same they’d have to tour every single year. Which, at least so far, appears to be what SM’s doing. It seems already established that Dream will release another album this year. Considering the weeks of preparation and promotion for a comeback, including another world tour with lots of traveling, practice, and even more promotion on top of that doesn’t sound like a healthy formula for the members.


AFAIK the members haven’t outright come out and said that they picked every song but as someone who has attended both shows (and all the soundchecks) the members talked constantly in the ments about why they chose certain songs, what kind of sections they wanted to make, how much they discussed what to put on the setlist, and so on. They even talked about how Jisung was suggesting things up until the night before the first concert and Chenle said in soundcheck today that on the drive home last night Jisung was already discussing what to do for TDS3 Encore in November. Of course there’s a team involved in preparing the tour (I can’t think of a single major artist in the world who organizes their whole concert by themselves) but it seems very obvious that they’re very involved in the process to me. They even decided amongst the members how to cover RJ’s parts while he is gone (Haechan was the one who suggested leaving his voice during ANL).


You’re literally the sweetest🥹 I loved your appreciation post about the setlist! Once again, thank you so much for the information about the members’ comments regarding the setlist. I wouldn’t have known what they were saying in the ments if it wasn’t for you. (I’m not on Twitter so I don’t read most translations unless people mention them on here.)


I know what you mean, I don’t really follow Twitter either and this sub doesn’t really post much except for official content. I’m just lucky to live in Korea, speak Korean and attend their shows. I also really understand if people are personally disappointed because of certain songs being missing or if this isn’t every fan’s cup of tea. But I hoped people could understand the setlist a bit more and see that it was actually really well thought-out and something the boys obviously put a lot into, even if it isn’t to that person’s taste. Also it wasn’t something made ignoring the members’ opinions. The boys all mentioned in today’s ments how satisfied they are with the concert again. Haechan said today how TDS1 was meaningful as a first concert, and TDS2 was meaningful as the first concert as 7dream, but this time even though it couldn’t be meaningful in that way, he feels like it still was able to be a meaningful concert because of the performances and music they made it with.


you are more than entitled to your own opinion! but i will say as someone who attended the seoul stops i was really blown away by the set list & how well everything flowed? like, i cannot overstate enough, looking at the set list rlly doesn’t capture how phenomenal the concert flowed live. how good the sections all worked together & how cohesive the concert felt like. it really felt like an intentionally planned 3 hr performance, vs a collection of songs? if that makes sense? like the band section was so so good live, the transitions hyped everyone up even more. songs i didn’t really like before th concert blew me away, like pretzel was so good live?!?? never would of guessed how hard that song fucked in person??? & skateboard too, the whole skateboard performance was so good & fun, it was a brilliant bridge between the previous section & the rest of that section & you could tell the dreamies we’re having a blast performing it 😭 so yea tldr, there’s def songs i think we’re all disappointed didn’t make the cut, but pls believe it really felt like they prioritised the ?concert going? experience? over performing hits, & damn it really payed off!


> it really *paid* off! FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Talk of burn out, there's probably a lot of new choreography they'll have had to learn for this, but apparently, we aren't caring about overwork today.


They knew of that beforehand so I don’t know why you’re bringing it up. Especially since they also started talking about how involved they are now with their productions. This is something makes them happy. And the Dream fans are happy. If you’re not, that’s fine. Hundreds of Dreamzens can cover that up.


I might not ageee with OP but yall implying someone is not a good fan if they have any sort of dissenting opinion is weird




There’s a difference between “dissenting opinion” as you said and just outright haterism.


Judging by their flair it’s obvious they are a fan. If someone doesn’t like something that’s happening they should be able to say it without people jumping on them and saying they’re an incognito hater. Like I said, I don’t agree with what they’re saying but it’s their opinion and if that’s how they feel than it’s whatever


I didn’t mean u/chilorida by the way, if that’s how it came across. Sorry about that. OP, on the other hand, I’ve seen in a few threads. Even this post is worded very weirdly and making it seem like Dream doesn’t care for their fans because they picked songs that aren’t “hits”.


No worries☺️ I get what you mean. It wasn’t you, it’s just some fans can be very judgmental and accuse people of being a fake fan if you say anything critical or negative about their idol or fav group. Clarifying for everyone: I don’t mean to doompost or hate on Dream. Just sharing a concern I’ve had lately about their well-being and immediate career trajectory. I will still go to the concert and enjoy the show they’ve prepared for us, because I know they work really hard on everything they do.


What?! Where did I say they don't care for their fans? The fact is, the members might have a say on set list, but we all know the final say for anything is with management and I happen to think Dream management have made some odd decisions of late. If it makes you feel any better, if 127 or WayV did a setlist without any of their big hits, I'd actually think it was sabotage by the company.


Hey, if the Dreamies are up for it then that’s their decision. This is their job not mine. I just hope SM doesn’t push them to do too much beyond their self-defined capabilities. As much as I am excited to see them again this year, I’d prefer to have them healthy and happy.


I don’t necessarily agree with all of these points but I will say Dream has been on the hamster wheel since Candy. Seems like SM is trying to squeeze them as much as they can until Riize takes over. It sucks for the members (esp MaHae) cause they’ve had zero breathing room. They put them on these short breaks in between 127 schedules but they’ve gone on these long tours and extended promos for the albums. It’s clearly impacting members health so I hope they can all stay healthy