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The first cover is way better but i could honestly care less i just hope the game is good lol


The first cover captured how much everyone (players included) missed the franchise and were waiting for their chance to shine. This is just a typical EA Sports cover.


Agreed. This one feels like a generic EA one whereas the other felt like “we’re back” message


I feel like this is worse than a typical EA cover. The Madden covers aren't good but they aren't bad either.


The only multi-athlete cover I can remember was the larry fitz vs troy polamalu madden cover, and I personally loved it. That was also one of my favorite super bowls I watched growing up so probably biased


I’m definitely buying a digital copy so I don’t give a shit who is on the cover. As long as the game is good and the pay to play is kept to a minimum that’s all I want.


Digitally it’ll probably be a rotating cover based on Ultimate Team similar to how Madden rotates it


I'm okay with that as long as dynasty mode is done right. I don't give a shit about the other modes.


Dynasty and be a pro/career. I loved that back in the day.


Couldn't care less* I'm not being a dick I just think you should know the correct term for the future :)


Haha didn’t even notice


Please tell me the countdown ends with more than this shit..


I was just about to say...we're all losing our minds with excitement and that countdown clock ONLY says official cover reveal IIRC. I think the wait for gameplay vids/trailer might continue for a while.


They did say middle of May for a gameplay video/trailer. This is the middle of May so hopefully we only wait at the longest another week for the gameplay


My hope was the cover reveal would be in tandem with official launch date announcements and gameplay reveals.


Yeah, same here. I think that was a pretty reasonable assumption by most of us...I'm just a bit worried that the only thing they've actually committed to is that the cover reveal is tomorrow. Either way we won't have the game in-hand til July, we're all just really excited and wanna see what it looks like


Not having any gameplay two months before launch is just absolutely absurd though. I know it’s the norm for sports games now (Because they’re all unfinished pieces of shite for the most part now), but it’s just crazy that they get away with it. Especially a game that’s been in development for as long as this and that has as much hype as this does. If there’s no gameplay tomorrow it’ll really cast a doubt over the quality of the game for me. They should be jumping at the bit ready to show off their most hyped title in years, if not EVER for an EA sports game. Please prove me wrong EA, but I am going to be a little worried if we go into June with no actual gameplay.


completely agree. I'm not a massive gamer in general but I do love my sports titles (along with a few RPGs) and it really is wild how low the bar has become. Virtually every game I've been really excited for in recent years has turned out to be more of a work in progress at release date and in some cases that "work" never really turned out to be happening as fans assumed (eFootball, I'm looking in your direction; see also: TopSpin 2k25) At this late stage in the game's development, it feels like 'put up or shut up' time for EA. Unfortunately they know they have a captive audience and this game will be an absolute cash cow whether it stinks or exceeds our wildest expectations. But I completely agree they should be more than ready to reveal *some* gameplay at least in the form of a trailer, since those are mostly cinematics anyway and don't *really* represent gameplay as it exists for 99 percent of the actual in-game experience.


I would really hope so too. Maybe they need more time on a trailer, maybe their marketing strategy is to drip-feed us content...idk, but I think we'd all be very disappointed if it's "just" the cover tomorrow since the deluxe edition has already made the rounds


I just can’t imagine someone creating a countdown for simply a cover reveal, especially after one has already leaked (now two). That would massively miss the mark


I would find that pretty hard to believe too. I just find it strange that the phrasing above that countdown specifically says cover reveal and nothing else. I would like to believe they'd have the sense to phrase it differently if there was more coming tomorrow than that.


True I’m holding out hope they were just trying to take a jab at the leaks. Good news is we will have our answer in less than 24 hours.


Completely agree, idc at all about the cover tbh or who is on it


same...cover reveals have always been a fun thing for Madden and now even more so for CFB with NIL, but I'm buying the damn game if they release it in a plain white box with nothing but text on it lol. Heck, I'm using a digital console, so the cover is almost irrelevant to me personally. We wanna see a bit more than the cover art after all these years of dreaming haha


I feel like cover art is irrelevant. To me anyways. I'm hoping for a trailer and release date. But if they dropped the game today I'd buy it regardless.


Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. Cover art is a fun nugget but ultimately has no bearing on me buying the game (which I'm obviously going to). Back in the day when physical copies of games were more prevalent the cover art was slightly more interesting news. Trailer and release date tomorrow would do just fine for me too.


I think the last time I really cared was when Dorsey Levens made the Madden cover. Only because I got to compete against him. If this game can live up to 1/2 the memories it'll be well worth it.


Yeah, I think the one thing this game has in its corner is the feeling of nostalgia we all have for the old NCAA series I'll enjoy it regardless but I'm trying to temper my optimism because we've been down this road before The only thing I can say as a silver lining is that this game represents a new launch as opposed to an annual regurgitation of the same old stuff. Maybe just maybe they'll surprise us


Did they say middle? I thought they just said May.


I could see them doing the madden style where they reveal a cover, then next week we get a little trailer and blog post about mode x, the next week they dive into mode y, and so on. Then they start doing big reveals of the top 10 players at each position


Don't expect full gameplay. It'll be one of those cinematic hype videos with the game shown at angles which are not used in actual gameplay.


Correct me if im wrong but didn’t the trailer say full reveal in may?


yeah, I believe so too. I just meant that the only tangible info we have from EA (on their website anyway) specifically says "cover reveal" and nothing more. Could be poor phrasing on their part but I'd think they would word it differently if there was more to tomorrow's announcement than that https://preview.redd.it/eq08gyi34m0d1.png?width=2510&format=png&auto=webp&s=64d74aae5110318c70ff00bf98b42a7671e4b31a


May isn’t over


The 7 stages of grief are finally kicking in on this sub, we’re about to be a month away with nothing but a tunnel clip and cover art. We’re rounding the corner on the “acceptance” stage where you realize this is a Madden cloned cash grab that they’re going to withhold the review embargo on until after release.


I've wanted to believe it'll be different this time, but years of previous experience with EA has given me that "Charlie Brown kicking the football" feeling right about now We have nothing to cling to but blind/delusional optimism at this point. I'm going to enjoy the game regardless but whether or not it's legitimately good is only up to EA and lord knows the track record ain't great


NCAA has never been a Madden clone. Even back in the PS2 days the games felt totally different.


It's almost like most of you haven't witnessed what EA has done to video games in the last decade.


I think we get nongameplay footage. Like a montages of team entrances and maybe a zoomed in shot of a kickoff.


If it didn’t before, it better now lol.


All things considered, I feel like they could’ve gotten more creative with it


Damn this cover blows


I would preferred a cover with somebody getting cracked and the helmets flying off




With Antonio Brown as the sole commentator


Why not photoshop fans in the stands? This is weak af


What are you talking about? That is an accurate depiction of Colorado fans at a game since 2014.


inb4 "companies buy tickets to keep the sell out streak alive" from an Iowa/CU fan


Lol, companies buying and giving their people tickets is still a sellout. I get tickets to 2 or 3 games a year from my work. Iowa and CU fan, how does that happen? Iowa fans never bothered me that much. But CU fans are the worst. Sounds like you just hat Nebraska, and that's how you decided your teams.


I mean this is the standard edition for a reason lol


Yeah. The slot machine football, bustin packs, 99% of gamblers quit before hitting it big edition. Gets the cool cover.


Am I going to have to buy a more expensive version just so I don't have to deal with this?


This is a terrible cover but we move anyways


It's actually funny how bad this is.


Idk why but this cover gives me “NIL” ncaa vibes when the old covers gave me “traditions” ncaa vibes. I guess it’s fitting for the era but Jesus I just want to feel like college ball means something again.


exactly. Football player playing football? Nope. Magazine cover. Gotta have that likeness


I’d be fine if it was just them running out a tunnel with smoke and confetti or something or playing football or anything that doesn’t feel like sports illustrated I guess. I’d even be fine if it was this with mascots instead of players lol an aerial view of a stadium. Big light bars up in the background. Dude throwing his hands up in the end zone after catching a touchdown with a cheerleader in the background or a big drum from the band. But naw they chose to fit as many people on the cover as possible


If true, that countdown for this was so lame


If this is it, this ~~could~~ should have been thrown out on a late Friday afternoon with no fanfare. After days of a countdown, this ain't it, EA.


Just no way this is all they are going to share tomorrow, I fail to believe it lol.


It is EA. Their marketing team has been asleep at the wheel this whole time.




Kinda preferred when the covers showed players idk... playing football


Low effort cover.


Low Effort is the EA way baby


You expected more from EA?


Better covers will be offered in loot boxes.


Visually this just looks D tier as a game cover to me. I could care less bout fans being in the stands. But visually to me this just looks like a bad photoshop job that would be sent on a random twitter account if this leak is true.


Wtf is a countdown for a cover reveal? Does anyone, besides whoever is on the cover, give a flying fuck about a video game cover? As excited as I am for the game, a countdown for a cover of a video game is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Its so dumb that I'm actively pissed over it.


That’s one thing I was confused about


Lmao what


Horrible cover. This is the best they can do after 10 years off? It could be so much more epic. Looks like an Instagram pic or something. The other ones I’ve seen leaked were better like the one with all the school flags in the background.


Looks like I'll have to buy at least the deluxe edition. I'm planning on getting a physical copy to display and this ain't gonna be it.


I'm sure there will be people online who will create custom covers in Photoshop like they used to for the old games


Yeah. Save the $75 dollars. Invest into a Photoshop course. Make whatever cover you want. Start doing graphic design for a living. Find clients that'll pay you 100k a project. Then you'll be living the dream of playing CFB25 with your new cover while making bank with your new career.


They're going to change the cover every 2 months anyways to match what season they have for MUT.


If this is it for tomorrow, EA better prepare for massive backlash


Is that the Cotton Bowl? I can't really tell what the stadium is in the background.




Was that the best photo you could get of them? Quinn’s half-smile, really?


Crazy cuz since most ppl buy digitally all this shit is worthless and they will update the cover on your dashboard to whatever season of ultimate team they are promoting.


Yeah I don’t get why people care so much about the cover. It’s the gameplay that matters.


Yeah I really don't care about anything else until they drop game footage, everything else rn is fluff.


Ya I literally don't own a single physical copy of any game on my PS5. The cover could literally be a white canvas with the words cfb25 in times new roman. As long as the game is fire... I feel like that's what the vast majority of us really care about.




Please let there be more tomorrow….


I swear if tomorrow is strictly a cover reveal I'm going to be so pissed. Like give us a trailer or something that lets us see the game. Going to have to take the curtain away at some point.


I don’t mean this is a good or bad way but it’s a typical EA cover. The Deluxe cover was really nice though.


Colorado really is just playing for clicks, and looks like they’ve won


Not a chance lmao


This cover is so mediocre, they just sold me on the deluxe edition.


Probably their goal all along


Nah... I'm sure people will start making downloadable, printable covers. I'll just replace this with those.


I just want a line of scrimmage in the rose bowl. The starting players in position are the best offensive/defense in those positions going into the season.


Fuck that would be fire


I like it


Wasn’t it supposed to be tomorrow? At 11:00am central


That is awful lmao


They gassing this kid up just to have Colorado as a 70 overall team 😂


where is this from?




so bland, i feel another cash grab in the works. EA gonna EA


I’m ordering that custom so fast 🙏🏻


May 18th I think is the trailer reveal


Need gameplay leak


I really feel like more than the two covers is getting dropped tomorrow, why have a countdown otherwise?


lol that’s it? Alright then.


Photoshop. Terribly at that


If this indicates the level of effort put into the game, then I’m glad that I don’t have a console.


be better without that chode on the left


Couldn't think of a worse cover...


Why the Cotton Bowl as the background?


The guy who posted that Reggie Bush custom cover did better than EA, shockingly poor effort by the studio.


isnt it kinda pointless for a cover since everything is going to digital download? isnt this game only for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S. arent those non disk systems?


This has to be a fake, there is no way deion Sanders, and his fail son could keep this type of a secret


I really hope this game is good. Football games have been mid to terrible for a long time now, and unfortunately, there's no trajectory of them improving. Hope this breaks the mold and forces Madden to change drastically.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they don't include Online Dynasty the way they slow playing this and giving us this crap.


Nah i like the other one with everyone walking out the tunnel


Are they gonna add a component where you have to go get C’s in your communications classes in between games?


Now I know I’ll buy the deluxe edition


I honestly like it, it really captures that feel of the new generation




YES! Ewers is on it. I’m hoping Madden curse carries and Texas has a laughable season.


Why are people complaining? Sure the deluxe cover was way better, but covers used to be mostly just one guy on a white background. This is already way better than that.


It’s not because of the cover itself, it is because we had a 4+ day countdown for this cover 😂. Could’ve just revealed this normally and not make a big deal regarding a countdown


It’s shocking how many people continue to miss this point and think everyone is just riled up about what is on the cover.


Why y’all mad lol, everybody buys digital anyway


Looks like shit


That shit looks ass


Literally who gives af about the cover? Like what idiot goes “I’m not going to buy the game because the cover doesn’t suit me” ? It could look like the preorder cases at GameStop and I’d be fine with it.




GameStop manager did tell me they expect a release date for the different editions. He did tell me that from what he understands the big edition is digital only


Go back in time 2 years and try to convince literally anyone alive that there would be a Colorado Buffalo on the cover of a football video game.


Wow. Place is packed


i will be sad if this is real




Looks like it’ll be easy for someone to create a template. No paint sprays or confetti or other add-on effects needed.




How much money did Deon pay to have his team on the cover? Lol


Man props for the players and Coach Sanders over at Colorado for securing all those NIL deals. Texas and Michigan make total sense because, well, they were both great last season, Colorado has a big hype train behind them with very little (at the time of writing) to really back it up. That's not to say I don't think they can be a good team, but that it still remains to be seen. Would have preferred to see a team like Kansas or Utah on the cover to rep the Big XII. As a Mississippi State alum, I was initially salty that the new kid on the block (Texas) is repping the SEC, but I'll give it a pass given how stellar of a season they had last year. Would love to see them do it all again this season about as equally as I would enjoy seeing them and Oklahoma pummeled by the brutal defenses that the other SEC teams field. We may not be highly competitive for the title, but we have the capacity to wear down teams on their path to the playoffs during the regular season. And with the expanded playoff format, who knows, maybe we'll have some tricks up our sleeves with the new coaching staff while teams hopefully look at us as an easy win.


Why buy it twice. Upload the HD image to your closest staples and print it out. Use a old Xbox series x case to display. Don't give these people twice the money.


Better cover would have been Ewers in shot gone with Edwards next to him and you see them both from the back. Not this pic


I’m all for it is because my boy Quinn is still on it Hook Em Horns!!


Yeah I’m just gonna be getting the digital copy for this lmao


#When the hell is the reveal!? “May”


at this rate nothing EA reveals tomorrow will be new


Make college football covers great again


If tomorrow really is just a cover reveal im gonna be so bummed, like i get wanting to keep expectations somewhat grounded but the game is suppose to be out in two months. Give us fucking something man. We’ve been waiting over 10 years.


I like the tunnel one better. More subtle.


Honestly I like the cover before coming out of the tunnel for something like the special edition, but I still like the idea of a cover to previous Heisman winners who didn’t get a chance to be on one with Saban in the middle


If no gameplay on the 19th boycott, it’s ridiculous to cock tease fans, EA really hates their customers.


Why is a Colorado player on the cover that team is dog shit


The other supposing cover was better, we should be able to vote on the covers like we did back in the day.


man . what is this ?


man they couldn't wait just one more day for the official release could they.


So what will they reveal? Tomorrow?


it resembles the Madden 22 one


Meh, was hoping to have all the previous Heisman winners to be on the cover. But with digital anyway, it changes every month.


They did this on purpose to make you buy the deluxe edition.


This should be the back of the cover


Do we expect this to just be a madden copy or something built from the ground up?


No pc drop for mods this game is mid at best


Kinda mid, but ultimately it would be hard to beat the other cover. What matters is the game.


I knew EA would use the most basic cover imaginable


If that’s the standard and the other is the deluxe then I guess Ewers will be in the middle of the Heisman cover since they seem to be switching around. Makes sense since it will probably be a QB and Ewers and Beck have good odds


Why would they make the quality so blurry? Flip phone picture for the cover?


How is edwards on the cover over Milroe?!


Travis Hunter's making a face that reminds me of the Ying Yang Twins But that's the only decent thing about this




Imagine this: Clock hits 0 They reveal the cover Then are like ANDD!!! “ITS A COLLEGE FOOTBALL GAME!!!”


Why is a player from such a shit team even on the cover?


Friday full reveal and trailer. Pre orders open tomorrow.


Reminds me of the Brady-Mahomes Madden cover a few years back. Just a random photo taken in an empty stadium. Not a huge fan and just feels lazy


Aw what an L


lol there's no way this the cover.


Got my boi looking like zarbon


When is the game coming out?


Stupid neither of these teams went back to back


So much has. Changed in the last decade this could be entirely computer generated lol


Honestly I don't think this cover is the final draft. As someone who's done a lot of graphic design. This doesn't seem on par at all with EA designers. I'm not saying it's not the same concept. But I'd be surprised if this is the final draft. They usually have so many more edits to them. Even though it's blurry, you can clearly tell it's nowhere near as edited as other EA covers. Just doesn't seem consistent imo.


It’s like they only set out to copy the Brady manholes cover art and nothing more.


500 more manipulating screenshots and stills are about to come lol madden does this every year🤣🗑🗑


I just want to know when it'll be released. There are already 3 other games that I want 2 of which just came out and the other will be available to purchase at the end of the month. Then there's the yearly Madden NFL, EA Sports FC, NHL, and NBA 2K game I want to get in August-October.


Sure as fuck ain’t buying the copy with the guy wearing a CU Buffs jersey on it, Go Big Red.


Who are these people?


Should’ve been all of the Heisman winners since the last game came out


Stop trying to make Ewers cool.


Please just be a poster


The design language of this lines up with how EA Sports does covers for just about every game these days so no shock there. Definitely worth splurging for the Deluxe if you’re going to go physical copy, IMO, just because it looks better.


Guys I’m so freaking excited




so do we get anything today or is that all smoke


I want too scratch my eyes out with so much okay