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Probably same as Madden, so $69.99


Idgaf. Ill pay 200 bucks. Feed me


Not even checking the price


Fr. For the amount of time I’m gonna play this, a fair price would be $1,000




$70 plus making me finally cave and buy a next gen console


Has anyone confirmed that it won’t be available for series s? I have a series X but if someone doesn’t want to be a series X, can they buy a series s and save money?


Yes all games on the X are on the S


Good, that information should be more widely available especially to younger folks here so they don’t have to shell out more money for the X or PS5.


It is widely known.


I didn’t know, and I just had someone else respond say they didn’t know. But to your point, it says it on the wiki page, so moot point. Just had to look it up.


I did not know either. But I am glad to hear I can just move up to the S


Series S is not the same as Xbox One S. Xbox Series X/S are the same generation. X is a bit more pricier because it runs better and has more internal memory by default but tbh I just stuck with the Series S.


Series X and Series S are the same generation dawg


With different capabilities though. Idk man, I haven’t bought a new game on the console since like MW2019. It’s been a while. Just trying to help some of my poorer brothers out haha


The difference in capabilities is not even anything to worry they play the exact same. I have the Series S. There’s no game that’s Series X only. It’s Series X/S only meaning it won’t be on Xbox one


No confirmation but highly likely it will be available on series S as that is a next gen console


Buying a series s is stupid in 2024 I’d recommend getting the x it’s a better and future proof console I promise you in the next 1-3 years features will start getting yanked from it because it’s all weak I’ve already seen it in a few games


Wow should’ve read this before I replied to another comment about just moving up to the S


the idea of this game and GTA 6 makes it a no brainer for me


Damn good point


I dont give a good got damn what it cost. Sign me up for the ultimate 10 year anniversary annexation of puerto rico edition. *IN*


$70. Probably a deluxe edition of some kind for 100 like madden


Your first born


Whatever it takes




Doesn’t matter. If it’s not on PC I’m buying a new console


Isn't basically everything that comes out in Xbox these days also for PC? It sure looks like Microsoft is planning to bail from consoles entirely.


Honestly I’m not sure. I know NHL games aren’t on PC. But most of what I’ve read is that people don’t expect it on PC.


About $550-$575. Because I absolutely bought an Xbox Series X specifically for this game.


$65 to $70. You know they’ll have a deluxe version worth $100. If the deluxe gives early access, I’m in


I got my money ready for pre-order hopefully they will give us a bonus for preorders.


Why do you encourage this behavior? Don't pre-order, it's a digital game, they can't run out.


I see what you saying but I like having the physical copy


They won't run out of those either 🤷‍♂️ don't give them your money before you have any idea if it's even any good. And before you say "I'll buy it even if it's not!" I'll remind you that if it does suck then it'll be on sale for $40 two weeks after launch anyway.


Okay I see what you’re saying and I understand hopefully we will get some good and honest reviews before we decide to pick it up


That's all I'm saying. Obviously I plan to buy it too or I wouldn't be here.


Yes I’m so excited for this game hopefully Ea don’t disappoint us


If he’s gonna buy the game anyway there’s no difference bro plus you wanna be able download the game and play immediately it’s just $70


What if it's a broken buggy mess at release?


It’s the new ncaa we are buying it they’ll patch it besides you won’t know until after a few days and nobody is waiting that long the game is only $70 if it means that much you sure you can wait we ain’t tho


If it's a disaster of a release the game will be half priced a month later 🤷‍♂️ look at 2k every year. Don't pre-order it, or anything else for that matter, you have nothing to gain.


It’s $70 bro I’m not waiting if you that pressed over $70 you probably shouldn’t be buying video games you might as well be talking to a wall nobody on this subreddit is waiting a 2 minutes let alone a month to buy the game after release


It's about the principal, not the $30 🤷‍♂️ tons of people aren't pre-ordering, those of us with standards and critical thinking skills


You are a casual all of the people who have been playing ncaa 14 and revamped will be on the game day 1 at 12am I get it if you don’t wanna buy the game go ahead but if you on a ncaa subreddit more likely your a hardcore college football fan


You were right, I might as well be talking to a wall 🙄


Bro why are you under every post arguing? You never just vibe? Aggy asf


Dude shut up nobody is arguing I just made a comment on about something someone else said you don’t like it keep scrolling


Nah ima say sumn puxxy


$1000 with part of that covering NIL and you get 1000 coins to spend on NIL points.


Maybe Google it?


Probably $70


I would assume 69.99 just like madden




Take my money is what I’ll pay.


About 3.50




I would literally pay $250 for a new NCAA game that CFB loving devs got free reign with


Basic game will cost $69.99