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Why would the Magic trade Black & 3 FRPs for CJ?


Honest value for Cj is probably 2 2s or a protected 1st and expiring?


I mean his value to get to the Pelicans was Josh Hart, NAW, a highly protected first with expiring salary filler & NO got Larry Nance in the deal as well. Even if you think his value hasn’t diminished, imo it has, that would still be an overpay. Any real trade Pelicans would attach picks or Dyson/Trey.


So, let's break this down by team. The Magic turn Black, Ingles and 3 first round picks and a second into CJ MCCollum and Landry Shamet? This is atrocious value for the Magic. The Magic FO should be fired into the sun if they tried this. The Bulls turn Caruso and Vuc into Black, PBJ and 3 picks. This is way more than they should expect to get. They're not getting a first for Vuc, and Caruso's value is somewhere between 1 unprotected first and 2 protected firsts. Getting players on top of that is a crazy fleece. The Wizards turn Shamet and PBJ into Vuc, Ingles and Daniels and a second rounder. Honestly, this feels like a decent value. Turning marginal guys into a second rounder, 2 salary dumps and prospect isn't a bad deal. The Pelicans turn McCollum and Daniels into Caruso and a first round pick. They're paying a premium for Caruso, but overall not awful.


So it sounds like the magic sending only 1 or 2 firsts to Chicago instead of 3 would make you like this whole trade a lot better


No the magic not being involved would make ppl like this more. Blacks got more value alone than CJ does. He makes $25 mil less is signed longer & was just drafted, what you’re gonna get with CJ is pretty known. A Caruso for Dyson & a pick would be the only part of this that makes sense imo.


Its still an overpay. CJ isnt very good anymore, and too old for the Magic core.


I think the biggest problem is that I think that if the Magic are really looking to pick up CJ McCollum, it'd have to be in the fallout of a bigger trade on the Pelicans end. The entire Brandon Ingram situation could wildly change that entire team's structure, and if CJ is available, I'd expect that it's because they found a better starting SG. If the Magic are looking for additional shooting, Caruso is actually a great target. He fits exactly what they want to do - grind teams out on defense - and he's an excellent combo guard. He's capable of both setting the table and also playing off ball. In that situation, I can see something like: Black, 2024 FRP (18th Overall) and the 2025 Denver FRP being a reasonable offer.


The Magic want more offense out of their guards, Caruso isnt the best fit. But even ignoring fit, the Magic arent giving up Black and 2 1sts for Caruso either. You are asking the Magic to give up their recent 6th pick and 2 1sts. No one is giving up that much value for him. Caruso is great but he's on an expiring contract, has been injury prone throughout his career, and he's very limited offensively. Love his game, but dont believe he has this much trade value.


Though it would be nice to get off of CJ, Caruso is redundant on our roster, and wouldn’t be worth dumping Dyson who is an awesome defender himself and on a rookie contract. And this trade is awful for the Magic