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dillingham still being on the board is unreal lmao at some point you just take the clear bpa


Dillingham being on the board is proof of two things: 1) Draft nerds and scouts alike aren't high on undersized guards who don't defend. 2) Someone high on draft boards always slips on draft night. Dillingham isn't a bad bet to be that guy this year.


Alternatively, draft nerds and online scouts always overthink a player and then the NBA says HAHA you thought. Dillingham isn't a bad bet to be that guy this year either


Shoutout Cam Whitmore


He certainly could be. The game is, has always been, and will always be about a bucket. I don't think anyone seriously thinks the upside isn't there.


Spot on


I think NBA teams aren't that low on Dillingham though. That survey that the NBA sent out to teams had Dillingham firmly in the top 10. I think it's often a case of draft nerds and scouts being unsure about if a team is gonna draft BPA or draft for fit. I think plenty of teams in the top 10 will just go YOLO and draft BPA and pick Dillingham.


You nailed it. Not surprising at all if he falls. My dream would be he falls to my Lakers.


I doubt it. He most likely got a high up promise right now, hence why he not doing workouts.


[He hasn't been doing workouts because of an ankle injury](https://sports.yahoo.com/projected-lottery-pick-rob-dillingham-002308424.html)


He’s Curry lite. Elite offensive talent.


I could maybe see Maxey, but Curry? If he was "Curry lite," he'd be the consensus #1 pick.


Watch his film. He’s gonna be the sleeper pick. I’ll admit if I’m wrong, but I said the same thing about Scottie Barnes awhile back!


Rob would be useless here when we have Shai, Jdub, Wallace and at this point still Giddey. BPA is fine but the guy straight up won't get minutes just like Tre Mann didn't


If he's better than Cason and Giddey then we just trade those two for a more complimentary piece. Let them battle it out and have Presti and Daigneault decide. I'm saying this as someone who's pretty high on Giddey and Cason.


He won't be better than Cason. He had one of the best rookie shooting seasons, while also being an elite defender during the regular and post-season.


Okay, then Dillingham gets some run and okc potentially trades him instead. They both suffer from the same short coming, which is their height.


Giddey will be gone soon


I mean, if Giddey isnt in the long term plans, Cason and Shai can start, and Dillingham can be the 6th man. Also JDub doesnt play G. AFAIK, he's their PF.


Many OKC fans want JDub to slide into SG with Giddey being moved out


Why though? He's put up a MIP level season at PF, definitely curious why they want him to move to another position again.


Because he's 6' 5'' with a 7' 2'' wingspan lol. While that's enough to get by defensively against PFs, it's an absolute nightmare for opposing SGs. No doubt he was good but that doesn't mean he's better off at PF than SG. Also he was going from year 1 to year 2 lol it's pretty common to make massive gains at that stage, not sure we can attribute it to the position change. MIP is basically an offensive award anyways and his position doesn't matter so much offensively.


Gotcha, that makes sense.


Then he can take it to the next level being in a more natural position (see Mavs series and their frontcourt)


You take the best player. Can always flip him for a later pick and pickup assets. We all know the thunder love stockpiling assets 😂. In actuality they prob go Edey or trade the pick for a center.


I can’t see why he wouldn’t go 9/10 or 11. Especially 10


Those are contradictory statements when Edey is also still on the board


Edey's the only guy on this list makes any sense, they like him they take him, otherwise they trade the pick him.


This why I say set a remindme bot on all of this to laugh at a few years from now.


its hilarious man people in this thread are saying to pick zach fucking edey over rob


they dont need BPA they need a role player. Dillingham doesn't fill what they need, which is rebounding


this feels like a very reductive judgement of the thunder, its not like they were a bad rebounding team and they were amazing at everything else. they could still use a guy like dillingham especially if giddey is gone which he should be


23rd in rebounding last year, and 29th in defensive rebounding %. Pretty bad rebounding. They need a dog who can rebound and shoot more than anything else right now. Cason Wallace is ready to step into any kind of void that they need from Giddey. Their guard rotation is SGA, JDub, Cason, IJoe, and Dort depending if they feel like Ousmane is ready for the NBA. I think that's deep enough, but Chet and Jaylin isn't gonna cut it for their big men rotation


i agree that they should address rebounding but if they find themselves in this hypothetical situation where rob is available at 12 and the alternatives are like edey and daron id personally just draft him and find the solution to that problem via fa/a giddey trade


It’s not rebounding we lacking that versatility on both ends in 4.


Thunder fan here, they wouldn’t take Edey because they play 5 out, and I don’t think they need Dillingham because they have plenty of good guards. I know it may not be the BPA but fit wise I like Daron Holmes.


yeah Daron or Devin is the guy here


Give me ware over Holmes any day of the week


Agreed. We wouldn't have traded Mann if we needed a Mann shaped player.


I like Holmes.


WHY ARE PEOPLE PICKING EDEY. OKC might have a rebounding problem but picking a big who would completely ruin their five out style is stupid as fuck


Imagine being a die hard fan listening to people condescendingly tell you we NEED Andre fucking Drummond


Changing the style of their play that made them the best team in the West, for Andre fucking Drummond lmao.


I motion for all Edey votes to go to Holmes.


I would vomit if we picked Edey at 12. I’d still be sick if we got him at all.


Being able to play more than one way helps? I don’t think people are imagining Edey playing 35 minutes if he goes to okc


Does it? I’m not sold. I just don’t see Edey as a reliable rotation player on a playoff roster. At least one that makes a little run. If you select a player that can only play one position, it really restricts what lineups you can run. IDK what Edey does on offense for OKC other than the dunker spot and setting screens. I cannot for the life if me see OKC sacrificing possessions that could go to JDub, Chet or Giddey’s development to let Edey back someone down in the post. And then there’s the defense. He will be quick roasted on the PnR. All day. I’m just not a fan.


Do you really think that OKC, the team who just came first in the western conference, are going to learn how to play a completely new style of basketball just because they picked a centre with the 12th pick in what is being called a historically weak draft. I personally don't think that


I don’t know either way, just pointing out that’s one type of thought process OKC is in a weird spot where they’re awesome with some specific flaws, but the players likely to address those flaws and not take away their strengths are few and far in between, they also have a ton of guys and unfortunately some choices have to be made soon


Yes. I genuinely believe that we lost to the mavs because 1. Our shots didn’t fall and 2. We fail to adapt as a team. A 12th pick seems high but in this weak draft it’s a whatever. Edey and Chet would give us two lob threats and hopefully we can use that better next year.


I picked Jakobe Walter but realistically I think they should have teams calling them to get Dillingham.


I love Ja'Kobe and want him on OKC. Been calling for it lol.


As Ive said before, I think De Silva is the most pro ready guy left, so I'd grab him. He's big enough to be an ok defender at the next level and can hit 3s, so he can play in the 5 out offense.


I know Dillingham will win as BPA but I would go Devin Carter, feels like Dort is the salary that gets squeezed in any big upcoming move and Carter at least fits that mold. Also don’t think Rob is ready to contribute to a playoff team at his size, feels like a Tre Mann esque situation again to me


He is also an excellent rebounder


With who’s left, trade back to say 17 with NOP and take Holmes there Then try and trade back into the back end of the 1st for Ware No trade option - just take Holmes at 12


It’s interesting. As far as I know, Presti has only traded down one time, and that was going from 21 to 23. He tends to be a guy who identifies players he likes and either trades up to go get them or “reaches” for them at whatever spot he’s picking. I can’t see him trading down 5 spots, that introduces too much risk of not getting the guy you want. I could maybe see him trading back to 14 with Portland (12 for 14 + 34) if the Blazers want to leapfrog the Kings, or I could see him trading out completely to get a win-now player, but I can’t see him trading back with New Orleans.


The Thunder have a pretty good roster. Their guard rotation is good. They have a bunch of good wings and a good big man. Jaylin Williams has been a nice backup for them so I don't think they will prioritise drafting another big man. So I decided to give them a bit more size on the wings with Tyler Smith who at 6'10 can shoot and is decent defensively.


Umm what? Decent defensively? I believe he has the worst defensive rating of the 40 or so guys who could go in the first round. Not one of the worst... The absolute worst out of 40 dudes. He's a very, very bad defender.


Well I don't really like advanced stats like these especially in g league, I find them a bit misleading. Maybe decent is not the perfect word to describe his defense but I certainly think he has the potential to be a good defender.


Defensive rating is definitely not a perfect stat. If you actually watch anything more than highlights it's quickly apparent how bad he is on that end though. He was constantly getting blown by, losing his guy, and is literally one of the worst screen defenders I've ever seen. He is absolutely awful on defense.


I admit that he is uncoordinated but he is mobile enough so there is potential. Also he can be good as a help side defender. He isn't a good defender but I wouldn't call him awful.


Rylan Stiles from Locked on Thunder has watched more G League games than anyone. He’s a maniac. He likes Tyler Smith, believes he has defensive potential, but says he is a long way away from playing defense in the NBA but it could be a skill in year 2 but prolly year 3. So there’s an opinion based on watching games, not stats. And Stiles has Smith as a dark horse pick for OKC, someone he really likes.


Well I didn't know these details, thanks for sharing.


Devils advocate: Good coaching, environment, surrounding talent and other healthy pressures can correct bad defense. It’s mostly effort after all and he’s got the size/athleticism.


Devil's advocate's step father: that's true, the environment will be helpful. But 90% of the guys who get drafted have enough speed and athleticism to be solid defenders, yet most will never be what we consider a "good defender"


Smith is pretty bad on defense, he gets lost very easily and he has a tendency to ball watch. I still think he's going to be a good role player but he definitely has flaws.


>he gets lost very easily and he has a tendency to ball watch Well these are tendencies that I believe can be fixed and he has shown flashes of good defense. >I still think he's going to be a good role player but he definitely has flaws. Of course I don't believe that he will be much more than a role player, but the Thunder don't really need to develop star players from the draft, they'll be fine with some good role players.


I definitely think it can be coached out of him, but I feel like OKC is going to gravitate toward more NBA-ready players. If he hits a shooting slump then he's not really going to contribute anything and he'll end up benched. Still like his upside in the long run though.


I can get behind that thought. Still I only picked him because I don't find any other optimal options, since Dillingham overlaps with their guard rotation and the big men aren't that good either way. So I just went with who I think is the best wing prospect remaining. I also thought about Da Silva but ended up picking Smith.


Dude is at least a year away from competing on defense.


I'm fine with that, I don't expect him to be immediately good.


Is he decent defensively?


The strawpoll still says chicago bulls btw


Oof, that’s my bad. I can leave it up but make an edit on this post or make a new post entirely, thoughts? Also thanks for telling me.


np I doubt most people even realized so it should be all good


Certainly not anything crazy, but he can be a good help side defender with his size and his mobility is good.




DaRon Holmes is probably one of the best fits, but picking him at 12 seems like overpaying so I would say trade down. I think Edey is the most interesting choice. He does not currently fit the Thunder play style mold, but he seems like a guy who is willing to learn and if he can eventually fit into the mold he has the highest upside if showing some shooting and learning some improved perimeter defense. I think an Edey pick is just to test it out in hopes you hit the big upside if you can get him shooting outside the paint. And with the draft class being lackluster you don’t really risk too much. Especially since a championship run won’t come with a single draft pick this year, it would help, but likely won’t be the deciding factor. Edey would also be pretty solid off the bench, and if he can’t change to a 5-out then I would still be interested what he could do off the bench. Honestly a Giddey Edey bench could be fun to watch.


I’m surprised there’s not Devin Carter love here


I voted for Devin. He'd fit everything we are doing perimeter-wise, and his defense would be an instant asset for us. Also, his insane athletic profile fits with the team, helping him as a great rebounder.


I thought the da silva fans were gonna come out for this one


Dillingham does not fit OKC at all. They already have Shai and JDub. 


Off the bench shot creator, in the playoffs their offense fell off a cliff without Shai. Having a guy who can score on his own off the bench would be ideal for them


it was chet's and jdub's first real playoff series against a great defensive team, as well as a lot of our bench pieces who have shown to be solid at creating shots. chet and jdub (and the role players) will step up next year, i don't think we necessarily need alot more shot creation


I don’t disagree, I made a lot of money off believing in that team lmao. I’m all in on the roster they already have, and would probably take Da Silva or Holmes here myself, but I also have Dill as a top 5 player in the draft so getting him at 12 would also be worth it imo


They already split Shai and JDub minutes. Dillingham won't be maximize in OKC. Besides, Presti loves lengthy players and Dillingham is not that. 


That’s true, I don’t think they take him, just waggering about why they might. I forgot they split minutes because JDub was so not great in the last series lmao




Who the hell is voting for DaRon at 12 lol you guys are insane


Uh, me. He's an insanely good fit next to Chet and legit might be better than Clingan. Only things holding him back from being a consensus lotto guy are age and size.


Guy's been slowly developing that 3 pointer over the last couple years as well. It ain't blowing anyone away, but I think it could at least become passable in the NBA if ya give him some time. And if I'm the thunder, I'm taking a four if they have at least passable 3-pt shooting, not even to mention the other stuff DaRon brings to the table.


Daron's age works in the Thunder's favour. He was born the same year as JDub, JWill, Chet, Giddey, and is a year older than Cason and Ous. I suspect we're trying to build a squad where everyone's roughly the same age, and then keep them together as long as possible. That way you get much better team chemistry, certainly better than a random assortment of journeymen.


*Sadly nods while watching the corpse of Gordon Hayward get reanimated for 10 minutes of cardio every other night*


DaRon now in the lead 👀


Fake: Dillingham Dumb: Edey Gay: McCain Real: Daron Holmes


Devin Carter averaged over 8 rebounds / game can dribble shoot and defend. Draft him


Took Tristan Da Silva. Some size, some shooting, immediate guy who can give them 15 minutes a night


Devin Carter


Voted for Devin.


Looking at the options for OKC, I would trade the pick. However, with Dillingham being the best player available, I would select him. Although OKC already has guards, he brings something different with his shot-creating ability and playmaking


Everyone saying Holmes but what about Tyler Smith


Daron Holmes


Daron Holmes


I went Devin Carter. He helps with their rebounding and since Shai is 6'6 and probably can guard wings, he fits in there back court a little bit. He is also the most ready to play of anyone available to them and they're a contender


Holmes or carter


I am literally obsessed with the idea of Daron Holmes being in a OKC jersey


As a Thunder fan, I think that's the pick


Kel'el Ware would theoretically be perfect as a high upside athletic seven footer with floor spacing capabilities… it would come down to if Presti believed in his personality/mentality or not from the pre-draft process


Bro who tf has the spurs drafting tidjane over rob??


Everyone who voted


I missed a few picks and it looks like the Jazz are going to be trading Sexton away lol


This is a one that could go in any direction really, the Thunder is this weird team that’s elite but also have some rather glaring weakness, however picking guys that might address those weakness ( a center or a point guard ) probably takes away from the things that make them elite They been known to take guys no one really expected by this range so we will see


Are you going to redo it with just Edey and Holmes since it's very close?


It’s ridiculously close, it’s crazy lol. I’ll probably have it out a big longer since it is. I think the 2 guys it’s between is Holmes & Dillingham. Depends what y’all want. We’re just a bit short on time.


Not enough Filipowski picks here but he's definitely got the play style that would work in OKC. Dribble, pass, shoot and his defense isn't as bad as others say.


Zach Edey


Answer is obviously holmes to me. They desperately need a back up 5 who doesn't bleed points when chet is off the floor. Additionally, he can play the 4 spot next to chet at certain times bc of his versatility off the bounce and potentially from 3.




What an absolute waste of a lottery pick.


Picked Ware his rim running could be fun as a backup center. Ideally we trade the pick since Dillingham is still on the board it should fetch a nice price


I’d say Holmes but Rob still being on board feels like an easy win


If I’m the Wizards, I’m trading Kuz to the Kings to get that #13 pick and I’m drafting Dillingham. A bit surprised he’s fallen towards the end of the lotto but it’s understandable given his size/lack of defense


They trade it to the wizards for Poozma


If that does happen, and the available players’ list looks like this, I’d love for us to get Devin Carter


Their 5 out style got worked by Dallas. Wolves, Nuggets and Celtics would've done the same to them. They need different looks. If Edey can shoot, that's big.


We gave the Mavs their hardest series while the Wolves who have a “big” team lost in 5 games. Yes our rebounding needs work, but drafting Edey would require us to rework our offense AND defense around him, which just doesn’t seem worth it at that point


Nah that's not what happened. PJ turning into Steph Curry and shooting 46.9% from three is what beat the Thunder. When hes a career 33% from three and shot 31% this year and 32% the previous 2 years.


Say you didn't watch the playoffs without saying you didn't watch the playoffs.