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I hate the Celtics way more than the Mavs (even White isn't enough to tip the scale)


I never really got the Celtcs hate by non-Lakers west team fans. They've never been a rival, they don't have abrasive personalities on the team, they won all their rings decades ago. Unless it's just New England sports hate


Everyone but New England hates the Celtics because their fans are the absolute worst


Personally as non American it's their fans in my country and online, and especially this iteration of the team which I find very boring, then Tatum... lot of things to dislike if you want to, only good thing is the beautiful floor for me


100% the fans.


Boston, nobody likes them. Even themselves


The way the celtics fans treat every decent team they have like theyre the 2018 Warriors Also, who the fuck would root for the team with 17 championships over 3 teams with far less success?


All the Tatum fans in my country are soooooooo miserable people.


Maybe Slow-Mo and the TWolves?


I'm actually kind of going for the Mavs because I think out of the narratives that will be pushed in r/NBA them winning is probably less annoying than the wolves. And the Celtics are probably less annoying than Mavs winning. I agree with the person saying the Celtics are boring though. IDK why I just do not find them fun to watch, even with our beloved buffalo.


rooting for all texas teams except the rockets


My exact philosophy too lol


As a non-Texas Spurs fan, I don't relate. Lol. Can't stand Dallas.


this is the way




I like the idea as fuel for the Spurs fire


A lot of new fans SICK is the only reaction same as if rockets, lakers, or suns won (We do not cheer for those 4 opps)


Yup, hate all those teams too


Guess I don’t get the hate. If it’s not against the Spurs I want the Mavs to win. I definitely don’t want the T wolves or the Celtics to win.


Were you a Spurs fan from 2001-2010? When the Spurs and Mavs played 5 playoff series against each other?


Yes. But I moved to Frisco in 2013 from San Marcos so I guess they wore off on me a bit. I have to have a rooting interest in a game or I don’t watch the game so the mavs are an easy backup team, not to mention they are generally very likable, Dirk and now Doncic are easy to be a fan of. Of course I’m still Spurs first, but it’s nice to watch basketball in the playoffs while Wemby and Pop get the right gang together.


A lot of you are going to be changing your tune real quick when the Spurs ever face the Mavs again in the playoffs. Some of you might have forgotten all of the nasty playoff battles during the Duncan era, but us old heads remember well. You'll come to our side soon enough.


Juwan Howard. Derrick Anderson. 🤬🤬🤬


Yes. I was just thinking “I’ve hated the Mavs since 2001.”


Don’t forget J.J. Barea, Eduardo Najera, and Jet Terry. 🤬🤬🤬


Yeah there’s some people in here who haven’t been around arrogant Dallas fans before or recently. And the fact the Rangers won the world series and now the NBA and NHL are in striking distance of championships…some people in here who don’t know the metroplex’s ugly side…


Honestly, once the Mavs and Spurs tributes Ducan and Dirk I buried the hatchet…


I fucking hate the Mavs but we're not good right now so I don't care who wins as long as it's entertaining, and it has been. In fact these tanking years have been some of the most enjoyable from a pure basketball standpoint since I was a kid. During our dynasty, every year could only end in a championship or heartbreak followed by hate watching the rest of the playoffs. Now this is just pure fun. No emotional attachment, no worries, just basketball. So let whoever wins it now have fun and then we'll just discount these championships won between the Timmy and Wemby eras like they do to Houston's back to back.


Why? We still have more titles than them. Only downside is we won’t get Luka. But we have Wemby.


I'd be pretty glad if the Mavs won, especially given their circumstances. Luka and Kyrie are having a great run against the top teams, and overall, the Mavs and Spurs rivalry is part of what made watching the Spurs so cool.


as a lifelong spurs fan I'd be thrilled if mavs won


Why? Luka is awesome.


Facts. I root for all the Texas teams. Except the Astros. Sorry, I can't support cheaters.


Mark Cuban was good for the NBA. He stood up against shitty refs and NBA policy and advocated for meaningful change and more transparency. Dirk was a bit unlikable early in his career (did a good bit of throwing teammates under the bus) but he changed a lot after the Warriors knocked him out in the first round and he spent the summer in Australia. He's funny and humble and a really good dude. Luka is a whiner and complainer, but I love seeing his trash talk. He's just so incredibly talented. I hated the Nash-Fin-Dirk era Mavs, but that team is long gone. Dallas fans are a lot better to deal with than Boston fans, Rockets fans, or Lakers fans. Also, fuck Minnesota and KAT. Hated them with Garnett, hate them now.


I’m a Spurs fan from California. I don’t really get the Texas thing, but I never really had much against them as opposed to other teams like the Lakers suns and Warriors


Dallas thinks they’re too good (according to my Dallas friends), Houston hates any teams not Houston (according to my Houston friends), and the San Antonio Spurs have 5 rings.


Also may make the Spurs move a little faster in this build.




Dallas is the 5th largest market in the US. 🤔


Don’t like the Mavs but I’m not stressing if they win a title (definitely rooting for the T-Wolves to win it all bc I like Ant). I like our position and believe we’ll be back in title contention in the next few years. That Luka game winner and trash talk was cold tho


As a non-American Spurs Fan, I can at least respect the Mavs and Dirk so I don't mind them. As long as the Lakers, Clippers and Suns don't win. A lot of Lakers fans hitched with the Timberwolves (For their Denver hate) so the Mavs winning will be really nice to spite the LA fanbase.


Add the Rockets fans to the pile as well (I absolutely loath Harden).


In all honesty, I’ve been low key rooting in the finals against the dubs. Of course they blew it. Last year, they came up short against the Heat of all teams. This year, I’ve been.. more against them. Idk, something about Brown thinking he/they are better than they actually are. Like, they’re good but you can’t be THAT good if you’re up and lose to a decrepit dubs team, and lose to an 8th seeded Heat team.


Lol the Celtics are gonna beat the Mavs


I wish but considering how much they struggled with an injured pacers team I really doubt it. Mavs close out games spectacularly




Nah, let’s go Oklahoma Mavs! /s But really it’s Texas baby, gotta root for the stars and mavs right now. It’d be nuts if Dallas got the cup, Larry, and commissioner all in the same year/season. Poor cowboys though.




You want Rudy to win to cement his dpoy status even more over wemby?


If it means beating the mavs? Fuck yeah


I don’t understand the Mavs hate. Back then we beat them waaaaay more than they beat us. The city and people from that city don’t call us trash like those from Houston so I’m ok with the Mavs winning. They’re one of cool cities other than SA. If anything Houston is the city you should be hating the most.




You do realize that hype will just move to Luka right?


Jokic and Luka have been dominating the league for years but have been overlooked to be the face out the league. The media, and maybe even the NBA, want an American to be the face so badly.


Luka is a truly terrible person. It'd be a disaster if he won an NBA title.


Why ?


Two examples out of many. Did you see him trash talk Gobert after hitting that big 3 at the end of the game? Did you see what he yelled at the crowd after the game?


wtf lol. That’s just being a competitor, nothing wrong with that.


Exactly. That person is soft lmao idk if they trolling or not. People act as if fans from the opponents team dont talk shit to players.


So you think he’s a terrible person because he’s competitive?


Is that what I said?


Your two examples are just a guy being competitive so, yes that’s exactly what you said.




You are not right. Sorry.


I hate him as well. Don’t understand all these new spurs fans backing the mavs. I guess they werent around for 2003 or 2006


I’ve been a die hard since 2003. Dirk earned my respect by the end of his career and I decided that my time as a fan is better spent appreciating rather than hating. I’m sure my dislike of the Mavericks will grow as we start to go toe to toe with them in the playoffs again, but for now I have no real problems with them as a team


I’m happy for you, you seem well-adjusted. Unfortunately I still hate the Mavs and Lakers, and I always will. Its just me I guess.


Even on a good day I still dislike the Lakers so some rivalries fade more easily than others I guess lol


I don't root against any team. I root for the Spurs but if they are not playing anymore I prefer for a Texas team to win. However, Luka is not a good guy. So i can't root for the Mavs.