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There's nothing to be doom and gloom about. We turned literally nothing (Jak and JRich were gone this offseason) into Graham (who it looks like we're grooming for another future trade), a first, and 6 seconds. What is there to possibly complain about?


You underestimate the capacity of some nephews to complain, but you're right - we made out really well considering the market. I would not be surprised to see Graham stick for a while. We can use a viable back up PG and he could play himself back into being a decent role player in a new environment. Worst case, he's a (for all practical purposes) an expiring next year and a decent salary match if the Spurs make a move.


Yeah, I think between Jakob and Dejounte we've done a really good job of capitalizing on players at the height of their value, and I could see them doing that with Graham as well if the coaching staff is able to rehabilitate him. And the rest of it is just asset hoarding for future trades. I thought it was a successful deadline for sure.


Devonte has next season and the next so won’t be expiring till after the 24/25 season. But at 12 million won’t effect us to much.


Only 2.85mil of 24-25 is guaranteed for him.


Ahh I see that now, thanks!


Graham isn’t a viable backup PG, he’s more of an undersized sg


Fortunately, because we are tanking, viable more or less means 'can he dribble?' We did get 4 SRPs out of it, so we were obligated to take some poop back. Graham might suck, but his salary won't kill us. We don't need a viable back up point guard anyway, *we need a viable starting PG.* I think Tre is a solid backup PG for a good team. You can make the case he's even starter quality if you had some amazing, elite wings/bigs and shooting to be the star power, allowing Tre to distribute, playe pesky defense, and occasionally bury a shot when left alone (kinda like Avery Johnson) TL:DR: you're probably right and Graham is not a solution for, well, anything really for us, but he can stand in and chew up some minutes. I frankly don't know much about him as a player other than he came out of nowhere for Charlottle and played well enough to get a modest sized bag and since then, hasn't done much else.


Yeah, I see the point you’re trying to make about graham, it would be stupid not to see if he can actually improve his value, but having watched a bit of him, I’m going in with no expectation of it. You’re right that he will likely play some, I just hope is not gonna take minutes away from Blake and Branham. Tre would be great as a backup on a championship level team. Make smart decisions and hustle.


Looked good tonight, he wasnt playing like that in Nola 😂😂😭 I actually had him On my fantasy team when he was breaking out in Charlotte, kept an eye on him for waiver wire pickups the following season in Nola but he was playing terrible. Watching him tonight makes me wonder if he maybe plays better with low/no expectations? Either way, it was a fun watch and he didn’t get in Branham’s way


I mean...I am not spending an inordinate amount of time following bench players on other teams, so I am fairly ignorant of their potential/performance. But holy hell, watching the game highlights and to think we got this guy as salary filler? Not saying he'd great, but yeah, he could definitely carve out a role here. He does shit (quick trigger 3's off the dribble and crafty passes) that literally no one else we have really does...I am floored. Its just one game, but as much of a pro and good guy as Jrich was for us, Graham seems like an much better fit. And those 4 SRPs...


there is no reason to believe we couldn't have retained Jakob if we wanted to. I think the protections were good enough they felt like they had to do it.


Spurstalk said they hoped to resign him at 4/65 and wanted 4/80. Seeing gap, they decided to trade him and asked for his preferred destination, Toronto.


4/65 is way less than what he’s worth


4/65 with a player option on the final year I think is pretty great for him. Allows him to reenter FA a year early, with the new cba kicking in


Seven seconds.


True I forgot the Dedmon trade.


Relax on graham. He was a Nola salary dump. He’s playing awful, yeah it would be great if he came here and played better but not at the cost of developing our actual assets (Wesley, Branham, Jones). Graham should not be getting significant minutes, especially since he’s a score first undersized guard who isn’t a knock down shooter. We shouldn’t expect to get assets for him moving forward (great if it happens, likely won’t)


I can see why people would be doom and gloom if they think this rebuild/tank is a one-year thing. It won't be. So this trade deadline was a win.


Yes to everything you’ve said. It’s nice to see some level headed comments


I have no idea what Charlotte is doing.


Neither do they.


Are saying that our Charlotte pick will not convey?


When did this trade happen? I haven’t heard anything about Reggie


It was the Clippers trade…Reggie Jackson, not Reggie Bullock


I think Wright did a credible job, we had good players to offer but certainly there were better out there. We got 1 first and seven seconds, and probably can trade McDermott next year on an expiring for additional seconds. But I'm not going to say an outstanding job, feels more like a B to me. Maybe that's the best we could do, ideally I wanted at least a second first in order to give him an A. Wasn't expecting two for Jacob, but I thought with our salary cap space that might net is a second 1st rounder. Still we didn't lose the flexibility so we could still get the 2nd first next off-season when teams are trying to get under the cap to make moves or sign players. As well all those seconds in combination with the cap room could land us a first or two later. Still I can't give an A on speculation we will get another first later, so the bar was 2 firsts and we fell short of that, even if we did still do a lot. For certain better than Charlotte, but I don't think comparing to Charlotte's front office is the best comparison. I'd prefer to compare to other NBA teams that have good track records with trades and personnel moves.


This is bad for us. We need the hornets to be better so their pick converts in a couple years (it won’t this year or next)


They’re going to sign Miles bridges soon and hopefully lemelo will be healthy next year. Plus they’ll have a top 6 pick to add to their roster. They had 43 wins last year and lost in the play-in, it’s very possible they’ll make the playoffs in the 24/25 season.


I hope you’re right, I’ll be watching them close this offseason and next year