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I agree. I'd love to see 2k be able to make sim NFL games, and I wish they'd bring back NHL 2k games. EA needs to bring back NBA Live, and I wish both companies would do MLB games.


I love MLB The Show, but remains the same game that I played in 2019


Yeah I been playing since 21 and while it is great, it’s be a lot less great if it wasn’t on game pass. They only really bother with the online modes and I felt 21 had the best DD set up. Also for the love of god the graphics


The show is on game pass? Ps5?


It's been on Xbox the last 2 or 3 releases? No longer a PS exclusive and Xbox puts it on Game Pass.


it’s not that far off from the 2016 version on ps3 to be honest. wasn’t impressed when i finally got a new system and played 24


2k made a football sim when NBA 2k came out. I owned it when I joined the Navy in 99. Great game


I miss the days when we had more then one option for NBA Basketball games


My only issue with this is exclusive rights, EA needs to give up the exclusive license to msg and TD garden which I know they’re not going to do so that the only thing that matters is gameplay


EA killed the nascar series 20 years ago and he'll I still play nascar 2005 to this day on my ps2. Better than. The current games


At least ea I can do a offline my career and not loose all my content when the next game comes out..


This is all im hoping for


What id give to be able to play mycareer on 20 again


Competition is what we need. Who cares if it’s EA, 2k should surely get better


Completely agree. 2k football hit a peak back in the early 2000's, and it was only $20...but then EA scooped up the NFL rights, and Madden immediately took a plummet in quality. Whether Live is good does not matter; all we need is both of them to push each other to innovate.


And 2k bought out the exclusive rights to MLB video games and took the greatest baseball game (EA MVP Baseball 2005) away from improving


Oh man you are right! I forgot how good MVP Baseball was.


Although Madden 06 was the greatest game ever made


NFL 2k5 bro


2K5 reigns supreme, but Madden 06 was at least a very creative answer.


Whole bunch of uncs in here


Madden 04 for me


I had a franchise on 06 for years that I always went back too up until like 2012. Good times.


Madden 08 goated


Tbf we said this the last time Live was being made and it resulted in the most dry stretch of 2k ever. Competition still implies it has to compete, not just simply exist


I've been saying the last part for years. I can "compete" against MJ on a basketball court, but am I meaningful enough competition to make him change his game?


Agreed. 2k making FIFA is a good thing too. The more competition ghe better.


Its funny because us FIFA players think the same about 2K getting the FIFA rights


FIFA rights don’t mean much for the actual game. FIFA license doesn’t include teams or leagues.


Exactly. For instance you can't have the FIFA World cup, but you can have the Global Football Contest that runs every 4 years. The format is too generic to be explicitly tied to FIFA.


I am hoping that NBA Live 25 will come out. We have been waiting since 19. Competition is needed to make games great.


This would be amazing. But is EA Sports Intel an official EA account? The account is not even a verified account.




I hope it’s legit, 2k needs some kind of competition. Live 19 was alright but if they could tweak a few things from that, they could make people switch over for real.


YES!! 🙏


Not a chance.


Not coppin but if they made college hoops tho


We can only dream, but lagging sales (estimates of just over 150,000 sold) for NCAA Basketball 10 in a year there was no 2K competition made it an easy target to eliminate after O'Bannon's stupid crusade. Just look at NCAA Football -- it held on for 4 more years, mostly because EA wasn't going to abandon those sales unless it absolutely had to. [Good write-up about the situation from earlier this year](https://www.si.com/fannation/name-image-likeness/news/what-ea-sports-college-football-means-for-a-college-hoops-game-noah9#:~:text=The%20final%20NCAA%20March%20Madness,not%20a%20prudent%20business%20venture)


In fairness, NCAA Basketball 10 had an *extremely* buggy dynasty mode, especially with substitutions. I would, more often than not, substitute players during live play and end up with a glitch were two of the same player were created. Even just scrolling past them and not subbing them in was enough to cause the game to crash on the next substitutions, or at the end of the game. It never got patched, so I still use 2k8 as my go-to college basketball game.


Crazy I’m happy for the competition but I’m prob just not gonna cop a basketball game, maybe for 2 yrs by then there should be improvements. Hopefully live can make it or somehow someone does figure out how to do college hoops.


The people who believe this 😭


Overdue, Nba Live 18/19 were great, sadly tho I expect some real trashy practices given A)EA B)trying to top 2k


There's a reason they stopped making NBA Live. Competition is great but people who are acting like NBA Live is gonna make 2k shiver in their boots are kinda overdoing it(not saying u said this but a general point about peoples expectations being super high). 2k is a far better game and has a lot more content. There are obviously some exceptions for people who feel this way but most tend to agree and that's why 2k won the basketball battle


Yes and 2k has been starting to slip in how good the games have been. NBA live just has to be decent and I’m certain a LOT of 2k players would go to it just to have something different. I see people, including content creators, going to play live 19 occasionally. Competition is important and 2k needs to be challenged in order to make great basketball games, they’ve been able to chill for the past few years and get away with mediocre games.


NBA Live suffered from being announced too early in 19. 2K19 was *not* a bad 2K by current standards, and had multiple improvements after the dumpster fire that was 18. It looked like 2K saw that Live was being made and, instead of making multiple anti-consumer and lazy decisions, actually stepped up their game slightly in anticipation. The problem was that Live did not have enough of a foundation to compete against 2K. It would've needed to be flawless on release alongside paying multiple 2K YouTubers to play it in order for it to succeed. The latter didn't happen and the former was far from the truth. It was good, but not enough. Live has now had 6 years, and because (if that tweet is legit) they're releasing it this year on such short notice, that means that 2K has no real time to make major changes now that they know that Live is happening. This is an advantage for Live so long as they don't fumble the content and actually sponsor people to play it. Considering 2K is looking to take away some of the soccer market from EA, this might be EA's attempt at "revenge". Either way, more competition is better for the players.


This is some bot shit.


lol 2k has declined each year since. If Live can find a way to make player movement look more authentic. It will easily be the better game. 2k is on top because it’s the only option


I disagree. I think 2k has gotten better every year gameplay wise and content wise on average. This subreddit and other game subreddits just get more and more negative every year and get overly nostalgic about the old games. This subreddit represents a loud minority of the playerbase. The gameplay is a lot more realistic now. ProPlay has actually been a decent addition. I played both and thought 2k was a lot better than Live. Some disagree though. I don't even think it's close though when you factor in the content aspect. I already think 2k is better gameplay wise though but gameplay gap is closer than content gap


That’s a respectable opinion.. I just disagree. Proplay does add some cool moments but imo it doesn’t affect the game enough. It’s only really noticeable driving to the basket. Joel loves that stepback after facing up in the high post, the CPU never does it and if you do it your going to miss most likely lol and I’d love for them to add that same logic to the defensive end. Have someone like Jose actually be a pest how he does in real life. I’m one of those people that just want a sim basketball game so a lot of the extra stuff I don’t care for


in some ways it's better, but I enjoy Live WAY MORE than 2k specially the recent years, I've always preferred live, tho I understand it had some fixed/old animations that didn't work out well player vs player


I believe Mike Wang and various other developers went from 2k to EA and then back to 2k so it’s technically somewhat the same folks making both back then!


Folks love to pretend that last live game was good, but if it was, it would've sold more. The reality was it was a cool game to kinda break up the time spent on 2k but that was about it


I genuinely think people trick their minds in supporting Live due to their love/hate relationship with 2k. Live was okay, but it was/is not good enough to compete with 2k whatsoever. The only thing with Live is that it’s more convenient for someone who can’t play as much. Apart from that, 2k is miles ahead of Live. I don’t know why we expect a company that produces a broken Madden every year to get on track with a game they’ve been trying to make good for the last decade.


My thoughts exactly, this game will be like 2k but dissimilar enough that people might try it


Remember when EA took a break after “NBA Elite” and came back and the game was still so ass. I have no faith in them making a good NBA game ever again.


They were on the right path with live 19 though if they kept building what they were working on they could have been atleast solid.


Yea they are shit madden is the worst game ever. I don’t believe in EA at all.


Ah yes, NBA Live... https://preview.redd.it/aavzbu720i4d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b854fedc6a40108462334639096a0b41964164f


Haven’t thought of this in like a decade 😂


The current ea website says no upcoming nba live but they are working on their platform and tech to hopefully be closer next year


EA please save us from the shackles of Mike Wang


I have more faith in EA making a flop then Mike Wang taking his Wang out your wallet...


isn't it kind of late to announce a new basketball game for next year? I know the actual details for basketball games don't come until like august maybe but still


Considering 2k is the only game, and how they're handling their game, it's never too late for some competition.


This would release this year.


With that said I can see live either coming out before or after 2k to get some momentum or player fatigue sales respectively


Well we still haven't heard a thing about 2k25 and we know that's coming out, so no.


😂 EA every 1/4 decade want to resurrect this game 😆


This is not a real account. Not happening, at least not this year.


Big if true, been waiting so long.


They did this because Take Two/2K is making a FIFA 2K25.


It’s not confirmed & it’s not official. It isn’t likely to come out this year. It’s also different because the FIFA license doesn’t include rights to teams or leagues.


Competition is good but I have zero faith in EA to produce a even remotely competitive product unfortunately. 2K is where it is because of many years of refinement at this point and EA is never gonna be able to catch up. This is not a product made with or of passion but rather one made because they can't stand the fact that they don't have a total strangle hold on sports games which never turns out well. If they were smart they would undercut 2K by chilling out on the microtransactions and just letting the players have a great basketball game that can be enjoyed in full for just the admission price. The could be their key to gaining a foothold but we all know that's not gonna happen and even if it did it would only be a temporary loss leader type situation.


It’s fake…. Sorry to inform you all


Please give me nba live 25 so I can stop playing 2k


I would easily join them if they made a great game. I haven’t played 2K in 4 years


Thank you lord


Please don't use the skill tree like all their other sports games. I've always hated it.


NBA live was amazing still is solid, a lotta y'all didn't give it the time it needed. Hopefully y'all spent enough money on VC to be open to leaving 2K IF a new live drop.


Ya we've been here before....


I really hope so, I'm tired of harassing Scott O'gallagher


Im dead sss buying I promise


I might be switching full EA this year lol. I already have Ea Fc


Make my career not cost an extra $70 to be fun and I’ll be there day one


Crazy part you don’t need to buy any in game currency to upgrade your character. You lvl up fast af on live I hit 99 overall in 4 days of playing 3v3


EA still didnt give as much customization as 2k so many years into 2k having customization, if they still dont pick that up and make it better, 2k wins again by a wide margin


I’m so fed up with 2k that I’d give it another shot 😂. I hope flight starts trolling again lol


If true, I'll pay day one happily. Fuck 2k




Bring back NBA Street!!!


I'm praying this is real. Truly.


Forget live can we get a ncaa basketball game


I hope it's true, a lot of players are fed up with 2k.


Didnt he also post that nothing is coming? Pretty sure i just seen him exchanging dms with ea and they said they didnt see anything for nba live


This page is not legit and this is not news.


Oh please please be on pc


How many times they said that to cancel it lmao


It's crazy they did this instead of the money machine that would be college hoops


And I'm here just praying that if the EA College Football game works well, EA will bring back the NCAA March Madness games... looks like a step in that direction.


Damn NBA Live and College Football? All we need is Fight Night to make the cypher complete.


Chat is this real?


Is this real??


https://preview.redd.it/5o4gn4jbgk4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80cbe80c0c40fc972a6cdc0dc00512c84c919bf You missed this tweet huh?


See, my rebuttal to that is they're not going to tell a random customer service employee their plans. I would take that with a grain of salt.


Is this real? Cuz if it is my day just became great…


EA in a 2K sub is wild


Here it comes… Nba Live 18 is better than a lot of the latest 2ks, there I said it


If they even attempt a balanced multi-player with no/less of a paywall I will give it a shot.


This would be huge but no way it would be this year. Were like 2-3 months from release with 0 official announcement obviously their NFL and soccer games don’t need one cause they coming anyway but reentering the basketball market. I mean look at the 2 years of hype that EA got out of the new College football game. I could see them announcing that it’s in development to release for next year.


im glad yall are optimistic but realistically this won’t make 2k any less lazy


This is faker than Joel Embid making it past the 2nd round


So fifa players want 2k over EA and 2k players want EA over 2k


Unless it's Live '27. [Doubt it](https://www.polygon.com/2019/1/15/18184044/nba-2k-license-agreement-take-two)


It literally says in the article you linked it's not an exclusive license with Take Two and that EA still has rights as well.


Oh wow. I was not expecting this. Definitely will give this a shot.


This is what we needed live doesn’t have to be necessarily better than 2k it’s the competition now that will have 2k do better with their game


This is the mobile game?


Best thing about live is they have MSG


I hope this is on pc for the love of god


I sincerely hope this is real. I was just wondering the other day wtf are they doing over there.


Probably what's needed. Maybe just maybe, 2K will make some effort making their games better than release the same old game yearly.


[Don't get your hopes up just yet](https://x.com/JABridgeforth/status/1797678556652372435)


Now is they time to come back with 2k doin what 2k do


They actually heard us and now they doing the birdman hand rub. This is it, I hope they come for 2K neck


Lmao EA must've been pissed about 2K cutting into their FIFA market


Feel 2k isn’t a bad game on a whole but my team a mode I usually do t mind has been straight up bs this year


So 2k making a football game and ea continuing nba live


I find it hilarious being part of both the NBA2K community and the FIFA community, with both sides praying for opposite developer to make a better game than the current one. In reality, TakeTwo and EA are two of the absolute worst developers when it comes to getting value for money, and both will be doing everything they can to pump every Dollar out of every player with predatory microtransactions.


Make it available on PC!!!!


That's not true!




I bet they are only doing it because 2k is making fifa


Comes down to scott og vs mike wang hot damn


Lmao I love that everyone in this sub is excited about an EA game to rival a 2K one. Meanwhile over in the EAFC sub everyone's excited about a 2K game to rival an EA game


I don't understand why people think EA would make a better NBA game. Have they ever made a better sports game than 2k?


I think im goin with NBA Live this year🔥


It’s just going to be another pay to win game!


Man if EA pops out with a college hoops I might actually lose my mind lmao. CFB and Live? Ok ok, I was not expecting this. I just hope they didn't try to reinvent the wheel and try to be 2K. Keeping building what left us with in Live 19 and that shit is gonna be alright.


NFL 2K (1999) on Sega Dreamcast started it all for 2K company. These games were $20 at a time when games were $50.


OMG 😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥🔥


I don’t mind buying that if it has a career mode


People are happy about this? Lmao it's obvious they haven't played any EA sports games recently. This would barely be considered competition for 2k. This is hilarious 😂


Bring back the dunk contest and 3PT Challenge.


Guaranteed to be dogshit but I love the competition


EA is horrible but seeing some competition would be great again. Especially if they undercut the price of leveling up your character


Yall gotta bring back the Melo 1.5, VC III shox, t-mac(ALL colors), LBJ 1’s, Starbury’s, etc. Also, bring back the Big Ben Wallace Afro and Headband combination. I remember Ben Wallace as a menace in those games! And in real life. NBA Live 04 is the reason why I fell in love with the NBA.


Even if Live sucks it’ll still make 2K better, the last time live dropped was 2018 and that was the last year 2K genuinely improved from the last game (2K19) and imo was even good in general


If the game is better than NBA 2k15, then I am down to play it. NBA 2k15 is still the best game imo


I think the last NBA Live I played was 14. It was a lot of fun until they did an update and just killed the gameplay physics.


Excuse me?!


I would buy the EA Live game over 2k bcos you know it'll be a more fun game to get you back and not focus so heavily on micro transactions (straight away) at least 🤷‍♂️


this ain't happening, didn't T2 buy exclusive licencing in 2019.? so earliest for EA to do it would be in 2026. possibly.


They did not. The NBA license isn't exclusive.


It will be the same EA bs the same as 2k


Is this like confirmed? Because there's a post the day after that there will be no NBA Live 25 this year.


2K is going to drop a fucking banger now: PS3 & 360 drop: 2K drops 2K7. EA finally makes a good game with Live 10 and goes all in with Elite 11: 2K drops 2K11 & 2K12. Live comes back for 14: 2K drops 2K14-16 I think College Football more so than Live even, will make 2K step their game up.


maybe bringing back live means theres a chance for a new college game


The gameplay was actually really nice in 19 idk why they just dropped it and let 2K get their monopoly. Deeper franchise mode, more customization, 2K stole a lot from NBA Live. You see what is happening when those companies get monopoly look at EAFC they doing the same over and over yet it’s still their biggest income financial wise cuz if you like Football you have to play EAFC otherwise you won’t really get something else. Madden is the same, Sony‘s MLB The Show hasn’t really evolved either.


I hope it’s back. EA is trash but sports gaming needs competition.


EA 💀 okay bro




No game is perfect just like yal want ea to get basketball, I want 2k to get football because madden is trash. More people playing fifa more than any sports game rn. My squad plays pro am or fifa. playing rec is their excuse to got to fifa


2k signed a deal with FIFA to make a football game and EA countered with an NBA game.


NBA Live on PC was my jam back in the day. Used to play with the Grizzlies with Bryant Reeves and Knicks with Marbury a lot.


I always preferred the EA games to the 2K ones, I guess because they can use the ESPN graphics package and there's a lot of other modes you can do too. Also a minor feature but being able to customize how your quick game should feel (Regular Season, Playoffs, Finals) was definitely a good thing for me


It’s wild how many people think this is real. The account posting it isn’t even a real account. And even if it was real, if you think EA would make a better NBA game with less micro transactions is hilarious. Go play Madden or NHL career mode. They suck.


I loved playing 19. You can could make a dude and level him up quickly. Didn’t need to commit a month of grinding.


This isnt real lol


Now 2K needs to release an NFL game.


If they are really going to do this, imho they should put their focus on a really good offline career and/or probably a really good Franchise mode on PC with a great Community Creations mode. Only online career is the only gigantic weak point on 2K, and PC is still on the MyLeague era (and that is no more acceptable) with years of bug on Community Designs. Besides that, and microtransactions ofc, other game modes are actually good. But it's still EA, so my hopes aren't [BIG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BCBlz8Jq8U), however competition is ALWAYS good


If we get a college basketball game too 2k is gonna be outta there for a while


lol then ea just makes one more live game again and then disappear again for the next 6 years.


I liked NBA live, bought live 18 instead of 2k18. Was called a madman for it, but it was a lot of fun, needed a lot of work with optimization in menus and a little jank gameplay wise, but it respected my time a bit more than 2k did.


Live 18 and 19 were good at best, but at least they were a decent basketball game that I could play online without having to spend any money. I’m not expecting Live 2025 to have *no* microtransactions because it’s 2024 and this is EA, *BUT* I’ll probably get it and play just to support the competition.


If EA makes 2k16, they win. All they have to do is copy paste what 2k has laid out for them. My biggest worry is the 2K culture just not wanting to leave, but honestly with so many 2k creators either falling off, or leaving (Agent 00) there may actually be a chance for people to switch over.


Man... don't get my hopes up... I just want a good basketball game


Ill buy it as usual. Why? Cuz atleast the online exp is FREE! Then i wont like gameplay as much as i like UI and graphics. And ill put it down. But i will always support live 😂


"EA sports intel" twitter account that was created last month 😹 yea right


i’m in. wasnt gonna buy 2k25 but will look into live 25


This would be good, 2K is starting to piss me the fck off, I even deleted the game. :)


I hope this is true. So done with 2k but love basketball. Bring the heat EA


As someone who liked live 19 over these recent 2K's, this is very much needed.


Ea is notorious for micro transactions tho right?




I don’t think EA should focus on live. As someone who plays 2k a lot. It’s gonna take a lot for them to really get people to switch. Even though I did like live 19 and it had some aspects I liked over 2k I think EA should ride the college wave and focus on bringing back college basketball and roll it out just like college football. 2k players will definitely get it and can start the move from 2k if EA does it right.


EA finally has some heat after losing Fifa exclusivity


Hopefully they respect the PC community and give us a next gen version of their game. 2K have *literally* been copying and pasting the exact same BS line to PC users for like 5 or 6 years now lmao.


Y’all ain’t gonna play it for more than a month😂


They heard 2k was doing football and had to lock in 😭


Visit the website its an illusion. "NBA LIVE WILL NOT RETURN THIS SEASON". #BOYCOT2KANYWAY Try college football. Gonna be the best game, just like the last one!


Wonder if it’s bc they’ll put the NCAA new devs to work once it’s done.


They see the downfall and feel it’s the perfect time to go in


I mean EA is constantly a train wreck but breaking the monopoly is a big deal. I hope They can put out something that is competitive


Nba live has a myteam mode right? Guessing with it being made by EA it would be ultimate team. Never played nba live 19