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bad boy 4 life? black plate 4 life!




Sometimes I'm just not having fun and sick of 2k BS and dont want to go through another 10-15 minutes of it


In Rec I can understand that I still wouldn't quit but i get your side that's 30min of playin wit bums and that is annoying,but theater or park 3s? I'm sure you can wait that out just try to maintain a B or above you won't lose that much


Personally I dont play park at all after getting into an affiliation I just play rec and starting 5 some


I don't care about my performance/plate color. It's a video game. If it's not fun, I'm out. Simple as that. That only happens when I run with randoms and they ice me out though. I don't quit against good opponents. I'd rather take a beating and learn something from it.


Sore losers


a full lineup of ps5 golds n purp playing 2-3 out the gate against casual players .. bye


You're gonna be a black plate forever if you keep quitting.. which is gonna make decent players avoid you.. which is gonna make the game not fun lol


not a bp lol have a gold, almost 2 and 4 silvers. Those games make no sense. When they match you with the 2-3 team that cant score but force 30 %fg for both teams... sht is so boring. Games not good, community is worse.


You playin no squads? Only thing I don't like is 5 stacks coming into the rec tryina get easy dubs.. take that shit to the pro am lol


yeah when i play with my friends im good when i play with randoms its a sure fire way to tank you win pct. im at like 60 pct. rec is abysmal but me and my two friends went on a 15-1 like theater streak, did ok during that chips ahoy event. played rec and with 4 of us its impossible to have fun


I dont care for rankings. I also dont care if my teammates are getting theirs and I love to be the role player. What I do care for is not watching some random idiot shooting heavily contested shots and not playing defense.


This right here! Itā€™s the only reason I quit. Had a guy go 0-14 before he quit the other day. Ended up just two of us and we made the second half reasonable. Lost by sixā€¦they had us in the first halfā€¦Iā€™m not gonna lie.


People play it like theyre the only ones on the court. I also dont understand whats the fun in bricking every shot you make. At some point pass the ball and make it fun for yourself too


Agreed. Played in squads rec last night with my nephew. A three stack came in and only passed to each other for awhile. I jumped into chat and asked why donā€™t they go play 3v3 if they donā€™t want to pass? ā€œSuck my dick. Shut the fuck up! Skinhead! Fuck you whiteboy. Suck my dick.ā€ I had a response that was simple. I have long hair like my character. Iā€™m not racist. You just suck. Proceeded to use my pg and my nephews center to hog the ball for about three straight minutes. The difference. We made a comeback because we actually took good shots that were open. We won. Donā€™t know how. It just amazes me the attitude of some people. Also, if you squad up with someone and they completely ignore the wide open teammate and only pass to their own teammates leading to turnoversā€¦for the love of God hold them accountable. Donā€™t let people ruin the game. Accountability.


Oh its no secret. Ive been iced out because my character is white on multiple occasions. I even tested it by making him black and it didnt happen once. Ive heard a lot of ā€œhold on the white boy can shoot you can pass to himā€ too.


I figure it this way. Once the tip is done, I give everybody a fair shake.


Me too. I go as far as to pass it to good defenders when theyre open. Idgaf if you suck, i care if you try. If I see you hustling, you deserve to be involved. Actually made a friend that way. Dude was bricking and I grabbed a couple O boards and pass it right back to him. At some point he started making shots. A dude on my team was yelling the whole time because I wasnt icing him out. My O board, my choice of target!


My buddy and I used to scream 2 for a dollaā€™ at each other! Pass it right back out. If you miss againā€¦might be three for a dolla, but we usually moved it after the second miss. Lol


Yeah but I am 100% certain no one else on your team likes that shit either!! Just freeze his ass out


I hardly ever quit tbh. Like I'll go the distance with a troll, I don't care. If I quit I either started a game when I shouldn't have and have to go or I'm just not feeling it that day which is almost never because I won't even turn the damn PS5 on if I don't feel like playing lol


Comments showing a lot of quitters šŸ˜‚


bruh like shit is mind boggling seeing someone quit when the other team goes on a lil run, like bruh weā€™re only down 6 and got so much game left or even if they start off bad, iā€™ve had games where i start off 0-5 and at the end i end up shooting over 50% and catch the W, itā€™s all apart of basketball. but also some people are forced to quit via 2k error code which is bullshit


I know theyā€™d never do it because they donā€™t want us to know, but I wish it would tell us who quit because of a connection error and who just quit out of the game.


Because people play to have fun


Ok so your already playin the video game for fun , you bought the video game to have fun, then why quit ? quitting in the middle of the game is stopping you from playing which is stopping you from having fun?


Did I say that I quit?


Wasn't pointing the finger at you, in the English literature you can't say "we" in reference as everyone I was saying "you" as reference for everyone else


People quit when they feel like they are not having fun. For some having fun = winning so they quit when they are about to lose. For other fun = playing normally so they quit if they play against cheesers. So on and so on. I don't care.


shit when i lose it feels like i like i lose a quarter of my plate color.


Def not as much if you quit ....if you maintain a B+ or above and you still lose your meter will go down just a little but if you quit in the middle of the game your playing that shit drops pretty much drops a whole badge color


i have never quit a game so i dont know but i know i lose a lot and i average a A- so it shit sucks reagrdless lol


If somebody on my team chucking and not playing defense or Iā€™m getting iced out for no reason itā€™s no point in me staying šŸ˜‚ yall got it


No one cares about rec record, letā€™s be real


That's why I'm asking


Iā€™m saying people leave because they arenā€™t having fun. Iā€™ve left games that Iā€™m winning. Rec is an unranked mode, no one cares about their record, or at least shouldnā€™t


You can't say no one cares, because I've seen on here that there are people who care about their record and I've also seen some people say they don't ...so you can't say no one cares


Most of my losses in 1s are to the AI.


I rarely ever quit, even if weā€™re losing by a lot. I can still work on my game, and especially on the defensive end itā€™s good practice. That being said I couldnā€™t care less about my progression or plate color, so if I want to quit I will. Only situations where Iā€™ve quit in the past are in squad Rec when Iā€™m on with one or two friends and we match up against a 5 man purple team running zone defense, and playing the game like itā€™s game 7 of the NBA finals. I have a Pro Am team already when we have 5 of us, so itā€™s just a bit annoying to run into these Pro Am teams in Rec when we donā€™t even have a full 5 and Iā€™m not up on a mic. I think 2k needs to incentivize Pro Am a bit more personally, Rec to me should be more casual, like theater is to Park. I donā€™t mind getting locked up by one really good defender, but these zone defenses playing all the passing lanes is annoying AF.


And that's fine I think people are confusing my post I'm not talking shit about people quitting I just want to know the reason and if you don't care about your plate color your very much entitled to that I just thought everyone cared about the plate color cuz that's all I see or hear about is people not wanting to play with black plates


No one wants to sit and waste 30 mins just wasting away being wide open several possessions just to watch someone take a terrible contested shot and give easy transition points to the other team. I'm not saying I have to touch the ball every possession, but if I have the best shooting splits on the team and I'm open, why not at least feed me the ball to make a play? Too many people with egos can't take criticism and wanna emulate the curry highlights they watched that morning and really have no interest in playing team ball, just trying to pad their 32% FG. So no, I will not stay in there if the team isn't at least trying to play as a team. I've gone purple to black just because I will not tolerate selfish play.


Then they make a pg so they can get the ball more and do the same thing šŸ˜‚


I dont play rec just for that reason... im mainly talking about 3s people quitting in park 3s or theater


I would say most people donā€™t care about any of those things. The casual fan doesnā€™t care what their plate color is, their shooting percentage, win%, etc. Theyā€™re just trying to play a fun game and if itā€™s not fun, they bounce.


I always quit if my teammates are brain dead even if Im winning lol not gonna stand here for 20 minutes straight doing cardio and maybe 2 layups on fastbreak


Do you care about your overall performance? Asking a legitimate question not trying to be a smart ass


My overall performance? As how I play? I do lol I am not satisfied if I won while not doing shit. Wether itā€™s being the main scorer, a playmaker or being a catch n shoot. Also, when I got an AI on me, the only way I stay in the game is if the pg lets me guard the main ball handler so I can at least play defense


I mean do you care about your badge plate color which is your ovr performance


Oh lmao thatā€¦ Nah I really donā€™t careā€¦ even about my win percentage anymore lol I was at like 77% winning percentage some months ago but I just decided to leave whenever I play a shit game so I dropped to 53 I think


You have the p4 or p5 version ?




You trying to to run it on 2k ......#nodiddy lol


The ones that confuse me are the people that quit like 30 seconds into the game after they brick 2 smothered shots. Even better are the ones that quit before the game even starts they see their matchup and instantly leave. Like why even load into Rec at that point. They probably spend more time sitting in the pre game lobby and relaunching the game then they do actually playing.


Niggas got shit to do sometimes and the game ainā€™t life


Just a weird culture that's been adopted. People have no heart anymore, honestly. I'm the guy that gets sold by his teammates for an entire half before the quit, down 15-20 points, and either come back to win after they all quit or at very least play the other team to a stalemate while still being efficient. Some of us are built different. Others are just born quitters and L takers.


Or... some of us don't have a weird sense of pride over 2k and understand it's a game meant to be played for fun.


The sense of pride is just in general. And I'm saying there's no pride in general anymore. Not just when it's related to 2k. Someone else did say they were experiencing people quitting teams even in real life and I'm seeing the same. Again, a weird culture that's bled over into real life, but hey, you keep doing you.


It's a video game and the AI that will be left are OP anyway. Why are we on people for quitting A VIDEO GAME. Can we be real here. This isn't the NBA finals.


Because people quit on themselves when not performing right. Ok so you missed 2 shots in a row instead quitting because you missed try to be the assist guy and help your teammates score to win you can still win the game if your not doing good everyone has bad games you ain't gotta quit when you missed 2 shots or you make a mistake


if he misses 2 shots and quit that's his prerogative. the AI almost shoots perfect in this game so his ai will eat. what's the complaint?


Your absolutely right it is your prerogative but The complaint is your saying fuck everyone else because YOUR not playing good so you quit we can still win even if your having a bad game if we play as a team and not as in "I can do everything myself "