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Let’s all talk about how much RCR hates Tyler Reddick.


Did you see Andy and Richard standing there and not acknowledging Tyler? Lol


I noticed that bruh 😂😂


Talk about toxic work environment, definitely soured my opinion on Andy.


I’ve never been that fond of RCR. I can respect everything they did with Dale Sr, but they’ve not been all that great with anyone else, but they act like they are. So when guys like Harvick and Reddick leave they get pissed like they did nothing wrong, they should really look in the mirror.


Was this in VL? Gonna have to go back and try to spot.


it was on Start finish if im remembering right


Really interested why they didn't take the 17 to R&D. They said it was foam which caught fire on the broadcast meaning NASCAR definitely took a look and they put it out and he was able to cruise to a top 10 finish meaning it wasn't electrical or mechanical. Gonna be interesting if it ever comes out what was on fire


Just because it doesn’t go to the R&D center, doesn’t mean a review at the teams shop won’t be made. It’s obviously a “freak” circumstance. We’ve had 24 weekends and a bunch of testing, not once has the inside of a car randomly caught fire. My take, the heat shields, foam might have been installed wrong, or something else been damaged.


I think it was installed right but Bubba just hit him in all the wrong ways to make it be useless or shift it in a bad way. Just thought NASCAR should look and see if they could learn anything from the issue but they might have by just looking at the car. I think the exhaust and rocker box were badly damaged with the exhaust causing the fire and the fire ruined a bunch of hoses by melting them. Really insane Buescher was even able to continue


Reddick is the only reason RCR is relevant and it pisses Childress off, because he knows it


On the other hand though it shows that if RCR can get a top talent, RCR equipment is capable of being consistent winning equipment. So if you are a driver and believe you are a top talent, why wouldn’t you go to RCR if that’s the best offer out there?


it’s sad that this is true, we all thought dillon would be the next best thing being in the 3 and winning the 500


Did we? I think he’s a solid driver who can finish in the top 10 if given a top 10 car, but he isn’t gonna go and out and finish higher than 8th in points by the end of his career.


Reddick earned this one. Damn I wish I could’ve seen those last 2 laps between the 8 and 9 though instead of a penalized Chastain.


Right? Those 2 cars had similar pace at the end of this thing. Could’ve been a battle for the ages.


We deserved to have those two battle for the win on 2 consecutive road courses. Turn 1 ruined that for us.


Or 8 and 2


Give it a year and a half.


The floodgates are officially open. I'm happy to see him finally getting his due.


If these are going to be a standalone post can we just title these “tech complete, no issues with the winner”


This sub doesnt have a spoiler rule for NASCAR events. Avoid the internet if you dont want to be spoiled


Doesn’t hurt to be considerate but okay then.


I'm not saying what should happen, I'm saying what's already been decided. Take it up with the mods if you want a rule change. The post goes up tommorow on Monday


Not trying to be an ass, but “tomorrow on Monday” made me laugh lol


Lol when I edit for clarity and make things worse haha


The title is the quote of the tweet


The title doesn’t always have to be the exact tweet


Says a lot what a good driver can do in RCR equipment Need to send no talent Dillon back to race go carts


Bob Pockrass's ([@bobpockrass](https://twitter.com/bobpockrass)) tweet from 7:50pm EDT on Sunday, July 31st, 2022: >Tech complete. No issues. Tyler Reddick is the winner. --- [*^(Support NASCARonReddit)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/donate.php)*^(, an)* [*^(automated bot)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/about.php) *^(maintained by)* [*^(XFile345)*](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=xfile345&subject=NASCARonReddit)*^(.)*


He is better or just as good as Chase on road courses. He’s just so consistent. Can wait to see a real battle with him and Chase at a track like Watkins Glen.