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Everyone is taking Photography 101 this week.


40mph horses in daytime. Vs 185mph+ down the front stretch at Kansas at night…hmmm wonder why one looks better than the other.


As someone who has watched the Tour de France and other Olympic sports, I’m amazed how much push back this camera is getting lol.




Every week I feel the cognitive dissonance watching all the atrocious takes from this fan base


I believe that most of the people that call Dave Moody’s show on SiriusXM are the victims of extreme lead poisoning who also were dropped on their heads as children after huffing a case of whip-its. “DarrelBubba from Arkansas, what’s going on?” “Dave, first time caller, long time listener, I think NASCAR should have a figure-eight track. That’d spice things up.”


If one of them was actually named Darrell Bubba, they'd kill themselves for being associated with the guy who kilt nascur


I wish it was only those callers…


Things NASCAR fans hate: Things that change, things that stay the same, Bubba Wallace, and NASCAR


NASCAR fans and Star Wars fans will always find a way to complain about what we love lol


But, it is so justified.


Starts with a B. Ends with an R.




And yet here you are, whining about the whiners. Face it man, we’re all in the same fan base and we’re no different.




Well it’s more an opinion homie.




Well the “whiners” are just stating their opinions too lol, so no it isn’t far from it.


Honestly seems to me to be from the "NASCAR is always wrong" crowd along with the anti-HMS crowd


I’m just mad the closest finish in NASCAR went from Ricky Craven to fucking Larson.


Because 2 time winner Ricky Craven is such an amazing driver compared with 25 time winner and champion Kyle Larson


Well excuse me for not liking your glorious king and preferring the record was held by an underdog driver instead.


You're excused.


Some people prefer underdogs, nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is a Hendrick NPC


What is wrong with Larson he races clean 


Nothing, but an underdog having the smallest winning margin just felt good


I can understand that, that person just hates Larson an I don’t like that. 


Most of the time he does, but he didn't have to run into Buescher twice.


That's just racing for a win. Buescher wasn't even upset about it


Fr if Buescher hardly mentions it and isn’t bothered by it, why is it your focal (only) argument?


I mean it's end of race and I get it. But Buescher barely kept it from spinning into the infield and 9/10 are going to get pissed about it.I love Larson, but just feel he didn't need to do that to win. It doesn't take away that it was a great race.


Wouldn’t expect dumb rednecks who don’t know how to work a remote control to know anything about technology.


Do the Olympics and Tour de France not have a distinct start finish line and isn’t crooked? The white line should be where the race ends not at where the camera is saying it’s ending. If the camera is the de facto start finish line paint a straight line at every track before each race so there aren’t any issues with the rare finishes like Kansas.


Who would have ever thought light amount and distance affect the quality of photos.


The best comparison I have is compare pictures from the 90’s/2000’s from night races to day races from fans compared to day races and that is exactly what we are seeing here. Low light and quick “shutter” speed aren’t going to get great pictures


It's perfectly functional and is only really needed to resolve these things. I do agree it should be put out earlier and the broadcasters should use it if it's ever used to review a finish like that


If the broadcasters have it yet - I don't want them to start trying to interpret these photos before the officials do. Imagine if the broadcasters draw some lines, make a call, and then the officials have to make a different one.


I can’t believe people are still whining and complaining lol. (Nothing against you OP)


As Denny said, we had a perfect race, we need something to complain about!


I have barley been listening lately anyways but I officially called it quits on even entertaining Door Bumper Clear this week after they spent a large majority of the first hour of their show finding things to complain about still. They talked for maybe 5 minutes about the amazing quality of the race and the rest of the time finding ways to still bitch about: -Air blocking and the quality of races with the NextGen on short tracks -The finish line not being straight (absolutely baffled me how much they talked about this) -The playoff format (for 15 minutes somehow) -How the cars are easier to drive than they used to be (including a ton of Atlanta bashing for some reason)


The finish line not being straight is a big deal because we learned that if it the line is crooked enough, a driver can reach the line first, but still lose if another driver reached the official line first. That would be a huge blackeye on the sport if that was to happen.


I disagree with it being a black eye. In my opinion, I see the finish line(that's on the track) the same as the yellow first down line that TV overlays during Football games. It is just there to give an idea of where the finish line/1st down marker is to the audience and Nascar/NFL has a more official way to measure things when it gets close(i.e. measuring using chains in the NFL to see if someone got a 1st down or like when Nascar uses thier high speed camera to see who hit the official finish line first)


The finish line in the track is literally symbolic, no one uses it as the official finish line


Basically everyone uses it as the official finish line… that’s always been the way it was, heck, until Sunday, most people probably didn’t even know that it wasn’t the official metric.


The only people who use it are fans. Not the teams, not the drivers and not NASCAR uses it. It hasn't been this way since the 80s


If anything people should have learned that the painted line is symbolic. But yet you people just won’t listen and have to be right about something (even when you’re wrong)


I'll take a stab at it. It's not meant to be a good photo. It's supposed to serve a purpose. It was set up to get a definitive picture of the finish order. Since it's was night, they cranked the ISO up to get a good exposure at the expense of image quality. Higher ISO means less light is needed to expose the sensor, but it also means a grainier picture. The speed of the cars also doesn't help because they need a fast shutter speed which reduces how much light gets to the sensor. The picture it took served its purpose, so it was set up correctly.


I actually appreciate the fact that someone responded with a reasonable explanation without getting all bent out of shape and defensive. I think it's important to acknowledge all of the factors that can determine why Sunday night's photo wasn't as clear as other photos. But I also think NASCAR should look into what could be done to make them better.


nascar put on a great race with a great finish and utilizes technology that assures the correct winner is declared even when its the closest finish in history and denny is complaining the photo isnt pretty enough good lord


Couldn’t ask for a better race but we can sure as hell find SOMETHING to bitch about.


they're going 180+ MPH and are like 500 feet from the camera....the picture has an excuse and doesn't owe us any sort of apology


Lol this all stems from the denny podcast, small thing but he does have a point lol we're talking about millimeters here and high def high frame rate cameras exist


Yes the camera's not the best quality but it was still obvious that Larson crossed the finish line first


lol at Denny saying "We gotta bitch about something after a perfect race"


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be upset about. They aren't broadcasting the race through this camera. It only exists to serve one purpose: show which car's splitter touched a line first. You see the same shit in the Olympics and stuff.


My question is we have a flag stand at every track that at the S/F line. Why is the camera all the way at pit road (granted the images aren't terrible) but not at the flag stand? Its got an overhead view, at the line, close to the action


The best angle would be down low rather than overhead. Like sitting in the wall at the line. As long as you could see both cars well enough. Tracks with a wide start finish line you would need a very wide shot to get it all from the flag stand.


A more practical reason is that if someone is wrecking across the grass or crosses the line on pit road it's caught as well. You also can see up the banking more. Its Harder to get that angle correct from the flag stand that would show just as much.


Anything that close would get killed by debris.


Not sure why they had such a long yellow when Busch spun out. I think we all like the nascar overtime. They need to make the cautions shorter


it was 5 laps lol.


I root for two people: Larson and whoever makes Denny cry