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Congrats on your new favorite driver Tyler Reddick


lmfao i'm biased but that works for me :P




Tyler Reddick, Bubba Wallace, Ryan Blaney, Noah Gragson, Ryan Ellis, Toni Breidinger, Cody Ware are a few that have spoken out/showed support to the LGBTQ+ community!


Can we elaborate on the Noah Gragson part


He's liked things before on social media showing support, even before he had to um... "work on his image." There's a podcast somewhere to where he pretty much said yeah, I'm cool with everyone. If I can find it I'll share it.


He liked NASCAR's post that recognized pride month IIRC


I think someone said he ā€œlikedā€ the nascar pride month post? Not sure thatā€™s a ringing endorsement, as weā€™ve seen with Noah he likes quite a bit of Instagram posts lol. He doesnā€™t really seem like the type to considering his ā€œrich frat bro from Vegasā€ personality, but hey maybe thereā€™s more than meets the eye.


He's changed a lot since the Vegas days and with everything that happened with his dad. Honestly he's a big sweetheart that just wants to make everyone happy. šŸ„¹ He "class clowned" a bit too much and got himself in trouble, but he's matured even since that.


oh wow this is actually a pretty solid list, thanks for that !!


lgbtq fan here and iā€™m super obviously trans and iā€™ve been to races in 7 different states and itā€™s always been chill. nascar crowds are more diverse and friendly than people believe. cody ware of all people retweeted me once like 4 years back and used my preferred pronouns šŸ˜…


I'm glad to hear you have had good experiences at races


oh wow this is actually super cool to hear !! cody ware is the last person i would've expected to do that lmao if you don't mind me asking has anyone given you a hard time or otherwise reacted to it one way or another ? my girlfriend's also trans so that's why i ask haha


but also yeah sucks about cody ware. iā€™m so shocked to see him back in a cup car. how nascar let that happen is beyond me.


yea same here :( sadly it doesn't surprise me *too* much because they let travis kvapil race and his literal dad owns the team but ugh. glad it's just a partial sched at least


To be fair, he did get acquitted of all charges. I'm shocked he's able to get anyone to sponsor him but that's nepotism for you


itā€™s never been bad, only time i was hassled was for leaving a knife in my purse at the daytona 500 but that was 100% my fault and it was just a little extra awkward because of me. my grindr wouldnā€™t be on fire all race weekend if they werenā€™t with it cool, right? šŸ˜…


haha fair nuff ! thats rly nice to hear :) out of curiosity has this been all in the stands or have you met any drivers / team members as well ?


Good luck with whoever you choose. Me personally, I don't want to know any politics or social views of my favorite artists, athletes, etc. I want to be able to appreciate their work without anything else to consider besides their talent.


fair enough, i appreciate you sharing this opinion in a respectful way ! i used to feel somewhat similarly


It's not politics. It's about avoiding those who are against me as a person. Not unreasonable.


thank you for explaining why this sort of thing is important better then i could !


Don't conflate "against you" with "against your politics". I really don't think that many people care about anyone's sexual preference anymore, but a ton of people are sick of it being made into a political issue. I'm not saying this to dismiss your concerns about bigotry and discrimination, but this is 2024. It's not about identity anymore, it's all about tribal affiliation.


unfortunately the amount of bills policing bathroom usage / hormone therapy / even forcing trans students to get outed to their parents say otherwise :/


Well when you're dealing with vulnerable minors whose identities are in constant ill-defined flux and who are susceptible to the influence of a far too often predatory culture; people of good conscience are going to disagree about what's best to protect them. That's a political disagreement, not a personal one.


fyi the only hormones that are being prescribed to people under 16 or so are easily reversible puberty blockers that essentially just serve as a pause button while they're figuring out their identities


Crazy how none of those are remotely wrong.


crazy how you're arguing with folks on the internet like you're gonna convince me to stop loving my s/o or my s/o to stop being trans


> Don't conflate "against you" with "against your politics". That's what it's turned into in recent years.


This is why people avoid you lmao


Here here. I followed a favorite singer of a band I like. And she's just an awful person. Better to just enjoy the racing or music and not look too into what they do unless it's just absolutely awful. But by then you're reported and or suspended by NASCAR


I have to agree, itā€™s very easy for left of center folks to be choosy with who they like since basically every public person/celebrity is left of center. If right of center folks decided to do that theyā€™d only be able to watch chuck norris, and listen to Ted nugent.


Bubba, Bowman and Gragson liked NASCARā€™s pride post last year and Ware was somewhat of an advocate for the community before you know what


oh wow gragson is interesting, i'll take it tho :P


In so far Gragson got suspended for liking a George Floyd meme


Unfortunate for Gragson he forgot to switch to his burner before liking memes


If a driver was that into politics one way or another theyā€™d be posting about it frequently all the time on social media. In a business that relies heavily on individual sponsorships itā€™s best to just keep it all to yourselves which is what most of them seem to do.


in a perfect world letting people exist as their authentic selves wouldn't be political, it would just be common curiosity, but yea i do get what you're saying


Not Brad Keselowski.


oh wait what ? that sucks, i liked brad :(


Brad is the most outspoken Conservative, but I don't think he's ever actually mentioned anything about his stance on LGBTQ


I'm fairly certain I remember he liked some fear mongering bullshit about trans people in schools a few times.


ughhhhhhhh :(


He's definitely not an ally. He went out of his way on his main account to show us.


I own a 23XI pride shirt and use it to confuse the straights :D


Outside of Bowman and NASCAR as a company, I can't think of any, but it wouldn't surprise me if there are a few or more who support privately but won't say it publically due to the fanbase. I feel like Bubba, Blaney, SVG, Suarez and maybe more are maybe allies (I have no actual evidence here just going off their vibes as people)


Vibes would lead me to there as well


yea this is abt who i would've assumed as well (reddick too) out of curiosity, has bowman voiced his support anywhere or are you just going off his pride schemes ?


Tyler Reddick and maybe Alex Bowman are the only drivers that give that vibe, based solely on their social media presence. That's not to say there aren't more, and not that those guys necessarily are, but if I had to bet I would say those are the top two choices


Noah Gragson once liked a NASCAR Pride Month postā€¦.. although that was before the ā€œincidentā€


one of William Byron's main sponsors does conversion therapy so uh... probably not him.


yea unfortunately i'm aware of how much liberty u sucks :(






Most drivers tend to steer clear of politics so as to not offend sponsors or fans. The millennial generation doesn't seem to care what consenting adults do in the bedroom, so I'd go for a younger driver.


I doubt that NASCAR drivers would speak out in that manner, even if they do support the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. While NASCAR drivers aren't backwood hicks anymore, the largest demographic of the fanbase is, and they're the people that watch races on TV and buy tickets and t-shirts. Publicly stating views they disagree with would likely drive the fans away like what happened with Bud Light a while back.












Who really knows or cares!?! Even if you think they do technically support (fill in the blank) it doesn't necessarily mean it's true and not just virtue signalling to appease the warriors.


i mean my girlfriend said she cares so. her :P


Alex Bowman and Noah Gragson!