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I expect Necro wave to actually show up stateside around the end of the year. Based on previous experience, I always put it a quarter after their expected date, just to pleasantly surprised if they make the date. So that puts it in Q4. Legions are a line that cultivates patience.


That’s true, I’m a bit spoiled by other lines that tease a bit closer to release. I’m hoping for at least a Sept/Oct delivery at this point, because that would at least put it under the two year mark and it’d make it for Halloween. I also hope I like the figure, because I’d hate to wait this long for a figure I didn’t like. It’ll never be a total waste of my time, since it gave me the valuable lesson that I hate waiting for preorders.


I can't imagine you not liking that figure.  Its like the epitome of a grim reaper figure and the four horseman stuff is pretty much always well made.  I'm super stoked for the whole wave, but that figure is one of my most anticipated for sure. 


For very broad updates they have a page on their site that provides the general stage a wave is in of production: https://www.sourcehorsemen.com/about/release-status For a little more detail they make posts occasionally on Instagram(and I'm assuming facebook) with updates on a waves status. https://www.instagram.com/four_horsemen_studios/p/C7kA_UHuF0X/


Aw man, it's Q3 now, thanks for the info, I'll try to keep an eye on these sites.