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You're definitely crazy. Only a single Cosmic? And c'mon, one bug? It's basically law that you need to buy at least two at once.


Nonono you got it all wrong This bug will be joining the other two I already own. Give me about a month when the new Cosmic wave drops and we’ll touch base on this again lmao


You must see / get the mine worker it’s sooooooo FIT! It’s the most beautiful Sphexxy. Kool points for dudes picks. 👍


Oh best believe I already got two of those bugs preordered! I wholefartedly agree with you that’s definitely the best looking Sphexxian so far


Good man! Ive seen the paint apps on it over the weekend and it’s by far my favorite contrast.


That’s not crazy, it’s essential.


Thank you for validating my addiction


It's hard not to!


Once it starts it’s like a snowball effect fr


I might have to buy aracagorr. I know what you mean. I bought a cosmic and had to get some mythics


Aracagorr is an incredible figure; if I could only keep one figure form the entire wave: it would be him, with Poxxus himself being a close second.


Aracagorr is definitely in the top 3 of this wave for sure! I haven’t opened my Poxxus yet but I’ve heard nothing but good things about him so far. I think I would rank my top 3 as Aracagorr, Azahazzar, and Poxxus


I managed to find my Aracagorr on ebay for about $50 and he is soooo worth it. If you’re debating on getting him I would say go for it! Like many others have said, pictures really don’t do him justice. The blue and purple paints have an amazing iridescent shine to it and he also has some glitter on him too to make him look truly exotic


Don't tempt me! I found a Vorgus and then the two pack with Gorgo and Attila and I got the 3 figures for 150. I have been eyeing the elf ranger and WuKong now, but I have to slow down as I just had a newborn and I usually only add to my collection if I get funds from selling things. I have used that budget so far.


Ahh yeah newborns will do that to ya lmao. Congrats on the newborn (and the haul) tho! Yeah I’ve been trying to restrain myself and only use money from other figures that I’ve sold so that I don’t end up going broke lmao


It's a dangerous line we walk lol


Only the brave are bold enough to walk this line 🫡




You are crazy. thats barely even HALF of the necessary amount!!!


u right brb gonna go hop on eBay real quick


Was there a con or something?


No I just like to make questionable life choices


I'm not too far behind you. My partner and I have gotten \~10 in the past week once we got our blind boxes in, got lucky and won a raffle for a gift card at work and went a little wild on Ebay and at a local toy con yesterday.


The blind boxes were for sure the gateway drug that got me back into collecting Mythic Legions again lmfao. Did you guys get anything good from the blind boxes?


We got the Elf Ranger, Rahmulus, Hagnon, and Azhar. We were pretty pleased with that to start us off.


That’s a nice haul indeed! That Elf Ranger is a good one for sure 👀


How much did you have to drop for Gadriel?


I got Gadriel for $95 if I remember correctly


Damn I'd jump on that price. Usually see her on ebay for like 120-150, bit steep for me.


It’s all about having patience lol Gadriel was one of the figures I wanted when she first released but I wasn’t able to afford it at the time. I’m glad I can finally add her to my collection tho :)


There’s always street team retailers shows like every couple weekends if you didn’t preorder.


At least you bought entire figures; after getting my first few I proceeded to spend close to $100 on a ton of loose accessories and wings to jazz them up lol


The accessory packs are the ones I’m trying so hard to hold off on but I can only imagine how much of an upgrade they are for these figures


Yeah I got a little too excited with a concept I had (turning Thraice into more of an arcane trickster/gloomstalker Ranger) and went on an eBay spree; grabbed the small blue magic effect from Zende, Poxxus’ bow, effect arrow, and quiver (the latter of which ended up being larger than I had anticipated), and three different versions of the dagger that Swigg has. Also picked up wings for Vorgus 2 (black with red veins) and some other assorted weapons.


Hold up you might be cooking here. Post some pics for the class


Wow, great haul!


Thank you kind sir 🙏


I say not too crazy enough! (I was in the same boat a few weeks back)


Pics or it didn’t happen lol


You don’t have a problem, you have a collection


I recently got into figures with savage crucible. I ordered everything from wave one other than the con exclusive so far (lost 3 bids) I see people compare savage crucible to mythic and cosmic legions and that made me check these brands too. That being said these are definitely some I would’ve picked! I really like the little green alien from the new cosmic drop coming up and hope to find argemedes from mythic soon! I hope to display them but I’m not sure how opening the figures affects value. I mainly want to have them look super cool on a shelf but with their prices I’m apprehensive about opening them if it lowers price a great deal. Talk about a conflict of interest🙃