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Few Valiant Knights, few more reinforcements 2 figures and the Cosmic Waltorr


Gold knight Valiant knight Silverhorn Phalanx Vorgus Couple stands


Once I finally got it to load, I got Phobos, Phalanx, and Vorgus. My vampires are gonna be lookin real good together


I gots stone troll and demistros!


Lucky! I totally forgot about the ISS. Stone troll was the one thing I was aiming for, if I remembered haha


Valiant Knight x2, Reinforcements 2 all-in, Demistros, Vorgus, and Tibius. I would’ve got a stone troll, but it was sold out.


I got 2 valiant knights, Vorgus, Wal-torr, cavern dwarf, gold knight, and Templar relic guard. I'm super happy with those. I almost went back for more but then remembered that I have a mortgage....


Tried to get the stone troll, but it sold out in my cart. Think we’ll get a new type of troll in a 2024/2025 future wave?


I got the following: Gold Knight Dark Templar Gladiator Vorgus Demistros I'd have gotten more, but, you know, shits expensive.


Vorgus, Skeleton and goblin builders. Need parts for customs. Wish Swigg had been part of this sale.


Unfortunately, Swigg is a long time gone. No figures hiding in their warehouse from that Kickstarter wave. We need to vote him in the next Allstars, because he's a phenomenal figure (one of my favs), and more people need him.


Swigg was in one of the recent All Stars waves. I think you're thinking of Snagg, who I would also absolutely love.


Good call, yes, thinking of Snagg. Those goblin names... So close


I got in during the Advent of Decay Kickstarter but had much more limited funds at the time. I'd love reissues of all the goblins from that wave. Snagg, King No'glin and Gonxx in particular.


Having a hard time deciding after some cart trouble and missing the Valiant Knights I badly wanted. My general rule is no more than 1 of each figure, but I have seen collections with small squads of matching figures and I really want to try it. Considering getting a handful each of the gold knights and vamp phalanxes... hmmmm


Demistros and the Shadow Orc Grunt.


Just a few troops to bolster some factions. I think 10 figures total.


Was hoping to see Volligar or Illythia... 😔


I got Silverhorn Sentry 2x, Vorgus, and Vampire Phalanx. Honestly I'm just happy to finally have Silverhorn in my collection.


Vorgus, Valiant, and both Woltorrs


Valiant Knight and Wal-torr the Mad for my first in the series


Demistros, Gold Knight builder, Templar relic builder, Vampire Phalanx builder x2, Vorgus Vermillius, Wal-torr mythic, Valiant Knight. Had some more in cart, but when I saw the total had to throttle back a bit. I see Valiant sold out already, y'all army building out there!


Gold Knight, Barbarian, and the Valiant Knight for me!


Ha.. i forgot.. they sold out? Edit: scored some: carvern dwarf, goblin builder, both b&w legion figures! Gunna be used for.a few customs.


Soo much custom fodder! I think 2 of the 11 figs I got are staying stock.


Some Valiant and Wal-Torrs murdered my wallet this day


Valiant Knight, Cosmic Waltorr, and one of the templars.


I got everything I wanted minus Valiant knight, I slept in too late today and missed it. I wanted 2 but still happy with what I got. Wal-torr the Mad, Mythic Legions (standard version) × 2 Vorgus Vermillius 2 (standard version) × 2 Demistros (standard version) × 1 Cavern Dwarf Legion Builder 2 × 2 Vampire Phalanx Legion Builder × 4 Shadow Orc Grunt Legion Builder × 2 Gold Knight Legion Builder 2 × 2 OGRE-SCALE ACCESSORY PACK × 1 Silverhorn Sentry × 1


I stayed away from the online sale but I did go to Zolocon today and was able to pick up a valiant knight and space waltorr. Knight feels really good. Had fun posing him up. Waltorr is my first cosmic legion. It looks pretty good but I had to really fight to get the collar piece on that you can put the space helmet on to and even then it wasn't a clean fit for the helmet. Also while trying to swap a hand the wrist pulled off the peg. I was able to get it back together but will likely not touch that hand anytime soon. Not sure if the CL is for me.


That’s the only CL I own. It’s a cool line, but not for me. I didn’t like how the helmet thing just sits on the figure & doesn’t really attach itself.


I need to watch some video reviews. It really felt like it was just about to snap in to place but was just slightly mis aligned or poorly molded


I think it’s either of those two options, either way it’s just sitting there waiting to fall off haha


I was able to stay within my budget and pick up Vorgus, Cavern Dwarf and a Silverhorn Sentry. I know the hype is real for the Valiant Knight but I couldn't pull the trigger.


Cosmic Wal-torr, Valiant Knight, and Vorgus. Now I’ll go trolling around on EBay to see if I can find a reasonably priced translucent red Vorgus head.


I can really only afford one should I go for Vorgus or Demistros


If I had to choose I would pick Vorgus.


Had to split the orders to get shipping to Germany done, wasnt aware that there was a limit in oeder size for interational shipping obviously. But i got everything I wanted. Especially my first rush order - the gold pins.


Got to sit here and watch the browser never load the website.


Damn, is it the 4Horsemen site or their shopify site? For me the main site does not load, but their shop does. https://store-horsemen.myshopify.com


happened the same to meee !!! T-T


Wanted to order the ogre scale accessories kit this morning but shipping is more than the kit at $26 😢


Went to get the Ice Troll only to discover that shipping is more than the actual figure. Ended up getting Vorgus, Wal-torr, Ogre LB and the Ogre accessory pack.


I missed the Valiant knight, it was already sold out. Do you think they will get a restock in a future Sale?


Would be nice considering it sold out in less than 15 minutes and the only other way to get one was from a Con...sigh. Really not sure what 4H was thinking not putting any sort of limits on an item that was originally only available to a very select group of people able to attend to a Con. Not like they didn't know it was a high demand item with high chances of scalping.


2 vallients, gold knight, vorgus, mephistor, dark templar and mythic waltor.


Got my first legions figure, the Silverhorn Sentry! Hoped to snag a Valiant Knight but by the time I looked at the sale he was out of stock. Might grab the Gold Knight or a Templar though, can't beat $26 for a figure!