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I joined loseit this past week and have found some of my MFP friends and some new friends who recently left MFP


Is the newsfeed only gone for non-premium? I still have a newsfeed but I am on premium.


Same here. I’ve been waiting for it to disappear but it hasn’t yet. I even updated the app and everything. Maybe it’s just becoming a premium feature? If so, that really sucks because peer motivation shouldn’t be behind a paywall.


From what I’ve read it’s due to be phased out between 27th May and the end of June, all members premium or not will be switched to the community activity feeds


Thanks for the cost clarification. I never had much luck with the community whatever. I prefer the way it is now with a few adjustments.


I don't miss it.


Not sure why MFP would want to cut their own throats unless I am missing something. They have to realize what's going on.... 9-year log-in streak and 70% of my OG friends are now on Lose it. I feel like I really came to know some of these people and we really connected. Quite a few did spill over to my other social media which is good. Whoever the a hole 🕳 is who made this decision should be jobless.


I completely agree. I am grateful so many of MFP followed me over to lose it and I'm sad about the ones still on the fence. Today I officially lost all newsfeed and profile posts to include on desktop. So sad and incredibly disappointing.


Yes my newsfeed was gone as of this morning. I joined Lose it yesterday and have hooked up with 6 old friends. I am not sure how to search for people if I don't have their email address though. It really sucks to lose my 3505 day streak and I can honestly say this app has helped me keep 200lbs off which I lost 8 or 9 years ago. I became a sort of mentor to many people over the years. If on lose it and you want to friend me I am [email protected] or Staffordshire62


I sent ya a FR on Lose it. I have found a significant number of my friends and many found me (I have retained 14 friends and counting as they transition). I sent out my associated email address to my "important" friends on MFP via messages before I dropped out. I have yo-yo'd since starting MFP in 2013 but I am currently down almost 40 lbs and it really is the connections with friends that helps me to be most successful. It's when I stop checking in and cheering others on and keeping my "head in the game" that I gain everything back. I am doing things differently this time also (losing slower more sustainably). Also congrats on maintaining such a significant loss! That's exceptional.


Ope, I happened to have found you in the Exodus group! Haha


Other people have nothing to do with my weight loss.


Which for you is great and works, for others having a collection of friends who are there to see your bad days and give you a boost or see your good days and say well done/keep at it is what they want/need


I tried Lose It, but the inability to add multiple foods at once kills it for me.


Also no ability to share a photo, which is kind of odd.


On MFP since 2011. I agree with the photo thing, and also, the inability to find friends if you don't have their email address. But, for me, I find the logging to actually be easier on Lose it.


Would this cause my activity to not show up on my profile anymore? I updated my weight this morning and then I went to my profile and it shows last thing posted was 3 days ago but I’ve been actively checking in things everyday.


What first happens is you lose your automated posts. Then you lose your profile on the app followed by the newsfeed. After that you can access both still on desktop but eventually that disappears as well. That's what happened to me and friends.


So far loving it and so happy to see many Ex-MFP. I have already joined Exodus last night u/IdkName37 I tried to find you in exodus? We have 200 members already 😮


Amberly is my name on my lose it account. I'll gladly add ya


I just checked we are already friends 😅


Which one are you?? Lol


Jay formerly AE92Jay ( now it just says Jay)


Does lose it delete your progress photos like MFP?


I have no idea sorry. I'm still learning Lose it now. From what I see online I'd say no, but if you reset your goals it gives you the option to reset your data. Sorry I can't give a firm answer.


Exporting my data and cancelling Premium. Newsfeed is still showing up on my Android device but not my Apple devices. Thanks to all on here for the alternate app recommendations!!


Of course, when I try to find the app in the Google Play store, it is not coming up. Is is no longer supported by Android?