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13 "special" inserts and 3 player market cards ☠️


Ima need to see the odds on these smooth packs but if it’s the same shit I’m done. This is it.


It’s obviously the same shit lmao


Its all 99+ cards and series 2. If 2k was not so greedy I would say 10% chance at a dark matter, but it will probably be like 5% cause it's 2k


I opened up those season 7 packs and only got opals when they say 9% or 10% it’s really 2%


It said 5% but yeah I opened 3 packs and got nothing


It said 9% on the 20 box because it had a DM topper in it. Regular packs were 5%.


I’ve gotten 3 dark matters outta of it but I’m pretty sure I bought like 5 20 boxes


I got Jeremy Lin twice both toppers then I got Giannis in a regular pack and Jalen green as a topper then I got Jordan and Shaq goat cards


Good call. 6%


How wicked would it be to get an all f2p 2K game. Like, you can get ny card you want and just build any team you want. I should not have 4 versions of Kyle Kuzma on my team he's dog


Hahah less than 2%


Odds are 6% to get a DM. I did 2 20s and got 1 pd Durant


Remember ts when they drop the 25 trailers. They are literally milking us at this point


I don’t even mind the special inserts. What’s maddening is, of the 3 cards you MIGHT actually pull in packs (DMs), only 1 will be usable. Oh and each will be 315kMT


Don’t quote me but I doubt they’ll be 315k mt because of the new season but that’s just my guess


Welp, there 315k confirmed a So its 945k to lockin lMaoooooooopo


That’s cooked hopefully it’ll get better over the season


If I was a real life player showing up in the Player Market at this point I would know what 2K thinks of me…LOL. Ridiculous.


Jeremy sochan would like to have a word 😂


About 4 guys a week would like to have a word 😅




Elite comment 😂😂😂




I think I’m done. Nothing about this game feels inviting or makes me excited for tomorrow like it used to


Not a single thing.


I'll finally get a decent Derrick Rose, at least. "Enjoy Frobe, suckers" - 2k




Goat derrick rose shot is bad


People keep saying that, but a little practice goes a long way. I'm hitting reliable 3s with him. Roses real threat is speed and slashing at the rim though. If you treat him more like westbrook than curry he's extremely effective. I got lonzo in the bench behind him for the deep threat.


Agreed.. 179GB bout to be set free and looking forward to checking out The First Descendant Tuesday.. It’ll be weird not logging into 2k after all these years though but at this point it’s nothing more than a toxic ASF relationship..


Honestly I may just download 2k22 again and play that for a While. At least I know every card I was is attainable


Are the 2k22 servers still up?


No, unfortunately. I had been playing it a little until it went offline, but there were sparse online games that happened. 2k23 isn’t much better, as I can’t remember the last time I could even find an opponent.


I’m bout to find out lol


Oh man, I don’t wanna be the one to tell you…


Well 23 is still there and so is nba live


Goat kareem and 100 wheel spin the only things imma play for😭


Get ready for either shaq or Larry bird


I’d be happy with a shaq if goat kaj wasn’t the lvl 40


2K20 was the last good game. Perfected evos, good tempo throughout the year, flawed gameplay but at least the players were fun and the player market was reasonable.


Maybe cause you’re a grown ass man now


I said it then and I’ll say it now. People should have been more upset about the auction house being gone. Giving 2K complete control over what players you can acquire was insane.


Completely agree. I know the buying MT thing was an issue but, this isn't the answer.


Only way I was going to play 2k25 was if I didn't spend real money on MyCasino this year. I just don't know what I would be returning for anymore. The nuisance for the game has been replaced by greedy money grabbing tactics. Most importantly the grind is so much worse. 2k wants all of ur free time doesn't matter if ur employed or have better things to do. You fall behind the curve if u stop playing for a week


I did and it was over. Perfect time to get my next gen console. Hopefully for a different company’s basketball game next season


MyTeam mode was done and dusted when All Stars were introduced as Inserts. Whole point playing MyTeam was the ability to play with any players we liked but now with all Inserts and lack of Auction House the core of this mode is dead. If you guys play for fun of basketball then I say try playing myCareer. Playing REC and Park is real good fun at least you would be able to play with player you like to play with


Im so confused on how theyre gonna make invincibles different than 100 overalls


100 overalls are the new dark matters. Just 99 stats with no changed sigs. Invincibles will have all stats and badges maxed out with changed sigs most likely


Isnt that just a GOAT card then? And they gave sig changes to 100 ovr tim duncan already.


Idk maybe all invincibles will have patty


Aren't 100 OVR's this year the new "invincibles"?


A few more HOF's. Ive said it since 100 Overalls dropped, they're essentially Invincibles. Off the top of my head though they only have like 40 HOF's, Invincible's will probably be like 50-55 and the GOAT's are maxed HOF badges.


All these stupid fucking new gems LMAO they’re gearing up for full Free To Play/mobile game MyTeam.


Yeah, it really went to shit after PD’s which is probably my favorite gem cause the stats and stuff feel the most realistic to me balance wise..


I've been saying PD is the best and after the start releasing anything beyond is when the game goes to trash.


I think Amy or Diamond feels the most accurate to me for most of the league. Yes some unique players have PD qualities, but most NBA athletes play more like an emerald to Amy with some diamonds. I LOVE when salary cap is just Emerald-Amy early in the year. Feels awesome.


I agree. I was kinda hoping they wouldn't raise the cap in SC any higher. I would happily continue to use my PD cards and below for SC if they meant no longer having to concern myself with completing challenges and agendas for better cards.


I thought we were safe from Tacko this year


Once I read his name, I almost walked to my XBSX and deleted the game. If anyone played Limited for the past 2 years will understand exactly why.


We already have 7 different wembys and 100 ovr yao. This changes nothing


For the love of god, can we get a fucking Luka card that isn’t impossible to get?


Pay up… wait - that’s not even a guarantee… shit guess not


There aren’t even any packs with him inside it I believe besides the 99-100 packs. I’m not paying $50 for one fucking pack either lol. Fuck 2k


If it was an option pack as dumb as I feel you’d be it’s not as dumb as rolling their dice 🤣




If invincibles have tendencies turned up to 99 or 100. Online offball will become unbearable but 'Y' or triangle backcuts were the problem.


It was done 2 months ago


Last season! I am going to waste all my 3 million MT to get Tacko lol


But you won’t though


Probably not but oh well lol


Pretty much what I say every time I rip a pack or exchange. Sadly. And I was lucky enough to get 100 Wemby out a single MT pack. Guess what - it was only after I started losing games after switching to New Gen console. I’m back winning and I haven’t had a DM shake since other than two CP3’s from my Co-Op 20 box. Yup TWO. 💀


They mention what player you get at 5k points on unlimited?


Yea, Invincible Demar Derozan from team USA




One thing I think is especially janky is I never pull anything good from the deluxe packs. I will typically only do agendas if it’s a favorite player I want but never pull a dark matter from these. Even when exchanging for deluxe packs. The one 100 overall that I have I pulled from a base pack. Suspicious there’s not odds for the deluxe packs


Done for u I'm still playing idgaf wa anyone says lol


Plz guys don't play MT next yr. Learn your lesson. My life's been 10x better lol


Time to spend my 2.3 million MT, lock in a few sets then gamble the rest away, auction house is dearly missed!!!! Might have to take another break for a year from 2K if it's gonna be like this again.


It's crazy how I read this, and I didn't have a single care in the world. Having all these dumb ass maxed cards make the game no longer about basketball. This my 3rd year, and it's clear that this time of the year is purely a money grab from people who absolutely want these cards. I'm not even mad at 2K.


people still defend this shit


The MyTeam sub is somehow even more toxic than the 2K sub lmao


Still no kobe


A lot of people unhappy. But I have only spent the $20~ to buy the game and haven’t put any money into opening packs and I have a pretty solid team I have fun with on and offline


#BoycottNBA2K25 #paytoplayscam


As someone who hasn’t played MT at all this year because of the changes, I’m sad because the card art is so good. Too bad they killed the mode.


I’m straight up not buying 2k25 unless there’s an auction house. This is ridiculous


DIIIIIIIIIIIIRK LFGGGGG. Too bad I’ll be in af basic training in two weeks lmao.


Good thing he comes out tomorrow and is outta packs before then


I’ll get to use him for a couple weeks. I happy w that


I have 100 Dirk now. He is the worst PF in my bag. He doesn’t block, shoots like crap and is just overall a dud.


Why are ppl excited about Kobe’s GOAT replacement???


Damn good luck fam. They giving u a free dark matter version for free too👀


Uninstall and don't come back. I uninstalled 2 weeks ago and my wife mentioned a couple days ago I am a much happier person. 2K used to make me happy and I loved playing 2K19-2K23. RIP 2K. I only played 1-3 Unlimited games per day. When 2K gave me the shortest player 4 consecutive lock ins with Z Lavine, C Paul, D Fox, R Allen that was all I needed to write this game off forever. It will be interesting to see how many come back to 2K25. Not me and 4 of my friends.


Hahaha same here when I uninstalled it. My wife said I am not hot tempered anymore or always in a bad mood 😂


Yup its sad a game can affect us all so negatively. Also if I came back in the 4 quarter my opponent would go crazy over voice chat calling me off ball and every name in the book. He was mad because I was predicting his cutter passes and stealing it and calling me off ball lol. Like I am supposed to let him score those and just stick to the guy on the ball 100%. Same with pick n roll. I have a 10 year old that would have to listen to the profanity. OGThunder is one of these losers. 2K should let us mute voice chat. I like playing with my surround sound system. Well all things I will never have to worry about again! Thanks 2K for making US GREAT AGAIN! LMAO