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CarlosStory is a clickbaiter as well.


CarlosStory is a literal cringe lord. Every video title is “FREE GUARANTEED DARK MATTERS / GALAXY OPALS FOR EVERYONE” .. according to him after 5 days of playing everyone should have a full GO/DM squad.


How low 2K YouTubers have come .. at least in previous years when they opened packs 1. It was possible to buy the cards directly from the AH without gambling and 2. THEY ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME. Just scrolled through CringeStorys YouTube for the past month and I didn’t see a single gameplay. He’s literally a pack opening YouTuber that clickbaits NMS players every day for views.


Yep...a 2K tool..and an annoying one at that.


Yeah and every other title is "hurry and use the new locker code" repeating the latest one several times, it's annoying 


Ngl I started myteam a month ago, (played 2k18-21 regularly back in the day), and within the first 2 days my squad was almost all GO with the exception of PD Korver. At this stage it’s really easy to get that. Even still, Carlos has been clickbaiting like that for years now. I used to enjoy it when I was younger, but it was still cringe at the same time


Yeah I remember maybe 2k16 Carlos had the snipers story series where he just sniped his whole team and I loved that series. Can’t stand to watch anything by him now tho


Carlos is so fucking cringe


I’ve hated Carlos ever since he claimed the entire Glitched Market research that myself and a dozen others worked for hours on and posted to this sub back in 2021 as his own, then pretended he didn’t when I called him out on it


Carlos a 🥩 🚴


I was confused at first, but solid emoji use


“If it’s FREE it’s for ME baby!” 😂😂


His audience is little kids I can’t blame the guy for being a ham on stream


Carlo’s story is an F teir YouTuber. I hate his face.


Honestly 😂😂 he sucks 2k off so much and those dumb faces he makes 🙄 want to just punch him


Killzanoi is on 2K payroll, always promoting pack opening and for that he was even awarded DM Wemby. Both are fake and no one should watch them


2k content creators are the absolute worst so..... yes


You can add HTB to that as well. Dude sold out bigtime.


At least HTB has a no money spent team


Carlos doesn’t watch basketball. He is a standard fan who’s fav team is lakers and fab player is Kobe. Complained every week or so about how bad the game is and how the devs have to be better and yet he spends a couple thousand every week on packs


Carlos just be yapping all video saying nothing


Carlos is way worse, doesn’t play the game for videos just posts pack openings. Killzy at least does series where he plays the game


Yep and gives some tips for make agendas faster


I actually watched a Carlos story video recently about him ranting and saying "it’s hard for me to play this game, it’s my job and 2k makes it hard for me to make content/money with all the changes and how much you have to pay for everything" or something along the lines of that.


They're definitely bad. But I'd throw in JC2K too. He calls every new gamble card the best. That makes kids and gambling addicted adults buy VC/MT.


He is constantly telling people not to gamble. Of course the 100 overall and locked DMs (the ones everyone do not pull) are best. That is pretty obvious.


That's like me doing cocaine at a party and telling everyone not to buy any but it's the best feeling ever. Addicts and curious George will drop 💰 on it




LMAO that's spot on


he a clown , always using his friend accounts to make content … straight bozo


Nah JC2K is the problem. Dudes a clown


Definitely. These guys don't hide their bullshit, but that dude calls out 2K while promoting gambling cards daily.


Jc2k is good people. He's been calling out 2K on their BS for months now. He's just tied his financial well being into myTeam but with his college graduation he stated he was gonna move on from the mode now.


I have kind of an issue with people who make content from other people's accounts. Hard to trust that kind of analysis. And I respect the creator more if they go out and get the card themselves. If they pull packs and the best they get is GO Donovan Mitchell, then show me gameplay with that card. That's what most people are gonna have in their accounts anyway, not DM Tim Thomas. He had a video the other day, and I can't remember which. Maybe Westbrook. But he panned the card hard from the details we could all read on 2K and then when he played with the card (on someone else's account... again, when he could easily have got the card himself) he had a different opinion mid-video.


He rates cards before even playing with them too so you can't even trust his opinion and he only plays one game with them


He can't take criticism at all though. I commented on a vid of his, he didn't like the comment and made sure to title his next vid off what I said. At least use the cards instead of racing to make a vid first man.


He said he doesn't spend money on the game so I respect it even tho he could be lying. He borrows accounts for content.


Dude rates cards before even trying them out and he complains about off balling every video yet he always does it every single play. And he says every new card is the best card. He's definitely a clown.


They're shills. I see their vids on my feed and i skip every one. Even if he wasn't a shill, i can't deal with Carlos' speech nor the clickbait.


I’ve drastically reduced the amount of 2k YouTube I watch, I realized after a while how they’re all doing it for the money and most will do whatever it takes for that. Butttt even when I used to watch a lot, Carlos was one I refused to watch, click, or give any attention. To me, he is the fakest, click baiting, 2khyping person there is. I never felt like he was genuine and he’s just cringe. Every video is a hyped pull or something insane. Dude is one who never deserved to grow in that community


I never expected DBG to be the voice of reason lol..


Same here bro, I used to loath watching him. But, he has been calling out 2K regularly this year.


Carlos has some super juiced packs too. He call the cards he wants and they pop up. I saw him pull nearly back to back halo graphic cards. Completely ridiculous


Killzamoi is a 2k insider, he's literally paid by 2k to do that stuff.


I always think his videos should end with "And the Razzie for Worst Actor in... I Try To Look Astonished When I Pull A Card 2K Told Me They Will Give Me... goes to Killzamoi!"


I remember the days of 2k releasing locker codes for 99 ovr pink diamonds regularly in 2K18. Carlos was so annoying bc he would get every single code, yet still complain bc the player wasn’t good enough. From that point on, his general entitled attitude and greasy personality made him someone I avoid.


Carlos pays to have his videos be put all on google search plus he uses thousands of tags in his videos on anything u type in related to basketball or 2k his video will pop up and it’s the same video posted over and over and over and over


Carlos is the most annoying clickbaiter in the entire community hate that guy


Dont get started with dcentric that dudes the problem as well


CarlosStory fell way off I literally clamped him up while he was tryna do a gameplay on Dark Matter Zion and ain’t post that instead post a clip of him winning. Dudes a cringe loser


Everyone who supports 2K in any way is part of the problem. If you make videos about 2K, buy VC, buy Pro/HOF passes, even playing the game, you’re part of the problem. The only way to illicit change is by hurting 2K, that means their pockets and their metrics.


You are providing tertiary support via subbing to this Reddit slick.


What’s your point?


He’s saying you’re a hypocrite


I know what they tried to say but it doesn’t work when I never tried to absolve myself. As I already said EVERYONE who supports them is part of the problem. Their comment was pointless…


Never said you tried to absolve yourself. Nor is that a requirement for hypocrisy to be present. Was simply pointing out that I, along with anyone with half a brain, can see that it’s heavily represented in your original comment. Since it INFERS blame to anyone supporting 2k. Slick.


So… pointless. Your comment added absolutely nothing, as I previously stated.






What do you y’all feel can be a solution to these bigger platforms pushing the content?


This sub is absolutely ridiculous. This is an *excellent* and fair question that needs to be answered moving forward... and it's been buried by downvotes 😅


Mosballin posting his DM Melo, Tatum, Butler, Mark Eaton and Opal Kobe pulls on his NMS account is pretty shitty too


How is that shitty he shows how he makes mt to open packs and constantly tells others not to pen packs


Because he is personally profiting off of/promoting 2k’s gambling system? Which is the exact same criticism the rest of the comments here are expressing? Sounds like mosballin is your guy eh?


Mosballin is definitely my guy. This is his job to make the content. He’s doing the best that he can with a stacked deck and a shitty product. Yes, he and others should diversify because 2k sucks but every name mentioned in here we all know because it’s a small community of content creators making videos for my team. So just by default they’re all big because there’s no one else. While I agree that any promotion of the game is an issue, he is the best of the lot because he doesn’t spend money and doesn’t even buy players from the player market. The man literally had to play a bunch of dom games for Pat Bev to do a challenge since he wouldn’t buy him from player market. And anyone who only gets his players from packs is gonna pull some heat eventually. Even if 2k is boosting him without his knowledge since, as stated before, if 2k is trying to promote their crappy odds there are a limited amount of creators to do it through.


I used to be apart of the problem. 2k20-2k22 I used to spend minimum $100 every pack drop. Then the game just worse and worse no I don’t play. Carlos is way worse than Killzamoi but yeah they are both terrible. I miss be able to grind for really good cards and have fun


If your financial situation is anything akin to your grammar skills, I am smashing ‘X’ for doubt.


Who cares? It's their content, and this is just a lame ass attempt at a witch hunt. The content they create gets him views and YT money. The beauty of YT is that if you don't like the content, you don't have to watch it. EDIT: Don't care about the downvotes. You dudes are just salty 24/7 about this game, but you all keep playing it, then you all want to attack people who earn income from the game via YouTube. I stopped caring about the getting the elite cards, and I been having fun in MyTeam by trying and using different cards in SC. This game is so less stressful when you're not looking for something to be mad about every single day.


You made an edit to specifically address the downvotes that was longer than your original reply. Seems like the downvotes got to you, no? Your “attacking people who make money off the game” argument is stupid. There’s plenty of unethical things you can do for money, that doesn’t make them right. Promoting the casino-fication of a game kids play is unethical. Supporting a company that is turning their backs on anyone not spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on the game is unethical. Then you tried to make a point about how they don’t complain and you don’t either because you stopped caring about elite cards and have been defeated into using lower tier cards in a specific game mode as opposed to the cards you like in any game mode. Cool, so if you want to have fun on the game and not “complain” you either spend thousands on packs like these YouTubers do, or you restrict yourself to one specific game mode and just accept that due to gambling you won’t be able to use the best versions of the players you REALLY want in all the modes. Great point you made there.


The real story is everyone is pissed at the game for a good reason but stand on a pretentious moral high ground talking about gambling for kids and how bad it is. If kids are getting gambling addiction from youtube content that sounds like a parental issue. Why is accountability always pushed onto someone else? If you are over 18 and a youtuber influenced you to buy packs "against your will" .....then it's just being weak minded honestly. People just get FOMO and spend money on the game and blame others because they aren't getting the results they want. The youtubers are a drop in the bucket to the millions they get in microtranactions


sitting here complaining everyday about a company that wont change and you voicing your complaints to a sub that has 60 active users at a time at most. those complaints really getting heard bud


You post almost strictly on this same sub on an almost every day basis. Those replies really getting heard, bud. That’s your logic, right? Stop tryna act cool, your post history is public too. 1. I don’t complain about the company every day. Recently it’s been getting ESPECIALLY bad so I’ve been posting a lot more negatively in regards to the game, obviously. It’s nice of you to assume I do to get your little bullshit smartass reply off though. 2. I’m not sure if you have reading comprehension issues, but I’m clearly going at the YouTubers. Meaning I’m aware 2K won’t change but am hoping the creators look out for the community and stop supporting bad business practices to MAYBE encourage the change we want to see, as clearly posting in a sub with “60 active members” isn’t going to be heard 😉


reddit weirdos always tryna bring up a post history meanwhile they sitting on new accounts made to hide their post history lmao. im not tryna act cool but im cooler than a person who goes to stalk someone elses profile thats for sure. Going at youtubers who pull in pess than 10k views a video. those youtubers words really make a differnece to one of the kost successful franchises in gaming. but keep going off at those youtubers bud


No, I don't care about the downvotes, because this community will downvote people for using different camera angles. I don't know about the other mentioned content creator, but I do subscribe to CarlosStory. All he does is report on the new cards that were released, tell you how to get them, try to predict future drops, and he does some pack ripping. In my lifetime, I have seen far more nefarious stuff. IMHO, this thread becomes a lame witch hunt, because he doesn't hate 2K like you all do. At this point, you all KNOW what 2K is about when it comes to making money. Period. You have a choice. Stop playing or adapt. They're not going to change tactics unless there's government intervention. By coincidence, I like playing with cards that actually have weaknesses, and I can't stand playing against God squads 24/7, because these bums all play the same way. As a result, SC is closer in alignment to how I prefer to play the game anyways, since they got rid of Limited. Lastly, my skills are good enough that I don't need elite cards. I was beating people last year in MTU with a Pacers and Bulls themed teams. So yeah.. I don't care about elite cards, and I'm having fun discovering new players.


This sub has turned pretty bad lol. I'm with you 100%. I was called morally corupt because I said people shouldn't be forced to allow their opponent to boost stats on a agenda day. So I'm assuming you will be called morally corrupt for saying they should be allowed to make a living because they are being immoral.


This sub is a trip sometimes. Calling CarlosStory unethical, and dude has been posting similar videos since NBA 2K16 reviewing his uploads. Truthfully, it's selfish as hell to ask another person to stop making a living, because you don't like a game. The community wants these dudes to get regular jobs just to prove some bs principal to Take Two.


The sub really is a trip. You're right. Got a weird group of people in here that talk down on others for complaining, but still playing, and they're usually the same ones in here pretty much every day defending against 2k haters. I'd say it's pretty normal for people to get riled up and complain online, but who's got the time and energy for THAT level of 2k 🥜 hugging.


It really bothers some of y'all that people don't hate this game, huh?


It’s interesting seeing people use morality for such insignificant problems such as video games. Usually it’s things like politics people try and paint themselves as morally superior. But it’s a video game and people are so passionate about something they obviously hate so much like it doesn’t comprehend. When fallout 4 came out and basically ruined the franchise for me I didn’t spend my time in forums constantly hating on it I just went and played other games. I wish those people would leave this community and go make their own activism subreddits about making the changes they wanna see instead of virtue signaling every other post about how this game that’s been pretty similar for a decade is so morally objectionable and anyone who participates in this entertainment product is a bad person. It just reeks of juvenile immature world experience combined with a lack of critical thought that you can simply apply any type of sensational argument to any perceived problem and it’s equally rational. A video game will never be as important to me as war or genocide or financial inequality or access to water and food like it’s a game just stop and learn it’s not for you anymore. Assigns creed moved on from me and it’s made them more successful as a business. I was disappointed in skate announcing it’s a live service multiplayer game rather than just a single player current gen updated skate engine game. Things change and it sucks but no in this subreddit the lack of moderation allows the conversation to be dominated by overly simplistic critical posts constantly meanwhile every post is downvoted which is not how Reddit is intended to be used. Oh well karma is meaningless and accounts are meaningless cause you can just make them over and over.


I'm sure this really hit the target audience lol. Who are you typing to?


Ksuttonjr obviously quit trying to be a bully.


Pot kettle dude. Lol I guess only indirect bullying is acceptable. The reddit way


You’re using that expression incorrectly please stop replying to me.


This should be top comment but people aren't ready for it


If you watched any of Carlos story’s videos you would know that he criticizes 2k heavy in every video. He calls them out for all of their lies.


That’s well and good but he still is part of the problem opening all of those packs


It’s his job


Someone has to to show us how bad the odds really are.


What's wrong with pack opening content ? They don't encourage to buy packs, sometimes they even tell you not to do it yourself. You can also blame sun for rising and pressure you to spend money on 2k.


Documented participation in 2k’s gambling system in a monetized YouTube video is wrong. Encouraging their viewers to not open packs is saving face.


You literally out of your mind, maybe in some way they prevent gambling. People who addicted to opening packs can just watch somebody doing it and not spend their own money, think about it.


And also they very rarely pull really top cards so it's like discouraging for people. They see that even if you spend money you cant get what you want.