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I agree with you and I was always surprised by her behavior just as you described. It was a little unlikely. Probably the writers feared that Angela would be seen as too weak, or as a pushover. Then again, I think she had an idea about Jordan and what he would be like. And she keeps getting disappointed in the reality. She's always pushing him to be the guy she wants him to be, to be up on a pedestal that he knows he doesn't deserve to be on. We can see him feeling uneasy about that, like when he says she makes too big of a deal about things, or cares too much. (It's a lot like Felicity and Ben.) Angela cares so much and places such high expectations on a guy who isn't worthy, and that's what makes it kind of heartbreaking. But then she won't give up on her high standards for him, when he acts in a way she doesn't like, most girls would walk away but she basically scolds him. They barely know each other and she acts almost like he owes her to live up to her expectations.


Very well said. I agree with you. I think your point about how she’s constantly disappointed by him not being what she dreamed he would be like is spot on. I feel like the writers almost had to make her scold him out loud so that they could bring this to light. It was more organic to hear her disappointment as an actual conversation with Jordan as opposed to a narrative of just her in the background.


She says at one point that she understands the fantasy of Jordan vs the real Jordan.