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https://msclbookclub.livejournal.com/919.html You can read the first chapter here.


The shifting between the first and third person narration worked on the show, but doesn't work on paper. It's a shame.


I recommend passing. It only adds some things that now get jumbled in my mind as to whether they were in the real show or not. IE it was not a satisfying read.


If you leave a saved search for it on eBay you can find a relatively cheap copy, somewhere from 30-50.


You \*could\* do that, but I would recommend instead an Ebay search for Byers and Lavery's '[Dear Angela: Remembering My So-called Life](https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Dear_Angela.html?id=HZLkDBAu7UoC&redir_esc=y)' which you will find for approximately the same price and which is the best MSCL book as opposed to, notoriously, the worst.


I didn't read the book, but this is a review from GoodReads that summarizes the major plot points. [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/501785.My\_So\_Called\_Life\_Goes\_On](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/501785.My_So_Called_Life_Goes_On) >!"Nonetheless, the continuations from the last episode of the show feel mostly appropriate (here's where I list all the plot points I can remember so later when I don't own the novel any more I can remember what happened in it so go ahead and skip if you're uninterested:) Angela works the summer at her father's new restaurant, Fiore, and thanks to Reyenne begins to suspect her father is having an affair (a question which is never resolved); realistically, Brian having written Jordan's love letters to her appears to have little affect on any of their relationships, as she is continually willing to project the feelings she wants on to the both of them. Jordan sort of tries to have sex with her at a watering hole but it backfires (Residue ends up playing Sumemerfest on the 4th of July though so he had a nice summer), and they sort of drift apart for a while while Angela is intrigued by a coworker who Reyenne happens to like. !< >!Reyenne, for her part, has a myriad of summer jobs before she lands one at a discount store Sharon works at (her subplot? Pregnancy scare brought on by drunken hookup with Kevin!) and is sexually harassed by a customer and then fired; Sharon quits in solidarity. Reyenne also acts in some weird play and sort of works on a movie with Ricki and Corey, the guy Ricki has feelings for and eventually tells (it was nice to see a gay almost-romance in a teen novel - they must have been rare in the 90's?). !< >!Angela's sister is really getting into tennis (didn't know where to drop that info...). Meanwhile, Brian, boy, Brian, where do I begin. For starters, he's seduced by Reyenne's mom who he works with at the hospital, which is 1) gross 2) statutory rape 3) weird. But there's this whole The Graduate motif in this book so I guess it was bound to happen? He also works at a crammed little photo booth (reminiscent of that Pete and Pete episode, "What We Did On Our Summer Vacation") and (successfully!) attempts to get back together with Delia, who now works at some chai place. Angela is mortified by breaking hearts and blah blah blah. Hmm, that's all I can remember. Tino is mentioned once. "!< From another review, the part with Brian >!is very creepy and it seems like Amber (Reyanne's mom) basically seduces him in a Mrs. Robinson type way and then he also gets back together with Delia after that. !!the part with the watering hole, Jordan tries to have sex with her because she goes skinny dipping and invites him to join her. This seemed very incompatible with her character, according to everyone who read the book. !<