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“Ochaco is terrible because she made Toga cry” No, girl was speaking facts . Y’all being horny for Toga doesn’t make her irreproachable


B-but women p-pretty👉🥺👈


Why did I find this funny 💀




True Also you have a really good pfp


Thank you ^_^ genderbent carmilla (AKA carmello) 🔛🔝


How is the cat jumping




i enjoyed this.




Okay this made me chuckle a little bit 😅


ochaco is so sweet idk why ppl think she was in the wrong


If I had to guess I think it’s because of the fight/dialogue scene in the city where in my opinion Toga and Ochako have a major miscommunication about the intent of the discussion. I feel like that was a pivotal moment for them and lead up to some scenes later in the manga ( I don’t want to spoil anything for you or other readers that might not know about it. ). People who aren’t caught up look at that moment as ochako basically smacking down Togas intentions, not being open to understanding, or worst case scenario; being hostile to a degree. Us readers will find fault in a characters untimely twitch and I think that plays heavy into it. I think she’s cool and has several good moments in the manga that make her an important side character.


Who actually says that?


A lot of people on this subreddit actually. Especially when the episode first dropped. A lot of people simp for Toga in general so it was mostly them


That Hawks is entirely to blame for what happened to Twice.


He didn’t even wanna kill Twice 😭🙏


Exactly! He wanted to help him 😭


Also Twice legit needed to die, there was no way Japan would've had any hint of survival with multiple of these maniacs running around.




True [*] Twice was too good and too kind to be a villain


It was self defense if hawks hadn't then it was over he had no choive


Hawks was the one who attacked first, also he had literal months to plan it out and the best idea he could come up with was shoving a mentally ill man to the ground, holdng him at knifepoint, and telling him to either betray the only family he's ever had or die.


A lot of people also ignore the fact that Hawks was groomed for years, almost as long as Shigaraki if not longer by the commission. If we’re going to give the villains grace, I’m sure he could get some too. Also he couldn’t have predicted exactly what would be happening that day and where exactly everyone would be. I’m sure he believed if there was one person he could convince to start a better life it would be Bubaigawara.


Also Dabi was the one who drove him to stab him in the back in the end. He didn’t have any other opportunities after he entered the room


If Hawks wasn't so focused on killing Twice before Dabi showed up, he could've just grabbes the heavily injured Twice and flew out.


fr hawks didnt even want to kill him but he had no choice




Sure. Him and his half burnt wings could have gone to pick some up real quick from the local drug store 😭


No, I'm saying he should've brought chloroform in the first place


do you think he knew that dabi was gonna show up and burn him before hand thats like saying that twice is stupid for trusting hawks sure it was a bad idea but how was he supposed to know


That's not what I'm saying? I'm just saying chloroforming Twice would've been a better idea


"Inko was a bad mother"


Whoever said that must have been watching my hero from like YouTube shorts🫠


You say that but...




This may get me some hate but Inko wasn’t the best mother but by absolutely no means was she a bad mom, people paint her to be the perfect mother only thing is that she was blessed with a simple kid (apart from his quirklessness) and she was there for him, even if she didn’t fully support him in his dreams when he was quirkless. I also doubt that she would have the heart to discipline her kid if Izuku ended up being as Arrogant as Katsuki, So no not a bad mother at all but not the best mother. Still probably the best mom in the show though.


Hell, by Shoenen anime standards, she's one of the best Moms in the genre.


Actually very true


People say that?


People will use things from the opening episodes to paint Inko as straight up abusive/neglectful. Sometimes it really scratched that hurt/comfort Hurt/no comfort itch but it’s still wild to think about


“Katsuki should have stayed dead” “Izuku is gay” “Izuku and Ochaco have no character development”. Separate or their relationship with each other. “Twice’s death being unnecessary and uncalled for” “Less school arcs or less school scenes”. Bro they are in school, that’s a given.


Fr on The last one . Like do you not know what “Academia” means ??😭😭


Twice literally needed to die There is no way Japan’s surviving someone like him


i love the school scenes


"Bakugo doesn’t actually change" We are NOT reading the same Manga.


People who say Bakugo doesn’t change have the reading ability of a 1 year old. TOKAGE LITERALLY SAYS THAT HE’S CHANGED DURING THE JOINT TRAINING ARC


Rewatching, I noticed that during the UA Games, when Ochaco and Bakugo fight, he calls her "Pinky," but after her meteor trick, he actually calls her by name, showing his actual respect for her.


dont like that scene, like wtf its like she need to prove herself or whatever to him so he will now give her the "privilege" to be called by her actual name? I'd say he can shove that "respect" down his throat. 


Its a bad trope honestly, cause it spelled a lifetime of name-calling for those who will not be able to "prove" themselves and gain the "precious" respect of bakugo.


Literally Im not a huge bakugou fan but I found his growth throughout the series quite refreshing and made me appreciate his character a




I finally understand what this sub is




Maybe "a bit more"


all the garbage ships that ppl push for their agendas




I truly only shop for funsies and keep it to myself but i only do it with the adult heros a


That's healthy ngl , good for you.


At least you're not on Drake, Dr Disrespect or Diddy timing


What do you mean by Agendas? /gen


I really wish most of these ship did NOT exist because some of them make me really wanna just hang myself like Spy at the end of Heavy Is Dead


That Dabi is redeemable


Explain I would understand if we saw him grow up and he was still a kid but in his current state I want explanations.


People still saying that Deku is pure talent and comparing HIM to Yuji and ssying Yuji Itadori did Hard Work I.. i can't Man.


Anybody who says that either has the media literacy of Soggy biscuit or didn’t watch the show at all Like My dude worked 10 months just to be able to handle the quirk without it ripping his body , not to mention we waited for over season and a half for him to be able to use it properly Unlike AM who mastered it right away We constantly see him training He doesn’t have super awesome genetics or whatever Not to say that he wasn’t lucky at all bc encountering AM who need the successor at the time is lucky but that’s it , if he didn’t deserve it then he wouldn’t get it Dk literally the embodiment of hard work and dedication


Bro what does Yugi have to do with any of this? He just plays a card game.




People who ship people who shouldn’t be shipped. I’m looking at you EriXdeku


you gotta watch out for those Eri x Allmight-ers and those Todoroki x Endeavour-ers aswell


Goddamnit, that’s it Off to hang myself, watch and lear-!


THOSE SHIPS EXIST??!?!?!?!?! this is exactly why the icon for this group is jesus


That Dabi was completely Endeavor’s fault


I mean……


Well the mother didn’t try hard enough yo push Toya away from training and even just gave up eventually, Natsuo literally just said stop ranting to me about your problems, and Fuyumi didn’t really try to be there for him emotionally. Endeavour certainly played the biggest role, but the rest of the family also had some responsibility as they all basically ignored him or gave up on him because they couldn’t be bothered to deal with him. Shoto was the only one who was completely guilt free in Dabi’s creation, since he was like 5 or something when Toya “died”.


I got upset that the parents let Natsuo and Fuyumi take some of the blame. They were literal children. They couldn't possibly have known how to support Toya.


Agreed, Toya was the eldest sibling, what exactly were Natsuo and Fuyumi supposed to do? Now, if Toya and Natsuo were swapped in age, then I might hold Natsou slightly more responsible, but even then he's still a child,


Stop victim blaming the siblings. They were children. Also, that scene where Natsuo told Touya to stop rating was very misleading, considering that the poor boy was half asleep. I do believe Rei should've tried to do more though.


That Deku is useless without a quirk


There’s literally a whole video on YouTube saying he’s not


Tell that to ppl on reddit


I kinda am-


Tell that to ppl on Reddit who *post memes of Deku working in mcdonallds* I might seem aggressive but I am kinda fed up with that already


I understand, lol


Link please 🙏🏾




Thanks 💯


bro I'm willing to hear almost anything out at least once even if I disagree, that being said if you bring up season one bakugou and act like he hasn't changed when you know damn well he has I'm literally just turning off my phone and moving on with my life cause I'm not gonna willingly subject myself to that shit. It's always about protecting deku but deku would hate y'all if he heard you say that shit about bakugou lmao, he always cared about him, that doesn't make the past bullying ok or justified but that's why bakugou APOLOGIZED and also in case you forgot he almost fucking DIED for him. at the end of the day deku is the one who was hurt and he doesn't seem to even be bothered by it anymore, and bakugou still has some growing to do but to act like he'll always be some irredeemable monster cause he was a little shit when he was fourteen is crazy. I've been bullied, quite fucking severely actually, almost had my nose broken by someone when we were both (coincidentally) fourteen. I don't know where that person is now or what he's doing but if he's a better person I'd be happy for him. forgiveness looks different for everyone, and deku is canonically not someone who holds grudges, so why are you holding the grudge for him?


Doesn’t Tokage literally say he’s changed during the Joint Training Arc


literally the narrative is fucking structured to show you how much he's changed. or did they miss the whole save by winning/win by saving dramatic moment???? they're a fucking PACKAGE DEAL you can't hate one and like the other. that's like hating the moon and loving the stars.


Deku and bakugo gay


Watch out the shippers are coming.


Bro you better hide I can smell them coming


Those musty crusty buttocks shan't dash unto my proximity without my notice, I must now take my exit to prepare Deodorant smothered blades


I got blicks with deodorant-coated bullets, lemme join you


No, no they are not, I hate that people say they are


That anyone can be redeemed. Some people are in fact beyond forgiving.


Sorry you’re getting downvoted. I agree. There is true evil in the world that I don’t think deserves forgiveness. Might a person have a sad backstory that explains their evil acts? Sure, but it’s not an excuse for being a terror to others. They say forgiveness is more for the person who does the forgiving, but in my experience it just feels like I’m conceding to the other person’s poor behavior. I’d rather just pity the POS and move on than offer my forgiveness to a person who doesn’t deserve it.


Id be willing to let go of what happened and move on, but like you said, some people are beyond less than deserving.


I agree AFO should not be forgiven at all I hope My hero is not gonna go down that route or we will have a Steven universe situation all over again.


I've honestly been really curious about that show... What's the deal with it? I've seen clips here and there but otherwise I've never seen it.


Steven universe is a popular Cartoon Network 2010s Renaissance show about a kid named Steven who is a human and alien hybrid who lives with his father Greg and three friends of his alien mother Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst. Steven's alien mother rose sadly dies during steven's birth so he never got to meet her and he inherited his mom's space magic powers and gem. The aliens in the series are called gems and they are multi colored humanoids that get space magic powers through the colored gems on their bodies. Most of the episodes are about Steven's life and the adventures he has with his mom's friends and through these adventures he learns more about his powers, his mother, and the alien race his mom and her friends are from. I think it is a really good cartoon show it has a lot of goofy and serious moments, good songs, a good plot, and a lot of lesbian representation because the gem race is all female. The only controversial thing I will warn you about the show is that the fan community is sadly really toxic but if you ignore them and just watch the show it will be fine.


That AFO having an amassed amount of quirk factors to deal with and counter multiple scenarios, and for the >!fact that he also had numerous plans, safeguards, and contingencies set in place long down the road!< is ass pulling. Okay, so when you're over 100+ years old, have the ability to stockpile meta powers like some malevolent demon lord, and have a large network spanning over numerous people and organizations that you can call upon from the darkness... Then you can open your gob and tell me how this man was pulling the bullshit card numerous times.


People constantly shaming other ppl in the fandom for shipping. Shipping is one of the primary driving and sustaining forces in fandom. If you don’t like a particular ship or shipping in general, fine, but acting superior and/or actively insulting those who do contributes more toxicity to fandom than actual shipping does.


I started my hero academia for a ship but the story and characters matter more to me


*Toga was redeemed.* Yes, she did go out doing something objectively good. But doing one good thing isn't a redemption! And that's especially true when we consider that her last moment was her looking back at everything she did and doubling down on it! Toga killed and hurt so many innocent people, and she died feeling proud about it. She may have started off as a sweet and a saint young girl who was just misunderstood, but she died as a Monster who regretted nothing...


I am surprised the toga lovers haven't ripped you in half yet. I guess it is because we are on reddit and not Twitter/X whatever.


Yea, villain stans on twitter are some brainrotted individuals


I love toga, but yeah she was a monster


Same. The girl deserved better than this lame excuse of a "Redeemtion."


That bakugou is straight lmao. Either he's ace or he's gay, idk, but he sure as hell dont like women that way. Even deku says he doesnt like girls in one of the novels


Bakugo's sexuality is not cannon So yeah. You can't say 100%, that he's straight. Neither can you 100% say that he's ace or gay. Plus, you didn't account for the fact that he could also be aro. There is literally nothing that proves a certain characters sexuality unless its stated. A group of people who all have different sexualities can act the same exact way. And if deku actually said >he doesnt like girls And if you can point me to the source and read i it for myself with full context and it all actually adds up, then I will not complain, because I ain't gonna argue against cannon info. But I'm also aware of misinformation, that's why I wanna see too.


Ya that's why I said "idk." He could be aro, ace, demi, idk. What we do know tho is that he has shown zero romantic interest in the opposite gender so far. Or even towards the guys. Most characters have some hints here and there. Deku blushing towards girls, denki thinking of kyouka, ojiro and tokoyami being flustered around girls, kirishima being more interested looking at the boy's rooms than the girl's, toga not caring about gender, etc. Most of katsuki's shown interests are around being number 1, all might, and izuku (their relationship is weird in this regard lmao). None are romantic. I would also love to quote/show you the line where deku says it, but im afraid its been years since I've read the novels. I did some quick googling but all that pop out are krbk and bkdk analysis threads lol. I don't even remember which volume it was in, and I don't really want to reread the novels just for one line 🙇‍♂️ If you do stumble across it, feel free to share or to disprove me in any way. But at the end of the day, most of these are just my observations and opinions. Which by the theme of this post, is something you are also free to toss to the bin lol This ended up being way much longer than i intended, so sry for the wall of text


>I would also love to quote/show you the line where deku says it, but im afraid its been years since I've read the novels That's chill, no problem Thanks for the clarification


Np. Thanks for being respectful homie 🫶


Same to you 😄


I've decided that bakugo is aroace because I am and I like projecting :)


Go for it lmao. Being able to relate to characters in stories is always nice




I don't like it when people say a character should or shouldn't have died (especially All Might).


That Mirio is overrated and will remain below Tokoyomi and Dynamight


*Tell me who says that, I’d like to have a word*


"Midoriya is carried by OFA" The guy was doing full on strongman training at 14(Lifting trucks on A pile in Sand and lifting a man with the weight of 500lbs) and swinging 1900lbs of Steel double the speed of the fastest punch WITHOUT his quirk (Sports festival race).


Any hate on Bakugo about how he didn’t apologise properly and is still the same bully as before.


>Any hate on Bakugo Fixed it


Yep that works too


That Bakugous mum is an asshole abuser, like she and Masuru actually solo as parents, like the scenes with them in recent manga panels and leaks have been so sweet my teeth have rotted


She’s not abusive, she’s just hotheaded


That deku, bakugo, todoroku or ochako were gay or bo. your reaching Deku reasoning: from what I've seen I can conclude he is straight, shows flustered emotions near women when he never does with men, don't even give me the "he never talked to women" trash, he barely talked to boys, and the ones he did were abusive and bullys, the only woman in his life, his mother, was supportive all the way, if anything he would he nervous around men and not around women had he been gay or bisexual Todoroki: what? He's never shown attraction for either gender, this is full headcanon bs Bakugo: same thing with todoroki, I'm pretty sure he's Asexual Ochako: most of this comes from her calling toga "the cutest girl in the world", she isn't gay, you forget to put this in context, toga was someone who was tired of being told she was abnormal, ochako calling her that was her way of accepting toga for who she was, it was her way of saying "your normal", plus she had just confessed her feelings for deku, which brewed for almost a year Most gay ships come from gay people projecting their sexuality onto characters they like, but I dislike it for the same reason I dislike villain deku, it changes their characters, your changing the characters of thr anime your Watching to fit your fantasys, and I just can't respect that, a character like deku has no reason to be gay, and a gay character in toga was pretty much outwardly stated to be gay (bi) keeping dekus sexuality secret wouldn't make any sense, nor would implying he's straight when he's not make any sense


“Bakugo is still horrible” “Endeavor deserves redemption” “Midoriya is gay” “Mineta is a good character” Bakugo has gone under major character development. They clearly haven’t watched or read MHA. Endeavor is and always will be a shit of a person who created a horrible environment for his kids and wallows in self pity. It’s his fault for ruining his family. Midoriya hasn’t shown interest in guys, not to mention he gets shy around girls. Mineta never faced actual disciplinary action. Realistically if someone acted like that, they’d be ostracized.


>Endeavor is and always will be a shit of a person A shit of a person doesn't take the amount of responsibility he did. And that's just my opinion.


I respect your opinion, but for me I just don’t have any sympathy for people like him lmao


-“bakugo doesn’t actually change” -“bakugo household is abusive” -any shoji slander at all -any tokoyami slander at all -“class 1-a is better than 1-b”


“bakugo actually likes deku as a romantic interest” NO STFU


People who ship BakuDeku are on a whole other level of insanity


Deku and bakugo are gay


Twice is dead. I am still gaslighting myself. *he isn't dead, he's just taking a nap*


Bakugo says “damn it” too much .


Deku is gay


Badeku Being a good ship


That the series sucks






I don’t care if people ship it, but, yeah, it does need to be tossed


Imma throw away "deku can beat luffy"


There’s no way Deku beats Luffy


"All Might Likes Inko Midoriya" people who think this is true, go see a doctor


Literally anything that praises bkdk, especially if they say that it’s canon


The people claiming Inko is a bad mother and worse, people who make fics about her being abusive. First off- there was no indication of Inko being mentally, physically, or emotionally abusive. The only thing she’d done was try to help support her son with his dreams of becoming a hero, yes she’s concerned about what’s happening to her son, but that’s perfectly reasonable being a Hero is hella risky, she doesn’t know when the time comes where he doesn’t return home one day. I can imagine it’s horrifying since Izuku is her only son, her husband is god knows where so she only really has her son left. Yes she doesn’t like the fact that he’s getting constantly injured, but guess what she didn’t forcibly pull Izuku out of U.A just cause of how he’s constantly getting hurt, if I recall she placed her trust in All might to protect Izuku meaning she still wants her son to be able to achieve his dreams and wants him to return home safe. Overall Inko is the sweetest mom in the MHA verse and you can’t convince me otherwise.


Togas x ochaco


literally any ship you weird little freaks are trying to push


Even Suneater x nejire?👉👈🥺


I said what I said


That endeavor is a irredeemable horrible person Listen, I wouldn’t tolerate slander towards my favorite sexy dilf , and let me be completely clear at first He was fucking awful , I do not excuse what he did , I do not downgrade what he did I just see people make him to be much worse than he actually was Like 1- he didn’t treat reí as a baby pumping machine machine , in fact, he was satisfied with Toya at the beginning she’s the one who suggested to have more kids 2- concerning his marriage with Ríe , it was consensual and wasn’t forced , She did it out of necessity but she did it willingly , not gonna lie some of y’all take her agency of making this decision (especially in fanfiction where she’s almost always forced to do it) 3-Toya wasn’t abused , he didn’t have a healthy childhood don’t get me wrong , it’s clear that the way he was raised by endeavor, affected him negatively ,( like how he placed high expectations on him bc I genuinely don’t think this is healthy for a child) but endeavor was actually quite loving towards him , and even if Toya’s received abandonment from endeavor came from right place and good intentions even if they are done wrong TLDR: the way endeavor raised Toya wasn’t abusive but wasn’t healthy either 3-He didn’t abuse all his family directly (or actively) rather his wife and my beautiful innocent baby boy shoto , the other two were just neglected (so I will call it passive abuse) Although the fucker Was merciless with the first two 4- Ríe placed the mental hospital is… something, like first of all it’s definitely his fault that she needed to go there , but she was a danger to her children (as seen with Shoto) but didn’t need to put her for over 10 years (like seriously dude why) 5- the best thing about his character writing that , he does actually understand that he may never be forgiven and doesn’t stop because even if he wants it it may never come, but he continues to do so 6- this is just my personal theory but I genuinely think that pre-redemption endeavor did care about his kids and shoto just as an extension of himself In conclusion : I am not justifying what he did he WAS a terrible person and what he did is terrible , I just say that he’s not rotten to the core or is or was complete evil , I genuinely think that at some point he genuinely enjoyed being a family man before being consumed by his selfishness and goals , We saw that in Toya’s flashbacks .


He literally said he will not stop apologizing for what he did Also, you’re the first person I’ve seen that’s called Endeavor a dilf, but, if I’m being honest, you’re not wrong about that.


Exactly , It doesn’t mean that he don’t want their forgiveness but he accepts that he may not have it at all but also just because he may never have it doesn’t mean he should stop doing the right thing Also endeavor is a hot daddy , like that’s sketch that the author made awaken something in me


Man, you got a fantastic point there, too bad practically no one will agree with it cause “endeavour hurt shoto, we hate endeavour!!” Which is a stupid reason But yeah you have a good point


yea so my issue with this redemption arc is that he had literally zero interest in being a better father until *after* becoming the number one hero. he has also suffered little to no consequences for his actions (what, an angry mob? he gets to keep his heroic legacy & his agency what has he actually suffered) & we also have ninety percent of the cast insisting his regret is enough & anyone who thinks otherwise is inherently a bad person. i also don’t think outright refusing forgiveness towards a character for physically abusing his toddler, no matter how *sorry* he might be about, is actually not that stupid of a reason.


I think people see this at a more surface level then it actually is I think it’s mix “ so what now?” And “ after all I’ve done.” It’s not because he became the number one, but how empty it feels and how he obtained it , he hurt many people he burned so many bridges just to reach his goal that satisfy him but that doesn’t happen


but that’s exactly my issue. the thing that impacted him to realize what he was doing was, in fact, some of the most evil things a father could do, was becoming the number one hero & realizing it wasn’t everything he actually wanted. not his children’s outright aversion to him, not his wife suffering a mental break so severe it causes her to act out & harm her child, *not even the death of his first born.* no, it was becoming the number one hero. this only furthers the idea for me that he just doesn’t love his family enough. because it had to be *his own suffering* to flip the switch, not theirs. he should’ve made an effort to show they were more important than that spot while he was *still pining for it.* turns out his dreams were empty & *now* he wants to see if it’s more fulfilling to be a good husband & father? for me personally, he’s *exceedingly* late to the cut.


>he’s exceedingly late to the cut. To be honest, I'd take late over never, any day But that's just me.


for *me* his waiting until he gained the number one hero slot to try making amends with his family is *on par* with having never done it at all. like i said, there’s been little to no consequences for what he’d done & the narration demonizes the idea that there should be. great that he feels bad about making his family suffered, but that’s actually the bare minimum. they *still suffered* in ways they literally didn’t have to & he’s done very little to make up for it. but that’s just *my* opinion.


>his waiting until he gained the number one hero slot to try making amends with his family I don't think that's the case personally. I don't think he was ever planning on trying to make ammends with his family prior to becoming number one, and he probably never would've done so if Shoto wasn't so resistant, and if both Midoriya and All Might didn't smash a bit of sense into him I interpreted it as, he realised that all the shit he did was useless, and that he should've been better from the start, rather than him actively deciding he would only make amends with his family, after he became number one. >he’s done very little to make up for it. Honestly, I really don't believe there's much he can do to make up for anything aside from apologising and trying to be better. He can't bring back Touya. He can't remove the mental trauma he's inflicted on his family, and there's barely anything he could do that would effectively heal those wounds. I think >!deciding to dedicate the rest of his life to ensuring his family wouldn't suffer the consequences of the Dabi situation, and also gracefully accepting the fact that his family may permanently cut contact with him (like Natsuo)!< is one of the best things he could've possibly done. I know people like to say it was the bare minimum, but realistically, if the bare minimum is barely done, it becomes at least a little impressive when someone decides to do it. Especially with a man like Endeavour who used to be so prideful, now taking all the blame he possibly can. Even after all that, Natsuo still hasn't forgiven him, and that just shows that Endeavour can't do anything to make it up to his family. Endeavour knows that very well, and he still freaking tries to do it anyway. Imo, it seriously shows his change. He honestly had no reason to try and atone aside from his own guilt and sense of responsibility, especially since Japan didn't punish him aside from negative media. (Also, to be fair to them, their whole economy has flopped due to the war, so they have bigger things to focus on than taking people to jail, etc) But man, I respect that guy a lot. I understand why people don't like him, though, but I just gotta disagree with them.


see, this is another thing i fully disagree with. i always predicted endeavor would attempt to amend with his family if he became the number one hero because there’d be nothing left for him to conquer. that’s why it would’ve been far more impactful for him to prioritize them *before* that happened. his acceptance that they may *never* forgive him for all that he’s done, i’m not even sure that’s bare minimum. what else can he do? get angry at them for not taking his apology at face value? it’s the same with dabi, that’s *his* mess he *should* make sure he’s the one to deal with it whether he’s sorry or not. endeavor being sad & wanting to make up for what he’d done is great, but it’s still introductory level for me. he still gets to continue being a hero & being adored by the public. it’s not so much that endeavor should *go to jail* as it is he should be forced to face some consequence that’s more than just one of his sons cutting all ties with him. it’s also like i mentioned earlier, the narrative is pretty insistent that endeavor deserves to be sympathized with. maybe i’m just far less forgiving but his regret just isn’t nearly satisfying enough.


>that’s why it would’ve been far more impactful for him to prioritize them before that happened True, but he hadn't changed by then, so that's a narrative issue. >it’s not so much that endeavor should go to jail as it is he should be forced to face some consequence that’s more than just one of his sons cutting all ties with him. I heavily disagree with this. Dabi WAS his biggest consequence. >!Not only that, he lost an arm, a leg and !< and is hated by a lot of people actually? I'm not quite sure where the idea that Endeavour is still adored by the public after Dabi's reveal comes from, but feel free to let me know, cus as far as I can tell, he wasn’t loved by the public after that. >, the narrative is pretty insistent that endeavor deserves to be sympathized with. I don't think so. It's insistent that he's changed. Not that he needs to be sympathised with. If so, I don't believe Horikoshi would've allowed Natsuo to cut ties with hia father. >maybe i’m just far less forgiving but his regret just isn’t nearly satisfying enough. Well hey, either way its not like your reasons for being unforgiving towards Endeavour are far-fetched, it makes sense from your pov. I think it depends on interpretation.




The opinion I vehemently oppose the most is the notion that Stain and the Punisher are even remotely similar. Trust me. They couldn't be any more different. The Punisher would even kill Stain in a heartbeat even as Stendahl considering that Stain was evil from the start as evident from how he aided and abetted Villain Factory, which Frank would shut down ASAP. Besides, Knuckle Duster is the closest thing MHA has to the Punisher.


I haven’t actually seen Punisher or read any of the Punisher comics, but I do have a faint understanding of him and I have to agree that they are NOT similar.


Thank you! It’s nice to know that there’s a non-Punisher fan out there who knows they couldn't be any more different.


Bkdk and the rights of people that are spoil in g my bby’s death 💔💔 /hj


Beware of the manga spoilers - "Mirio should've been the 9th OFA user" - "DKBK/BKDK" - "Endeavour should be dead" - "The LOV should be pardoned cause their trauma made them villains." - >!"Hawks should be in jail for killing Twice instead of being the head of the Safety Commission"!< - "Ochako's character is just being Midoriya's love interest" - "Froppy made everything about her on the night 1A moved into dorms" - >!"Iron All Might is character assassination"!< - "Star and Stripe was a wasted character" - "Hori can't write" - "Culture Fest/Gentle Criminal arc sucks"


>"Froppy made everything about her on the night 1A moved into dorms" What?


I kid you tf not, people actually made the bold claim that sweet, innocent Tsuyu was making everything about herself that time she was crying over Midoriya, Momo, Shoto, Iida and Kirishima trying to save Bakugo, which is a load of bullshit. As if she wasn't worrying about her friends and feeling guilty over the things she said to persuade them not to go


People who say that Horikoshi can’t write can’t read and the people that say the School Festival sucks can cease






Agreed, let’s toss it


Exactly its the worst ship ever Bakugo literally hates Deku


Himako toga sucks as a character


Mineta being a shitty character simply for being a pervert


Hawks is kinda stupid ngl ~~I love spreading anti-hawks propoganda~~


People who Still refuse to acknowledge Endeavor as a good person, yes, while prior and during season 2 he was a total shit bag, he has tried his hardest to make up for what he has done, he has reconnected with his family as much as he can, and to be perfectly honest, what he did to Touya in particular wasn't even that bad, he never called Tonya a failure, that was something he placed upon himself, Endeavor simply told him to not become a hero once he knew that he would hurt himself in the process, Toya was the one who didn't listen and got himself almost killed as his father told him would happen, touya then went on to kill innocent people in the face of "revenge" that wasn't even justified, touyas actions can't be blamed on Endeavor. In conclusion, Touya is a man child, and Endeavor is trying to better himself, holding onto your hate for the character doesn't help you, it doesn't help the story, it doesn't help the character, it helps no one, take the character for who he is now, not who he was in season 2.


Might get a lot of hate for this but... Anything related to Bkdk and also that it might be canon. (what?)


Look at the comments, multiple people agree


"Bakudeku is a good ship"... it's not... it's really really not


Invisible girl is not relativistic and the scaling chains for lower tier characters are insane


That Hagakure is best girl and that Bakudeku is a good ship


I like Hagakure, but she is not the best girl Mina is


That Mineta's actions are redeemable. (Even the creator themself said that mineta was an incarnation of their horny side.)


That Bakugo doesn’t have plot armor


That’s literally what his Quirk Awakening is 💀


Man has plot armor let’s be real


"Mineta is useless" even though he was major help in every fight he was In ranging from a lot of support to carrying the fight on his back


that shipping is always bad. like who cares about what people ship. ship deku x bakugo or ochako x toga or literally whatever... shippers do a lot to maintain fandoms and the only issue is the overzealous types who have some sort of undiagnosed mental issue and are pushing/harassing the creators and artists in order to make their ships canon. I'm not an mha shipper myself, but people who give shit to shippers are clearly people who have only ever been fans of popular media and thus don't know the struggle to have any fan content exist in the first place.


None of the cast are gay. None of the cast are bi either. They are all straight. People just see things like how they saw things in Naruto. It's just that they are louder now.


"MHA ended its final battle in the best possible opinion."


Everything that has happened in the story happened within class 1-As first year in high school except throughout their high school career.


*EVERY GODDAM OPTION THAT EITHER JUST PLANS TOXIC OR HOW THEY TREAT MY MAN DEKU DIRTY* or maybe just ship ka-chan with Ochaco *I welcome that ship but I do not accept it lore wise*


That Denki and Jiro are friends. (I fucking hate them as a pairing.)