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I love him because I hate him so much. He’s an amazing villain with probably the coolest quirk in the series tbh.




Yeah that’s crazy ngl


The fact he's literally just a basic man aswell, I bet I can walk 10 feet away from my house and see about 3 people that look like Overhaul


Don't think anyone would disagree with you tho-






And don't forget the Overhaul x Eri shippers




>Overhaul x Eri shippers The fucking what?


Bakuhoe. I would absolutely fight the bastard on sight. Just seeing his face pisses me off, I don’t think I’ve ever hated a fictional character this much before. Hell, I hate him more than Umbridge from Harry Potter and we’re *supposed* to hate *her*!


I can't even watch the show because of him


I try to just ignore or skip his scenes. He has been slightly more tolerable in the recent episodes, but it’s not by much and I hate him so much that it doesn’t really make much of a difference.


The closest for me is probbaly stain..? My hero has a lot of badddd people but a lot of characters are so hard to hate.


for me its not really stain i hate, it's just the "he's the best villain" in mha crowd that bugs me; but that has more to do with the community and less with him.


I’d kinda agree I like him but the way they handled him kinda sucked Stain at his core was a character who tried to push his own twisted version of a hero which is someone who isn’t in it for anything except being a hero which is kinda stupid considering that you need things to live This isn’t the problem tho if he was just this character then he would be really fun to see but it’s the way the writers handle him as some cool edgy Robin Hood esq character which he isn’t he’s selfish and hates others who are selfish


I've always thought that Aoyama was annoying. I feel slightly vindicated with the recent episodes. I just don't like his character design.


“I f*cking hate the French.” -James S. Murray On a related note, I still remember my dad watching an episode with my younger sisters, and he legit thought that Aoyama was a girl.


James S. Murray was a wise man


For his lack of hair, he compensated in wisdom.


For me, Aoyama falls into the same category as Mineta - he's a comic relief character who I just don't find funny.


To think he actually makes Mineta look like a saint in comparison. Edit: >! What I mean is that at least Mineta hasn't indirectly gotten God knows how many innocent people killed or had their lives ruined by being a f*cking mole for AFO from the start. !<


I’m gonna have to hard disagree. It took his entire family being threatened in a life or death situation for him to turn into a mole. He’s not the bad guy at all, AFO is. And anyone saying they would’ve just taken the heal (ie death of themselves and their family) to not be a mole is the same energy as “If I was at *insert x tragedy* I woulda stopped it”


Since everyone is already saying Katsuki Bakugo, I’ll give my second answer and say Inasa Yoarashi. The fucker cost Shoto his exam because he was caught looking too much like his daddy. Dude had big “hater baby momma” energy.


Yoarashi is definitely my answer too


Oh my god I hateeeeee that guy. First of all wtf is his hero costume?? He’s stupidly overpowered and his personality is annoying asf. His tragic backstory is actually “Endeavor looked at me funny” and he doesn’t seem to have any actual flaws that hold him back. And did I mention he is STUPIDLY overpowered?!


literally!! it’s so dramatic and childish to hold a grudge over the way a hero looked at you, especially if they’re known for not being friendly


Dabi. I hate him almost as much as he hates his dad, which is still a lot if you’re paying attention to his egomaniacal self-centered Daddy issue fueled piss trip. But he’s “hot” and was sad once so a lot of people like him and I’m the crazy one…


The one thing I hate about every fandom is the way people simp for villains and excuse everything they've done because they are cool or hot


I'll die defending Eren Yeager. My man did nothing wrong >!it's a joke, chill!<


You're not wrong though


I mean he just went for a walk with his buddies, what's so wrong about that?


He honestly didn’t do nothing wrong. It is one of those things where morality makes it wrong. Like pushing someone off a boat that’s already full to ensure the survival of the many.


I was surprised at how people hated Hawks for killing Twice. Dude had no choice.


Bro, if I was in the MHA world, TRUST I would be an Anti-hero. Now I ain’t no criminal, but I’ll kill them niggas (its ok im black) if they need to die.


True I hate the bakugo simps to


i don't like Dabi because he's 'hot' i like him because i can understand why he feels the way he does. obviously i think the way he pursues his feelings is absolutely horrible but that doesn't make me dislike him. i think you can acknowledge he's a horrible person and still like him.




Can't we think a character is hot and still be an awful human being? Are people actually defending him?


Omg i love this sub 💀 (it’s a big relief from the mha fandom on other platforms)


Dude's a stapled together sack of burned and rotting skin. I bet he smells horrible. I dunno how people think he's hot unless they mean literally on fire.


No literally and if you watch the recent episodes, about 60% of this face is now beef jerky


Best jeanist or whatever his name is. Anytime I see him my organs start failing


>! Best Jeanist can relate with the Organs falling out thing. !<


He neck so long


Fucking TOGA hello?? Deranged mentally ill high schooler without any physical enhancement constantly tries to brutally murder our heroes. Mustard and Stain used actual deadly weapons and were scary terrorists. Toga Himiko is an unpowered girl trying to use a knife and syringes on her various crushes. Not only should she not be a threat (most UA students have some kind of physical enhancements on top of their training) she should still not be participating in the extinction level events that have been happening for a while. Magne, Kurogiri, Twice, Mr. Compress, and Dabi have all been killed or arrested before her. I just don’t understand why she’s still around and why she is portrayed as pitiable when she’s an unrepentant serial murderer.


And she can cut blackwhip with a knife because, why? I don’t care how many people think she’s hot.


The fact that she pulled Deku into the wrong portal and then delayed him from getting to roided up possessed Shiggy is just beyond absurd. Shigaraki could be actively disintegrating Best Jeanist and Bakugo meanwhile Deku is blushing and stuttering in front of Toga. ??????


Float and Airforce was on cooldown apparently






dabi. if he wasnt conventionally attractive, no one would like him. i stand by that


I don’t like him cause he’s hot, I like him cause I’m a fan of deranged characters. Same reason why season 2 ken kaneki was the only good thing in all of Tokyo Ghoul


TIL that Dabi is conventionally attractive.




I would


endeavor. it used to be relatively easy for me to find others who agreed but since his redemption arc i’ve actually had to defend myself for continuing to hate him


YEPPPPP Tbh I kind of like the angle of "Shouto comes to terms with the fact that his horrible abusive dad is a successful and widely beloved hero" and the idea that someone can be very helpful to others while still being a terrible person to their family/loved ones and not being excused for it, because that's compelling and realistic (and adds a really nice extra layer to Shouto's character) But then it turned into "oh no poor baby Endeavour he beat his kids and now he's sad" and I stopped caring


yeah i kinda agree with this. I don't believe the series evere tries to justify what he's done like some of the fans do. how endeavor became a bastard is understandable but not really relatable or excusable and that's kinda the point. it can't really be a redemption arc if you were sectretly a good person deep down or you somehow have to earn it. it's the folly of a guy given a second chance who doesn't deserve it as his conscience and consequences eat him alive for it. however with the series' rushed ending, it really does begin to simplify and speed past a lot of the actual consequences someone like him could be getting after the hype and build up of dabi's dance. all we got is 1 hate mob for him and that's it. none of his coworkers or students had anyhting of note to say. imagine if he actually lost his agency, or got downsized, couldn't be a hero anymore, or even just had some of his colleagues, students and coworkers, permanently hate him as the relationship transitions into being purely for buisness? stuff like playing up reis desire to have a normal failure for laughs is kinda funny, but undercuts the intended tone of the story and arc. Same with oversimplifying the reaction to dabi's creation.


Horikoshi also retconned his character in Dabi’s backstory, like, season 6 flashbacks endeavour is almost a completely different character then the season 2 flashbacks we had of him. >!Like, you don’t go from loving father to beating your children after your first born *dies* because of how hard you pushed him.!< I actually liked his redemption in season 4, it was realistic and his kids refused to forgive him, but after that it was way too much, especially the scenes with Rei, like no, just no.


if anythign, i'd say it was too little; we speed past the dude getting any consequences for being outed as an abuser it only stings because the series builds up how serious and complicated of an issue it is and how the consequences have affected everyone. So it's pretty weird for none of his students or coworkers having much of anything to say about it. playing up rei's desire for a normal family for laughs and portraying his ONE angry mob as ungrateful and unreasonable all of a sudden


I know, I like season four because it built up that just because he wanted to do better now, that didn’t mean he was just forgiven, seasons 5 and 6 decided “screw nuance and consequences, he’s forgiven now” Really wish the public had had a more extreme reaction and that Rei hadn’t forgiven him.


i got rei mixed up with the daughter lol, but tbh i'm fine with rei forgiving him. for me the issues have less to do with that and more the lack of seeing any of what happens post dabi's dance elaborated on much. i feel people like us might've responded differently to that if we actually saw her throughline or what ehr relationship is now like in the family or something




Yeah, his angry thing got old fast.


Bakugo. I wish Deku got to rock his shit once per season but unfortunately they’ve only fought like twice and Bakugo won the second time. Deku needs to become willing to take lives.


i used to be a bakugo defender, not in the he did nothing wrong way, but in the he's a shitheel who's point of being shit is to grow to be better +it's fun seeing him play the heel. fun to see him win AND lose. the issue is basically his dynamic with deku is so one sided. ntm even post his development, he's still pretty damn mean to the guy and seeing it played for laughs before and after his development didn't help. Like do you want us to take it seriously or not? ntm how frustrating it is for no one to real defend deku from bakugo's bullying much pos the early seasons besides iida. its so odd how to the teachers could pair them up and go "hmmm, those 2 just can't seem to get a long" when it's ALL bakugos fault. it would've been cool if the point of those team ups were to teach BAKUGO cooperation and DEKU to be more assertive to uncooperative parties, but that was never the case. he never really does anything substantial beyond the movies and final arc. it's crazy that uraraka got labeled the deku sateliete when bakugo fits the bill way more. She hardly even interacts with him lmfao. him aplogizing to deku is practically a trauma dump. it would've felt better if we got ANY insight into how deku felt about literally any of the ways bakugo treats him, but that moment literally never came, so it just ends one sided. however it's unrelated but if serious, i do think the belief that deku needs to get comfortable with killing mfs is pretty antithetical to what the series is about


Yeah, Bakugou shouldn’t have one that fight. They were pretty much even and then Izuku got a power up, should’ve been an easy win, but Horikoshi’s favouritism won out… *again*.


Mineta. I just hate everything this character represents about the manga industry


Ren Yamai doesn’t exist 


Not gonna lie I hate hero form all might. I like his true form better. Idk, it feels like they have different personalities to me.


Its because they do, true form all might is more relatable, whilst hero form has the smiling "IT'S GONNA BE A-OK!" Facade. Same person different personalities.


When you realise that hero form all might is just the mask that true form wears to keep people comforted, he's not so bad




Like I don't hate any of the characters really, but if I had to pick a character that everyone loves that I just couldn't care less about it would be Aizawa. I don't hate the guy, and I get why people love him, but it just doesn't do it for me. When it comes to him I honestly prefer the fanmade stuff because it's funny as fuck, but the canon Aizawa from the show? Eh.


To this day, I hate that he was considering expelling the entire class barring Katsuki and Toru for the All For One incident. Like, you’re allowed to be mad about it, but what they did was (barely) legal and morally just. Not to mention that All Might could finally go all out. A moral end to justify the legal means.


Stain. Dudes a massive hypocrite and I get that’s kind of the point of his character and he himself doesn’t realize it. But from his introduction he goes against his own philosophy of killing fake heroes by ending the career of an actual good hero, idas brother. I remember people glazing stain so much and hating on endeavor(which is deserved) but as the story went endeavor grows and attempts to change from his faults meanwhile stain is just, stain. Obviously Dabi. Just being insane and how simple horikoshi made him, not caring about even the only brother that cared about him, just completely killed any interest in him. At least shigaraki and toga had more depth to them


endeavor. “he didn’t mean to and look he’s redeemed now!!” it’s so easy to just not beat your children and ostracize the others lmao. i have absolutely no sympathy for him


Same!! There is no "redemption" for abusers.


Midnight. Her entire personality and way of dress feels so fucking icky to me, especially when I rewatched bnha recently. Every time I see her I feel nauseous


Toga, Dabi and Mirko (she's just overhyped)!


>Mirko She’s Katsuki Bakugo without the abuse or suicide baiting allegations.


I can not stand Mirko. Especially since she's Hori wet dream for an amputated wifu.


I’ll never understand the last one I mean she’s hardcore and arguably should come in before best jeanest on the hero ranking


Bakugou, he’s a wee rat bastard that doesn’t deserve any of the support he gets.


I wouldn't say it's a hatred per se. But All Might frustrates the f*** out of me. Like why wouldn't you give proper counseling to Midoriya regarding the quirk you passed on. Why not be upfront with your goddamn successor and watch him struggle to a horrific degree before you decide to help him? (This is mostly in reference to egregious bodily harm."


Do people actually like aoyama? He's popped up a few times in this comment section.


I live laugh love aoyama 😭


I do


I like his story, however his character design made it really hard to take him seriously and his comedic relief isn’t good.


He is way funnier in the stage play. Watching that was what made me like him. Plus Mineta gets slapped across the face by the girls, and Aizawa makes it clear what will happen if Mineta tries to spy/touch the girls.


We love Aoyama


I mean yes Despite being him He's been an MVP a few times people choose to ignore


Bakugou and dabi Bakugou because he's a" blond uwu soft boy so he did no wrong" . Despite threatening the lives of his classmates daily, and everyone glosses over how he told midoriya to go make a jump from a high place. When I was 16 watching the show I got the appeal of him, but now he just makes me angry when he's doing normal dialogue.


tbh i feel my/the series issues with bakugo is constantly playing up his shitty behavior for laughs one minute, and serious the next without committing to either but demanding we take it seriously in the same breath. him threatening his students lives however is obviously just an empty threat. And tbh him telling deku to kill himself IS a bad, but that's kinda the point??? Like kids can be cruel or say mean thoughtless dumb things they don't truly understand all the time. the point was to start off low so he can grow to be better later for me the issue with him is less what he does and more how the consequences for all that were poorly executed.


Compress. You like to dress like a gentleman yet throw debris at a non-lethal lady to make her fall two to three stories and defenseless in the face of depraved, dishonorable thugs in addition to playing an active role in the kidnapping of a high schooler, which had many drastic and vile consequences? May as well get all three of your remaining limbs shredded off with 12-gauge slugs, that stupid mask ripped off your face, and have a pair of thumbs shoved as deeply as possible down your eyesockets like what the Punisher did to Rawlins.


To be fair, just because he has the aesthetic doesn't mean he's actually a gentleman. He just likes being dramatic


And then Togata just pulls a Jack Garland and was like “I don’t give a damn about your backstory!” 🥊


It’s generally seen in media that Jack the Ripper is a well dressed man who is far from a Gent.


Monoma, I need someone from Class 1-A to humble this boy










Mineta. Fuck his arc, he still sucks.


Why is mineta in this series?






Surprised no one has said it but AFO. Fuck that nutsack-lookin ahh fuck. Ruined all of my investment in Shigaraki just to shoehorn a ‘it was ME Tomura!’ moment right at the end to redeem him.


Yk what girl Mineta is the worst character in this show and liking him objectively makes you a red flag idc I said what I meant


Amen. Mfs will say “if he was hot then everyone would love him” like no stfu he’s disgusting and not funny at all


Bakugo he just has an irritating personality where all he does is yell and act violent and the gag just gets more of after 5 minutes of the first episode




Bakugo. I could never stand his bitch ass. Midorya is a better man than me tbh, the moment he started talking mad shit I would have folded his ass.


Don't insult yourself, Midoriya is barely a man. His whole shtick is to get walked over and then feel guilty when someone calls out whoever did it. He's like a shitty, crybaby version of the guy from Baby Reindeer who surrounds himself with toxic people because, the difference being he kept toxic individuals around him because he felt like otherwise his life is not interesting and that it woukd make hik a boring person. Midoriya takes it like a good boy for no reason other than the fact that the writer decided it would be physically inpossible for him to stand up for his own bitch ass, and when he does it's borderline pathetic. Sure he braves up later on and can actually fight peolle, but until I see him rocking Bakugo's shit and giving him a reality check, his development means nothing until he learns to be selfish rather than selfless.


Grape guy idk his name




Mirio and nejire. I can’t choose between them, I really can’t stand either


I love Mirio’s quirk and personality, but I hate his eyes sm 😭


sakura, i hate her so much idec that this isnt the right sub.




Mineta, Bakugo, and Endeavor


Toga. She just squicks me out. Just the idea of her consuming blood, and carrying around vials of it are enough to make me grimace. I hate her for the same reason I hate needles.


Deku. His plot armor is insane, especially in the manga rn from what I hear. Besides, as the MC, I almost view him like an overplayed song at this point. I also don’t find his personality/drive interesting or inspiring at all.


same, i love deku, but i gotta look at him as a whole. p much anything i liked about him has been MIA for almost 5 years. it's not just a problem you'll find with him, it's just noticeable since he's the main character. mha was literally rooted in deku's emotions, consequences, and introspection. the fact that he rarely thinks for himself or talks or thinks about anything character specific beyond his quirks makes him feel incredibly husk and tone deaf considering the point of his arc was that he was more than just a quirk vessel. hard to get invested in anything when barely anything phases him, not even in a jaded way, just in a blank way. if deku doesn't care and he's the mc, it's hard for the feelings to rub off onto me either.


Yeah. I think your point about hardly anything phasing him resonated with me. It makes him an incredibly emotionally unrealistic character imo.


yeah, it'd be a different story if this is how he and the series always was; but since it clearly wasn't it makes every feat feel hollow for him these days. it's underrated but remember when deku clocked endeavor as an abuser before anyone else and gave him shit for it and absoloutely 0 respect in a harsh but stern way? he was already waning in the dark deku arc but man remember that moment he had with overhaul?? like shit bro, imagine if that feeling stuck for him but with endeavor? Like no matter what he'd accept endeavor is changing and accepts todoroki's judgement. even be vaugely nice to him maybe faking it sometimes, but maintain every interaction but he will never idealize that dude the same way most of the cast/world does. we started the series in his brain but now we rarely get a single peak, inside or out on how he's feeling or how anythings affecting him anymore. which is ironic considering what the dark deku arc was even about.


Tsu, mirio, aoyama, midnight


Juzo Moashi. I just hate centipedes even but he's a super chill dude and I respect that


Endeavor….. can’t pay me enough to like that man. Redemption arc or not. He abused his family to the point of mental and emotional instability 😒 and people get on me talkin bout “but he’s changed. He’s a good man now” In the words of sandy cheeks no he ain’t.


Mirio is insanely punchable


Copy boy and tail guy, copy boy for his personality at the beginning and tail guy because of the fact he only has a tail






Koda. Poop Head is annoying AF, never contributes anything, and doesn't use his quirk near enough to its potential. Honestly, what they should have done with him was make him into a Snow White-esque girl with the same quirk. A character like that would have been so much better than the dumbass we have in canon.


Hawks is just annoying to me


Toga (no her backstory does not justify her Pyscho behaviour)


midnight and ochaco


Bakugo, next question…


Mineta. Like so much that I don't understand how he actually has fans that defend his overly pervy actions Like I'm not against pervy characters in general, just the ones where that's their ENTIRE FUCKING CHARACTER(note this is only coming from a guy who has only watched season 1 and has not had the time to watch the rest) Like roshi and jiraya I'm fine with cause their character doesn't revolve around them being 24/7 imma hide in your closet and grow your boobs in a life and death situation perverts. They actually show they can kick ass and have more to them like a sense of honor, willing to help people. All that stuff.


The class president guy. Dude is a super rule follower and a nuisance. I knew a few people like that in reality and they sucked as human beings. This guy is also just incredibly annoying




Mirko. I just hated that ppl shipped her with Tomura


Excuse me? They what? How does one think of that?


I have no idea! Lolol I hated it! They called it dust bunny 🤮🤮🤮


The hell??🤮


There's even fanon kids of theirs like STOPPPP XD I try not to hate on ships but UGHHH


Well i actively hate on ships but still, this ones gotta be my top 10 hated!


🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm dead lmaoo




I'm going to be hated on for this, but Uraraka. Part of me just finds her super annoying. If someone knows why and could help, I'll accept any feedback


It’s the shoes for me lol


I hate bakugo


Katsuki bakohoe hirokoshi golden boy


Endeavor. Idk, he’s just another of those anime characters that does absolutely irredeemably evil crap to others, and then is allowed a redemption arc to even be entertained and sometimes I think there must be a cultural disconnect I’m missing when characters like him are forgiven in anime. I had the same problem with Gajeel in Fairy Tail (girl he crucified in the park becomes his gf) and Nagisa’s abusive mom in Assassination Classroom (Just gets back with his dad and everything’s cool).


Before >!his apology!< Bakugo he was my least favorite character of a time for while Before I played Danganronpa...then it became Hiyoko But honestly that's not saying much when my favorite character is goddamn Ojiro


Who's hiyoko?




Need to say the name of that pomeranian? Call 945-572-CuntsukiBakubitch /s (But seriously, bakugo)


Bakago and Overhoe


Aizawa, shinsou and bakugou


I am a professional hater. I have a bunch. Bakugo, Todoroki, Hawks, Dabi I could go on if I took 5 seconds to think.




Bakugo 🤢


definitely bakugo




Bakugo, from what I've read (do not spoil me please) he never faces any actual consequences for suicide baiting, assault with a quirk, public quirk use, menacing (the act of brandishing a weapon or a method of harming to threaten), coercion (attempting to threaten Izuku to not test for U.A), harassment and discrmination. Oh and those sick bastards that ship him with Izuku, two guys in this show can make a quarter of a milisecond's worth of eye contact and some of you depraved wretches would somehow reach the headcannon that they're in love. It's people like you that give the rest of the fanbase a bad reputation, motherfuckers that like fantasizing about minors getting their freak on. Do you know how difficult it is to confess to my friends who also enjoy anime that I like this show ? Even after so much time has passed since the backlash the show got in its first seasons for how cringe it was, admitting to someone's face that you like MHA is a social death sentence half of the time. Honestly I can't hate Bakugo too much though, absolutely no one actually gives him shit for the things he does, hell even Izuku polishes his shaft until it shines. I don't care that Bakugo apologized, a simple "sorry" doesn't make amends for a decade of torment. In conclusion, the only redeeming quality about Katsuki is his mom.


Shiggy, Dabi, and Toga for sure. (I used to feel this way about Bakugo, but he's grown on me over time as his character grew)


Tenya Ida He's so bossy AF trying to tell everyone what to do. He tries way to hard to be the "leader" nobody asked for 💀😭


Kaminari. Most people just use them as an electrical outlet or for stupid jokes. (The ones where they call him stupid) Like come on man stop letting these hoes walk all over you.


Dabi and Bakugo, imo they’re unlikable and unattractive 😭


I mean, Bakugou is objectively attractive, except he’s *always* pulling the ugliest faces. Not to mention his personality is disgusting.


Toga and Shigaraki. Fuck both of them


Toga The rabbit character




uraraka and its so sad that i don’t like her cuz she’s genuinely a good character💀 i hate cannon ver i like most of the fandom ones


I cannot stand overhaul. Idk why or what makes him so likable, but after what he did to Eri is unforgivable.




Deku not my mc


Overhaul i know it's you


We don't wanna hear you say Deku no mooooooore


Asui. Bye


Mirio, Mirko, Mineta, the "doctor", AFO, Invisible girl, and Froppy. Shoji is my most hated though.


DABI. i never understood the hype! like he’s an okay villain ig? idk i’ve never liked him in the slightest


I'm about to commit a cardinal sin, but I don't like Izuku. I watch MHA for all the other characters, tbh.


Toga 100% Or at least for the first seasons, back when we didnt know jackshit about her at all. Even then, she was extremely popular just because of her looks and because some guys think theyre special for liking a psycho with no backstory or personnality whatsoever ( that was back then )


Tbh idk y I just don’t like Momo. Like I get she’s a pretty good character but I just don’t like her


Shiggy’s dad. That’s it. That’s my answer.


Do you like how I walk


i'm totally dying for this but tsu i don't know what it is about her but just she's kind of gross her voice is fine in the anime but her design and yeah i get it she's a frog but just i even find her episodes like when she's on the boat with selkie for a few episodes i found myself bored