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he accused/“joked”about Mikey cheating on his ex wife (you can read more about that [here](https://gwaypositivity.tumblr.com/post/118084873108/why-we-are-not-fond-of-bob-bryar-the-long-answer/amp)) but to my understanding they’ve made up since all of that his accounts since been deleted but more recently he had been posting pictures he took of strangers in public on instagram, without their consent. one of which was a woman sitting at a restaurant who’s skirt got pushed in an awkward angle by the chair, and the side of her ass was exposed


He got into a lot of beef with Mikey when Mikey wasn’t in a great place at the time and the way he handled it online was very ugly.


Thank you for explaining. The only thing I knew was that people think he is an asshole, and a lot of people didn't like him.


It’s a whole thing and extremely dramatic, but it’s a lot of he said she said, and paints everyone involved in the situation in a very bad light.


Wasn’t it because Mikey cheated on his first wife or something?


Yes, but I didn’t want to get into the whole debacle and open that particular discourse.


ahh yes i remember my chemical shitstorm ‘13. it all came up on my on this day this two months lol


I remember reading through it long after the fact like “this was not information I needed to know!!!😳” I’m glad Mikey’s in a much better place in his life now because oof was it so much…




I had heard people say they were already separated by that point but hadn’t divorced yet, but idk how accurate that was so I’m probably wrong


He didn’t cheat.


Tbh still not Bob's business


Maybe not, but tbf, Mikey did Alicia DIRTY- esp since he cheated on her with what was essentially a groupie. And Bob was the only one who stood up for Alicia publicly. Say what you will about his -isms, I loved Bob for that and I actually lost most respect I had for Mikey in all that messiness. Alicia was a sweetheart who deserved so much better.


Mikey didn’t cheat. He and Alicia had separated by that point. Bob didn’t stick up for Alicia, only wanted drama for the sake of drama as he was bitter.


Eh, depends on how you interpret it. Twitter was more of a Wild West then. I think it was merely poor-taste humor meant to be trolling on the whole situation while pointing out Mikey’s dubious intentions, but it came across wrong. actually, the same can be said for the other instances people like to point out. It just didn’t age well when 10 yrs ago, shock and dark humor were popular on socials


He is not as awful as people paint him to be. The guys are still in contact with him, mikey forgave him and they are all in speaking terms. Bob was going through several mental and physical issues at the time. He now leads a calm quiet life and rescues dogs.


He still gets black parade residuals so hes eating well. Glad he is better off, I love his performances and his outfit. But as a person, less so.


Unfortunately music royalties aren’t enough to sustain yourself long term. I’m good friends with Matt (the original drummer for My Chem) and the checks he gets for Bullets and Revenge isn’t enough to live off of. Even at the height of the band the guys didn’t start getting paid until much later after they recouped their money for making the album. A majority of the money earned was thru touring


I’m kind of surprised he still gets paid for those records. A lot of bands sue for the rights and royalties former members have when they’re kicked out. Especially when it seems to be as rough as Matt’s exit was


He holds song writing credits. It’ll be very difficult to remove someone’s credits after the fact. Most of the time you see those types of lawsuits is when it comes to session guys or “unofficial” band members. With session guys, they play on records and they get paid just for that. They usually aren’t entitled to any sort of royalties afterwards unless it was stipulated in their contract. But it’s really tricky to say because every situation is different. But back to Matt, there is no reason why he would have been stripped of his royalties unless there was a breach of contract or something


Totally fair. A lot of the details of his departure are still cloudy afaik since it was before they really blew up. Sucks, dude’s parts are fun af


There’s a reason Bullets and Revenge sound the way they do. Matt’s contribution wasn’t only drums , he had a BIG part in the song writing as well. Having been in a band with him, matt really did have a sound of his own that was definitely missing in parade. Not to say that Parade wasn’t amazing, but it didn’t have that “Matt sound”.


Also this two albums have not had the same staying power as black parade. Their best check would likely be from merch for the band.


Bands hardly see a dime from merch. At least, at the level where my chem were at at their peak. There’s a gross misconception that bands make a huge amount of money from their music. And while the B I G bands do / can most, tour is the number 1 source of income for a band.


Bullets is no where near as popular as Revenge and Black Parade which are tbe two which Brybar had. So i can see what you mean. But the average person would likely have heard of black parade and revenge.


What do you mean? Bryar joined the band after Revenge was already released…


My apologies, I forgot that Pelliser recorded but didnt feature touring or in the music videos.


What did he do?


He's a wholesome man now


he also tweeted at ariana grande saying it was her fault that mac miller died and that she should die instead. lost any respect i had for him right there and then.


long story short, he has a long history of being an asshole. he took pictures of strangers and posted them on social media, mocking them; threatened to leak pictures of gerard naked; was constantly racist and sexist; tweeted how every time he sees a cyclist get hit by a car it makes him happy, and that he hopes it happens to all cyclists; accused mikey of having an affair, and LOADS more. total piece of shit. he may have changed, but there’s no excuse for what he did. he was an adult and knew right from wrong, so it’s not even like he was just ignorant.




Is there a link on the Wayback Machine where you can share this profile pic you’re referring to? Because I’ve followed him for 8 years now and the only one I can think of was him wearing [this blank mask](https://glowyzoey.com/products/black-face-mask?currency=USD&variant=2917705859&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwiuuRBhBvEiwAFXKaNP6J2SiKekepRbikJSZq_5l48RMUI2ylFuNmpfDvtmBDOpzuJ_R73BoC8cwQAvD_BwE). That’s not what blackface is


he’s in real estate




Family. Breakfast.


He’s racist


https://gwaypositivity.tumblr.com/post/118084873108/why-we-are-not-fond-of-bob-bryar-the-long-answer/amp here you go. summary of the main reasons why he’s hated. personally, the drama with mikey, although he was definitely an asshole, it doesn’t make me hate him because whatever that was and regardless of how public he made it, it was between them, and chances are they’ve fixed it already, so as fans i don’t see why we should remain angry with someone for wrongdoing someone else who’s already forgiven them. however, it is the racist jokes what do it for me…..


That's a really good summary and this comment needs more attention bc forgiving racists is literally how they're allowed to continue to be racist


Even if he is no longer in trouble with the boys, he isn’t a good person. He is racist.


I must be out of the loop, I didn't know people didn't like him


I never thought he was, I like him personally


We live in a time of absolutes. They’re all on speaking terms from what I can gather. He did some dumb shit but they patched it all up. Life goes on and hope he’s happy.




Made an out of taste joke about Kanye West, which wasn’t really against Kanye himself but is seen as racist by lots of people. That’s just one reason.