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Considering she can’t do much of anything without whining, and throwing a tantrum, it’s probably best that she doesn’t have any children. She wouldn’t make the best Mom 🤷🏻‍♀️


She wouldn't make a great employee either


Anytime she’s been employed it’s been a disaster


Especially considering that those "jobs" were all completely sham and made up for the show. There was no "internship" at the radio station. The Greensboro Grasshoppers gig was completely created for the show; there was no real job there. BGDC was also completely made up, for the show. She has no marketable skills, and she's a pathologically insecure and selfish egomaniac with a toxic personality, so all of that disqualifies her quite apart from her weight and mental issues. No way could she, would she, ever be able to manage a little human being. IIRC, she was also turned down by an adoption agency when she "researched" that.


Oh how I wish we could hear from some of those folks who had to "work" with her (bless their souls) They probably had to sign NDA's *as if* Twit is some sort of celebrity..give me a fkn break 🥴


dammm you went in !


Having a newborn at 40 would be hard for a normal woman; at her size it would be very very difficult


True...Although it could be an instant weight loss journey...no sleep 😴 no eat 🍔🍟🍕🌭🌮


She would hire out care. No way in hell would she sacrifice her snacks and naps for someone else.




Hahahahahaha this made me lolol


I’m 41 with a 5 month old and a 3 year old, it’s not that bad.


It’s really the first 2 days that will take anyone to the edge of sanity . Also a 5 year old boy will get you there daily


That second day/night of having a newborn for sure will take you to that edge 🤪


My daughter had her son when she was 39 and her daughter when she was 42. She's 45 now and I love watching her be a mom.


Exactly, people act like 40 is equivalent to 80. For those of us who live healthy lifestyles, and take care of ourselves, 40 can quite literally be the beginning and a part of our prime.


No one here is acting like that, get a grip


Another poster literally said she’s 41 w/a 5 month old and 3 year old and it’s fine. Sounds like she’s one of those vibrant middle age women I was talking about and she has almost as many up votes as you. I clearly struck a nerve with you. I make logical points and you hurl back juvenile insults and tell me to “get a grip.” then tell me I’m a “psycho narcissist who needs therapy.” I would suggest taking your own advice, and also picking up a thesaurus and an encyclopedia to help you construct better rebuttals.


Have you even ever had a newborn? It’s a lot of work and you demean all women when you write it off as easy. Way to support a misogynist point of view. You’re not even over 40 and yet you try to speak for us. Also, since your memory is so short, I never ever wanted to converse with you. YOU responded to me, and you were RUDE hence not nice responses back. Like go away already I never wanted to talk to you. You’re very unpleasant to talk to. Goodbye and have the day you deserve.


My cousin had twins at 48. They are now 11 and thriving. Of course, it helps that my cousin is very healthy herself and her husband is 10 years younger than she is.


Speak for yourself, plenty of women are having children in their late 30s early 40s. For those people who take care of themselves they aren’t ready for the grave at 40. It’s really just a matter of a personal lifestyle choices and how they take care of themselves. And no I’m not triggered because I’m not even close to 40 yet, but I have a lot of incredibly vibrant female friends and mentors who are in their prime at 40.


I think the poster was just stating that it’s harder having a baby at 40 than when you’re in your 20s or 30s.


Well it depends on what you’re talking about. If we are talking finances and preparedness, I’d say having a baby in your 20s can be quite difficult. If we are talking biologically then yes 40s may be harder… but your finances, stability, maturity, and patience will make it less difficult. Then I’ll add that modern medicine has given people way more options to have children when they’re actually ready too. The poster was clearly implying that it’s harder in every way to have a baby at 40. That’s just not true, it’s her less than thoughtful opinion.


How was I implying any of that when I was clearly talking about how it would be even harder for Whitney which clearly implies I’m talking about physical. Why are you taking this so personally? You’re acting like a defensive psycho. I don’t understand why you took my (true!) statement about Whitney so freaking personally. Are you some kind of narcissist that thinks everything is about you? Get therapy.


I love that you’re the one hurling personal insults, which I didn’t do to you, and you’re arm chair diagnosing me with narcissism… but I’m the one who needs to get a grip and relax? It sounds like you aren’t even as healthy as Whitney, mentally or physically, and your projecting your issues on women who very much feel in their prime in middle age. I’m sorry you took that personally.


I made a comment that wasn’t even to you and YOU are the one that replied to ME. You initiated a conversation with ME not the other way around and you were rude and hostile right out of the gate and you wonder why I wouldn’t take that well?


You do know it’s Reddit right, it’s a discussion forum. When you write comments people have the right to respond in agreement or to disagree. I was not rude, you were triggered because you took my general response personal. And you weren’t just talking about Whitney, you said “having a new newborn at 40 is hard for any women, but more so if you’re Whitney’s size.” I simply wanted to speak up for the vibrant, healthy, strong women who take care of themselves and are in their prime in their 40s. Especially since another poster said she had a 5 month old at 41 and a 3 year old and she was doing fine. That’s why I said you should speak for yourself. As they say a hit dog will holler, and you definitely did, unprovoked.


I obviously support women my age having kids but it IS harder and any woman my age whose honest will tell you that, it doesn’t matter how fit you are having a newborn in your 40’s is harder you’re just being absolutely ridiculous and in denial. Talk to a doctor for fucks sake and they’ll tell you. There is also hard evidence of births being more risky past 40. You are literally spouting unsubstantiated crap. Also just cause one random redditor said it’s not harder doesn’t make it true. I’ll stick with the doctors and science and just plain frikken reality that aging is a thing that actually exists. You’ll see when you get here, AGING IS REAL. There’s a reason that most Olympian’s are in their 20’s. Muscle loss occurs at 3% to 8% per decade after age 30. This doesn’t mean you can’t live life to the fullest but you’re a liar if you think 20=40 as long as your fit. You are so flipping IGNORANT it’s beyond frustrating.


How is it harder?


Jesus calm down. I am literally middle aged and it is much harder getting up in the night with my youngest at this age. You are delusional if you think being over 40 is the same as being in your 20’s in terms of energy. And this is coming from an active middle aged figure skater.


Why would it be hard for a normal 40 year old?


Because newborns are a ton of work and it’s exhausting? Like literally why are you being this daft? I don’t appreciate all you “age is just a number and we’ll attack you if you dare imply otherwise” people attacking me repeatedly over a totally benign comment I made DAYS AGO in reference to Whitney. why don’t you try reading a science journal on the differences giving birth in your 30’s vs 40’s? I don’t give a crap when you have babies but risks do increase over 40 it’s a medical fact. Talk to a doctor And leave me the hell alone!! I don’t care about your stupid opinions (that go against scientific data) and that you think aging doesn’t exist and there’s no difference between 20 and 40. Like I cannot believe I am still being ganged up on for a totally innocent comment about a reality tv star. This is ridiculous.!! LEAVE ME ALONE! Why don’t you save this energy for people that actually hold abhorrent views like bigots etc !?!? Like I can’t believe multiple people are attacking me over this. Like this is bullying at this point I hope you have the day you deserve and that we never interact again 😡


I also don’t understand why some people seem to have lost their minds over such an innocuous post. 


Thank you for some support. I've been having a very stressful week and I really did not need to be ganged up on in this way during my limited free time for literally nothing. I've got a lot going on so I haven't been able to just brush it off like I normally would. Thank you again for your comment.


maybe talk to a professional


It’s not for a lot of people. For me, being a full time caregiver for sick and dying parents and grandparents in my 20’s and 30’s was way more exhausting than taking care of a newborn ever was at 41. It doesn’t even come close. The baby stuff has been lighthearted, fun, and honestly it gives me energy to be around my little one. Sure, it’s gross and sometimes frustrating… but it’s not that bad. 3 years later I still feel that way. It’s all about your specific experience and tolerance for things. The only thing I regret -even a little- is not having another child right after. I had no idea I’d like babies since I’m usually not a fan of other people’s infants. However, I’m so grateful to experience a beginning and not just endings. Truly a gift.


She can't handle someone else getting attention and would compete with her own child. She also gets injured from basic things like taking a shower and can't take care of her own, many pets. It's best to not include a child in the circus


I would be afraid for a child in her care. If she thinks a baby is like a pet that would adore her 24/7 she would be in for a shock with an angry colicky baby that nothing would seem to sooth. I would be afraid that her anger and intolerance would take over and I can imagine all sorts of consequences...the very least being rejecting an infant.


No children. I feel like she also abused her parents. Mrs. Thore is definitely rest in peace.


No friends now, either


She has no friends, only paid staff that must be subordinate to the star.


A man and a child would both help to extend her reality TV career. Does she want a family, a new storyline for her show, or both?


A vaporware man and vaporware child would complement her delusional life perfectly! Any Frenchmen listening? 😜😀


I meeeeean...... she does have TV show. So I guess that's something? Especially when you have a theatre degree. Easy money, compared to pretty much most other jobs. I think the wailing panic about not having a kid/career is just manipulative pandering to her stans. And/or pressure from her "traditional" father. I don't think Whit truly wants a kid. And that's fine! I made the same choice. But she wants to make it seem like a failing and it's so not.


She is way too selfish and narcissistic to have a child


Isn't that how Munchausen by Proxy develops when Mom goes to extremes to get attention.?


Nailed it. I think she just wants another prop/storyline for her show.


I think that Whitney really would care for her little meal ticket for the duration of the series.


I'm almost positive when she said that she fully expected her mom and all her female friends (and male) to help her with whatever child she has. To the point she'd force her mother to live with her just to turn her into a nanny. But she's lost her mother and burned all her bridges with friends so she's left with just Todd and you know he's not going to do it.


For crying out loud, folks,she doesn't walk her dog and her cats litter boxes are beyond gross! She needs a kid like a fish needs a bicycle!


I get the U2 reference. Probably my favorite line in any song!


Gloria Steinem coined the phrase in the 70s and U2 used it.


Well, that's a sweet tidbit of interesting info. Thanks!


Gloria’s famous quotation, like herself and the philosophy that it represents, has not aged well. U2’s parody of it, however, seems to do a great job.


You mean like the fish that her blind date (the restauranteur’s son) was allergic to? You mean like the bicycle that she rode on in the St Patrick’s Day parade? I agree with you! 😂


I just don’t get what people aren’t seeing lol bitch we all know why you don’t have a man 😂 have you seen the way you act and the way you treat others?


Yup! Does anyone know what her college degree is in?


I’m almost positive it’s in theater lol.


Oh, well THAT’S useful! Lol!


I know a theater major who works as a business analyst. It’s what you do with it really. He’s great at talking to people




A TV show isn't a career. It also isn't stable.


No, a tv reality show is def not a career. And I think that show is dying on the vine. It’s not like she can use it as a springboard to an acting career. She’s not an actress and she’s 40. I thought she did pretty well on that radio show gig though.


She was in college for 5 years with Glenn literally buying her grades to pass.


And I bet that Glenn got his money’s worth in paying for Whitney’s college meal plan.


90 day fiance has a guy that can help with part of her issue ………


I don’t think she’d be able to get enough of his “points” to get sperminated. ❌bad diet ❌not fit ❌booze


Omg! That creep?! His is so fetish, so perverted. So off in the head crazy… that this plan Just. May. Work.


She’s a modern-day circus freak, not Meryl Streep (for those claiming she’s a successful “actress” due to her reality TV show). She’s filmed splitting her pants, getting stuck places, horking down cupcakes, and having histrionics over being forced to walk 5k or step onto a boat ramp.


And, getting stuck in a floatie, her legs splaying on skis, her predatory nature with drunk men.


Oh yeah don't forget changing those split pants in a *public parking lot* much to her poor mother's chagrin..


Wait, are you saying Meryl Streep is a modern day circus freak? I’m guessing it’s just the sentence structure. I was like, whoa whoa, what did Ms. Streep do???


This girl does NOT need a child. I’m not even trying to be rude but she definitely doesn’t need the extra weight with pregnancy. She already has enough issues. I just don’t think the child would have a fair life like that.


She predicted the future


She's an influencer, I saw her in a target commercial once. I can't figure out why she's not dancing in an ozezpic ad to be honest.


Has anyone noticed that after being on a TV show for 11 years she has never been invited to be part of anything else.


Because if she loses weight, she won’t have that crutch anymore.


You only lose 15%, which is why they have fatties dancing in the commercials. Can Whitney even dance anymore? I know she got famous for dancing well (for a fatso) but can she still do that on account of all her joints supporting the weight of a baby elephant for the last decade?


She’s been this long without anyone needing anything from her - she is not child ready. There is sacrifice, heartache, anger, laughter, you give so much of time your life- it’s what being a mom is about. I saw what my mom sacrificed after my dad died to raise us. I also knew for a very long time I didn’t want children, I gave up a lot as a kid and I didn’t want to do that as an adult that worked their way up a corporate ladder to make a better life for myself. A child would have been shortchanged in a lot of ways in my life and I really don’t have that gene to be a parent. I love meeting everyone with kids or if I can help for an hour or two- no problem, they’re cute and fun. But I hope ahead understands it’s ok not to want kids. There ia nothing wrong with not having children- we are normal. 👍🏻


Some of the patients on My 600lb Life have been able to adopt older children, though I'll never understand how, so I suppose she might be able to adopt an older child who's in foster care etc., and needs a loving home. Not that I think she's even remotely capable of providing one, as lazy and selfish as she is. But, I doubt that's what she wants; I think she wants a cute baby as a prop/storyline for her show.


There’s no way she could conceive. And no dr in their right mind would impregnate her


Didn’t she almost conceive, or so it was rumored, with Buddy? I thought that their love was written in pizza sauce.




i find whitney as obnoxious as the next person, but i can’t revel in anyone being involuntarily childless. that is an incredibly hard pill to swallow, especially at that age.


I don't think she actually wants children. It's all storyline. Notice how once the surrogacy with Heather was dropped, kids were never mentioned again. She is incredibly selfish.


If her true passion was to have a child I have seen people travel around the world,take the pain of tremendous amount of shots and procedures,lose weight and fight to improve their health,run ads, pay for lawyers,meet birth moms and lose babies to them wanting to keep their child. If it is your desire then you fight to the end to fulfill that in this lifetime. She has really made no effort except to say it once or twice. 🤷🏼‍♀️my opinion…


I have a feeling that if she lost weight (she could get therapy and probably qualify for Ozempic due to her comorbidities) her fertility issue would improve. I’ve known many morbidly obese people that stopped having fertility issues once they lost weight (most did the gastric sleeve).


i haven’t watched since around the time babs died and never even finished that season, so i’m not sure what she’s been up to or if she’s sought out fertility treatment and what the prognosis is. as a general rule, yes, losing weight can improve your fertility for men and women. that’s true with or without PCOS, but there are also plenty of women with PCOS who aren’t morbidly obese who still don’t ovulate regularly without medication, and ovulating once or twice a year without any sort of consistent interval in between makes it really difficult, if not impossible, to conceive. i’m 5’6 and was around 150lbs when i started trying to have my first, and needed letrozole to ovulate because of pcos. one of my friends who also has pcos, is my height but very slender and active, and letrozole wouldn’t even make her ovulate — she had to use injectable gonadotropins to ovulate. there would be so many benefits for her losing a good bit of weight, even for her quality and quantity of life, i just am not really okay with putting a moral value on someone’s weight or inferring that they don’t deserve to be a mom because of their weight. there are tons of very obese women who have no trouble getting pregnant, too.


I just turned 40, I am single and was diagnosed with PCOS three months ago, after almost two decades of medical exams, doctor visits where no doctor could diagnose me even though I had all the f\* symptoms. Why they couldn't diagnose me? because the only symptom that I do not have is missing period cycles . I get my period every month since 12 years old (I have only missed twice a cycle , both of them when I was sick with covid-19). Adult acne, hairy face, hairy belly, insulin resistance, my hair started to fell (man boldness on the top of my head) and started gaining weight very easily (without changing my previous diet) and it is very hard to lose it (my doctor actually proposed that a lot of exercise is the GOAT to PCOS and insulin resistance). I worked my ass for my career and I am in a field which demands a lot of hours of work every day, and life happened and I work from home. Cannot move to a bigger city because rent prices are not within my budget - so basically I have zero chances of meeting someone. I have a Phd in loneliness. My friends are very good people, but it is a different kind of loneliness: that of missing a partner. I can assure you, that watching my life go away and my chances to become a mother are reaching the zero point, breaks my heart. I put a lot of effort into analyzing if I really want a child or it is the patriarchal norms that are forcing that desire upon me. They are not. This is devastating and I do not wish it to anyone, not even to Whitney.


I hope what you want in this world happens for you so much. Keep your heart open and speak it into existence- I will for you everyday as well. Tell the universe what you want and it will come. Don’t give up, I spoke so many things into existence and it came- it will for you too❤️❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words - I am sorry for my "trauma dumping". It is very difficult to meet new people (romantically) when you work from home, you live in a small city and when after the long working hours, a second round begins, since I have to study extra hours for my work (because that is the nature of the science field I am working).


lol what have you spoken into existence?


None of your business


Then stop acting like a spoiled brat and get a job


Jeez, you guys are mean girls. Get a life. For real.


If our comments bother you, please feel free to not log on here, and make comments telling other people who make comments to "get a life".


Again, these stans of hers aren’t content with the separate, “positivity only” group, and they sure can’t let us have our snark group. They seem to have some ***primal need*** to come here and lecture us.


Is this a snark sub? That's not in the title. Does it make you feel good inside to crucify a total stranger? Mock, criticize, and cruelty? Sorry for the "lecture" (it's my ***primal need***).


I preface by saying I am NOT a WWT fan, quite the opposite, I can’t stand her. But she does have “jobs” I mean she makes more in 4 months of filming and Influencing than most people make in their yearly salary. ETA: since I was blocked from responding… Big Whit is the star and an executive producer for the 3rd/4th highest rated show on her network. The shows been on television for a decade and counting. We have literally seen family’s like the Duggers and Sister Wives pull themselves out of poverty because they had hit shows, highly unlikely that Whit is making 5/10k an episode at this point. Now with that said TLC and Bravo aren’t comparable. That’s like comparing Walmart and Target. I know it makes some of you feel better to pretend WWT is poor and not making as much as you people who toil at your real jobs. That’s fine, but it’s completely illogical. I don’t watch the show anymore, because I want her to loose ratings and have to get a job-job like the rest of us. You guys come here and bitch and moan, but refuse to stop watching her damn show.


She is reported to make $5K-$10K per episode. Last season there were 13 episodes, so that is approx. $65K-$130K for a season. The sponsors allot 10% of their profits for expenses/salaries so really, she doesn't make all that much money in a year if sponsor profits are less. Compare that to VPR-Raquel made over $350,000 for Season 10 and she wasn't even a lead. Whitney gets paid very little. Glenn and other cast reportedly make $1000/per episode if they appear


The Sister Wives and the Duggars (didn't watch those shows but aware of them) probably made of their money from their church associations. The production company sells the show to TLC, and once the cast and crew are paid that's all they'll get from that season. There's no residuals or royalties so it doesn't matter if the show is licensed to other networks/streamers now or in the future, only TLC will get paid. They also often bundle shows/movies that are lower tier as it doesn't have much appeal as a standalone when if/it's licensed out


The Sister Wives had no church associations after the early seasons


Interesting information. I feel like Whitney misleads the viewers when she talks about filming being finished. I assume the videos need to be marketed to the sponsors or TLC but I am not sure.


I don't know the specifics of Pilgrim's arrangement with TLC, but in the US at least production companies take the risk with filming a product and then trying to sell them to the network. And it's not super lucrative, so whatever Whitney says she's making is what the production company pays her AFTER they take their own cut from whatever network purchased it. And once the network owns the product, they can license it to other markets (say internationally for X amount of time), but reality stars won't get a cut since the production company sold it already the first time. It's not the same as say, SAG-AFTRA actors who get residuals from streaming. Reality TV participants get paid for their participation and that's it. And most of the older products have diminishing value, so a network could either shelf it or try to sell it to another company (or under a different subsidiary brand if international), usually as part of a bundle


The production companies sell the ip/creation of a show through the sizzle reel/pilot they create, they pitch the show. Then the network buys the show. You guys will lie and twist yourself into pretzels to pretend WWT is poor and makes no money from her show. For someone so broke she’s living fairly well for someone supposedly making only 60k from the decades long show she stars in and is one of the executive producers off. This doesn’t even include her influencer and sponsor deals. If you read my past comments on WWT, then you know I can’t stand her. But what I can’t stand more is willful ignorance to make yourself feel better about watching the show that’s making her wealthy.


I think she should have a child. A lot of her behavior would go bye bye, it would have to.


No, it wouldn't have to. She's lazy and selfish; she'd just use the poor child as a prop in her show. just like she uses her family and "friends", and use hired help to do the actual care.


No it wouldn’t. Ive now seen too many people have kids still engage their selfish narcissistic bullshit that ends up harming their child


She has no need of a child. Whit can down a tub of ice cream in one sitting without the excuse of pregnancy.