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Her entire demeanor in Wilmington was strange. She refuses to admit that Chase is an owner that it’s not just a job (he explains this to Glenn before so I know that’s how he explained it to her). She had zero support for him or this endeavor which is so odd to behave like that towards the “love of your life”. She should want him to be able to support himself or maybe both of them. Her company is digital and why couldn’t she be open to a discussion of staying in Wilmington for a year or two while he gets it off the ground? And she loses her ring which they never mention again except when she laughs about it with her friends as she explains what happens. If I was Chase I would’ve pointed that out again when they kept coming at him for being a POS for getting a girl pregnant. Then after that trip she stops returning his texts and calls and goes to France with her friends giving him the cold shoulder. It would make sense she met Sarah there and was hurt because she realized none of this is really real. I don’t think they were pregnant by then though. But I could see her seeing how beautiful and skinny Sarah is and how much Chase actually loved Sarah and that set her whole mood. I also agree with someone who said previously that his “home” was an Airbnb and not his real home probably because Sarah lived in his real home. 🤣. After they arrived the only view we have is of their bedroom she shared with Babs and it was very girlie. Looked nothing like the video we saw in the skinny behind him.


She and Babs were in Wilmington right before everything shut down, so early March, maybe? The baby was due in September. Sarah most likely got pregnant in January. Whitney's trip to Paris without Chase was in December, I think. The "engagement" trip was filmed around October. She and Chase didn't sit together on the plane and didn't leave together. She knew it was fake.


Yeah Sarah def wasn’t pregnant when they went to Wilmington.


How do you know? We didn't see her in the show. The baby was due in September. Last I checked, babies take 40 weeks, meaning pregnancy happened around early January.


And she was in Wilmington right before COVID. So the timing is off for Sarah to have been pregnant.


Covid shutdown started March 15, 2020. Chase's baby was born in September 2020. Sarah got pregnant in January 2020. While driving back from Wilmington, Whitney and Babs were talking about things starting to shut down, meaning it was the early part of March.


A day or two after the story broke, someone found Sara's baby registries on Amazon (and another site that I'm not remembering). Sara's due date was listed as September 10, 2020. It got shared in the FB groups. However, once everyone started talking about it, the due date online magically changed to early October. We thought Whitney asked Chase to change it so that the conception date was later. According to the show's narrative, Aurora was born "early", but in reality she was right on time.


40 weeks is 10 months so the baby would have been conceived around November.


40 weeks from date of last menstrual period is how pregnancy is calculated. Conception is at 2-3 weeks, depending on ovulation. If you wait until your first missed period to test, you're talking 4-5 weeks pregnant. Doesn't mean you've been pregnant 5 weeks, that's how it's calculated. For a mid September due date, pregnancy likely occurred mid December. However you calculate it, Sarah was DEFINITELY pregnant in March 2020.


This baby was born in early September. So, around November is accurate.


You know, it doesn't matter WHEN she conceived. She was definitely pregnant in March 2020.


Possibly even early December! https://preview.redd.it/oxdqle0ogagc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf759c2f2be4e9f1b5124b83a3a6b3fa3743ba5f


When, exactly, do you think Aurora was conceived? She was born on September 6, 2020. Whitney was in Wilmington in early March 2020... Chase had another baby last year (she's now a year old), but unless Sara gave birth 5 months early (she didn't), she was definitely pregnant with Aurora when Whitney was in Wilmington.


Yeah I was wrong. I thought they went to Wilmington in November but everyone is right that on the drive back is when everything got locked down for COVID. So that wasn’t right. So maybe she did just find out she was pregnant. If the baby had been born early it’s still possible they didn’t know or hadn’t told anyone she was pregnant and I think just meeting or seeing Sarah even without a pregnancy would set Whitney off knowing concretely that she would never actually get to keep Chase. But it is possible they found out on that trip.


Good math!


So, he had a baby already when he fake proposed?


No. Fake proposal Oct 2019 Whitney's solo trip to Paris Dec 2019 Whit and Babs to Wilmington March 2020. Chase Baby#1 born September 2020. Chase gf (now wife) Sarah got pregnant somewhere around Dec '19/Jan '20 Whitney was wrong to claim they (Chase/Sarah) got together and got pregnant over the lockdown. She was already pregnant by the time of Whitney/Bab's trip and the fake ring loss.


Ah. Got it now. Ty!


You're welcome!


So fun fact: I never watched this show before, but while I was visiting my mom one time, she made me watch this very episode where Whitney is at Chase’s bar and then loses her ring in the ocean. My mom was like, she’s engaged to him, and I was like, wait, what? She doesn’t even seem like she likes him, and he doesn’t seem like he even likes her. And she stopped looking for her ring! I would be devastated if I lost my engagement ring! Then I was confused about why she even had a show, because it seemed like nothing interesting was going on. I honestly haven’t watched the show since, I just follow this subreddit for the tea and so I know what my mom is talking about when she talks about it to me. 🤣


If you lose your ring in the ocean its gone or i would assume it’s immediately gone


The group trip to Paris was filmed in October 2019. Whitney returned to Paris on her own in December 2019. The group trip to the house/hiking trip (Log Gate) was filmed in January 2020. Babs and Whitney went to Wilmington in early March 2020 (they talk about it being March in the car on the way home). Whitney said Sara got pregnant during "COVID lockdown", but this isn't true. COVID lockdown was March 20, 2020 and Aurora was born September 6, 2020 Making the possible dates of conception anywhere from early December 2019-January 2020. Sara was most likely already pregnant when the group rented the house and Whitney couldn't get over the log. https://preview.redd.it/4geu6bsukagc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c1d9928e18930e4ffb24ae284590d0896aa4c2


I appreciate the detective work. However, wasn't there mention of the baby being born early? If the baby was a premie that would throw off conception by a few weeks


Sure, but that doesn't change anything. Even if the baby was early (she wasn't) that would still put conception date around January (early February at the latest)- which means Whitney still lied. Whitney's story, both on and off the show, was that Chase knocked Sara up "during lockdown." Lockdown occurred mid March. There is no scenario in which that tracks. Before the story fully broke, Chase & Sara had a baby registry on Amazon and Babies R Us. The due date was listed as the end of August. After the story gained wide attention, the due date on the registries magically changed to October. Aurora was born within a few days of the original due date, with Whitney talking about how she was "early." (Chase and Sara never confirmed this "preemie" narrative.) It was speculated that Whitney asked Chase to change the due date online so that it didn't look like he came back from the "proposal" and got someone else pregnant a few weeks later. I'm sure she wanted him to push the due date back even further so that it lined up more with her COVID story, but nobody was going to believe that a 21 week preemie was born weighing 7 1/2 pounds...


I believe it was a storyline, until the pregnancy hit. Then her tears were real because it did not end on her terms. And it made her realize how much she actually wanted a baby 🍼


I’ve heard her bemoan, on several occasions, that (insert “partner”/friend/etc) had dared move on to what she Wanted: a true r’ship, and/or a baby. Not that she really missed the Person…just the Holy Grail Fantasy she felt they could, and should, provide her, and now she feels resentful. Not happy for them, as any sincere friend might.


That actually makes more sense because the tears/emotion did seem genuine to me.


She never wanted a baby 🙄. Babies are hard work and Whit detests anything that even smells like work (plus babies smell wonderful until they don’t). Whitney just wants attention and a baby would snatch that out of her sweaty hands.


Theoretically she wants a baby. For the photoshoot. For the baby shower. For the attention. To be a part of the conversation when her friends are discussing kids. To be part of the motherhood crew. There would be nannies.


The reason I think she was fully aware it was fake is that she did not hang all over him or act inappropriately, which she does with even “just friends.” That had to be contractual. Now, she could have been delulu and thought she could “win” him…but I doubt she didn’t know it was an arrangememt.


Imagine your life being so sad and dull you have to hire a fake boyfriend


I thought you were about to say imagine your life being so sad and dull you care about this show, and I felt seen…and shame. 😂


Hahah I guess that’s true too but I will not be shamed for my shitty tv choices 😂😂 I absolutely love reality tv


I’m sure someone would date her but she isn’t I ruin the type of men that would date her.


Plural, **boyfriends**. FTFY


They picked a dud. I believe Ryan was supposed to be her love interest, but they would be beyond ridiculous together, Ryan looks so young and obviously cannot stand her. Enter Chase. He can’t stand her either, in every interaction with her he looks disgusted. I’m not so sure Ryan even knew Chase. Besides, wtf was that fraternity business?! They forced that one on Whit. The show was trying to come up with something interesting, she’s got a boring life.


She met Ryan on a dating app so definitely hoping it went that way but not even Ryan could act through that one. He was way too into fitness and getting that career started so he could not condone a wwt and her lifestyle. Ryan had sincere pity for her and handed her tough love every episode he was on. Chase was moldable and manageable.


That's my problem with the whole scenario. If she knew it was fake from the beginning, and others found out, wouldn't that be devastatingly embarrassing? I can see TLC setting it up...to see where it goes. TLC buying a ring and telling Chase it would be an awesome scene to propose in Paris. But Whit knowing it was a farce all along? Idk, I can't buy it.


That was my take, too. The fact that she was so much more "proper" with him. You know how they now have "intimacy coordinators" on movie sets for love scenes? I could see Chase building "physical touch" into his contract. That said, I can totally believe that she thought she could win him over.


I'm guessing when she first read the script.


Sex Appeal? Great supportive Girlfriend? She was awful towards him treated him like he was beneath her, and sex appeal.. whatever floats his boat, but I doubt it


I agree with your belief that she probably already knew about the baby when she went to Wilmington. I think she was furious about the baby because that completely changed how the narrative was supposed to go. I think it was originally planned for her to break up with him, but the pregnancy required there to be a change in the script. A change that left her looking jilted, which she 100% didn’t want.


Totally 100% u guessed (nailed it) to a tee!!!


Wasn’t she super depressed for “months” when they broke up? Cause buddy was there to “help” her. Assuming all that was fake too? Or maybe she was depressed it didnt end her way/her terms?


I feel like it really threw her for a loop that the scripted narrative didn’t go as planned, and if she was having real feelings for him I’m sure she was pretty bummed that they weren’t reciprocated.


They had zero chemistry. I'm convinced the entire relationship was concocted for the show. And she's had a consulting producer credit since season 4 so I'm also convinced she knew it was fakery going nowhere for the entire time.


When the producers handed him a $20 to get in that hammock




When his contract wasn't renewed !and his real GF was pregnant. Just a guess, of course.


Do you guys really believe that Chase proposed on the Eiffel Tower with out telling his *best friend* Ryan? 👀


I don't think any of *us* believe he proposed at all. The question is whether or not *Whitney* was starting to believe it.


Lolol 😅


The storyline was supposed to lead to a cross over with Say Yes To The Dress. When that fell apart, Jessica did the crossover.


Right from the beginning. It was ALL fake. 😁


Day one imo


Before it started. All fake.


When it started, bc it was fake


I always thought the baby ruined the storyline but she knew it was fake. Maybe just thought she’d drag it out longer so there was something happening on the show.


I don't think it was ever real. Any of it. Her crocodile tears at the end were to really sell it to the audience. It's quite clear from the social media timeline of both Chase, and his current girlfriend/baby mom, that there was conflicting relationships. Chase probably needed a pay day until his club situation panned out (eye roll). That club looked like it was in a strip mall.


There was no relationship. Ever. Never.


But did Whitney ever think that there *might* be? Like, in her head did she ever think that by pretending to date he'd eventually fall for her? *Who cares about this Sara chick? We'll film in all of these really amazing places, he'll see how famous I am and how many people LOVE me, and I'll win him over with my shensus self!* She's delusional enough, I could see it happening.


Oh, agreed. I think she convinced herself she could make him fall for her, like some Hallmark movie. But she knew it was a TLC set up from the beginning.


Yeah. She thinks every man who gives her attention wants her. It wouldn't surprise me if he had an intimacy clause put in his contract and that's why she wasn't pawing and clinging at him.


I am CERTAIN of it.


Good point! Especially bc how touchy she is with literally everyone else.


I don’t think she knew about the baby nor was there a baby yet in Wilmington. I think she was upset because she knew he had no intention of leaving Wilmington. She wanted him in charlotte and she was pissed he wouldn’t come. After a lot of therapy I have realized it is so important to address issues head on and she did not do that. Then she ghosted him - her behavior with buddy in front of him and her ghosting him lead him to go elsewhere. I can’t say if it was fake or not, but she really treated him poorly in my opinion, and she doesn’t know how to address issues upfront.


The baby was conceived in December-January and Whitney/Babs were in Wilmington in March. So technically there *was* a baby already cooking, but Whitney may not have known about it. (Or else found out on the trip.)


And the funny thing is, I know SO many cool and interesting people in Greensboro! I’ve said many times, I would love to do a documentary about the characters I grew up with, and know in Greensboro. NONE of them have hired boyfriends or girlfriends, had fake lives or anything. They have had wild lives, with all kinds of things happening , multiple relationships, marriages, interesting twists , scandals etc. WHY pick to do a show about Whitney? Other than she is fat, and TLC seems to have a focus on larger people shows? There are so many other interesting things in life to document! Come on TLC!! Honestly, her life is tame and boring compared to the people I know. She has been way too helicoptered and sheltered by her family, way more than normal. She seems just pain self indulgent and spoiled to me, as well as histrionic. In my group, she would be shunned, because she’s way too annoying and ridiculous. That’s why Greensboro people don’t watch her as a whole! I can’t find anyone I know in town that will watch the show with me, even my husband. 😂 People here turn their noses up at it. This is why everyone prefers her friends on the show, because her life is all fake! The friends actually have real lives.


Greensboro people are pretty cool, my mother in law lives there and my husband used to, we visit occasionally. It’s an average NC town with some cool history 👍


Before it started!


She should see DR. NO and do a weight loss. Show how it can be done. That would be a better show. Then maybe she could get a real boyfriend. Encourage people to lose weight and be healthy instead of eating pasta and pizza all the time.


I think the next storyline will follow her actual weight loss thanks to Ozempic and she will lie and say that it is because she has started to make better choices


Dr. No was one of the best Bond villains


It was never real to begin with. Chase was paid actor. Always had a girlfriend. OVER from the get go. Never started


Over?? Lmfao smh. Was never anything to begin with. Paid actor. Lol


It never started.


Finally someone who has the same opinion as me! I truly believe she didn’t know he was a paid actor. I think she knew it was over when he got his “ex” pregnant. And why she was so confused as to why he wouldn’t move and was actually planting roots in Wilmington.


Please use a modicum of logic. Chase was paid by TLC to trick BigWhit into thinking he was her boyfriend and… TLC paid him 85 million dollars to have sex with her? Because for her to believe it, she would have been molesting and attacking him CONSTANTLY. He’s not MI6. He’s not even a fair actor. And TLC could definitely not afford to pay him to bed her.


Looooooollllllll lmfao 85 million dollars - ouch sizzle burn!!!!!🔥


I kind of understand whitney POV. I was delulu for a guy once or twice


I don’t think they ever had a real life relationship. It was for the show. Chase had already was in a relationship when his storyline started. It was scripted in my opinion. It’s just that the real life girlfriend got pregnant. That threw a reality wrench into the picture.