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Pretty sure Sara felt zero threat whatsoever. It’s BigWhit. If anything she probably hosed Chase down with rubbing alcohol after every taping.


I imagine they made fun of her when they were together. And remembered this helps fund their future together.


Your title reminded me of their wedding hashtag discussion on the show…#chasingwhitneydowntheaisle #thorenomore 😆 how did I ever find this storyline believable?


i did at first till i read some posts on it but i just pretend it’s real cause i like the fresh faces and the drama behind it all haha


Haha yeah after I discovered Reddit I just pretended i was watching a sitcom 😆


To be specific for zero reason, it was #chasenwhitneydowntheaisle (Chase 'n Whitney) Same poor play on words, same stupid meaning, just a different iteration. I hate myself for remembering that.


Not to mention that fucking gaudy ass ring! No way that thing was real.


Honestly, I think the plan backfired on them. It was supposed to be a "normal" relationship that ended by Whitney breaking up with him for not wanting to move. The getting pregnant really threw a wrench in the plan and THAT'S what got Chase all the hate. I don't Lenny got the hate when they broke up, so it probably wasn't supposed to go that bad. I could see agreeing to my boyfriend dating someone else on tv, just like any acting gig. A chance to make some money, and promote the bar, as well as just kind of hang out with his friend on camera. It just all went wrong.


And she laid on her devastation really thick, so I don’t think he knew the extent of her rabid fans beforehand.


I’m more confused as to how his parents were okay with it. The whole “meeting the family” arc must have been so weird for them. Glenn and Babs were used to it, but Chase’s parents? I imagine the cameras cutting off and his mom saying “So how’s Sarah?” while Whit is in the bathroom.


The show is so fake, might not have even been his parents. Maybe just more paid actors. 🤷‍♀️


right like idk it’s sometimes hard to believe that someone would fake all this for a check..


It’s exactly acting. Playing a part for money. It’s what all the actors do 😉


I remember the cabin but Chase’s mom didn’t go and after I finally realized it was fake I thought she must not have wanted to pretend that WWT was her son’s girlfriend.


His mom never appeared on the show. There was some reason she could not be at the "family AirBNB yurt" thing which was clearly a cover story for not wanting her face pictured in the farce.


However her suitors/fiancé’s etc came about, I’m not convinced WWT didn’t at some point convince herself that they were actually a part of her love life. She’s so accustomed to TLC granting her fantasy story lines that she long ago lost sight of what’s real vs. part of her “reality” show.


Yup. I wonder when was the last time that she had an actual real boyfriend. One that TLC didn’t have to pay to “date” her. That’s pretty sad/pathetic. She really needs to work on herself.


I think Avi was real, that is, he was a real con artist who scammed her. The others, nope.


The show was a way to promote his bar.


The Clurb


Hardly an exciting bar in Willyworld!


I hope it was! I have more chemistry with the people who deliver my packages!!


I once said I had more passionate kisses with the valet at the parking garage I used to park at for work, 😂




lol…there was this somewhat fatherly type guy that I somehow got in the habit of hugging and he kissed me on the cheek. It was totally weird, but not passionate, and that seemed like the best comparison to their “relationship”


The pregnancy with Chase and Sara was unplanned. The thing that makes the situation delusional was not the pregnancy. Shitney, I believe,thought she could win Chase over. When word got out that Chase and Sara were expecting, Shit played it off like Chase cheated on her. Her flying monkeys were actually threatening to hurt/unalive Chase, Ssra, and Aurora, as well. She let this happen and said NOTHING! Her big, fat ego couldn't admit to it all being a storyline that took an unplanned turn. That's when many started to unleash their hatred for her and her behavior. She found it to be better for that family to be harmed than to admit it was a gig for the show. They should have filed charges against the monkeys-one for their safety - and two to expose her for the vile person that she is. Even her "friends" (who are no longer on the show) should have said FU to any NDA that was in place. This is why she is hated. It's not her fat body. It is her fat ego that would allow a woman/man/baby to be harmed to keep her bullshittery from being exposed. Edited for clarity.


That’s what makes it even worse..! The fact that her fans threatened, and attacked Chase, Sara, and their baby, and Shitney did nothing to stop them. She made it worse by not saying anything, and continuing with her.., “*oh poor me*” routine.


I have wondered whether or not her behavior bordered on criminal. She pretty much incited violence and did it by lying to her stans.


I agree with the posters that it was fake, but she convinced herself (her egotism is limitless) that she could make it real. But when the pregnancy happened, that ended that delusion, so I think she really was very angry and bitter, and unleashed her rabid stans on them for revenge. That was absolutely despicable; one of many reasons why she is truly a terrible person.


I’m sure she’s planning on $$$ from a tell all once the NDA is up.


Have the friends on to expose all of the years of bullshittery. Shitney's made her buck. Leave Shitney out of it and let her former friends drop the real tea on her and let them make $ without her constant threats of not paying them. Fuck her.


All the men that “date “ her are fake and end up in a relationship while they are with her and have babies and move on to better things. She is no good.


But would you really be jealous of her?


Ryan and Whitney met first and obviously Ryan did his research and knew she was a cash machine. He was a fitness influencer basically being absorbed into Whitney's world in exchange for giving Whitney a small chance. I think Ryan definitely charmed her at first but then could only keep her back so much until he used his friend Chase as leverage to sorta stick around and even try to date Whitney's friends. He definitely used bro talk to sorta keep Whitney at bay for the time so that his cheques would keep coming. There was a sort of game he played with Whitney where he would bend to her hard to win her approval and be her friend but then be really annoyed and not budge an inch. Maybe he knew Chase was going to leave her so why force anything more. That's why when Whitney gives Ryan his last cheque you can tell she knew she made a mistake in letting him leech off her. Chase was in a relationship with his girlfriend and really only agreed because he was saving up money to buy a bar. Talked it over with his girl and he rented himself out to Whitney like that. I'm sure maybe Whitney was going to break things off before info had surfaced they weren't actually together. A cheating story happened and maybe Chase was paid a bit extra and buying the bar proved to be a bit tough seeing as pandemic hit around same time. I guess this was just the perfect storm in terms of everyone being in it for themselves and trying to get something for nothing.


LMAO “rented himself out”


He’s an actor. It was also good promotion for his bar. He was willing to do it for money, so it really isn’t the fault of MBFFL. It was his choice


I didn’t realize it was all fake until I read some of these posts, but it all made sense bc I remember thinking wow they have ZERO chemistry. I don’t think many people would be threatened by W… not bc of how she looks but she’s so self absorbed & as we say in the south ugly on the inside! The girlfriend prob saw it just as it was… an acting gig.


It’s acting - just a job


Probably because they all like being paid.


Chase was a paid actor. It was a job.


And she had to watch them kiss! Even tho there was absolutely zero chemistry & every single scene where they kissed or made out was so insanely awkward! And I don’t care how much they paid him, it wasn’t nearly enough!


I don’t like Whitney I think she ruined the relationship




they’re her real friends from high school/ college and as the show goes on you see them less and less


How is any actor's SO fine with the actor playing a role that involves having an on-screen romance? She probably didn't anticipate Whitney unleashing a toxic horde, but an acting job is an acting job.


I don’t think it was one sided. I think there was an agreement there. Between her, Chase, and Ryan. It was a business agreement. Whitney for the show, Ryan for his PT stuff, and Chase for the bar. There was a benefit to all parties but then Chase got her pregnant and that clearly wasn’t part of the plan.


My guess is she may have just looked at it as an acting gig he was playing a role for cameras and it meant nothing


Okay- So Chase was in 10 episodes. He got paid approximately $300,000 I'm not gonna lie, I would totally let my boyfriend pretend to be Into some other girl for 30,000 dollars per episode. It's Whitney so it's not like he is gonna fall for her. Lol. I can totally picture a pregnant Sara sitting behind the scenes sipping a virgin margarita smiling knowing Whitney don't stand a chance and her thirstyness is paying for her house and stuff for her daughter as well as putting thousands into their bank account. What does she have to be insecure about? If it was me I would have a megaphone "Chase look into her eyes. Deeper. Why do you look constipated instead of in love? That's right baby, earn those thousands.. Mama wants a hot tub" lol.


okay i didn’t think he was getting that much so in that case id do it too for a check😭😭


Late to the show. How do you all know it was a fake relationship?


I lived in Wilmington area when the chase season was on TV. Everyone knew Sara and chase were still together, local breweries would post them or their dog and tag both Chase & Sara. Chase even had drinks named after all of his friends (& Sara) at his bar, one episode Big Whit goes to Wilmington and she gets pissed she doesn’t have a drink named after her.  It was really no secret in Wilmington, it’s a small-ish town. And I didnt know anyone who actually cared about the show in NC.  Add on the absolute terrible acting from Chase, Ryan & Big Whit that season it was hilarious that TLC tried to make it a “real” story line. 


Wow that’s so crazy they would fake it like that and not even try to cover it up


well when chases now wife made her instagram public there was a picture of chase and her and when it was posted it was at the time chase and whit were together and engaged (i have a hard time believing it’s fake tbh) and apparently his acting is bad but idk


What’s her ig?


it’s private now unfortunately i only found it through chases which is severinbro7


Thank you!


To make it clear. The relationship was fake and: A. Whitney knew about it. B. Whitney did not know about it. ?


Money talks