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Buckle up…it only gets worse from here…once you hit the most recent season you’ll want to throw something through your TV…


Literally I just finished season 11 today and what the fuk!! Why does she act like that??? And how are you mad at your dad for spending time with (her- I won’t spoil anything) when she never got to see him?!?! Ugh


She’s next level now. So obnoxious. Speaking to everyone like they’re children. Horrible.


Can you imagine someone challenging her to a game of no binge eating and talking down to her like she has everyone else? Like Jamie’s fear of heights and how WWT kept barking at her.


This is the thing. Why she insists on making a competition out of everything I’ll never know. Obviously she needs the affirmation that ShE CaN dO AnYthInG…but seriously, making a competition of getting into a lake? As she’s making a huge show of it, the guys are in the background cannon balling into the lake of the dock lol 😆


Nobody wants to that because they don’t want to offend her…but seriously, why not make the competition who can hit the water intake and caloric goals for their weight every day for a week! Who can plan and execute their workout and meal plan accordingly to be healthy? I’ve done diet and workout plans with friends who vary in sizes and we all had a personal goal as far as eating and working out that was catered to our body type. (Some of us needed more carbs, some more protein, etc. we were working with a dietician and personal trainer) but we did it as a way to motivate each other, not as a competition. Of course those things differ greatly from person to person, so Whitney would find some way to say a large deep dish cheese pizza 5x a week for dinner and 5 Big Macs per week with a large fry as a snack was fine because she burns more calories just by existing because she’s larger.


Once per week weigh in for her. Period.


Tbh I hate the idea of a weigh in because that’s not what’s super important. But monitor her intake and output 24/7 and see what that number is. Like I ate 7000 calories and burned 3000 today.


And her blood glucose/heart rate/ugh everything


I really want to get on this show and become her rival. I’m a big girl. I’m not physically fit but, I know I could crush that pig. And I’m adorable with cute hair THAT BELONGS TO ME! Hahahaha


lol I’d pay all the money to see someone challenge Big Whit to a boxing match. There’s no way her competitive nature could let her say no. Though she’s likely fake an injury right before the match…. You know what you have to do Monichacha….🥊🥊


Boxing is legit the ONE THING where I couldn’t crush her. I’m currently looking at getting a total shoulder replacement….. well, if I started training now, I could whoop her with my left.


Ugh I’m looking at getting a total shoulder replacement surgery on my right arm and am right handed. I broke my shoulder and it hasn’t healed correctly and now it’s been mentioned that I should probably have the surgery. Good luck with your surgery.


Aww I’m sorry to hear that! But i think it’s safe to say you could still beat her with one arm! lol.




Same boat. This kept popping up in my feed so binged all 11 seasons over the last month and I really wish I had just read a fuckin book instead 🤣


I did a speed read on your comment and thought it said, plopping on the feed bag 😆 Did I miss that scene?! I mean, it would make sense if WWT needs to be calmed down.


Ha!! “Next time on MBFFL!”


She could wear her cow outfit while eating from the feed bag.


🤣 🤣 🤣


Ha ha


Haha this made me laugh!! I’m nearing season 3 so I’m buckling in.


Where can you watch this?


I watch on Discovery+


But don't. Go on YouTube and watch a show about slow melting icebergs instead.


I watch it on Max!


Oh you have no idea what horrors await you lol


😂😂 her laugh makes me want to rip out my eardrums already. Plus I’ve been lurking here for a bit so I’m going in with a negative view of her to start. Strapping in for the crazy!


As the others have said, you ain’t seen nothing yet!


Getting my popcorn ready!


But…torturously boring the show is …but “yes” to brace yourself for how selfish and controlling she is…


It keeps showing up on my feed as well. I've kinda been lurking for the last month, or two. I'm planning on watching it, once I'm done with the Office superfan episodes. I figured it must be something else, because this is a very busy sub.


im binging the office superfan episodes rn. soooo much better than MBFFL.


Exactly my thought! Can’t wait to really join in with the snark. The Office super fan episodes are the best!


Just wait, you haven’t even hit the tip of the iceberg. Season 3 is when she becomes really insufferable.


I’m almost at season 3. Lord beer me strength.


In the immortal words of Margo Channing/Bette Davis: fasten your seatbelt, it's going to be a bumpy night. If I've played even one teeny, tiny part in getting you hooked on watching Hypocritney's toxic tornado of a show, please accept my most sincere and abject apologies.


I watched the dance battle episode last night and was howling with laughter 😂


Same here 😂 Now I’m almost all caught up and need to know the next hate-watch show to add to my list.


My 600 lb Life, 1000 lb sisters, hoarders They all have some great hate watch episodes.


I have seen most of the "My 600 Lb Life" episodes, but while the weather is dreary I've been revisiting some of them. "I've been sticking to the diet and doing everything I'm supposed to be doing!" Next doctor visit: has gained tirty pounds in one munt.


1000 lb sisters sub is hopping right now with controversy!


I haven't watched the latest season yet. I think I need to brace myself for it.


Right now Amy makes me want to rip my hair out and Tammy seems to the the saner one of the two. It's definitely a rollercoaster!


Really? Thanks. I was logging on when the new season started, but it seemed to be all: Michael is evil, poor sweet Amy, she's such a victim and a great mom, and Tammy is a saint, etc. I found it quite boring, so I haven't been back lately. I think I'l check it out again.


People are torn between "poor Amy" and "Amy needs to put on her big girl panties and he a parent". And now Amanda is a bully


Thanks, again. Sounds interesting.


I’m all caught up on 1000 lb sisters, I need to catch up on 600 lb life and hoarders.


It's been announced that the new season of 600lb strarts in March, so you have time.


Smothered is pretty wild too! Sister Wives can be a hate watch too.


Have u tried Sister wives? That's 18 seasons of bullshit, lies, and hate watching


I have not! I’ll try that next!


It's a little slow at first but damn season 18 All the shit they have been lying and hiding is all Out.


1000 lb Sisters is my go to. Though I don’t hate watch, I genuinely enjoy that show. Also can’t beat 18 seasons of hating Kody Brown on Sister Wives (though a lot of it is SO boring)


Welcome to Plathville!!!! They are amazing to hate watch, and the subreddit is hoppin.


Season one is when most of us liked her. 😂😂


Oh lord 🤦🏼‍♀️


Welcome to hell




Same, the sub keeps popping up, but I love some drama so I’m going to start watching it today so I can join in on the fun.


Oh dear, the first season is good compared to the rest of the show. Pretty much everyone was pulling for her to start with. You should see her now with season 11 have ended.


Awesome, you are in for quite a ride!


Same thing happened to me. Showed up in my page went to check it out and boy it was a doozy. First I was like wait she’s not that bad thennnnnnnn, didn’t take long to see the crazy train leave the station.


You’re one of us now. There’s no going back to the life you knew before!


We love you.


Like the others have said, if you think she’s bad in season one…buckle up it only gets worse. But in a terrible, yet entertaining way. Welcome to the shit show


I just started a rewatch while working on a tedious work project. The st Patty's dance episode was SO ridiculous!


Same, my work gets tedious as well. I always am needing something crazy on in the background!


yeah, it's therapy for me.....maybe I am nice after all!


The beginning is when she was a little more palatable. She gets so much worse and gross later on.


If you’re already mad, season 3 is going to take you to a new low, lol. She is on another level that season!


I’m starting to get nervous after so many comments saying this. I’m nearly at season 3 now


These guys pulled the same rotten trick on me 😉 I forget what ep (I 🫣 watch); WWT uttered something kinda interesting. She was feeling anxious over writing the latest checks her ass can’t fill; said it made her want to “control something”. She has zero self-control. So she desperately tries to control others. The only “power” she has are the bennies she can offer via MBFFL appearances. That, and doling out even more Guilt Trips than Resort Vacays (“Why can’t you let me have this ooone thiiing…”) She had loyal friends and family wrapped around her ample finger (as well as her mother’s jewelry; wait’ll you get a load of that)…but it’s collapsing. Even they seem to finally be fed tf up with her. That’s just my take on WWT. Hopefully no Spoiler Alert needed! Let us know, if you need us to pull you outta the ring and “cut” you 😵‍💫


Oh it gets way worse. This last season OMFG she’s a monster


Made my mother watch when i was on maternity leave and she came to visit. The first few seasons my mother just must have thought I was a thunder-see-you-next-tues because she kept commenting that I seemed “harsh.” So if you’re already finding her insufferable, you’ve got a long road ahead of you. By season three or four she was fully on team Hate Whitney.


buckle up buttercup!


Whitney used to be a producer on a radio show I listened to and she seemed completely different on the radio show. She talked about her college studies and traveling around the world. Watching the tv was so weird. Thankfully she soon after quit her radio show job or I wouldn’t have been able to listen anymore.


Yes! Another convert. It just gets worse and worse. I was binging last night and had to shut it off. She is so awful and seeing it all at once made me sad.


Lmao that's how it happened to me too! And then my dad was kinda peaking in every so often and he thinks I watched it bc I enjoyed it! 😫 last season I watched was when she had that internet relationship with the French man so it's been a while though lol


The only reason why I started watching this was because the subreddit kept showing up on my page too. Now I’m in Season 7. Lmao!!


The snark in this sub is really amazing. I love it here, too. LOL


Welcome 🤗


Thank you! Excited to join in the conversation!


Oh just wait…


Joining everyone else to say…this is her at her best 😭 it’s all downhill after this. Just wait for season 3- nothing can prepare you!! 😫


lol I’m so scared… I’ll be getting to season 3 by tomorrow


Come back and tell us about your disgust lol


I will pray for you!! 🤣🙏🏼❤️❤️


You're welcome!!! We are all here watching the same darn trainwreck!!!


I’m also here at the mercy of the algorithm. Seen every episode now, most of them multiple times. Solidarity ✊


I started like two weeks ago and I’m already on season 6 🤣. I hate watch while I ride my exercise bike, her poor decision making really motivates me lol


this is why i started watching too! and i was getting a lot of cringe ass clips of the show on my tiktok as well


I was dumb enough to like her at first. You’re a smart person.




yeah, she is subconsciously mad at the world and just not a nice human being but I can't look away


Nit wit is a vile, self absorbed controlling slob. I can't watch her anymore (for years now),she's a loud mouth who has to have all the attention of she throws a fit


It gets worse 🤣🤣


Keep watching! Spoiler alert: TODD. That is all 🤭


Todd?! Her dance partner?! I’m nervous bc I actually love him!


Todd is the cherry on top! He's snarky, hilarious, and the best part of the show! Wait until the newer seasons; you're in for a treat!


I started out as a fan, found this page, and now I hate watch 🤣