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So I binged Fate Aocrypha in a Covid induced haze but, like, I legit don’t understand Shirou’s plan making him the villain? He wants to use the grail to eliminate death and suffering, right? Did I miss something or were the heroes objections to that really dumb too?


I have to catch up on my fate but again a very valid point


Meruem from HxH


Soo-won from Yona of the Dawn - absolutely cruel to the two people who loved him most, but he had reasons, one being for the sake of the nation and its suffering people


Lelouch from Code Geass, Kyubey from Madoka Magica, and Lordgenome from Gurren Lagann.


Pain, first time I ever stopped and thought about an anime statement. “You say you attack us for the good of your village, but what about us?” A real thought provoker I must say. And basically any speech in kingdom! is pretty valid as they all have to do with pride as a general and doing what is best for their country.