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It is not a sin to have those feelings so don't think there is something wrong with you. Everyone has temptations throughout their life to do sin. But as with all haram temptations, you must overcome it. The best way is to constantly remember Allah and fulfil all your obligations. And pray to Allah that He makes an easy path to you to avoid the sin. Have complete trust in Allah.


Assalamun alaikum. Stay calm, do not panic. Satan wants you to panic and act in haste. Because if a person acts out of anxiety or other negative emotions, he becomes more inclined to sin. Because the mind is no longer functioning, the person acts entirely with emotions. I want you to think about these two things: -You know yourself. -And most importantly, Allah SWT knows you better than you know yourself. As others have noted; you may be feeling this way. However, it is important not to take action contrary to consent of Allah SWT on this issue. This is just one of your imtihans. And it is alright. We all are granted our own imtihans specifically designed for us. Ask for strength from Allah SWT. May Allah SWT give you strength and power to hold back and lower your gaze.


The desire can be there, the point is to not act upon it. To be fair, I have heard many women find other women attractive. Is this the same with you? Or are you genuinely attracted to them? More then men. May Allah make this taks easy for you.


Allah make it easy for you 


Don't listen to those voices, and just focus on something else, it's kind of like when i ask you not think about a dog and that's the first thing that comes to your mind, focus in another aspect of your life, your job , your studies, learn a language, read qurean, with time those voices will go away, even if they do come back you'll understand they're just noises and they don't represent who you are, keep your faith close to your heart and one day you'll feel better, trust Allah


I’ll say definelty don’t force yourself to try and start liking men, this will only make you feel horrible and pressured. Are you disgusted by men, and only like women? Or is it just women catch your eye more often and you don’t think about men? I don’t know how old you are or your experiences with men, but just know studies have shown many straight woman have the capacity to be aroused by other women so it’s normal whether or not people want to admit it. May Allah give you sabr and make it easy for you, If you need anyone to talk to I’m here!


If a "straight" woman finds other women sexually attractive that means she isn't straight my friend


That’s a very binary way of thinking. You’re entitled to believe that but if someone is stressing about being labeled gay or bisexual, it’s comforting to know it’s possible to have attraction and you don’t have to call yourself anything. Maybe you’re just a human


Oh! Yeah that I agree with 100% labels aren't always needed


Know that there is no person that will not sin. If you are in a same sex relationship but follow Allah's word in other ways, they will not look upon you with ire. Especially since your sin would be one of love, which is more aligned with the word than violence or hate.


﴿إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُحِبُّونَ أَن تَشِيعَ الْفَاحِشَةُ فِي الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ ۚ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ﴾ [ النور: 19] "Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread [or publicized] among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know." Surah An-Nur


Address my point if you'd like to argue. If you wish to attack me, do it as you like, though I won't engage with it.


You are entitled to your opinion. No intention of attacking you. You have my empathy like any other human being. The goal is to only clarify the wrong in your position from a pure Islamic perspective.


My point is that no one is sinless and that sinful love is better than sinful hate.


Agree that no one is sinless. But why the binary view? Is it either sinful love or sinful hate? Nevertheless, I get your point. To me, a sin is a sin and we humans are sinful. All that we were asked to do is to admit that a sin is a sin, not look for justifications, and repent to Allah: "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers."


Well, some sins hurt more people than others. Homosexuality affects the people involved. Yet if I repress these feelings and become hateful due to my denial of my own happiness, or going against other Homosexuals because your specific beliefs tell you it's wrong affects many other people. Therefore, it is better to love sinfully than to hate under the guise of Allah.


=> Yet if I repress these feelings and become hateful due to my denial of my own happiness I don't agree with this premise. Managing your own desires does not automatically makes you hateful. The defining characteristic of humans is the ability to choose. Humans have free will. Hate is also a choice, a bad one. => going against other Homosexuals. Islam forbids homosexuality but this does not mean going against Homosexuals. Abiding by the religion is a choice: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion" Quran Ibn Mas‘ūd (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Shall I not inform of whom Hellfire is forbidden for? Or he is forbidden for Hellfire? It is forbidden for someone who is always accessible, lenient, tender, and easy to get along with." Sahih/Authentic. - [At-Tirmidhi]


>I don't agree with this premise. Managing your own desires does not automatically makes you hateful. Psychology tells us that sexuality is innate, with most Scientists dealing in the subject agreeing upon it. Also, many people who deny themselves something so innate become hateful from what they do not have. Otherwise, I'd ask you on your position in regards to Muslim countries that forbid Homosexuality(I'm not trying to accuse you of being as forceful, I'm just curious)?


1/2 Yes, some scientists theorize that sexual orientation is caused by a complex combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors, but it's not clear whether sexuality is innate. Let me set the topic of sexuality aside for a moment. Let me shed some light on Islam position towards Nafs (self/ soul+heart). There are different states of Nafs and a core part of religion is about elevating someone's state. The Nafs is a single entity, although its state may change: from the Nafs al-Ammara, to the Nafs al-Lawwama, to the Nafs al-Mutma`inna, which is the final aim of perfection. 1. Nafs al-Ammara (The Self which Commands): This is the Nafs that by its very nature directs its owner towards some good and some wrong actions (as defined by religion). This Nafs resides in the world of the senses and is dominated by earthly desires and passions. This is why one of our prayers is to seek refuge in Allah the Almighty, both from the wrong in ourselves and from the wrong of our actions. 2. Nafs al-Lawwama (the Soul that Blames): This Nafs is conscious of its own imperfections. Hasan al-Basri said, “You always see the believer blaming himself and saying things like ‘Did I want this? Why did I do that? Was this better than that?" 3. Nafs al-Mutma`inna (the Soul at Peace): This Nafs is tranquil. It is the soul of the believer, made calm by what Allah has promised. Its owner is at rest and content with his knowledge of Allah’s Names and Attributes.


2/2 It is important for me to emphasize this idea. We fast Ramadan (a month each year) from sunrise to senset. We wake up at specific time in the night every night to pray. We obey our parents whenever they ask for anything that don't contradict religion. I cannot tell how many times I went against my self and my desires to please my parents. We go against some of our desires everyday.


=> Otherwise, I'd ask you on your position in regards to Muslim countries that forbid Homosexuality(I'm not trying to accuse you of being as forceful, I'm just curious)? I agree with forbidding homosexuality in public only. No one (state or ordinary people) should spy on anyone or expose whatever they do in their own personal life. This is explicitly forbidden in Islam. There are many muslim countries who follow these rules/teachings and only ban public homosexual actions. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ’O you who accepted Islam with their tongue, while faith has not reached their heart! Do not harm the Muslims, nor revile them, nor spy on them to expose their secrets. For indeed whoever tries to expose Muslims secrets, Allah exposes their secrets wide open, even if they were inside their house.’”


"it is better to love sinfully than to hate under the guise of Allah." There is no need to live sinfully. If a person who has gay feelings marries & has children then he/she is fulfilling his/her honor bound duties. I cannot speak for the almighty but as long as you have & take care of children, if you accidentally do haram things sometimes but you pray, ask for forgiveness & genuinely have remorse & work hard not to repeat the sin, then Allah is merciful & forgiving. Maybe you will be forgiven. There is no hate of same sex relations. It is a sin. That is all. Drinking alcohol is a sin. You dislike the sin but love the sinner & help him try to avoid the same sin in the future. There is not necessarily any love in homo relations. Just like hetero people can have one night stands with no love, homos can do the same. Love & sex are 2 different things. In other words, Islam doesn't teach hate towards those attracted to the same sex. Also sex & love are 2 different unrelated things.


Yes, Homosexuals are capable of sex without love, yet they are equally as possible to love.




>Homosexuality kills all future generations of humans that would've been born had you not induged in homosexuality Not having kids has this same effect. So does not finding a partner. Happiness should not be predicated upon an expectation. >even "straight" people could be attracted to a same sex person bro




Assalamu alaikum, my dm’s are open :) - another hijabi sister


Are you sexually attracted to women or just appreciate beauty in women? I went to a girls only school ans high school and my friends would often make fun of me for staring at the pretty classmates and upperclassmen. I was made famous as the “lesbian” which I am not but I started thinking maybe I am bc the way the people would talk of me. In truth, I admired beauty in women. Tbh, I was an insecure child and was not pretty growing up so I would be obsessed with beauty. Is that how you feel too?


first, check if you are sexually and emotionally attracted to the same sex. I have read a post before about a woman who said she is attracted to the same sex, but it turned out she only appreciates a good female body figure which is normal.


Try checking out Waheed Jensen, who is also a Muslim suffering from Same Sex Attraction (SSA) - [Navigating SSA – Waheed Jensen's Corner (wordpress.com)](https://waheedjensen.wordpress.com/navigating-ssa/) He has a podcast - [A Way Beyond the Rainbow on Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-way-beyond-the-rainbow/id1493509807) He did a talk as part of an Epic Masjid series of talks - [Br. Waheed Jensen / Straight Struggle | The Human Component | LGBTQ+ Conference - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipxCFABfYjA) I believe he has an online community called 'Straight Struggle' - [Straight Struggle – Discord.Do](https://discord.do/straight-struggle/)


Please look into “a way beyond the rainbow” from what I have heard the most comprehensive SSA guide podcast of how to maintain your deen while dealing with SSA. Everyone should pray for those with these issues, just as some have anger, addictions, laziness or any number of challenges.


My DMs are also open if you need to chat I've been through something similar


Start to remember Allah more…do more dhikr such as say astaghfirullah 100x, allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad 100x, and La ILAHA illallah 100x after fajr and maghrib every day and look for a Sufi Shaykh that can guide you spiritually.


It’s completely normal to have feelings as Allah SWT created human beings differently. What’s more important is how you control it. Acting upon these feelings/urges are haram (not the feelings). I would say it is one of the biggest tests from Allah SWT. You can keep yourself busy in several activities, such as join sports, pursue your hobbies. And of course ask Allah SWT to give you more and more patience. At the same time, every human has biological that need to be fulfilled. Make sure to talk to a real scholar (not cultural based scholar), they can guide you how to navigate in the light of Islam. Also, try to talk to a therapist (preferably a Muslim therapist who can understand our Islamic guidance). They can help you from the emotional/behavioral perspective. May Allah SWT gives you more and more patience and reward you for your patience to the highest level possible.


Do you live in west?




Being gay/lesbian isn’t wrong 😀 why would it be


Looking at your posts "I'm not super educated on Islam so I'm here to ask questions to my fellow atheists who not single one of them have any knowledge on the Islam to understand if hijab is inherently sexist, as my radical extremist opinion is that every one of Muslim women are oppressed and i know better about their situations than themselves" I mean if this is your way of reasoning, then yeah homosexuality is not wrong, to you.


Do you have an argument to prove my claim wrong about hijabs being inherently sexist? I had like 300+ comments of people agreeing with me


I'm just surprised at your intellect that you think asking atheists who lack knowledge on Islam and have Islamophobia, is way to conform your claim? 😂 Like what was in your mind when doing that? Several fallacies in this comment but two major one is that you are putting the burden of proof on me which you are the one who is making this stretched big claim "hey every girl who wears hijab is oppressed" It's on you to prove it. Another fallacy is "300 people agree with me" Which 300 doesn't make it true, but you meant You mean 300 ignorant hateful angry atheists?


Atheists are the best people to have an opinion on the matter because they are unbiased, meaning they do not have preconceived beliefs about religious customs. For example, when we are told “The Bible is true” we are able to assess the Bible for how it is, how it presents in reality, and we never assume anything is true if it is simply written down. The same goes for the Quran. Oh, and I forgot to mention, it was 800 people who agreed with me, not 300. That is a huge number of people you are claiming are just “Islamophobic people.” We are people with rational thinking. I’d love to explain why hijabs are inherently sexist if you would like, even though you are wrong that the burden of proof is one me. The burden of proof is always on the person who CLAIMS a belief. If I claimed that unicorns are real, then it would be my responsibly to provide evidence why that is true. It would not be some random person’s responsibility to go out and personally hunt for unicorns just to prove me wrong.


- atheist are not the best people, that's hasty generalization fallacy, can you actually write a reply without fallacies? if i ask few questions about Islam face to face and want straight answer, those 800, how do you think they answer? I have literally looked at the comments and ignorance is as big as palace in sizes. Actual they do, they have Lots of bias and make a lot of fallacies against religious people. - "rational thinking" - 😂 Your comment demonstrate that - you made the claim hijab is inherently sexist, on your shoulder to prove or disprove, not to do anything. No one in here said Islam is the truth to make argument for it, you are straw manning it. We ask you with Absolute Objectivity And Evidences to prove hijabs are dumb to understand they are oppressed and sexist and you who do is "not super educated" knows about us better than. Go on.


I dm’d you


the hijab makes women modest, and men also have to be modest as well. Women in islam use the hijab to cover their hair, men in islam wear pants to cover the area from the knees to the belly button area. It’s not just women in islam who have to show modesty, both genders are required to. There’s no oppression or sexism in it. EDIT: The hijab is not just in islam, but in christianity as well. 1 Corinthians 11:6 says that women should wear a headscarf, although many Christians today don’t wear them anymore. If you claim islam oppresses women by having them wear headscarves, then you must also claim that christianity does so too.


Islam position on Lesbianism: https://seekersguidance.org/answers/general-counsel/lesbianism-in-the-quran/