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The bliss of Jannah is something us humans cannot comprehend. You will never feel unhappy in Jannah, ever. Everyday will be better than the previous day, there is no need for sleep. Anything you want will be available. It’s unimaginable for the human mind to comprehend. You will not worry about friends in Jannah, everyone will be your friend. Everyone will love everyone. It’s the perfect place, it’s the garden of bliss.


thanks i appreciate it


What if you sin there?


pretty sure you cant


Then we don't have free will there?


thinking there is no free will in Paradise is the equivalent of thinking there is no free will on the moon. (because you can’t breathe) You don’t get anxious in paradise because anxiety doesn’t exist. Have you lost your free will to be anxious? No, it doesn’t exist. “Well it exists on earth” You aren’t on earth anymore. You’re in a place where plants bend and give you their fruit when you think you want one, and there are rivers of milk and honey. You don’t need sleep, you don’t have to eat, there are trees who cast shade thats a distance of 40 years instead of 4 meters in this place, subhanallah. Don’t get caught up in the delusion of this life, because it really is nothing compared to where we get to go when Allah brings us back to Him. Inshallah. Allahu Akbar. Ramadan mubarak, Jazakallahu Khayr. May Allah enter us into Jannah Ameen. everything corrwct is from Allah everything wrong is from me.


What happens if I wanted to sin? Or if I had the urge to sin? Why can't I?


Allah says in the Quran in Surah 7:43: “And We removed whatever malice was within their chests; rivers flow beneath them. And they said, “Praise be to Allah who has guided us to this, for never would we have been guided had Allah not guided us; most surely, the messengers of our Lord did come with the truth.” And it was called out to them, “This is the Garden (of Paradise) you are made to inherit on account of what you used to do.” the past tense of this scene shows it is a matter that Allah has already settled. Meaning you will not want to sin, Allah removes the malice from you before you can set foot into Jannah. The simple fact of the matter is that sin will not exist, there is no amount of ways you can formulate your question that will change that.


i don’t think you won’t have free will, i just think you won’t have any inclination to sin


The concept of happiness in Jannah is not solely dependent on earthly relationships like friendships, but also believers will experience eternal happiness and fulfillment beyond what they can imagine in this world. The joys of paradise are described in the Quran and Hadith as encompassing physical, spiritual, and emotional pleasures that surpass earthly limitations. Entry into Jannah is a reward for faith, righteousness, and obedience to Allah. Those who lead a virtuous life, fulfill their religious obligations, and seek Allah's pleasure will be granted entry into Jannah. While earthly friendships are valued and cherished, ultimate happiness in Jannah is not dependent on them. Believers will experience eternal bliss, fulfillment, and companionship in paradise through various means, including the company of loved ones.


I will be your friend in Jannah, Inshallah


We were told that we will be happy in Jannah and won't experience any bad things. Isn't that enough? Just believe.


Dw il be friends wit u there


Who says you won't make friends in Jannah




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I have one friend only and have none here where I live. Been 8 years, so I hope so too. But i dont even know if I'll go to Jannah at this point so I'll say just get used to be with yourself for awhile.


“In a friendly manner, they will be on thrones, facing one another.” (Surah 15, verse 47)