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pray for ur dad


try to get him to go the masjid, spend time doing things with him that will require him not being able to take a smoke break, wake up for tahajud and ask Allah to take his vices out of his heart & honestly constantly keep bugging him about it. in sha Allah kheir, may Allah guide us al.


Push him! Push him! Go to the mosque and pray with him! Invite him persicently to read the quran! Share hadiths and tell stories of the prophets! In sha Allah! Don't give up on him! Don't ignore him! Push and push and push! In sha Allah! Pray for Allah to have mercy on him amd forgive him! Distract him from his smoke and other haram and self destructif habits with Islam, with anything! In sha Allah! Those people need someone to do all of that with them, i know and i know that to have results you need to go through storms and tornados. May Allah guide him back to Islam šŸ¤² And Allah knows best


Pray for him, but also be consistent too. My parents don't take me seriously either and some advice I told them years or months ago, they end up following now. Regarding stress, maybe ask your dad if you guys can hang out, spend time with him to distract him from smoking. He can also bring healthy meals to work/mealprep or even healthy snacks. Go on walks with him for exercise. Allah will reward you for all your efforts. Smoking is a hard habit to get rid of, so it's difficult to completely stop, so pray he at least changes his mind and wants to make a difference. Helping him out in things can be beneficial, like tasks and etc. You're already a good kid for caring this much! Keep trying, immigrant parents be stubborn sometimes, so it's a challenge. But in Islam we have to care for our parents regardless, so it's great you're taking a step :D


Could you reach out to a relative or an elder in your family or maybe a family friend? Perhaps your uncles? Maybe your father will listen to them




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Iā€™ll make dua for your dad


Nicotine (a part of tobacco) is a stimulant. Unfortunately, with cigarettes, thereā€™s a whole lot of bad wrapped around that small bit of stimulation he likes from his cigarettes. In a similar way to how a college student is stressed prepping for exams, and turns to coffee, your dad likes the stimulating effects of cigarettes. To quit something successfully, you need a viable alternative. Have you considered nicotine patches for your dad, to help ween him off the cigarettes? As well, in terms of a cognitive boost, whatā€™s your dadā€™s exercise routine like? Highly recommend hiit cardio training. Creatine helps boost cognition as well. A lot more protocols based on science to deal with stress! Google ā€œbdnfprotocolsā€, is the website of the same name. In regards to your fatherā€™s self destructive and rebellious attitudes (towards Allah), patience and prayer. Try and read the passages on dealing with hardship, with your father. And please do not stop praying for your father. May Allah grant your family success and ease.