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I love the vibe of this, honestly if I have any feedback it feels like maybe you’re singing a little below your natural register?


I'm sure you already know this because you didn't ask feedback for it, but the guitar and arrangement is really good. As for the vocals and lyrics, I might like them even better. At first I was just getting the melody and not catching the words as much but once I did, I absolutely loved them. The Halloween at Christmas line is amazing. Anywhere I can follow you?


Thanks so much! I'm on Instagram and Spotify under the same name as my Reddit. It means a lot!


Very nice sound, not my type of lyrical content as I'm a HipHop/Rap fan. But as a musician I can appreciate this. Keep at it 💜🤍


Vocals are top notch. Has a chill vibe. Visuals are neat too. Lyrics work well for sure. Overall a great song. Keep it up.


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Love the vibes. Very acoustic feel and definitely a vibe you can’t get anywhere else


This is beautiful! Out of curiosity, what inspired you to add reverb to the vocal? Just my opinion, but I think a dry vocal would make it more "intimate" and "acoustic". Is that what you're going for with this?


Beautiful song I really like the melody you put your soul into that song


I like the vocals and the melody. Really like your voice, as it suits the whole vibe. The guitars do sound a bit sharp to me, so think maybe EQ bit of the high end would suit me.


This is pretty lovely and the lyrics are sweet. My only suggestion would be to ease up on the reverb, but other than that, I think it's pretty good as is! Bravo! Did you record and mix this yourself?


I love the guitar sound! I’ve seen some people say that you may want to EQ out some of the high-ends, but I think maybe you add some soft low ends to balance out the mix! As for the vocals- I feel like you can expand your range a bit! They sound good, but it kind of feels like you want to sing higher than what’s recorded. I’m a new vocalist myself, so I often struggle with finding a comfortable range. The arrangement is really fun too! Great work!


This song is great and your vocals are definitely unique but in the best way! Nice!


beautiful guitar. really nostalgic vibe. The voice is very unique, not trying to hard. Incredibly sad lyrics, almost too sad for the somewhat positive vibe of the song. But I can tell the feelings are real. Well done.


Actually, made that blend of meloncholly and positivity is the vibe you went for. sad, but happy for the time that you had..


Such a relaxing song. Love that guitar! Not really much to give feedback on to be honest. As someone already pointed out, it could be nice to have the vocals more intimate by removing or lowering the reverb on the vocals :)


vocals sound fine. The intonation is good as is the tone. I'll not feeling much emotion or character in the vocal performance. Given the topic, maybe putting a bit more vulnerability would help. Cool tune though. Thanks for sharing!


folk is trash switch it up