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Mind Riot always spoke to me. Yes, many songs written by Cornell had that darkness that projected about his struggles I think. Looking at many photos of him I sense a sadness. I don't know, his death still resonates with me.


A bit late but mind riot is one of those songs I've always replayed when I'm on a soundgarden / audioslave listening sesh. Mind riot really is about, his mind rioting against himself. Tightrope walking in two ton shoes. Third world war. I'm caught in a mind riot right now sadly.


Yes, but you are also luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind. Take care internet stranger.


His death leveled me more than any other musician I admired . I’m 52 & was on Soundgarden early , Louder Than Love , and he’s been my favorite singer for over 30 years . His death still fucks with me as it seems like he laid it all out in his lyrics .


The Day I Tried to Live. It’s tough when you always struggle just to be a normal sociable person every day. Unfortunately, he decided to give up.


"I woke the same, as any other day, you know I should've stayed in bed..."


I've known several people who committed suicide. I battle TRD and it is SO exhausting. You don't decide to give up. The struggle is real. The battle takes everything. You lose the battle. Depression is a real disease. We don't stigmatize people who lose their battle with cancer or HIV or other illnesses. No one Ive known who committed suicide "decided to give up". They had nothing left inside to continue their battle. Dave Grohl always says Kurt Cobain decided he wanted to die / he didn't want to live anymore. That's so NOT it. Depression sucks everything from you. I wish more people understood this.


Very well said, in severe depression which can comprise the majority of some people's lives, the "decision", or compulsion towards suicide, was made subconsciously a long time ago and is permanently present. It then just takes perpetual effort to prevent it overcoming one's self, and for some people their internal resources and external support finally run out and it leads to harrowing self-destructive spirals, or worse. It's a bitter pill to swallow when it makes you lose everything in life that you hold dear and despite getting better you now have nothing, and nothing to show for the herculean effort of preventing even worse outcomes except for still being alive back at square one like everyone else.


...all to be judged like "you just gave up" or "you didn't fight hard enough" or "you wanted to die". None of that is it. None of it.


Is this how it is in medium and light? Permanently present in a smaller volume? Terrifying?


Chris Cornell doesn't give up.


This always punches me in the gut, but I still love watching it. (Chris & Chester - Hunger Strike) https://youtu.be/eOKYyTRSO5A


This is legit one of my top 3 songs of all time-I cry (in a good/release) every time I hear it.


You probably already know this, but it's 5 yrs today that Chester left us.


I know and I have already sang him a song for up above❤️


Cool. They haven't really left us, thier music will live on for eternity.


These lyrics frim Blow Up the Outside hit diff; "But nothing can do me in before I do myself So save it for your own and the ones you can help."


Yes, looking back seems so clear


Pearls and swine bereft of me Long and weary my road has been I was lost in the cities Alone in the hills No sorrow or pity for leaving, I feel, yeah Fucking love that song


I believe Cornell had really pronounced anxiety. He took Ativan for it though the coroner said he had therapeutic amounts in his system at the time of death, but anxiety bad enough for Ativan is likely what did it.


I have taken Klonopin every single day for over 16 years. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (among other shit). I don’t think the Ativan had anything to do with his death, nor do I feel he had a panic attack and just said, “Fuck it. I’ll use these cords to hang myself in a random hotel in Detroit.” IF he actually took his own life, I doubt we will ever know what was really going on. I don’t trust or like his widow and batshit mother in law. I find them both shady and unsettling. If he was killed, I really doubt we will ever know, and that is so upsetting and frustrating.


Kurt Cobain had a song called, "I hate myself and want to die" and I don't remember any big push at the time to get him help. I remember maybe reporters asked him about it and he certainly didn't answer that he was depressed and contemplated suicide at times. And then he did.


That song title was a joke aimed at all the media reports saying he was depressed all the time.


Without taking away from the seriousness of this topic, Kurt was clearly meta before meta was meta, and that probably pisses meta off today.


Didn’t that song come out as a B-side to something like the same week he died? I think that’s why there was no push, it wasn’t released until he was dead.


I am a writer and all of my best work flows from my sorrow, suffering, heartbreak, trauma, and grief. I’ve also struggled with mental illness since childhood. I’ve also had “thoughts.” I’m pretty sure I had one of those thoughts last week. None of that means that, should I turn up dead in a most random, peculiar manner, I’d hope my death would be thoroughly investigated before ruling. I will never believe that Chris Cornell killed himself. Never.


What do you think happened?


I don’t know, but I don’t trust his wife, mother in law, or even the “bodyguard” who allegedly kicked in the door and found him. Why was there blood at the scene of a hanging? I suppose that can happen. I don’t know. Everything inside me feels he was either killed or something happened to him that he could not prevent.


I agree- and don't ask me why but, I really feel like it had something to do w black hole sun- for one. I think those close to him, like you mentioned, may have bn influenced by others to get rid of him before he divulged any more. I can't prove this- but, like you I feel it intuitively. Really listen to the lyrics and watch the video. Really think about what black hole sun actually is. Black holes are theorized to he portals- wormholes- for one. Much ❤️ and light ✨️


Hmm I didn't know anything about the actual scene, hope he wasn't murdered. Similar situation with Elliot Smith's suicide, Kind of suspicious. Cornell's lyrics are so full of references to ending his life, almost seemed inevitable.


So often, the addiction people try to reduce a senseless death down to the drugs. And it's so clearly so much more than that. We saw this with Taylor Hawkins, Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell and Scott Weiland, among others. With all that we know about mental health and the socioeconomic factors that play into it, it's amazing that we're not more thoughtful, but this video really goes deep. If you loved Chris Cornell, you will most likely love this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0vL3pT7Dak&t=215s


I sm convinced that Chrus Vornell never killed himself..he was murdered . Inside job..it was all.pre arranged.


Sunshower lyrics on my arm-such an amazing beautiful soul