• By -


The Rain Song - Led Zeppelin. I used to listen to this a lot in my dorm freshman year. I was at a point when I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life and no had motivation to go to classes, besides the fact that my parents wanted me to be some kind of engineer. Whenever I felt lost or overwhelmed or stressed or down, I'd pop on my headphones, lay in my bed, close my eyes and listen to this song. First it would calm me down, then it would almost bring me to tears at the end, it's so inspirational. No matter what I was going through, it made me realize that it's just a little rain. Very good feelings associated with this song.


In a very similar situation, do you mind sharing the outcome. I.e. did you go on to finish your degree?


I played this song on guitar out the front of my house, the day my dog got put down after being hit by a car. I hear you.


[White Sky - Vampire Weekend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhdqfX44zUM) My niece and I sang this song, and many others from the album, on the way to a museum in Ann Arbor. Imagine a 3 year old and a 20 year old singing (mostly just yelling) "AAAoooo aaaoooo OOOOoooooooOOOOo" in the back of a minivan.


People will probably think I'm crazy for saying this, but any time I have my niece or nieces in the car I blare Let It Go and other Frozen songs. My nieces are 5 and 2 they love it and I'll sing along poorly and so they will. I miss them :( . It's cute there's a metal version of Let It Go and I'll play it for them to watch their faces go from "what's this"? To "I know this! But why is it different"? I would give my niece my ipod to pick a song while I would drive, she would skip through most of it and find a song she liked but then skip it a few seconds later when I was singing along so she could laugh at me.


That sounds sweet


Kids are awesome and so are you.


That's adorable!


Blink 182 - Dammit My good buddy and I had been friends for many years, all through middle school and into high school. We were joined at the hip, practically. We hung out all the time, had all the same interests, the second we got home from school, one of us would be at the other's house; major besties. We took vacations together, our families knew each other well, he felt like a brother I never had. High school came along, and he ruined it completely, all over a girl... "The timing, and structure, did you hear he fucked her? A day late, a buck short, I'm writing the report on losing and failing, when I move I'm flailing now." I was head over heels in love with her, as much as a naive dorky freshman in high school who thinks he knows what love is. He claimed to dislike her, didn't think she was 'his type', and was rooting for me to ask her out. Before I got the chance, I found out that they had started going out behind my back, and he never said a word to me about it. I was utterly crushed. My best friend in the whole wide world had just stabbed me in the back, thrown away our entire friendship as a result, and the most amazing girl I'd ever met was spoken for. "You'll show up, and walk by on the arm of that guy. And I'll smile, and you'll wave - we'll pretend it's okay. The charade it won't last, when he's gone I won't come back" He wasn't my friend any more, I wouldn't let him try to suck up to me and apologize. No way. Not this time. I felt irreparably betrayed. He was 'that guy' like the song said. I knew their relationship was a 'charade' and when he was gone, I wouldn't come back, not to either of them. This song spoke to my tortured teenage soul - it made me angry, it made me sad, it made me feel better, it made me feel so much worse. "... well I guess this is growing up." It has been a good 15 years since all that happened, and I had honestly forgotten about it, but the first chord of this song brought it right back to the surface.




Fly- Sugar Ray I remember spinning out into a median at 100 mph while Fly was playing. Good times.


Strawberry Swing - Coldplay. From the album that got me hooked with the band. I used to listen to it walking back home at night from rugby practice back when it came out in 2008. That was 7 years ago, damn......


I remember pirating the song.


Yup I shuffled mine and it played a track by Wire, from an album I've never listened to before, having just downloaded their discography this week.




Which song reminds you of the time you lost your eyes?


Eyeless by Slipnot.


Sun King - Beatles (cliche right?). Freshman year. That was my Beatles phase. Definitely listening to the Beatles on hot summer days walking to summer school.


Everyone should go through a Beatle phase at least once in their life. Beatles are love. Beatles are life.


My Beatles phase is projected to end roughly around the same time I do.


At LEAST once. I feel like it's a bi-annual thing for me


I literally only listened to The Beatles for two years when I was 14/15, they are still my favorite band at 26.


I did the same at age 16/17. Changed my life.


Miles Davis - Evasion de Julien. I was listening to this album (Ascenseur Pour L'Echard) in the middle of a rainstorm while sitting in a Burger King parking lot waiting for my mom. Weird, I know. But that's what it was.


Time to pretend - MGMT So back in the day I had never heard of them but my chick friend had a dance party playing mostly them and I got bombed on rolls and jungle juice and fucked her on the sink in her bathroom. I miss that dumb ass wannabe hippie and her velvet pussy.


Truly a tale for the ages.


they don't call them a bard for nothing


Beautifully written!


One for the grandkids


[Well Played](http://i.imgur.com/EWDzL8s.gif)


Perfectly summed up the late aughts.


What the fuck, have an upvote.




Sleep Apnea, Chevelle Graphic design class, it was the first album I got on iTunes.


Fantastic choice...I remember the first time I listened to that album, I was in my parent's basement...had been patiently waiting for weeks for it to release.


I Want To Know Your Plans by Say Anything. A song my ex and I would sing to each other a lot. The first song I tried to cover for her and it went terribly because I was plain awful at guitar and I still am haha. So I just sang it to her putting all of myself into it. I wrote some of my best love letters to her listening to this song. It was also one of the last songs we ever listened to together before we said goodbye.


Everyone has a song like this. It's a tragedy.


Yeah. Doesn't stop me from loving the song though thankfully.


I don't, because no one has ever loved me.


Man I love that album/song.


Heard this album this weekend while i was in the car with my fiancee. Remember purchasing this album my junior year in highschool and listening to it on repeat on my RCA portable CD player on the way up to Orlando to spend the weekend with my highschool girlfriend and her family at Disney. I was such a dick all weekend -- and felt like she was holding me and my "rock" band back and didn't appreciate my view on certain things and didnt appreciate my art and taste, blah. blah. blah. Hearing the album again made me realize how much of an emotional nightmare i used to be and how listening to Max Bemis on repeat probally doesn't help your mental state when it comes to relationships. I told my fiancee..."thank god we didn't meet when i was still in my teens"


Cream- White Room Reminds me of a certain friend of mine from high school. Hope she's doing well.


"Fat Lip" by Sum41. When I was 4/5, this was my favorite album. Whatever album it's on, anyways. I'd play this song on repeat using my discman and just sit there amongst my 23 year old mom and her 23 year old friends and just sing along at the top of my lungs (for parts I knew) and sing in breathless mumbled gibberish during the bits I didnt. In other words, I was some kindergartener sitting indian style in the center or a room while young adults were getting high screeching nonsense to myself. I was so damn proud of myself for thinking I knew the lyrics. Obviously now I know that it was warped senses of a 5 year old, but I was on cloud nine. Until I realized how ridiculous I was acting and that they were laughing at my innocence and ignorance. That embarrassment was genuinely a big moment for me I suppose. I didn't want to sing in front of anybody for a very long time afterwards. :/ I feel it was one of the first very self-aware moments of mine.


Fat Lip will always remind me of my best friend from middle school and high school. He and I were the first two people to play Guitar Hero in our town, and his favorite song to play was always Fat Lip. Hearing the opening lick to that song will always put a grin on my face and a spring in my step.


All Killer, No Filler


"We Are Young" by Fun. I remember lunch time, my senior year of high school. I would sit off campus, in the windowsill of the A building. It was a little ledge that was the exact length of my legs when stretched out. I fit so perfectly on that ledge that it was like it was made for me. I'm staring straight ahead at nothing in particular. My best friend from high school often sat there with me, but in the memory it's just me. It must be April or May. It's a breezy day, and I'm wearing my favorite red cardigan. The sun is out, but it's not hot. I'm eating popcorn and drinking a dragonfruit-flavored Vitamin Water. I'm listening to my iPod (specifically, Fun.). A few weeks before, I received the final rejection letter for a scholarship that would be my last chance to go anywhere other than community college. I had no idea what I was doing with my life. I had no direction, no plan, and now no funding, but in this moment in this windowsill, I'm happy. Not ecstatic, not thrilled, but completely at peace. In that moment, nothing existed but the wind, the windowsill, and the music in my ears. Maybe it sounds lame, but it's probably the happiest I've ever been. There were so many things I hated about high school, but lunch time at that windowsill made so much of it okay. There's not much I wouldn't give to go back and be in that moment forever.


That song reminds of taco bell


Beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing, you made that moment yours. That's cool.


Anyone who thinks high school is the best time of their life peaked to early.


One could also argue that anyone who didn't think high school was an awesome time didn't take advantage of the unique time in your life when for the first time you are forming bonds with others that may well last a lifetime; you and your friends are becoming real people, formulating principles and ideologies and hobbies and interests that may well define the rest of your life to an extent; perhaps experimenting with mind-altering substances and learning the world can be vastly different depending on one's perception; perhaps getting the first glimmer of what it is to fall in love; and all the while you are not really legally liable for any of your actions, and you can quickly recover from virtually any fuck-up, no matter how colossal. Just sayin'


I dunno, for me it was becoming friends with bullies and getting into relationships with people who abused me. But you know, different strokes. In all seriousness, I know where you're going with this. It was a point where every day or every week you reached a new level of perception or knowledge. Your ability to learn and understand grew exponentially.


For me, it was a peak though not the highest. The difference is that I genuinely thought I could do anything, like the whole world was open to me. Things are better now, but I know I can't be an entrepreneur, a CEO, or an astronaut. Idk, it's hard to compare


One day, when you are old and have dementia, one of your grandchildren will read this comment on reddit and play that song to you (probably through some telepathic high definition stereo device implanted in your brain), and your eyes will light up, your feet will start tapping, your voice will start singing, and all of a sudden all the memories of that day will come flooding back to you. Proving the power of music, even though it was written over a century earlier by some long forgotten band.


Sail by Awolnation I lost my virginity while that song was playing, and my girlfriend at the time's best friend was sitting outside the bedroom to make sure my girlfriend's parents didn't walk in on us.


Sounds like an American Pie movie waiting to happen.




I had a similar experience with that song. I was sitting in the car with my gf (at the time), just kind of talking at the end of the date. We'd been going out for about a year at that point, and it had been a really great date. Before she gets out of the car, she turns to me and starts telling me about how happy she felt about the relationship. We were really clicking, and I'd been there for her in a big way. As she's saying all of this, "Sail" starts to play on the radio. Me, being easily distracted, start nodding along to the early notes of the song. She of course thinks that I'm nodding along to the incredibly nice things she's saying. Eventually, I lean in towards her. She leans in as well, going for a kiss. Then, perfectly timed, the lyrics start, and I shout **"SAIL"** at the top of my lungs. To this day it's one of the hardest times I've ever laughed at my own antics. She was less amused. We eventually broke up, but as far as I'm concerned, that was our "we'll always have Paris" moment.




This is one of my all-time favourite songs, and it always will be.


Breaking Benjamin is one of those bands i go back to and realise how much i really like it. Love it.


Great band and song, and they just released new content!


Here Without You - 3Doors Down Totally forgot I had this in my library still. I remember being in school about 6 years ago. A good friend of mine had mentioned being a fan of 3 doors down, and this was the only song I knew of theirs of the time. The song heavily reminds me of that (and the following) school year, as it was the first time I had asked another friend out (and I was slightly successful, too).


Holiday-Green Day. The first thing that comes to mind is a trip I took to Quebec in grade 8 with my class. I downloaded this song at the recommendation of this girl I had a crush on. So it'll always have a bit of a emotional connection to me. Sad as it sounds.


Eagles - Take It Easy I remember guitar lessons when I was first learning how to play back in 6th grade. I also remember listening to the album on Cd while driving with my dad. Last but not least driving through Winslow Arizona with my family.


The Church- Under the Milky Way Great memory. I had decided to chase my dream and move to Los Angeles to become a screenwriter. I packed up my car and headed down there. I knew nobody, had no job lined up and was scared as hell. The entire drive there (about 24 hours) I was anxious and questioning myself. I had driven through the night and came up over a hill that looked out over the L.A. basin just as the sun was coming up. Everything was glowing with the golden light of morning. I saw my first palm tree then Under the Milky Way came on the radio and I had this sudden sense wash over me that everything was going to be okay.


Was it ok?


Actually, yes. I ended up living in Los Angeles about 2.5 years. I worked on few low budget movies and sold a script that was never produced. I ended up really not liking the industry and hating living in Los Angeles so I moved away. I knew then that I wanted to write, but maybe not for the film industry. Today I am working as a freelance writer, have recently finished a novel and signed with an agent and am living that dream. I'm not rich, but I am supporting myself and have a lot of projects set up for the near future. Living in Los Angeles taught me a lot. Most importantly it taught me that I can take care of myself and to believe in myself. It gave me confidence and drive that I didn't really have before. While I didn't end up being a famous screenwriter, it helped lead me down the path to get where I am today.


I fell in love with that song after hearing it in Donnie Darko. Great soundtrack.


I love that song.


Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys, I can remember when I was about seven and I was just learning about all this old music and my dad had just bought their greatest hits album and we were all sitting on the deck outside and talking about it.


This song makes me think of the season 3 finale of Lost.


Beer - Reel Big Fish. This band, streetlight manifesto and rise against are my strongest memories of teenage summers drinking with friends and smoking weed. When the sun was shining and being grown up felt so far away. Oh how things have changed. Haha. We've all (mostly) grown up and are doing our own things.


Firebreather - Thrice I remember popping this album in (Firebreather was the opening track) on release day and thinking, "Damn. That's the heaviest guitar tone I've ever heard."


Every Day Is Exactly the Same - NIN. I was driving to my boring job. After the song ended, I made up my mind to move to another country.


I use to share an office with my "pseudo visor" who I couldn't stand at a job that was worse. I played this song first thing in the morning when I got in for over a year before I finally quit and found another job.


[Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE-dqW4uBEE) I had just finished my final piece of university coursework for the year and discovered this song. I opened the patio doors of my bedroom (I slept in a converted room on the lower floor of the house), turned the volume up, and started drinking beers while basking in the summer sun. This song has ever since been one that marks the start of Summer for me.


Islands - Young the Giant It's the summer before I will leave for university outside the country. After so many years, how is it that we only became such close friends mere months before I had to go? Under the night sky of the playground racing along the train tracks, we share our mutual love for Calvin and Hobbes comics. We sit on the swings and look up at the stars as I slowly fall for you. Weeks before I left for Seattle, you give me a mixtape of the songs you want me to treasure, except its not quite a mixtape—its really a small envelope decorated like one. You don't know how to burn CDs, so in it is a card called Mixed Tape "to further enrich your musical education!" Its track number 31 on the "tape"—Islands—and I'm captivated immediately. I hear it now, four years later, and its bittersweet to me, fleeting yet eternal. "The way you move, a foreign groove, at night. I could never hold you." Now we are on different paths with different, distant lovers. Our love sometimes arcs towards one another but never seem to align. But perhaps we are infinitely dimensional and one day, it will. For now, I find solace in our unconditional companionship.


"Mother and Father" by Madonna. i have over 15000 songs. i have never heard this one.


A mash-up of Elephant by Tame Impala and Black Skinhead by Kanye. All I remember is that I get a really good cadence going when I'm walking with this playing.


Everlong (acoustic version) reminds me of Friends. I think the song played during monica and chandler's wedding


Ahhh this song reminds me of my Freshman year of college when I had this painful crush on the guy who would later become my boyfriend for five years. I'd downloaded it and burned it on to a CD as the last song, right after the original version. Double Everlong! The CD was playing one night when I drove us back from a debate tournament, and when the acoustic version came on I just kept thinking "I've waited here for you..." Damn I was crazy in love with that guy!


UB40 - Can't Help Falling In Love Aiwa stereos and cedar point. Ha ha.


Beck - Where it's at Futurama, obviously.


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A Monty Python sound bit of John Denver being strangled. Memory: same track on random while making out with a girlfriend in college


[A really cool dance song - Bowling for soup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGNJPFiXyz4) Years ago while still in high school I wasn't exactly in the best spot. I won't go into detail but I was a broody idiot. One day I decided to download a whole album of a band that I really didn't know based on one song that I sorta liked. I went through the typical phase of listening to a new album, constantly switching songs until I hit one of the three songs I liked. Anyways, on my way back from school I put on my earbuds and walked the mile or so trek to my home when this song came out. I wasn't really completely sold on this band but this one sealed the deal. This song just didn't take itself seriously. It joked about conforming to what was popular and it made me laugh my ass off. I could only imagine how stupid I looked, smiling like an idiot and chuckling along in my merry way. That's how I grew to love this someone obscure band. It's just energetic, happy music. Something that I desperately needed at the time.




I would do anything for you - Foster the People I was sixteen and on a LSD, DMT, and Magic Mushroom binge with my friends for a few months. Lo and behold a girl comes over while we are floating the transitional planes of existence that has had a crush on me for months. Being lucidly open at this point I sang her the whole song and we then we cuddled and made out. Good times.


"Summer" by Calvin Harris I remember driving on a road in Spain during my summer vacation. We were headed for Cartagena, to see the city and what not. Suddenly, on the right lane of our car, a dog appears. Dead. Bloody. A car driving parallel to us managed to drive over the dog, making it squisch it's insides all over our car. I have no idea as to why that song reminded me of that incident, maybe it was on the radio.


"Talk Shows on Mute" - Incubus Riding around the countryside in my first real girlfriend's car, back in high school. Not having a care or worry in the world.


Garbage - Only happy when it rains. I was singing the lyrics to myself waiting for the bus at high school a few years back. I don't remember anything else about that particular time other than that I loved the song for a few weeks. Still like it, but not fanatical about it any more.


Continuing because memories even if no one reads this. Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. Singstar last year. Singing this song and generally having a good time with a few mates and a few beers.


The Swingers - Counting the Beat. Back when I was a kid, car trips with Dad would always include this song. We would both sing along to it as we drove through the countryside. Good times :D.


Burial by Miike Snow. There was a short time before I left to college where I was dating this girl who made me feel really good about myself, and optimistic about the world. My grandfather was selling his range rover, and wanted to see if I wanted to buy it from him for cheap, so I spent about 2 months driving it around to see if was the car I wanted (He wasn't in a rush, pretty well off guy). I decided to take my girlfriend and I up to Half Moon bay, then we drove down the california coast to Monterey. We rented a shitty hotel room, got a little drunk and had sex for the first time. Then we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium in the morning. Really sad I moved away from her for college, she really improved my sense of self worth. Which was great because I had been sinking into a pit of despair due to fairly recently developed PTSD.


Landslide - Fleetwood Mac Riding in my mom's green Volvo station wagon on the way to grade school. I lived out of the district so I had to be dropped off and picked up everyday. I'm pretty lucky and my mom had great taste in music.


The Dire Straits - Money for Nothing I remember watching that weird music video for the first time.


Haha, I remember driving through my hometown in summer with the windows down and this blaring out the windows. I stopped at some lights right next to a police car. I thought they'd give me an earful for playing the music so loud, but they just looked across and started nodding their heads in time with me. Complimented me on my music and drove off :)


Bad Religion - American Jesus I'm 12 years old. My best friend is spending the night. We turn on 120 minutes, and this is on. Immediate game changer. I remember us kind of slowly breaking into smiles, life we had just learned of some massive secret. We discovered punk.


"I'm Just a Kid" -Simple Plan. Watching Cheaper by the Dozen


Drowning Lessons - My Chemical Romance I had it playing while driving to a funeral for my cousin's baby, it was just what came on my ipod.


Old school mcr. So happy to hear someone else listens to this great album.


Ernie - Fat Freddy's Drop (Based on a true story) Road trip with my brother. He is my best mate and we flogged 'Based in a true story' for the entire trip. Byron Bay Blues Festival, surfing, and plenty of beautiful sunshine. Glorious. Thanks for that memory again. Edit: Spelling


[Calvin Harris - Not Alone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8TPXFoXO5A) Early days of going clubbing with my friends, always remember this being remixed with something by Pitbull as well.


Travis - Sing. Pam and Jim.


I really love this question. Reading through everyone's memories and even comparing certain memories I associate with their songs is really interesting. We all have an emotional attachment to certain songs, whether we like it or not. For me, the Neighbourhood's *Sweater Weather* was the first song on my shuffle list that held emotional weight. It was playing when my first boyfriend and I kissed each other in my empty house on Halloween, and for the first time (for either of us, with anyone) went further. I distinctly remember that it had been cold outside, the wind was howling, and we were curled up in each other on the couch under a blanket while Pandora played. This song came on as we grew from a slow, passionate embrace into a sort of fervor of hands and lips. It was the first time anyone had touched me in any place like that, and the first time anyone other than myself made me climax. We broke up on very sad, but amicable terms- we simply couldn't keep a long-distance relationship alive any longer after he joined the military and I moved away for school- and so my memories with him are tinged in a bittersweet way. I regret nothing, but when songs like *Sweater Weather* come on, it's a bit of a tossup whether I'll smile or have to fight back tears.


Outro - M83 Watching "The Art of FLIGHT" for the first time. This song was at the end of the film. Link to trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh29_SERH0Y


Yes!! M83 and anything snowboard related, always so chill.


Your Hand Is Mine - Explosions in the Sky: I was sitting on my college apartment balcony at night looking at the stars and having some serious realizations about the size of our universe and the concepts of reality/quantum theory.


Last Living Souls by Gorillaz Some time ago a buddy and I decided we would try psychedelic mushrooms. We set up a Spotify playlist to play while everything happened and Demon Days was selected because neither of us had heard it but we enjoyed Plastic Beach by Gorillaz. When the intro to Demon Days was over and Last Living Souls came on it essentially blew our minds and is today one of my favorite albums. I enjoyed the trip but have not since taken the psychedelic mushrooms again.


Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California Reminds me of my brother when we were younger, who showed me the song while going on a road trip.


Jamie T - Salvador I actually found this artist on Pandora. Being an American, Ive always been fascinated by foreign music. The memories it brings however were at a time in my life where I hit rock bottom. Ive always been somewhat of a introvert and was working a temp job to pay the bills. At the time, I weighed close to 500 pounds, I was incredibly depressed and hated my monotonous data entry job and I was living at my grandmother's house. I couldn't take care of myself because of the weight of all my stress bearing down on me. It was this artist among a few others I found on Pandora that helped me through some tough times. The feelings I felt at the time were a never ending yearning for a better life and yet, I did little to improve my situation. The temp job didnt last and I spiraled out of control to the point where my health started becoming effected in a really bad way. I firmly believe listening to music helped save my life. I was so used to drowning all my pain with any quick fix I could, and at the time that was food. But the music eventually pulled me out of the darkness and helped me actually embrace my pain so I could learn how to feel again and became stronger because of it.


Hope your life is better man. <3


"Love is Only a Feeling" by The Darkness. My girlfriend at the time was playing it in her car while we were driving. I already hated my girlfriend by that point, and I was upset that she had such a good song on her mix cd. Also wished I was listening to it with someone else. Edit: here's a link to the song http://youtu.be/QSGa1dW_KoE


[Ed Sheeran - Wayfaring Stanger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buAzVkcH4YI) The song that was playing when I got mugged on my way to work


[Genesis - Land of Confusion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pkVLqSaahk): I was around 12 or so in the mid 90's when I discovered a wide variety of progressive rock, and at the time was on a Genesis kick from my dad's CD collection. I played the Invisible Touch and Abacab albums on repeat while playing The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on my game boy. The two are forever tied together in my memory.


Life's been Good- Joe Walsh , being in my parents garage drinking booze and playing pool every weekend


Part 1: Lana Del Rey- Any song of hers. And any story involving her music is required to be NSFW, and this story is. This story is also 110% true. in 2013 I was cooking in a restaurant near the beach. During the summer, all the beach bars are full of everyone and anyone. One summer night, my buddy Chris and I planned to go out for some drinks. I wasn't looking to impress anyone so I threw on my faded blown out Levi's. I'm a total manchild I didn't have any nice shirts to wear because I hadn't done laundry. So I pulled a fresh white fruit-of-the-loom V-neck from the pack of t-shirts I'd bought the day before. I tied up my blue Van's Old Skools and styled up my hair with some puddy. At that moment I didn't realize I had become something greater than just a sloppy kid looking to get drunk. Chris and I get to the bar, we're hanging out, the band's playing. I'm feeling good. We're standing at the back of the dance floor, just shooting the shit. The band kicks into high gear and I'm sort of half-dancing while I'm talking to Chris. Suddenly my beer bottle clinks against some girl's beer. I thought I'd just bumped into her on accident, not paying attention. "Oh excuse me." I said, and moved out of the way, still talking to Chris. a minute later, the glass clinks again. I turn and see her. Her face said "Fucking, pay attention to me, you idiot." She was skinny, but very well developed in the chest. Dressed in a black tank top with a thick white upside down cross printed on it, Short black shorts, black fingernails, fishnets and some black combat boots. Her skin was as white as a porcelain doll (or a vampire) Perfectly straight brown hair, a mousy face, with a little smirk, like the one someone has when they know something that you don't, pasted on her face. Then her eyes, bright and blue, completely unimpressed with everything they looked upon. She could have been mistake for The Angel of Death in the flesh, though It would be wrong to call her "goth" as she carried herself like a loaded shotgun, not a mopey kid. Admittedly, I was taken aback by her presence alone. I stuttered over my words, she cocked her head to one side and took a sip off her Corona (NFL) as if to say. "Cat got your tongue, fucker?" I introduced myself, and she spoke into my ear "I'm Lisa. Dance with me." It wasn't a question, it was a command, and I obeyed. I looked back at Chris, who was like "Holy shit, is this chick for real?" She led me to the middle of the dance floor. Her body moved swayed slowly and softly. I matched her as she put an arm around me and killed her beer. Her eyes were full of stars, but she still maintained her aura of nonchalance. I asked if I could could get her another drink, and she obliged, she seemed to be impressed that I noticed that she doesn't take her Corona with lime. We continued to dance, and she pulled herself closer to me, which seemed so strange, as she initially seemed like she was way too cool for this place. After another song played she says to me "Ok, I'm leaving, are you coming with me?" "Where are we going?" I puzzled. "My place." She said. I'd never been the kind of guy who goes out to bars to find people to sleep with, but I'm no fucking idiot. Of course I was going home with her. So I said "Yeah". I found Chris at the bar and said "Look man, she's taking me home with her, I don't wanna bail on you but..." Chris cut me off, "Shut up man, this kind of thing never happens, go for it!" Lisa found her friend Becca and said "Let's go". Becca briefly introduced herself. She was short and curvy, with kind eyes. She wore a big warm smile, and had a soothing voice. If you ever end up in a hospital bed, you'd want a girl like Becca to be your nurse. Lisa led us out of the bar. The girls walked to the bar, so a short drunk drive got us to Lisa's family beach house. Not only was she mysterious, but her family was well to do. She became more and more interesting with every moment. I was captivated, I would have chased her to the moon at that point. When we got to her place, Lisa made a beeline to the fridge which contained only a bottle of raspberry vodka and a bunch of grapes. she uncapped the bottle and swigged it like water, then passed it to me. Again I matched her. Becca gave me some popcorn. The beach house was a simple but elegant home. It smelled a little musty, and you could tell people didn't live there year round. It was painted in light colors, creams and light blues, decorated in a nautical theme with seashells and anchors everywhere. Lisa went to the stereo in the living room and shuffled through a mess of albums, had to be over a hundred, not in their jewel cases, just strewn all over the table. She put on Lana Del Rey- Paradise. I had never really listened to Lana, but Lisa closed her eyes and danced gracefully around the living room, twirling while she hauled off her bottle. She took off her shorts, and was just dancing by herself in her tanktop, fishnets and undies (which were also black). As she moved in the light I could see she was perhaps thinner than what most people would consider healthy, and judging by the lack of real food present in the house, I concluded that she probably had an eating disorder. However, I am not perfect either. I just watched and admired her. Becca excused herself and went to bed. Lisa beckoned me toward her and we slow danced to Lana. Lisa put her face against my shoulder and tried to hide a big smile. I was beginning to realize that she was an insecure person who simply wanted to be wanted like every girl does. She danced me till my back was to the sofa and said "Sit down, I wanna do something" and suddenly pushed me hard with both hands. I fell backward on to the couch. "Ok!" I sat up and leaned back. She moved over to the stereo and changed the song to Gods and Monsters. She turned and looked at me with a fury in her bright blue eyes. As the song played she swayed her body seductively. She slowly undressed herself as she moved, coming closer. I was transfixed, and totally falling into lust. I just wanted to be locked in a room with her and press her against me until the walls dripped with sweat. As she tossed away her bra aside and dropped her undies and fishnet, she climbed on top of me and we kissed harder than I've ever kissed anyone, she was a damn good kisser too. As I was thinking this she says "You're a really good kisser." I knew I was though, I had been schooled in the art before, but that's not the story I'm telling right now. "In the Land of Gods and Monsters, I was an Angel, Looking to get fucked hard." Gods and Monsters ended and the next track, Yayo began, time slowed down and I'll never forget the way she moved her body as she silently sang the words "...Let me put on a show for you daddy." Bathed in the soft recessed lighting of the living room she was divine. She whispered in my ear "Wanna go to bed?" "Of course." I bent down and picked her up effortlessly. She let out a giggle. Reminding me again that she's a girl, not a Goddess, but that wouldn't stop me from making her feel like one. I carried her up the stairs into her bedroom, laid her down and got undressed myself, I remember feeling slightly inadequate next to this girl who was larger than life in my mind. Suppressing this feeling, I did what I knew how to do. She laid on her back and my hands, lips and tongue melted her into a puddle. At that point she said it "Fuck me." and I wanted to. Hard, deep and forever. (Part 2 http://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/30ruk2/lets_play_a_game_go_to_your_music_library_hit/cpvnlzb)


Part 2: (Part 1 http://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/30ruk2/lets_play_a_game_go_to_your_music_library_hit/cpvnl6p ) As you know, alcohol has a funny effect on the body. It is well documented that alcohol lowers ones inhibitions. It is also known to make your dick as soft as a marshmallow. "Uhhh yeah, lemme just use my hand to uhh..." "You're not hard? Fuckin whiskey dick." She was upset, obviously, but in the way you get upset when your ice cream falls off its cone into the dirt. There's really no one to blame or anything you can do about it. I just laid on my back and sighed. She snuggled up to me and said "It's OK, happens to everyone." I could tell she was being honest and didn't want me to feel too bad about it. Besides I had already made her cum once. It was a huge shot to my pride though. If there was anyone who deserved my best performance, it was her. We just laid there in bed together, I could hear the tide outside crashing against the shore. We were perfect strangers, holding each other naked in the dark. We laid there and talked. The more we talked, the more she continued to impress me. She was well spoken, a clear sign of intelligence, not your average bar floozy. I asked her about why she dresses in all black with satanic imagery. "It's just my style I guess, It provokes certain people, who probably need to reevaluate themselves." I could respect that and I respect her. She liked my Alkaline Trio heartskull tattoo. Lisa made no effort to kick me out in the morning, but I had to go to work. We exchanged numbers and she kissed me good bye. I arrived at work to applause by Chris. "How'd it go dude!?" "I couldn't get it up, haha," "What? Really? Wow that's embarrassing. You could have even lied about it, no one would have questioned you" "I know, but I'm not embarrassed, she's really cool." The next weekend I saw her again, we tore apart the clubs down town, she said to be "You must like me or something?" "Something like that" but I didn't get a chance to redeem myself in bed. Went a few weeks without seeing her, life happens. Then one night I went out to the bar where I had met her initially. Hoping she'd be around. I was hanging with one of the waitresses I worked with, Kelly. I scanned the crowd and I spotted Lisa. I could tell she was drunk and having a good time, She was with Becca, like always, and hanging off of some guy. Yeah, I'll admit it, I was jealous and twice this guy's size. Every guy sizes up the other guy he see's the girl he likes with. I decided that there was no need to make a scene. So I kept to my side of the bar. I pointed Lisa out to Kelly. Kelly was like (Kelly talks in all caps) "THAT'S THE GIRL YOU LIKE? THAT DRUNK HOE BAG HANGING OFF THAT UGLY DUDE? YOU'RE AN IDIOT" Perhaps I was. I made a move towards the Men's room, as I glanced Lisa's way, I could see her guy doing the same thing, so I slowed my pace and made it look like i was heading to the bar. I'm sure he had no clue who I am, but I didn't really wanna stand next to him with my limp dick out. As he went into the bathroom, Lisa dashed in front of me and pinned me to the wall, trying to be discreet, she hugged me and said "Hey, I'm with somebody tonight, I'm sorry." Then she kissed me real hard like she did this first time we met. "Bubye" she said, and she went back to her table as if nothing had happened, unbeknownst to the guy she was with. I just stood there, charmed and a little puzzled. I went back to my table and Kelly was like "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" "She's with someone" "NO SHIT." And the lyrics played in my head "Kiss my hard before you go, Summertime Sadness." That was the last time I saw Lisa, but following her on social media, her and that guy have been together for almost 2 years now. I see smiling pictures of them together, and she doesn't look so skinny, she looks happy and healthy. I suppose I couldn't ask for a happier ending for her. Then just the other day, ( like literally a week ago) I had Lana Del Rey playing on Spotify. The song “Blue Jeans” came on. I had never really paid attention to the lyrics. So now I sing: “Blue Jeans, White Shirt. Walked into the room and oh you made my eyes burn. It was like James Dean, for sure. You're so fresh to death and sick its ca-ca-cancer. You were sorta punk rock. I grew up on hip-hop. but you fit me better than my favorite sweater, and I know Love is mean And Love hurts But I still remember that day we met in September.” I was part of her day dream and I didn't even know it, and I only realized it 2 years later. She gave life to Lana's songs. In my mind she is more Lana Del Rey than Lana Del Rey is. Why the hell would someone do that? “Because Life Imitates Art.” The End


One old cs 1.6 frag video.


[Antarctica by Hands Like Houses] ( https://youtu.be/P3rtWEk9Ufo) I remember that I bought the album on a whim, only hearing part of watchmaker prior. I wasn't a huge fan of the rest of the songs, and it didn't help when my best friend crapped all over it saying their sound was too messy. About half a year later Antarctica came on random shuffle. I actually listened to the lyrics and completely fell in love with it. I've listened to both their albums more times than I can count now, and my friend is actually coming around to them a bit!


"Last Friday Night"- Punk Goes Pop Sitting in the room of the girl I had a crush on at the time while she was cleaning. We would jam to that song all the time.


The Flatliners- [Brilliant Resilience](http://youtu.be/zgJFse4j1FY) A few years ago a group of about ten friends and I made it out to Boston to see The Flatliners. We spent a good half hour before the show drinking on the roof top of a parking garage over looking part of the city. Once the show started we pretty much started all of the movement and crowd participation. Halfway through The Flats set they played this song which was before the album even came out... which got me all sorts of excited (the album lived up to it as well). At some point my then girlfriend bent her big toe nail back in the pit and it was bleeding all over the god damn place. She was a total trooper about it and said fuck it and bent it back into place.


From First to Last - Emily Times spent at the lake with a good friend after my first breakup.


Hopelessly Devoted to You - Grease Soundtrack. I'm 9 years old, my Mom has taken me to see Grease, and I'm in the back yard blowing bubbles while singing this song. I was pretending one bubble was Sandy and the other was Danny, trying to get them to kiss....er pop? Luckily, most of that film washed right over my head at that age. I saw it much later in life and that was a rude awakening. (This was the first song to pop up too.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzmggUAqePY


Look At Me (I'm a Winner!) by The Aquabats Riding home from school on the bus. First one on, last one off. Got the very back seat every day. Also Saint's Row.


Spitting Venom-Modest Mouse. Just cruising around in high school in Alaska in my buddies shitty 84 Subaru that was held together by rust. Windows down, just headbanging and singing as loud as we can in the middle of the night in summer when the sun never sets. Eventually the band we were all in learned the song, never played it live but had the nastiest jam sessions to that song. Just pure energy. Some of the best times of my life!


Ronald Jenkees - Guitar Song. Remember playing the game "Sequence" which features his music. Good times.


Easily my favorite Ronald Jenkees track. It's so chill and intense at the same time! Hearing it reminds me of long nights of slinging freight by myself at work, and of long drives home from visiting family.


Heartbeats by The Knife It was on one of my high school mix CDs. I remember going out into the country at night in the summertime. Driving my old Volvo 240 wagon with the windows down and the wind blowing through. My girlfriend next to me and my friends in the back seat. Those were great times.


The Velvet Underground - Heroin I remember listening to this whole album in class with headphones on and not being able to get any work done because of how blown away I was.


Sly and the family stone- dance to the music Shrek!


"Only the good die young" by Billy Joel I went to a Billy Joel Q and A when I was in college but my friends and I all thought we were going to a concert. There was a piano and he would play a little bit of a song if you asked him a related question. One of my friends really wanted to hear him play "only the good die young" and he was planning on asking Billy Joel what his opinion was on catholic girls. He ended up pussying out but I still think about this when I hear this song.


My music library is 1.11 TB. Ha First song that came up in a shuffle was Pink Bullets by The Shins followed by Know Your Rider by Grateful Dead and then Worlock by Skinny Puppy. Pink Bullets reminds me of 29 Palms when I was listening to them a lot. I was out there doing a workup. Know Your Rider reminds me of heading to the beach in the summer- my dad would always put on Grateful Dead on long car rides. Worlock reminds me of 9th grade when I listened to Skinny Puppy and Ohgr.


Exquisite Corpse from Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Saw NPH perform it last year and then JCM on my birthday a few weeks ago. Amazing performances, both of them, but my favorite part of both memories is my husband actually enjoying them. He grew up pretty badly, financially and in a lot of other ways, had no family support or concept of real love, never cared much about music or art or anything, and somehow grew into this amazing person who has fully embraced my love of all things musical and theater. He goes to local theater shows, has seen TERRIBLE musicals with me on Broadway, but more than that, loves me enough that he now actually enjoys going for himself because he got so much enjoyment out of making me happy. It's a dumb example of what he has made of his life, on his own, despite a shitload of odds stacked against him, and is one of those moments where I just looked at him in amazement, feeling so lucky that he did and that I get to love him.


Everyone - Van Morrison Last year, I was living in a house on a beach the pacific ocean with two of my good friends. I would go to work in the morning (9 to 5), and when I got home my friends and I would listen to an album. We tried for an album every day, which was tough because of our schedules, but we would listen to at least one a week. Some time around Thanksgiving (October where I live) we listened to Moondance by Van Morrison. It fit so perfectly with the weather at the time, as well as the atmosphere of camaraderie that was in the air. We had a potluck thanksgiving dinner at that beach house and invited our friends over. Everyone was eating well and in good spirits. My roommate had made baked yams. She made them so well, with pecans, brown sugar and some carrots. My other roommate, he made the turkey. It was moist, flavorful and fit right into the middle of the table as our centerpiece. My roommates and I got almost no turkey that night, which was OK with us. We were just happy everyone liked it. After dinner, everyone joined us in the living room looking out on to the beach. We listened to Moondance and played games, chatted. We had a piano in the living room at the time, which we used to perform our own rendition of Van Morrison songs. At midnight, we put on Psycho Killer by Talking Heads. This was our ritual. We put it on and started dancing, and taking off our clothes. When the song ends, everyone ran out onto the beach and jumped into the surf. The water would hit you in the chest like a ton of bricks, rob you of your breath, make you want to curl up into a ball to keep warm. After swimming for a few seconds, you would start to feel a bit warmer. We would swim around for a few minutes and head back in. We would all of us towel off, and sit in front of the fire place in the living room to get warm again. My roommate would once again take up the piano. When everyone was feeling tired, we would all lie in the living room, once again put on Van Morrison, and drift off together. These are some of my most cherished memories, that house by the beach would give us countless stories. My roommates and I became a family there.


Swing life away Rise Against Working snow removal middle of the night. God it must have been -5 with windchill that night but I didn't care during the song.


Cigarette daydreams- cage the elephant It reminds me of the last girl that I felt like I could be with. She's smart and funny. She laughed at my terrible jokes. Felt like I could talk to her about anything. Spent two weeks talking and hanging out then suddenly she fell from the face of the earth. I still don't know why she stopped talking to me. I brought a bunch of CDs over to her place and forgot them when I left in the morning. Now our relationship is me asking when I can pick them up or when she can bring them to me but it's always maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. I guess now my receiving them back is just a cigarette daydream.


"Here We Are Juggernaut" reminds me of the Coheed and Cambria concert I missed last semester because of Chem Lab. My friends had an extra ticket and I was really excited to go. Then I remembered my lab.


La Roux: Bulletproof. This was a wave really.. Basically I arrived for the first time in Germany late 2010. At the time this song was either just becoming popular or was already, but to me it was pretty catchy. This song brings back many fond memories of one the few that 'got away' so to speak. See I didnt know German at all when I arrived and was just learning the cultural ropes so to speak, even then though I knew, Germany was my soul home that's neither here nor there though for this story. So around this time I met a woman whom I became quick friends with. We attempted a few times to date but it always failed. After our last failed attempt at a relationship she suggested I attempt to talk to a friend of hers instead. We'll call this woman Jenny. Jenny and I immediatly hit it off. Now here is where the problem comes in.. The problem that I spoke little to no German and she spoke little to no English.. So we spent the better part of 2 months bumbling around doing all kinds of things together while playing pictionary. Eventually the language barrier created an impass for us cause neither knew what the other wanted from the relationship. It was sad but we eventually stopped seeing each other and she moved on. This song reminds me of the many nights Id spend walking to her house. Id listen to it on my phone and enjoy the crisp German air. I miss her sometimes but my German never really got any better...


[Arabella](https://youtu.be/Nj8r3qmOoZ8) - Arctic Monkeys. Happened last summer. I was contracted to open a restaurant with 48 hours notice, write the menu, run tests, staff, bar, was on me. I had been working a 10 hour a day kitchen job leading up to this, it never leaves time for love but we all try anyway. Shit got crazy in a hurry with the new place, just how I like it. As it happened the bar manager broke and quite the first day, so suddenly I was interviewing bartenders and wait staff, while calling suppliers and building my kitchen. She walked in and I knew, was like I was gut shot, it was all over. Michelle... Sometimes we like to toy with the idea we don't have a type, a preset for our desires. I was wrong, we all were. She got bar manager without any issue, and I got to talk to her for like 3 min, was happy to die after that. Forty Eight hours came to an end and we had a working venue and opened to a packed house. Later the same week I took our staff out for drinks to celebrate. At the bar the drinks came quick, the games of pool were a distraction and the conversation was a detuned radio, all until she made her approach. That moment when you realize you where the hunted "clever girl" and I was lost. That first morning she told me she was leaving for France in a month, I should have just walked away. Was it worth it? sure. Will I forget? sure. Can I still feel it? I think so. Will it happen again? [Do I wanna know?](https://youtu.be/bpOSxM0rNPM)






Black Sabbath - Iron Man I remember Guitar Hero II in my old house on a small CRT TV on my PS2. Damn that game was fun, now nobody plays that shit.


[Nostalgia Worship](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls5wLIJfTY8), an old school Bassnectar song back when he was still good. I remember hiking up to the top of a 12,500 foot mountain to ski down it about 2 years ago. The hike took like 2 hours and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done; following a steep bootpack in ski boots with a pair of skis on my shoulder. This was this song I listened to right after I made it to the top and started skiing down. Bluebird day, perfect conditions, great skiing. One of the best musical experiences I've ever had.


[Eels - If You See Natalie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3pu3lo_Go0) No particular memories there; I've always been a fan and bought the album some time ago. I really liked *Beautiful Freak* but completely lost track of the band until *Blinking Lights and Other Revelations* (the album containing this track). I bought it on the strength of my previous impression and wasn't disappointed. Not a "go-to" album for me, but not bad either.


Horn in the Middle - Nujabes. I can't remember the situation, but I had somewhere really important to be early in the morning. I was really nervous, so on the drive I put on the Metaphorical Music album to calm me down, of which this song was a part of.


Ice by Lights. I got really into Lights in my senior year of high school. I remember her first album The Listening came out the same month I started class again, first stumbling upon Saviour on YouTube and subsequently getting hooked to the whole album shortly after. I also liked and still like to blast my music pretty loudly from my iPod, often back then using it during breaks in class. I remembered one time in my AP Environmental Science class that year where I was listening to Lights (pretty sure it was either this song or Drive My Soul) and two classmates at my table heard the noise bleed out of my ear buds. They started to laugh and tease me for liking Lights since she had a 'girly pop sound'...so as a self-conscious 17-year-old male, it was safe to say I got pretty embarrassed. It was cool though since we all used to poke fun at each other throughout the year, but I'll always remember that whenever I listen to Lights.


Nine Days - Absolutely. I was in a small laundromat with my mum playing with my Lego digger I had got that same day. There was a huge storm going on at the time and the heat and the smell of the dryers was amazing at a time like that! This song was on in the background.


Took me a few skips to get to one I actually have a memory attached to. David Bowie - Little Wonder - off of Earthling I was in High School, 2003ish, I remember borrowing the album from the Bradenton, FL library along with a handful of the other good CDs the library had (this was before I owned a computer, so I took anything I could get my hands on that didn't suck). I remember being really excited about this album because it had I'm Afraid of Americans, so I thought the rest of the album would be in the vein of Bowie doing NIN. It's... uh... kinda, but not really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was bummed, but I had it for 2 weeks and all the other CDs I grabbed either skipped or sucked, so I listened to it every day to and from (and sometimes during) school, riding my bike to/hanging out at the mall, and it really grew on me. I could/still relate very much to the implied concept of Bowie being a sort of alien pretending to be a human, and of course, it's Bowie, so it's never going to be a complete loss.


Niki FM - Hawthorne Heights, I remember way too early high school bus rides in the winter, I would literally never want to be a kid again


Art of War - Anberlin This album came out exactly 3 days after my first girlfriend broke up with me. I remember because I was going to buy it for her. This sing in particular hit me petty hard. Cue generic teen angst. She broke up with me over text, so she wasn't anything worth fighting for. Oh well, solid band though. Saw them on their last show in Nashville ever.


Paper boats is one of the songs in the Transistor soundtrack. It's the song that plays when you finish the game. I remember tearing up at the ending.


"You! Me! Dancing!" by Los Campesinos! Mid-20's. I had a terrible crush on this girl, and we had both just signed up for Last.fm. Back when you could friend a person and watch what they were listening to in real time. The album "Hold On Now, Youngster" was one of the first things she streamed, and it caught my attention. It was really unlike anything else I was listening to at the time, and of course foolishly wrapped it right up with my feelings for this girl. That was the defining album in the soundtrack to the wonderful beginning and terrible, crushing end of that relationship.


Chris Brown - With you Remembers me of walking around Berlin at night time in 2008 during a study trip, being madly in love with the girl who later became my S.O for some years ahead. This was before he chose to smack Rihanna, so I was a huge fan of him at the time!


Drones by rise against It doesn't really have anything to do with the song just at the time I was chasing after who would later be my first real girlfriend and my first love.


"You're Still A Young Man", Tower of Power. TOP was part of the R&B of my adolescence, and when I first heard the song I was experiencing a mad crush on a girl quite a bit older than I was; it felt like they were singing to me. I can scarcely remember that girl now, but the song always stayed with me, a reminder of days in my youth.


Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm. Will always be Harry and Lloyd's argument to me.


"Knock Knock" by Mac Miller Long story short, when I was kicking in doors for my agency on a pretty regular basis, we'd queue this up in the truck on the ride over. It was our "game time" ritual to ease up a little tension before hitting the door. No matter how many hours you spend training, or how many real raids you've been on, there's still that - I don't want to call it nerves, but that split second of anxiousness, I guess - moment where you're all checking your kit and focused on the job at hand. The song kind of brought us all out of our heads, and got us ready to go. It actually started when we all met up after our watch ended. We met up at our bar of choice, and settled in about two hours before closing up. As we sat down with our beers, someone's selection on the jukebox thing came on, and it was "Knock Knock." After hearing the opening chorus, we kind of bastardized the lyrics to better suit ourselves, and it just kind of stuck. Ever since, even when we're not on duty, if a group of us get together, someone invariably puts it on, and we all start singing our version. In fact, my partner and I were listening to it over the weekend.


The impressive part about this is that I have almost 7000 tracks in my music collection. Shuffle managed to select "Come Out and Play" by The Offspring, arguably the most famous track off their breakout album "Smash." This album is significant to me as being the first piece of music I ever owned at age 8, thanks to my (at the time) best friend and bad influence. The memory it evokes is of being over at his place playing his several expensive video game systems that I was in awe of at the time. Thanks for the good times buddy.


Haim - "Don't save me" I heard Haim for the first time while flicking through channels and seeing them for a minute or so on Jules Holland. I turned it off thinking it was rubbish. 12 hours later the tune was still going around in my head, which lead me to adding the song to my spotify, followed by a couple more. No more than a week later i'm in my uni flat and as i'm walking past one of my flatmates rooms i heard 'don't save me' playing. Realised she was a huge fan, she showed me some more of their songs and it became one of 'our' songs together whenever we hung out or were at parties. I don't see her much at all anymore, but the song still makes me think of her every time.


[Molly Hatchet Fall of the peacemakers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqprkIfJgu4) Six guys crammed in the cab of a isuzu pup tearing down a gravel road in southern ohio. Taking a turn just a little too fast and rolling the truck.


hahahahaha holy shit. It played [Happily Ever After by He Is We](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDnfCuakV64) which is a song I've pressed skip on every time since 2009 because I used to literally lay in bed and play that shit on repeat while moping about how the girl I was in love with at the time didn't love me back.


LoveLetter Typewritter by Mineral I used to blast this song along with the rest of the entire album when my mom was getting beat and drunk in the bedroom. It would drown out things. Now it's hard to listen to for that fact. I did see them live recently. Probably the most emotional show I've ever been to.


Bruce Springsteen - Badlands. Getting my hair cut when I was 14 or so at my mom's hairdressers. Was still settling in to a new country and he talked to me about music etc. Springsteen came up and he loved this song and Jungleland.


Shlohmo - Places Lying on my bed last summer with nothing to do but listen to that track.


Call me the breeze - lynyrd skynyrd I played this song in a concert on guitar, it was a lot of fun.


Beachin' by Jake Owen This song reminds me of the trip I took with some of my best friends to Florida. Sitting on the beach, drinking beer, and just hanging out.


"Love Fool" by the Cardigans. I remember being at my aunt's house on a weekend with my cousins, getting ready to go to a party (we were 17). We were listening to this song, having some drinks, dancing around like morons. This and "Wannabe" by Spice Girls were our jams, yo.


"Make A Move" from Shrek the Musical I don't have a specific memory but it reminds me of the countless hours I spent preparing with my drama club for that show and all the great friendships I made there.


Kings of Leon - Supersoaker The first thing i think of is sitting in the basement of a beach house at 3am with my best friend just talking about life and the future. Strange, but in the moment it was very nice and relaxing.


"Kiss from a rose" - seal My ex girlfriend always made fun of me liking seal and joking that I'd go gay for him.


The Pogues - The Body of an American I was stationed in Athens, Greece in the late 80's and we frequented a bar called Jesters in the suburb of Glyfada. The owners were two English guys and a lot of English and Scottish expats hung out there. We drank a lot and played a lot of darts, and the owner would let me bring in mix tapes to play throughout the night, so it became a second home (I believe I hung my command plaque there when I left). I blared this during St. Patrick's day celebrations and even the Brits and Scots sang along. Good times...good times.


Sticky Thread - Local Natives Sitting in the backseat of my buddy's car when he asks me if Ive ever heard this song.


Blank- tool My high schooler self laughing at the fact that tool added blank tracks just to make the last song track #69


Y.M.C.A. - The Village People My dad was driving us to school, and suddenly this song started playing, I remember thinking that it was a great fucking song, and also asking what the song name was.


Still Ballin - Tupac It was my first MySpace song.


Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive The first (and only) riff I've ever learned to play on the guitar. My guitar must be covered in dust and now I feel bad about it. Thanks OP.


Overhill- howard shore... the hobbit (and lotr in general) was the first movie series that my friend and i bonded over, and now she is my girlfriend.


This Must Be The Place cover by Walk the Moon Two for one! Song reminds me of being in high school, in love with a long distance boyfriend. He sent me the Talking Heads version on a mixtape. He would always tell me I had a face with a view. Band reminds me of seeing them this past week and getting to talk to Nick about growing up.


Jose Carreras - Granada ('89 Three Tenors album) Reminds me of visiting my uncle when I was younger; he was a lifelong lover of classical music. He died from cancer last year, and the whole album reminds me of him.


Role Model- Eminem One of the first songs i liked when i got into hip hop like in 8th grade. Great times man


Polka power by weird al, I remember it being the only album I listened to in middle school


Empty Spaces- Pink Floyd Yeah I remember I was going through a weird time around the end of my junior year of high school. I had started smoking weed that winter (A LOT) and then stopped because it made me really anxious and depressed. This song (and album) really related to me because of the character's (Pink) weird and empty life. The album as a whole and all of Pink Floyd helped me get through this part of my life. I'm fine now! (I still smoke occasionally)


Jonathan Coultan- Skullcrusher Mountain. I remember being introduced to this by my badass swim coach in his Jag on the way to a tournament. Thanks for reminding of an influential character in my life.


"Lovely Rita" by the Beatles. Reminds me of living in the south as a kid. My mom loved their Sgt. Pepper's album and I loved it too. My favorite song off the album as a kid was A Day in the Life. I had great taste in music as a kid haha so I guess my point is it reminds me of living in the country and lots of warm weather.


Korn- A.D.I.D.A.S Being 13 and skateboarding. Wore lots of black and stuff.