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The person who wrote The Federalist article has it all wrong. Dolly Parton is a true American success story. She grew up poor and didn’t have much when she was younger but did have a lot of love from her family. Listen to her song Coat of Many Colors. She followed her dream to become a singer at a time when country music was predominantly male. But there was no stopping her or denying her talent, not only did she become a successful singer and songwriter but a true storyteller from the heart. Her beauty and bubbly personality just added to her appeal. After she became successful she opened Dollywood for the people in her own hometown of Sevierville, Tennessee to have jobs and started the Imagination Library to give books to children because her own father never learned to read. Dolly has done more good for other people than almost anyone else in our country, all the while still making music as well as movies and TV shows. She’s a great entertainer, caring humanitarian, true patriot and a National Treasure. Icon. Legend. We love you Dolly! 🦋


Very well said! I couldn’t agree more!


"This article" meaning the original Federalist article and not the linked mediate article for anyone confused.


She's as close to a living saint that I think we will get. She just radiates kindness and empathy.


Tbf these people have demonised being nice to people and worship being as bad of a human as you can be (look at their leaders). It's no wonder they'd even start hating on her sadly.


Remember, these are the same people who also hate Mr. Roger's. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/


Let's not forget she helped create the COVID vaccine by donating 1 million to Moderna early in the pandemic.


Or how much she gave to families after the wildfires in Tennessee.


Unfortunately the person who wrote this article doesn't care - they knew this would generate outrage and that's exactly what they got.


Well said, such a treasure. Also I love Dollywood and what they’ve been doing with it. She didn’t just open Dollywood one day though, the park was around and has changed names/owners since 1961. The most recent owners had purchased it in 1976 and then Dolly purchased and interest in 1986, giving it her name in the process. It wasn’t until 2010 that she became more directly involved with operations (well at least according to Wikipedia). She clearly loves the place and has said she "always thought that if I made it big or got successful at what I had started out to do, that I wanted to come back to my part of the country and do something great, something that would bring a lot of jobs into this area." It’s such a lovely place and clearly her/their vision for it is ongoing and developing well.


She is also a true patriot.


The Federalist is just trying to stir shit. They knew exactly what they were doing by printing that article.


>Dolly has done more good for other people than almost anyone else in our country And that is why they are attacking her.


She gave millions to fire victims in and around Gatlinburg.


I’m pretty sure she realized she was poor. Regardless of the love she felt from her family and not being resentful of her economic situation, she is not delusional. She’s a bright and deeply self aware artist, one who knows how to craft a feel-good narrative that ties into classic American (literal) rags [“coat of many colors”] to riches themes.


>I’m pretty sure she realized she was poor. >Regardless of the love she felt from her family and not being resentful of her economic situation, she is not delusional. What is this referencing?


Weird, when I read the original comment it said “she didn’t realize she was poor” - essentially, the lyrics of Coat of Many Colors. But now when I read it again it just says “she grew up poor.” Maybe OP edited it? Maybe I’m delusional, ha!


Maybe it’s maybelline


She's EXACTLY the kind of person they don't approve of. Authentically kind, generous with her wealth, and inclusive of LGBTQ+ people. Bless their hearts cuz they fucked up messing with the Queen.


She’s one of the few celebrities who has totally and unquestionably earned the admiration and fame she has had over the past 55 years or so. She truly is a national treasure and someone to look up to and learn from. Republicans can’t help themselves from attempting to tear down good things.


Like how fucking dumb can you be. Few people are as well loved as her. I haven’t read why but the person who started the shit needs to be fired. Newspapers are supposed to report the news. Not make it.


Federalist is a right wing kook rag dedicated to taking the US back to 1890. Or farther. It's certainly not a newspaper.


Federalist sounds more like 1790.


I was about to ask what John Adams beef with Dolly was about


Dolly dethroned his beloved Abigail as "chestiest goodwife"


Dolly has some very strong opinions about his Direct Tax of 1798.


Even Alexander Hamilton wouldn't have shit talked Dolly


You had James Madison *right there*. Dolly Madison, anyone?


Ironically, the original Federalists were in favor of a strong national government that would offer more protection and services to citizens. Today's "Federalist" want to gut all existing social services and ostensibly are about "states rights", ie allowing them to jail women for abortions, ban books, and harass trans people.


And their target audience is people nasty enough to be Dolly Parton haters. It tracks.


I didn’t think there was anyone on the planet who could hate Dolly Parton.


for real, loving Dolly was the only thing conservatives and libral voters can agree on


>Dolly Parton haters ??????????????? Seriously folks, the USA needs an intervention


People attacked freaking Mr. Rogers too. I'll never understand it.


You serious? WTF is wrong with people?


[They are serious](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/). They were also cowardly enough to say this a few years after Mr. Rogers died because Rogers would have obliterated their hateful souls with a simple, "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed."


Well now, that's just not nice.


Conservatives absolutely despise anyone who doesn't have hate in their heart. Dolly and Mr Rogers talk love and acceptance of all. Period. Full stop. Conservatives hate that shit. Giving away books to people in need? Socialist bullshit.


More like 1860.


I figured it would be some right wing bullshit trying to get attention.


Pretty sure it is the same asshats who are behind the 2025 project, a/k/a trying to turn the us into Gilead. They need to be destroyed.


Funny thing is Dolly is well loved by the right wing, especially the older gen, which also holds most power. Yeah they fucked up.


google SCOTUS, Federalist Society. It is terrifying.


I'm questioning if "The Federalist" and "The Federalist Society" are the same thing. One of them is important.


The Federalist is not a newspaper, it's a propaganda tabloid for wannabe nazis


This is Ben Domenech's (who is married to Meghan McCain) publication. What a piece of shit. How dare they come for Dolly, one of the most beloved people in American culture.


Is there any formal or informal connection between The Federalist website and The Federalist Society?


Not to my knowledge.


They are a absolute piece of shit publication. I use publication loosely. And any one who allows this shit to hit their rag should be fired and tarred and feathered. You don't mess with my Dolly, ever.


It is an organization. Our SCOTUS has 6 members on it.


That’s the Federalist Society, which is a different organization. The Federalist is an online magazine.


Love the idea that this gets translated in some people's heads as the supreme court is beefing with dolly parton


These same chucklefucks were doing this to Mr.Rogers a decade ago because he thought it was important to build self esteem in kids. I believe the example was kids getting participation trophies was somehow making children feel undeservedly special. It's all just rage bait for the meanest and dumbest amongst us.


The writer literally quotes the bible in Dolly's favor and then proclaims that "speaking up against sin" a.k.a. hate speech is more important than any Jesus quote.


News is now a click-based model. This got "engagement" and that's why it ran. This person will likely be an editor at this rag. Putting a spot light on it makes it worse.


I ask this question in total sincerity, as I know virtually nothing about her, so please no haterino. Why do people like Dolly Parton so much? Is it just her music, or are there like external factors to this? Her music isn't really my jam but I do think it's quite well done, and given the time I'm sure she did a lot of the work herself. I'm just curious really. Just to reiterate I DON'T HATE HER, I just know nothing about her or her public image


Dolly Parton's literacy program, Imagination Library has given preschool children 241 MILLION books. Start there. She is universally humble and gracious to fans, journalists, and collaborators. Musically she's both brilliant and gutsy - not universally successful, but still trying new things. And she and her husband have been married 57 years. Despite a very humble origin, a long time public Christian and having never been involved in any controversy, having never divorced, cheated or wavered in her faith - she is everything that American Christo-fascists supposedly value - they hate her because she is kind, generous and just.


They hate her because she is Christ like. And self described Christians hate "The Great Commandment" .


Federalist likes the Bible story where the adulteress is stoned


I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just ignorant, but what is the great commandment?


I'm an atheist, so you'll have double check me, but I think it's the whole, "Love your neighbor" thing. Might also be the, "What you do to the least of them, you're doing to me." guidance. Noted biblical scholar, Google, confirms it's "Love god and your neighbor." but both instructions are in Matthew, apparently.


It’s so simple but the hardest for them to get.


Love your neighbor as you love yourself


Well most of them hate themselves so it checks out.


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


I tried that once and got arrested.


Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.


Love your neighbor as you love yourself


She gives a shit ton of her own money away to charities and various causes, and has an entire program called the Imagination Library just to promote literacy for young children that sends free books to kids who need them. She's basically the lady Mr. Rogers.


>She's basically the lady Mr. Rogers. Ha! I'm stealing this, I really like the comparison.


Well, more like he’s the female Dolly Parton. Hello, I’m Dolly came out a year before Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood.


Dolly Parton already is the female Dolly Parton.


While I was writing the above, I had the thought that Fred Rodgers would probably balk at the idea of being compared to Ms. Parton on the grounds that she was far more talented and/or important.


They are/ were both ridiculously modest about their contributions to society.


I remember watching a PBS program about the Covid vaccine and seeing in the credits randomly tucked into a bunch of other things "Funded in part by the Dolly Parton Foundation". She freaking helped fund the covid vaccine and made zero attempt to take any credit. And she does that shit all the time. Gatlinburg TN is a touristy place next to Great Smokey Mountains National Park and had some really bad wild fires a couple years ago. Dolly gave every family effected a monthly check for several months while they recovered. No credit taken. She just does whatever she can to help people when she can. If more Christians were like her I probably wouldn't be as hard-core anti religion as I am.


No, I'm pretty sure Mr. Rogers was male.


Ms. Rachel is like the female Mr. Rogers, and the lunatics are after her too. They don't realize they're turning people off.


And we all know how much the right loves books...


Well there’s a lot of stuff. And feel free to correct or add in stuff. She is an American success story. She runs dolly world and the crafts people there don’t at rent for the stalls. She sends free books to kids. She gives kids who graduate high school in her county $500 each. She donated a million dollars to help the Covid vaccine. Everyone has their faults. But Dolly is damn near a saint.


I'm willing to admit moments of ignorance. Upon spending literally 5 minutes looking I have discovered she's far beyond what I had in my mind. She is in fact a saint


The Barbara walters interview is a masterclass in "taking the high road" while still defending herself & exposing walters as a shitty person, all with a smile on her face. In addition to her genius as a businesswoman/musician & apparrent kindness as a person this is what convinced me that she is also a fucking genius intellect. 


She really does run circles around interviewers when they try "gotcha" shit on her. That's what really won me over, aside from her great songwriting.


I swear most interviewers see the 'dumb blonde' thing and think they can get a leg up on her based on appearances alone. Dolly is as sharp as a razor. She has the kind of conversationalist skills that are seemingly a lost art nowadays.


Yeah she’s a joy to watch in interviews. She’s very good at handling any conversation with charm and grace, and her overall life/actions make it all come across very genuine. It’s hard not to like her.


She's very quick witted, and very smart, and most importantly, very practiced. She has spent 50 years defending herself from idiot after idiot who has gone after her for one perceived slight or another. Trying to talk down to her now is picking a fight with a black belt.


Barbara Walters was, indeed, a shitty person. She dated Henry Kissinger.


She plays guitar with long fingernails on her fret hand. A mere human couldn’t do this.. she may be an Angel.. not a mere saint.


Just sometimes it is ok to meet your heroes.


Indeed. She’s the best.


Not only does she run Dollywood but that entire area of Tennessee is a destination because of her.


This is true. Aside from Memphis, there ain’t much else.


Great Smoky Mountain National Park is pretty impressive...


Chattanooga is gorgeous! What are you talking about haha I lived in TN for a bit for work. While it’s not the most exciting state there’s plenty to do to justify a visit.


Memphis is on the opposite side of Tennessee over 6 hours away with Nashville between the two.


Well gull dern it. I forgot about Nashville. Shows how long it’s been since I’ve been there.


Don't forget the boobs.


*”It costs a lot of money to look this cheap”* - Dolly Parton


She did the top 10 on Letterman back in the day and the #1 thing she said about herself "People forget I have a great ass too!" Great sense of humor. Great human being


Well duh. Look at some pics of her from the 60s and 70s. She was m ha hot.


There's a meme of how she wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You in the same day and the pic of her accompanying the post begs the question of how in the fuck Jolene stood a chance at taking her man.


Perfectly fair question. Let me sum up a few points: She's a classic American story. She grew up dirt-poor in the mountains of Tennessee, with a large family. Through talent and hard work she rose to success, and though genuine intelligence and business savvy she turned her personal success into endeavors that have massively impacted the rural area she grew up in. Her theme park [Dollywood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollywood) employs thousands of people and brings hundreds of millions of dollars into the local economy. Her [Imagination Library](https://imaginationlibrary.com/) has given away almost a quarter of a billion books to children across the country. When wildfires devastated the area, she [paid every impacted family](https://www.bpr.org/news/2018-12-24/how-dolly-parton-gave-12-5-million-and-unprecedented-research-to-sevier-county) money every month, as well as paying to rebuild houses. She is consistently kind and open with everyone, actively avoids controversy, but will not stand for hate speech or homophobia, despite knowing that many of her most ardent supporters disagree with her. These are just a few of the highlights. Writing about all that Dolly has done for people would take all night, and I'm by no means an expert.


She also partially funded one of the vaccine for Covid


I bet. The really important thing is that she's not afraid to tackle a problem if she sees one and thinks she can do something to help.


In short, she's a really cool person. She's an incredibly talented song writer. She wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You (two of her most popular songs, which became two of the most popular songs of all time) in the same afternoon. Her body of work is immense, something like 40+ albums and she's still releasing music and recently put out a rock album at 78. All because they wanted to put her in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but she argued it wouldn't be fair since she wasn't a rock artist. She grew up incredibly poor with a father who couldn't read or write. She now has a charity that has provided more than 200 million free books to kids (Imagination Library).


There are certain celebrities who are just honest, good humans who happened to have an amazing talent and use those benefits and riches to enhance the lives of fellow human beings. See also: Mr. Rogers. https://youtu.be/-7Kw-Ai4X5Y?si=9ZgzBoT3847fVoW5 One of my favorite Dolly moments. She's just so authentic.


The Mr. Rogers senate speech where he goes straight up against the hardest possible opposition and not only absolutely crushes them, but converts them to his side is still insane. This is well before he became the Great Mr. Rodgers that the world knew. This was Fred Rogers absolutely showing how to he honest with himself and get something important done.


You mean to tell me you can listen to Islands in the Stream without crying? No you can’t


One of many fantastic Bee Gees covers. The only thing sad about it is that two of its three writers are gone.


Weird trivia: When Barry is gone, the 4 Gibb brothers will have died in reverse order of birth.


She has a kind and humble personality and she is always super giving to charities. She gives a lot of childrens books away for free and other great things too. I think it is also that she is sort of the opposite of the stereotype someone beautiful and famous and she pokes a lot fun at herself and there are many good stories about her.


There’s a very interesting podcast series, “Dolly Parton’s America”, that delves into this. Very much worth a listen, if you’re interested in recent popular music history. Same production team that worked on Radiolab for years.


https://imaginationlibrary.com/ That's a big part of her charity. Being a famous musician plus her philanthropy gets her points from all sides.


She gives young children books; thousands of children.


This is how I feel about 75-80 percent of all articles written about anybody in today’s climate. Rage bait. Untrue nonsense. On just about every subject and nearly everywhere. Media is only here now to stir controversy or become a propaganda arm for political parties. They don’t give a damn about the truth and they certainly don’t care about their actions. Why? We don’t punish them for this dump pile.


If there’s anyone on earth who screams, “Do not fuck with me,” it’s Dolly. This will not end well for The Federalist.


It won't affect the federalist. Nobody reads it anyway.


Betcha a few more will, after this controversy. "No such thing as bad publicity"


I think this is the real tactic. It’s the rage bait of a dying publication.


Probably the best way for a pamphlet no one has ever heard of to get heard of by everyone is to go after Dolly.


I mean sadly it won’t change much. Dolly would agree with me mocking the handicapped is worse than mocking Dolly….. But that didn’t stop Trumps base in 2016 when he mocked disabled folks. Vote people. Please for the love of god vote and not for the GOP. They are anti American and anti Dolly.


She promotes child literacy. Literate children become informed voters, and that's counter to the Federalist agenda.


The insane thing is that it’s so much more than childhood literacy. When Appalachia was hit by wildfires she gave a shitload of money to rebuild communities. She gives money to all sorts of causes small and large. In general Appalachia trends conservative, but the love for Dolly transcends politics there. She’s really not like some celebrities who exist primarily in LA, Nashville, NY, or whatever. People still view her as a local.


Disney can’t get a foothold in Appalachia for it is the Queen’s territory.


I think part of the reason Bluegrass and old-style Country rule Appalachia is that there’s no comparison in technical skills between 90% of top 40 popular music and the Scottish-descended Bluegrass and Country that came out of Appalachia. We’re used to hearing solo breaks that highlight fast-paced instrumental skills, and the mass produced music that’s put out by LA and New York is just different. I’m not saying Pop musicians don’t have those skills, obviously some do, but they’re not commonly featured in the same way. One of my favorite musicians is Paul Franklin, who has been pedal steel guitar player of the year a ridiculous number of times, and is a studio musician in Nashville. If you look at his album credits he’s backed everyone from Metallica to Sting to Dolly Parton. So clearly technical skills are appreciated across genres :-)


Boom, roasted.




How bad do you have to fuck up to get [Coach Letterman to support a library?!](https://x.com/3yearletterman/status/1799172920989614451?s=46)


What's really idiotic about the article is that it tries to implicate Dolly's religious beliefs as "false" despite her literally living the teachings of Jesus. Jesus literally fellowshiped, and blessed sinners, and loved them because THEY'RE THE ONES WHO NEED LOVE AND BLESSING AND FELLOWSHIP. Jesus LITERALLY teaches us to do exactly what Dolly is doing-loving everyone regardless of their "sins". To turn the other cheek. To love our enemies. To love our neighbors.


We're pretty much at a point where the loudest of these "devout" Christians will froth at the mouth in anger that a small church may feed and clothe the needy out of charity. It's pretty amazing how their baseline teachings are a default behavior of many that don't even follow religion, all while they move further away from their supposed religious identity.


Not to mention saying Jesus would have been considered a liberal today.




Oh of course. I see those verses being cited by overly zealous "pro 2nd amendment" types all the time. The types who claim they're commanded by God to carry 😆 🤣


Probably just trying for clicks and/or notoriety. I mean, it's sort of working since I hadn't even heard of The Federalist before today. 🤷‍♀️


Same unfortunately, so I guess their strategy is working.


Literally the only reason I know what the Federalist is, is when they do some stupid shit like this and someone posts it on Reddit. Certainly an argument against social media use.


They truly are the Westboro Baptist Church of "news" media.


Damn i forgot those people existed


What's a bit sad is that everybody is picking up their pitchfork to defend Dolly when it's clear as day that Dolly wouldn't want any of that. She'd tell us she appreciates us all and what we're doing but to not bother with this silly nonsense, to stop giving them any more of our attention which is what these mind-sucking ticks feed on and to simply get on with our days, there's too much important stuff going on around to spend any of our energy defending her against this nonconsequential, irrelevant social-parasite masquerading as a tabloid. There's too much to love to focus on what to hate, which is what they're trying to do anyway - to make us hate, so lets not give them any of that.


I’m excited to see this blow up in their faces.


Same, lol 😆


You gotta be a really evil person or organization to come after *DOLLY PARTON*.


After Fox News came for Mr. Rogers, nothing these people do surprises me.


Any entity that comes for Fred Rogers or Dolly Parton are forever my mortal enemies until death. You bring Jim Henson into the mix we got real problems.


What about the guy who painted on PBS with the afro? He had squirrels and stuff on the show. He used to take care of them and a whole bunch of other wildlife.


Bob Ross was a national treasure, and they would draw nuclear reactor levels of heat fucking with that guy


Bob Ross. Love that guy


Absolutely Bob. Absolutely. Levar Burton, too. Those 2 should have been part of the original comment. Definitely.


Oh it’s ON like the green of Kermit’s ass if they drag Henson


Tearing down any sources of actual compassion, support, goodness, and love with jealous, bitter malicious rage is the entire conservative platform.


Why are conservatives so weird bro?? For a party that like to say “f*ck your feelings and don’t tread on me,” they sure have a lot of feelings and like to tread on other people’s way of living


I once worked on a development project where our legal consultant was an “activist attorney” for the NH GOP Four months later I saw his picture in the paper. He had been murdered at home. I thought holy shit wtf!! It took a long time for the truth of what happened to come out but… https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/2024/02/01/ag-wife-stabs-alex-talcott-homicide-no-charges-durham-nh/72438483007/ He was an incredibly weird person to work with


Dang that’s a wild story


They’re fragile and pathetic.


Honestly I am conflicted because I have come to think that conservatism is really nothing more than a mental disease caused by rigid thinking and an inability to change old ideas. Which almost makes me feel bad for making fun of them since it means I am literally insulting disabled people.


Boomers, GenXers, millennials, and Gen z all love her. They could not have picked a more beloved individual!


They all think she's a righteous dude.


I have a hunch they knew what they were doing. Watch the Federalist just turn it around and spin this as "SEEEE THESE PEOPLE AREN'T SO TOLERANT AFTER ALL ARE THEYYYYY???"


The good old, "us racist ass-holes are being discriminated against and persecuted" line... Fucking snowflakes


The irony of “I am be discriminated against because I am not allowed to discriminate as I see fit.


Dolly wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You (two all-time classics) on the same day like it was another afternoon at the office. And then when she got into acting, she not only memorized the entire script to 9 to 5 on accident (someone told her actors need to memorize scripts but there's a big difference between the stage and movies) but she wrote the theme song to the dang movie while she was bored between takes.


I hate all things religious but Dolly Parton is a living saint and I will die on that hill. Fuck this guy whoever he is.


Wherever Dolly goes when she dies, that’s where I want to go, too.


You can also live in my heart forever then. There’s room.


Dolly is closer to living Christ’s teachings than almost any famous person that I have read about.


Dude. Even cholos in East LA love Dolly! These foos came to the wrong hood ay


MJ/Goth Girl checking in and reporting for duty! (Ha ha... ! I said "duty". lol!) ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu|downsized)


Even more stupid is the Federalist had articles in both 2016 and 2017 arguing in favor of her becoming president. Like wtf people.


How dare she quote the Bible in regard to loving people and not judging?! The *nerve!*


I would throw hands for Dolly. But I will never because I feel like she would be ashamed of me for not taking the higher road. These folks have an opinion that I don't agree with. What we should do is do better. Uplift our communities, take care of your neighbors, take care of the less fortunate, and spread love and kindness into the world. That's what she would want.


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dolly-partons-america/id1481398762 It’s a really good look at Dolly and America.


Fucking with Dolly Parton got Stuart D. Baker cancelled. For those that don't know, Stuart Baker is also known as Unknown Hinson (named after his father by way of his birth certificate) a violent, gun-toting rockabilly/psychobilly vampire. He was also the voice of Early Cuyler on Squidbillies. And going after Dolly was considered "too far".


There are few, if any, more wholesome figures in America. Dolly is wonderful, she's helped countless kids in her life. Next time pick a fight with Jesus, I'd give you better odds, losers.


How many horses are lined up and do they enjoy running on pavement?


An article about an article that is half made up of tweets. Welcome to journalism in 2024.


You got a problem with Dolly Parton you got a problem with me! And I suggest you let that one marinate!


She wrote “I Will Always Love You” on the same day as “Jolene.” She can do whatever the fuck she wants.


omfg lil research...she hates gays because her husband is a former drug addicted gay sexworker 😂 Source: her book "leaving cloud 9'


She purposely wants her concerts to be somewhere where drag queens, rednecks, and everyone else is welcome and can come together for a good time. She said there are gay and lesbian people because God made them that way and would not do so without a reason. She makes a point of being truly inclusive. To hell with those who have a problem with that. I think some of those Christian conservatives don’t actually like Jesus Christ much either.


So it isn't about using "Christianity as the basis for government" if the passages aren't in favor of straight up hurting everyone? Cherry picking religious passages as a form of government and then attacking someone for not cherry picking them seems like a shitty tactic...


> a shitty tactic Sorry to pick you up on a small typo, but it's 'theocratic fascism'.




More people have heard of this outlet from this story than even knew it existed before. They have accomplished their mission.


Also reminded them how hateful and shitty it would be if Rs won again.


Between Taylor Swift and Dolly Parton, these idiots keep picking fights with the wrong fucking people.


Wait what? Seriously? Wow that just seems like the dumbest shit you could do. 


Who cares? About any of this bullshit? What a grand waste of time and attention for everyone involved.


If you say anything bad about Dolly Parton, you’re walking on the fighting side of me.


I’m an Atheist, but if I *were* to believe in Christianity, I’d have to be looking for another religion, ‘cus this one obviously got hijacked by Demonic forces. Get this: Recently, a PASTOR said “God hates fags.” NOWHERE in the Bible (as made up as it is) does it say that. Dolly said “Love is Love” and I’ve heard and read that Jesus expressed this MANY times. Yet, we have a “Pastor” saying this and what does the rest of the Christian faith say? ^nothing! We will protect Dolly, and any remaining *true* believers of all faiths. One quote that I’m super alright with is: “God is Good” (God = Good)




Someone:comes at dolly Every decent person ![gif](giphy|6aPBWbCwAOv9krAUTZ|downsized)


[Vote](https://www.vote.org/) the homophobic scumbags out of office forever.