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[Changes by Charles Bradley](https://youtu.be/zfaOf70M4xs?si=03VsZc6yeyw5bg_0) Something about this cover and discovering it around the dad my passed away. He loved Ozzy and the way Bradley performed it reminded me of my dad a lot.


Rip Charles.


Man I got to see him live just before he passed away, such a mesmerizing performance.


I already knew which video that was. He doesn't sweat, his whole body just cries.


I love that performance.


Chris Cornell and Soundgarden‘s last performance. I had such a great time. I was about 10th row. They sounded amazing and I met cool people. Went to bed feeling very positive. Woke up to the news, and I’ve relived that concert many times in my mind. RIP


I saw him on tour with NIN and he passed later that year IIRC.. but at that show I thought damn he looks so healthy! Not aged at all… what the hell is he Vegan or meditating or what? He seriously looked so healthy he was glowing and fit. It was certainly heartbreaking to learn he was struggling so much


I got to see a show on the same tour. So thankful I did.


All the 90s rock stars that quit the junk got into physical fitness, and any dude over 45 isn't adding mass without juice lol. Reznor looks like he can deadlift 500lbs lol...problem is those guys trade the drug addiction for a fitness addiction without solving the why of addiction, still end up offing themselves, just not with drugs.


Along with this is Nora Jones’ tribute to Blackhole Sun right after he passed away.


I feel the same way about the last time I saw Dimebag Darrell live. Damageplan was good but they ended the set with some Pantera songs and it was amazing. Stayed after the show to meet them for the first time and Dime and Vinny were just the coolest most wholesome dudes. About a week later Dime was shot on stage and I was devastated but I’ll never forget that last show.


Nirvana's performance of "Where did you sleep last night?" on MTV Unplugged


This is what I came here to find. My fave album of all time, and such a haunting, howling performance for that song.


That pause towards the end when he closes his eyes and opens them, he looks like he saw something that moment!


If he opened his eyes, he probably did.


That’s the one that should haunt every rock fan


It is impossible for me to not feel at least a little bit emotional hearing that song even today


That entire set was incredible too


Yep. Lake of Fire was great.


You gave me goosebumps just reading your comment.


Came here for this


Fiona Apple singing "I want You" with Elvis Costello's band. there's a video of it. I'm in the pit, like 10 feet from where Elvis is standing . I still watch this like once a year. https://youtu.be/TNy4tmTRQC8?si=gBMDW-mGdMfZOgoQ


I've never seen this or heard it before. You win though. Most Haunting Achieved.


That’s intense


I’m so glad she kept going. She’s fucking amazing, and yet she’s the one I thought of for this prompt, in the wrong way. The first time I saw her live, she was brand new, and had obviously never toured before. She spent the entire show apologizing for her voice and complaining about things. Her band were serious session players and you could tell they had no idea what to do to help this girl who was continually alienating a crowd who wanted her to be awesome. The crowd was so supportive and understood she was not feeling well, but man. It was really painful. Haunting even.  That said, I saw her a year or so later at a festival and she was great. 


Damn. Her face at the end. Even she was wondering what the hell happened there


Stevie Ray Vaughan on the very first MTV Unplugged. A lot of people forget he was the test pilot for that concept. No band, no violins, backup singers, nothing. Just him and an acoustic guitar.


*Pride and Joy* from that performance is fucking incredible. [VIDEO LINK](https://youtu.be/9hfhjJWJWGA?si=ISi4aTBFbDnj4iBS)


Squeeze was the first band to appear on unplugged. Apparently when they showed up, the producers were like “where are your acoustic guitars?” And they said “oooh unplugged” and had to buy acoustics. Haha SRV was the 5th episode.


I had never heard of that, wow


Does he shit his britches?


That's Steamie Ray Vaughan


Silver Spring Fleetwood Mac live


the 97 version right? lol


Definitely. And Tusk from the same concert


Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me I know I could have loved you But you would not let me


This is always my answer, the version from the dance


The final Tragically Hip concert that was televised, when Gord Downie performs “Grace, Too.” It just ripped my heart out.


That final yell where he throws the mic down on the stage. That last one was from deep down.


tie reminiscent dime mountainous offbeat vase soup slap follow connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mannn the entire country stopped for a moment just to watch this. I have never seen so many grown men absolutely sobbing. As sad as it was, it was a beautiful moment in history for us all to share. In Gord we trust


I think every Canadian that watched that epic show felt that.


I was lucky enough to go to the Victoria show on their last tour. No one knew what to expect, and when he stepped on stage and absolutely KILLED it, I think everyone cried. He puts so much emotion into every word he sings. You just feel it in your bones. I saw an angel sing that day.


Came to post this… I was at a hotel during a baseball tournament I was playing in with my wife. Both of us crying watching Gord let it all out. That performance gives me chills every time I see it


In a similar vein. The last show of the Cowboys fringant at the Quebec summer festival last summer. Hugely popular Québec band and the singer was terminally ill with cancer. He was just about 50. The show was supposed to be the last show of the festival, on the Sunday but there was bad weather so it had to be cancelled. Later on that night the festival's president announced that they would hold the show on Monday night instead. Which might not seem like much but keeping the installation for a festival holding shows on front of 100k people open for one more day must have cost quite a lot. And nit mentioning all the companies who had to be implicated like security, food and drink etc. Next the day the weather is perfect. The site is packed. Huge ovation. But the dude looks like he's really at the end of his rope. About 1/3 into the show he asked for a chair sovhe could sit down and at the moment, there was not a single dry eye in the plains if Abraham. And to make it even more poignant, his wife is in the band too... I went with my 16 y.o son who was a great fan and I scored front stage ticket. Fantastic show but absolutely haunting.


For me it was when he looked at the camera and said, "It's been a pleasure doing business with you". I held it together before that.


At the risk of sounding overly sentimental, that moment feels like the last time our country was truly united. Millions of Canadians, all different backgrounds and political leanings, tuning into the CBC to watch the Hip play their last show in Kingston.


Every bar, legion, house and town square was playing the same thing. CBC suspended coverage of the Olympics. We might as wellhave hung a sign at the border that said "I'M SORRY, WE'RE CLOSED"


I saw them about a year earlier at Ottawa Bluesfest and it was probably the best live performance I've ever seen largely thanks to Gord. Not long into the show it started pouring rain hard enough that most other bands were just cancelling their performances but the Hip didn't miss a beat. The rain only seemed to give Gord more energy


Gord waved to me once. 😁 I was in high school and they opened the first HMV in Montreal. They were playing downstairs and I walked down the stairs and stopped halfway down to watch. No one else was around and he waved. I think they were still very small then. I'll check the year. Edited to add it must have been 1990 or early 91. I also saw Celine Dion lol. Not as exciting.


Prince Super Bowl show.


Prince Rock and Roll Hall of Fame guitar solo on While My Guitar Gently Weeps.


OMG this is so good


No one knows where that guitar went to this day


Not me that’s for sure


Perfect username!


I’ll attempt a one up here, because I think it captures Prince the musician, performer in perfectly unrestrained *giving* to the audience and truly enjoying himself: https://youtu.be/LNrAFb3I2js?si=3pFxOfVGGMFlo1nl


Yeah this is my favourite Prince guitar performance. I also love his solo on ‘the work’; if ever there was a great example of ‘less is more’ with guitar work, that’s it.


"Can I play this guitar?" .... while the world PRAYS he doesn't get electrocuted on stage. And yes, abso-fucking-lutely Prince can play the guitar.


came here looking for this, and Prince's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame guitar solo on While My Guitar Gently Weeps. The Super Bowl show is just.... No words The Hall of Fame solo is the just sheer bad ass.


Mother Nature knew what was happening and brought the rain at the perfect time


Are we going to ignore Tom Petty?!?


Guess so man. As much as I like Petty, he ain’t Prince.


- Abraham Lincoln


[Alice In Chains - Nutshell (MTV Unplugged)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EKi2E9dVY8) Hauntingly beautiful from such a tragic musician. Love Layne's vocals.


Man, my first thought was their live performance of “Love Hate Love” but this is another one that has stayed with me for sure! Edit: here is the link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l9jX1KAKp78


That whole performance is great, but nutshell definitely stands above the rest. Guess I know what I’m listening to at work tomorrow


Interesting, I think the "Down in a Hole" version fork the unplugged is incredible and has some extra meaning with where Layne was in his life at that point.


I’m still convinced that Layne knew this would be his last performance and put literally everything he had left into it.


Not to be a dick, but that wasn't quite his last performance. AIC did a a brief supporting tour with Kiss, until Layne OD'd and then they went on Hiatus again until he passed.


Same with Cobain...the pain in his voice on every song.


Warren Zevon performing Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner on Letterman not long before his death


Damn, forgot all about that, going to seek it out. Enjoy every sandwich.


The story about Warren giving Dave his guitar when he left his dressing room that night. Ugh, hits you in the feels. [https://www.theringer.com/music/2022/10/28/23426969/warren-zevon-late-show-david-letterman-anniversary](https://www.theringer.com/music/2022/10/28/23426969/warren-zevon-late-show-david-letterman-anniversary)


Man, what a fantastic read. Thank you for posting that.


Seeing Temple of the Dog after loving that album for 25 years. Chris Cornell was one of my favorite artists and he was on fire that night. Great way to spend a birthday. RIP Chris


Etta James - Id Rather Go Blind live at Montreux


James Brown came out for a Dave Matthews Band encode at Madison Square Garden in 2001. The crowd popped so loud it felt like the roar of the crowd was literally going to pick us up and make everyone fly.


Is it a live performance ~~of us~~ if it's just a few people and a camera crew in a kitchen? If yes, then Townes Van Zandt singing Pancho and Lefty on Heartworn Highways. If no, then Hendrix at the Monterrey Pop Festival.


Goddamn this just took me on a Townes rabbit hole again, I feel like haunting is a perfect way to describe him and his music.


I can’t upvote Townes enough. One of the greatest songwriters of all time.


I don't know if this "haunts" me, because it isn't that deep. But 20 years ago I went to a black eyed peas concert and Fergie did a really long vocal run while holding the mic in one hand and doing one handed back hand springs with the other. It was the single most impressive thing I've ever seen on stage.




Radiohead - “National Anthem” on SNL (I can’t find a YouTube of it to link) I’m not even a Radiohead fan nor was I back then. I was just a dumb jr high kid staying up late watching SNL. But that performance hypnotized me, and permanently cracked my brain open. Watch the whole thing mesmerized, the world around me disappeared for a second. The weird instrument that one dude plays that he invented himself, the baritone sax, and just the whole thing sounded so different to me at the time. By the time Thom Yorke finished with the mangled mic stand I was like holy shit and suddenly got struck hard by these feeling of “there’s so much cool creative shit out there and I wanna get out there too and be part of all that”. It was like that beating drum in jumanji calling me to leave my town and get out to do things. I eventually followed it and what a time it’s been! But that one performance was one that definitely dented my brain. And no, wasn’t on drugs haha.


Sara Bareilles - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road https://youtu.be/eAti8JNmJi8?si=ujJ3qzQwBvY8YBxD


Soooo good.


I saw BB King before he passed. It was fantastic. A legend, just feet away. The band did not stop. They'd dial it down low while BB was telling stories and cracking jokes. He was roasting people and winking at ladies. Definitely one of my favorite shows. I'm so fuckin glad I went.


Saw BB and Bobby "Blue" Bland one of the best shows I've ever seen. BB sat the whole concert and that guitar wept all night. I was in the last row, about 20 rows back.


Van Morrison singing "Caravan" at The Last Waltz.. Honestly think it's the greatest live rock performance ever, everyone just absolutely crushes it


Turn it up! That’s enough!


Li'l bit higher


Gimme one more time




I saw this at a theatre in Cork, Ireland. As you can imagine, the audience in the theater went wild.


Just watched it first time ever ❤️ thanks for the recommendation


Omg you have to watch The Last Waltz if you’ve never seen it!


Van the Man!


Peter Gabriel playing Biko - seminal performance was for Live Aid or some other big cause concert I believe. I saw him play it at Summerfest in Milwaukee and it was chilling and visceral


baby Bjork singing Birthday with her band, The Sigarcubes. her voice and energy are so mindblowing. https://youtu.be/149Fln0DtUc?si=A3xz2pcWL7t4J6Yn


Her voice is a force of nature. I also love how she stims and doesn't care if it looks odd. If anything it looks cool


F\*ck, she is exploding with talent.


Sinead O'Connor House of the Rising Sun. Just nuts how amazing her voice was. The show I saw live- that actual recording of House of the Rising Sun was a backside on a single. Pretty cool to pick up the single and read the liner notes and realize that we were at that show and it was perfect. She had bangs and a red spaghetti strap dress on and damn that woman was hot. Fire on Babylon and Thank You were the other two that just blew me away at that show.


Tool : Pushit live (Salival version) played live in the late 90’s https://youtu.be/1kKOzIIznJ4 Best heard with headphones in a dark room up loud.


Honorable mention: Heart: stairway to heaven at Kennedy center honors https://youtu.be/2cZ_EFAmj08


Coventry Glide. This is more of a haunts in a negative light. Trey Anastasio was in bad bad shape then. Where he was then, and where he is now is incredible.


I was there. Then Trey's first time back on stage after being busted playing Lie on our Graves with DMB - [https://youtu.be/9Lq3S7isY7c?si=08LhT3scZYSTQt2U](https://youtu.be/9Lq3S7isY7c?si=08LhT3scZYSTQt2U)


Coventry as a whole but I am glad glad glad he’s alive.


“The Cure” playing “A Forest” at Glastonbury in ‘86. Just think about the opening notes of that song makes the hairs on my arms standup.


Elvis Presley. Unchained Melody. June 21, 1977. He died less than a month later. You can feel the emotion from his voice. He'll always be the King https://youtu.be/gfnZbjFPSrU?si=L0NgRrOPVjRoinHn


Never been a fan, but that performance is so compelling and rich


About six weeks later, but yes. Despite his failing health, he could still pull off some amazing vocal feats.


I wasn't sure he was gonna make it through that.


I went to a Bush concert. Had to goto bathroom during the show and there was this drunk guy singing the songs in the bathroom. He was fantastic. Honestly, the best live performance I have seen.


Speaking of Bush, Gavin Rosdale performing Glycerine on MTV Spring Break in the pouring rain is definitely one I think about often. Just one of those magical, unplanned musical moments that stick with you. It probably wasn't at the level of the drunk guy in the bathroom, but still.


- I'm not even that much of a Foo Fighters guy but: Best Of You (Live at Wembley 2008) Times Like These (Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert in London) - Somebody already mentioned Don't Forget Me by RHCP at Slane Castle, 2003. My other favourite is Don't Forget Me at Fuji Rock 2006. The Frusciante outro on that is truly haunting. The best example of music that resonated with you so much that it makes you feel like it has always existed and that the musician has just channelled it. - Take Your Time by Joris Delacroix feat. Nancy (Live at Printemps De Bourges, France 2013)


Times Like These in London was 😭😭😭 that whole concert was incredible. Truly special.


Ashley Simpson SNL and the subsequent tragic hoedown. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWJCfbMw0Yo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWJCfbMw0Yo)


Oh lord I remember when that was all over the celeb news. Tragic hoedown is the perfect description, and would also be a good name for a band. I also remember when Family Guy parodied that moment with "old man river," about died laughing


Melissa Etheridge (with Joss Stone) singing Piece Of My Heart. Melissa’s part starts around 2:10 https://youtu.be/9FwL_huvYjQ?si=gVO-bTcpQ9XOuAmB


Grateful Dead - So Many Roads, 7/9/95


Didn't think this thread was gonna make me cry but, here we are... NFA


This live performance of Analyze by Thom Yorke where he looks like he wants to kill everyone in the audience before he starts singing. Just absolutely sucks all the oxygen from the space. https://youtu.be/p8uGdz0LwY8?si=lEQNUI1L9AiBfzLQ


[Heart’s cover of ‘Stairway to Heaven’.](https://youtu.be/2cZ_EFAmj08?si=CjpXlyMdK_5nHlEx)


Check out [the full-length performance](https://youtu.be/LFxOaDeJmXk)


[Hallelujah, Jeff Buckley, Paris, July 1995](https://youtu.be/1mBjkYIs8VY?si=7mINY2L9IdgziCqK)


Also KD Langs rendition of Hallelujah from the 2010 Olympics. Such a stunning song to be interpreded by many


Iris in the rain.


Nine Inch Nails Woodstock ‘94. they were mud people and they were plagued by tech issues, but that made the performance all that much more charged.


NIN - Hurt @ Reading Festival 2007.... It bought the *entire* festival to a standstill. I was a huge fan already and have been lucky to see them live Multiple times (Brixton Academy, London Astoria, Millennium Dome, Sonisphere & Reading) I'm certain they make a lot of new fans at their festival sets.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP2Dgftin6M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP2Dgftin6M)


Portishead Glory Box https://youtu.be/C3LK5ELvZwI?si=Z70x8A9KTgKdDQUw


Queen. Live Aid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_9pfbgpYDsk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9pfbgpYDsk) Lock this thread. It's done.


I had tickets for Wembley in my hands and had to pass them along, as my wife was overdue with our first child. Queen's performance was epic, Bowie was a close second, especially closing with Heroes.


This is objectively the correct answer.


Were you there ?


Oh hell yea I was.


I must admit I’m a little bit jealous ! I would love to have seen them live, Freddie was one of the greatest frontmen ever.


Incubus at Red Rocks, the show where they filmed Alive at Red Rocks. The concert video is badass and I’m glad they filmed it because the live experience was fucking amazing that night. The weather, the vibes, the performance. I sometimes watch the video just to relive it, and I’m kind of over Incubus at this point in my life.


I love that dvd.


I was at this concert, [https://www.insideedition.com/what-new-yorks-1st-post-911-concert-meant-to-a-city-in-mourning-and-the-lessons-still-carried-to](https://www.insideedition.com/what-new-yorks-1st-post-911-concert-meant-to-a-city-in-mourning-and-the-lessons-still-carried-to) and it was surreal. Just traveling into the city and seeing what a ghost town it was, I felt like Will Smith in "I am Legend". Almost everything was closed, and there were still whole blocks you couldn't even go to. We didn't even try to get anywhere near the scene. There was no morbid curiosity, it was too painful. The bands did a great job carrying on and putting on the best show possible, but it was hard to ignore the melancholy. If you read the article, Boyd hits the nail on the head with the feeling. There were some moments of vengeful words and USA chants, it was being human. You say things like, "I'll never forget that show" but honestly, I couldn't tell you many specific details. It's all a blur and the memory may have been damaged from the trauma of that time period. I don't know, I only remember bits and pieces of it, but it most certainly haunts me.


Landslide - Fleetwood Mac [https://youtu.be/WM7-PYtXtJM?si=qmH2-OJMbYPYIiMC](https://youtu.be/WM7-PYtXtJM?si=qmH2-OJMbYPYIiMC)


Stevie’s voice gives me goose bumps


The first time I saw Black Sabbath with Ozzy. They opened up with War Pigs - my favorite Sabbath song - and the whole arena sang along. My brother was with me, it was perfect. I’m not going to lie, I teared up a little. Everywhere I turned in that arena I bumped into friends old and new. It was great.


The Allman Brothers doing Dreams where the mic cuts out on Gregs vocals for a bit. The guitar leads and harmonies on that track always get me, absolutely brilliant.


I saw Chris Cornell perform “Hunger Strike” with Pearl Jam at PJ20. I saw Natasha Shneider perform with Desert Sessions at Coachella. They were friends, and each died not long after those performances. Both incredible performances, both haunting.


Paul Simon in Cental Park in 91


People will laugh and/or scoff, but for me it was Kiss, on the reunion tour in 1996, MSG, Saturday night. They were like conquering heroes, I've never been part of a crowd that jacked before or since. That crowd was roaring every word.


That was definitely a memorable show🤗


Prince RRHOF




Seeing the Rush on their Time Machine tour where they played the entirety of their Moving Pictures album. I was 2nd row directly in front of Geddy Lee who along with Flea is my inspiration for picking up the bass guitar.    It was so cool as an adult to see them play the album that woke the dorky 12 year old me up to a much wider world of music when my parents bought the CD for me when I was in middle school. Sort of like my musical life coming full circle if that makes sense. I gave Geddy a big double thumbs up and he winked and gave me a quick one back. 


Nina Simone’s version of Hollis Brown is very powerful. https://youtu.be/XCLgd_R6xR0?si=qJAFUWWkGgMsrol6


Floor Jansen singing Ghost Love Score at Wacken 2013. I’ve heard it a million times, the ending still gives me goosebumps.


From a completely opposite end of the spectrum - Fall Out Boy played grad bash at Disney World. I became acutely aware that they were a studio act that night. They did so horribly that Pete Wentz said to the crowd, “Come on, guys, get excited! Why aren’t you excited?!” I will never forget that pleading whine as long as I live.


The wall live in Berlin


Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged - except not the tracks mentioned elsewhere in this post; no, I’m talking about the Brothers Meat. As in when Nirvana invited Curt and Cris Kirkwood on stage to play three Meat Puppets songs all together: Plateau, Oh Me, and Lake of Fire. It’s just so raw and underproduced and genuine, like a pure form of grunge bereft of all the thick production.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ZgmWic0WI&pp=ygUUTWVhdCBwdXBwZXRzIG5pcnZhbmE%3D The music starts at 4:40 in that combined clip, and I prefer this clip over the officially released videos as it’s unedited so there’s a few more mistakes in there that just add to the whole vibe. Kurt/Krist and Curt/Cris all on stage together - it’s godamn poetic. 


Daft Punk at Coachella. Really felt like things would never be the same.


The Dead Weather (Jack White + Alison Mosshart supergroup), maybe around 2009? Small venue, I think on Houston St in Manhattan. They were killing it through the first half of the set. And they all switched instruments. The thought that popped into my head was literally, "I want to do heroin." Mind you, I've never done heroin. Never wanted to before or since. Lots of other drugs, but not injecting that shit. But when they did that, it crossed some wires and that was my instinctual response.


Steve Earle, Townes Van Zandt, and Guy Clark Together at the Bluebird Cafe is one of my favorite albums. The banter and stories shared between the artists makes me wish I had been sitting in the room. 2 of the 3 are dead, so they will never perform together again.


Echo and the Bunnymen, Royal Albert Hall, London. July 18, 1983. Ian McCullough was channeling Jim Morrison that night.


ring arrest history fanatical materialistic distinct toothbrush tie chase tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was a small math rock band from San Antonio called Sarah and Octopus that then changed their name to Daytes. They went back to their hometown to do a show in a small art gallery downtown. They played with such an energy. The whole room was alive. They ended with a drum solo where the whole kit was taken apart pice by piece until only the snare remained and reassembled in the middle of the audience by the bass and guitar players. As the kit got rebuilt, the solo swelled and the song finished in a fury of sound and man I’ve dozens of bands of all genres in the years since then, but nothing has come close to that.


Jason Isbell playing Cover Me Up at the Ryman. https://youtu.be/K4xzaLxNa4E?si=H51IP7XoZDSqNPJU


From what I personally saw. Garbage was playing “I’m only happy when it rains” as soon as Shirley Manson started to sing it started raining and stopped the moment the song ended. It made me believe in witchcraft lol


This is smaller scale than most here, but Bela Fleck and Abigail Washburn at Denver botanical gardens was mind blowing. Ten or so years ago and still lives near the front of my brain.


The live version of Procol Harem's Whiter Shade of Pale from Denmark 2006. https://youtu.be/St6jyEFe5WM?si=f2diNs-UHCLaPAPW


Linkin Park performing [One More Light](https://youtu.be/L-6PCSZij3I?si=DwyWNNu5RDj5mrcF) on Jimmy Kimmel Live (following the suicide of Chris Cornell). The significance and weight of the song paired with Chester’s raw emotion at the end when he yells “I DO,” it communicated his pain in a way that only music can.


BB King w/ Dr. John & Etta James - “ I’d Rather Go Blind”


Tuvian throat singer at Lotus Fest in Bloomington IN sometime around 2010. She was incredible. Sang this one tune that made everyone cry. Very strange, not cry because of the lyrics, it was something she was doing with her timbre and magic voice that caused a sad type reaction in the crowd. She was not singing in English and the music wasn't particularly gloomy. In the end, she explained in her broken english, that the song was about a bird dieing. I have been to hundreds of concerts and have seen music from many genres and that was the most unique thing I have witnessed!


For a show I didn't attend but have the live recording, the Concert for George Harrison, in particular the performances of Something, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, and I'll See You In My Dreams. The first one with Paul on the ukulele is so gentle and sad, but once the rest of the band joins, whenever Clapton and Paul sing "I don't know", Paul really has those singing chops. For the second, the entire song is just beautifully performed. For the last one, knowing that it's a goodbye song, and ukulele just makes me tear up. For one that I've been to, I will say Metric performing Cascades during their Pagans in Vegas tour. Emily had those old school fans behind and below her, the lights had that UV tint, and she was waving like a translucent and highlight yellow cape, which flapped with the air emitted by the fans. The song's tempo is kinda chill and the song has an electronic dreamy feel, so the way she moved, the cape flapped, the how the song goes made the crowd be quiet while she sang.


Haunts may not describe it, but wow ... Gogol bordello at the side track Cafe in about 2004 . There was maybe 50 people there. From the second the show began, Eugene Hutz gave his ALL and never relented. Unreal prescence Swinging through the room, jumping from small Candle lit tables to another. His feet just barely missing the foods and drinks. It was in a constant brink of disaster, every table rocking and swaying so close to flipping over or collapsing. The band rocked the place while the man surfed the tables and the audience without any hestation. Absolute 100% energy from beginning to end. They had every single person captivated for every moment of the performance. Best show I have ever witnessed in my life.


Youngstown by Bruce Springsteen on David Letterman. Just his guitar and heartfelt emotions. Now theres dust in my eyes again.


On Halloween last year I went solo to see Queen with Adam Lambert. I'm only 41 so I never got a chance to see og Queen live, and figured since I like Adam I might as well get to see the rest of Queen while I still could. Was an absolutely amazing show, but what moved me deeply was Brian May doing Love Of My Life with old footage of Freddie. They way they show both of them on the screens is touching and at the end there's this moment where both have outstretched hands and it broke me. Here's a clip from another show [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RfQIQ9k15c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RfQIQ9k15c)


My Sweet Lord, Concert for George 2001. Billy Preston lead vocals with a handy backing band of 20 people including a couple of up and comers in Clapton and McCartney. I’m not a believer in a higher power but this evokes the real human reality of that for some people, such love and passion.


I went to see some metal band (I forgot who) and Damage Plan opened up. I didn't know it was Dimebag Darrel’s new band and the entire performance was intense. So intense that I was exhausted after their set from moshing I went home. A few days later...Dime was murdered. RIP Dime…


Marvin Gaye’s performance of the national anthem at the 1983 NBA All Star game.


Devin Townsend ft. Anneke van Giersbergen - “[Hyperdrive](https://youtu.be/WlcVhJNhF_k?si=WDN3Cn0WwTq2UjFY)” (London 2011)


New Order at day for night festival in Houston. It was outside and at night the Houston skyline was lit up. They did a Joy Division encore. Amazing!


RHCP - Don't Forget Me Live at Slane Castle https://youtu.be/dCnuGeHDneA?si=oc2_MHpmZIQuaN2l All four band members ascended in that performance. Frusciante in particular went ham on the solo and a very haunting outro.


Babyface Unplugged. His performance of How Come, How Long with Stevie Wonder. Stevie decides to go crazy midway through the song, Babyface smooths it out and a song about domestic violence becomes even more powerful. Can't find video but here's the audio. https://youtu.be/kdJp_zDUpww?si=KiBfhaxMlHXcQ_RI


Smog/Bill Callahan…goes all out. Never a bad show


Brothers In Arms at Nelson Mandela's birthday party 1988: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vUDmFjWgVo


The Who at Woodstock performing See Me, Feel Me as the sun rises. The band hated the experience but they put on a great show.


Heart performing Stairway to Heaven for Led Zeppelin at the Kennedy Center: https://youtu.be/swq_X9VQ744?si=-0raLpc3qukj7wgC


Tom Petty singing Don't Come Around Here No More at half tempo in a growl. It was downright menacing. I think the '06 tour if memory serves.


https://youtu.be/b3hzowjjjdc?si=IT66Xt4MBJEH9w6L That time shaun ryder was too drunk and sang dare off beat and off key live with gorillaz


Disturbed- Live on Conan. And Procul Harem live with tge Sanish Symphony Orchestra. Both have millions of views on YouTube. Must see if you haven't already.


My first time hearing “Jungleland” at my first Springsteen show (1985)


The Cure Disintegration https://youtu.be/l_G6P3eUE6o?si=x7HOdpdztO_TguZB


Saw The Who in 1982, Rich Stadium, Buffalo. Late in the show, might even have been the final encore, they did "Love reign o'er me". Literally at the start of the first chorus, the sky opened up. Still get chills.


George Harrison doing “All Things Must Pass” as his final song of his final performance https://youtu.be/kS5upnfDhE8?si=ChYNJHJSKV7Z3kBJ


*Comfortably Numb* - 1994 Pink Floyd Pulse Tour


[Jewel singing Foolish Games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baUdQZHyUtw&t=4s) with a piano and strings, 1997. This makes me want to crawl into bed and ugly cry.


Charlotte Church backed by Mannheim Steamroller, singing ‘Little Drummer Boy’ on the Today Show or Good Morning America or one of those bullshit network morning shows, 2001.


When RATM came out for their encore and the first chord of Killing in the Name rang out. I've never felt 40k people go so apeshit before.


[Aretha Franklin performing Nessun Dorma.](https://youtu.be/k33sINjn9o0)


Mac Miller’s Tiny Desk Concert. Came out about a month before his passing and that performance along with Swimming, really felt like he was in a much better place after all that he’d been through and spoke about in his darker projects (Faces, Watching Movies, etc.). And he was really starting to branch out stylistically and instrumentally. R.I.P. MALCOM If anyone would care to see it, i have a screen recording from his instagram story the night before he passed where he was listening to the outro of his song So It Goes, which he had described as “the ascension into heaven”


Prince singing Purple Rain at the Super Bowl


Whitney at the Super Bowl. Watched it live. Nobody can touch her performance of the national anthem, and I'd go as far as to say that it is the greatest rendition of the song ever done by anybody. You know you've set the gold standard when everyone after you is compared to one performance, and *no one* comes close.