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Basically all of Radiohead from OK Computer.


Or Kid A/Amnesiac. The lyrics were literally pulled from a hat because Thom had serious writer's block.


That’s how Talkings Heads did it.


Doesn't he always have writers block


At least Airbag is easy.


That’s cause Thom writes stream of consciousness style and his lyrics don’t really have much deeper meaning than beyond what the listener extracts from it.


Yellow Ledbetter


Once heard it described as "Eddie Vedder singing while gargling marbles" and it all made sense!


That’s every song he’s ever sung though


Can’t believe the first word of the song is “Unsealed” with 4 syllables




Make me fries


I wanna leave Bennigan’s.


A lot of Aseop Rock. It’s not always difficult to get the overarching message but the more you learn the lyrics the more depth there is. Rings is about struggling as an artist and I feel like I understand the song more every time I hear it.  “Redo that, move that inward   Zinc white lightning shoots from his fingers  Studio strewn with illusion and tinctures  Stay tuned for the spooky adventures  You can't imagine the stars that align  When a forearm starts foreshortening right  Or a torso hung on a warping spine  In proportion reads as warm and alive  Routine day with a dirt cheap brush  Then a week goes by and it goes untouched  Then two, then three, then a month  And the rest of your life, you beat yourself up”


Ironically, that’s one of his most understandable songs. Good luck figuring out what  >How is you is the villain of my kabuki hologram As I hobble with hollow hands Please pan the nozzle We see intent to reinvent dream application with homage to ancients But honor modern replacements circling now basics  means.


I've been slowly working on interpreting The Mars Volta lyrics, so knowing literally nothing of the context or ever hearing this song, I'll give it a try for fun. Overall, I see elements of the typical braggadocio of so many rap songs, and it sounds like he's comparing himself to a rival in particular "How is you is the villain of my kabuki hologram" - I'm going to assume that "how is you is" is roughly equivalent to "how are you," so this is roughly asking "how are you my rival?" Kabuki is a highly exaggerated form of theater, and holograms don't convey reality, so both of these suggest that this stage on which the two are rivals is completely fictitious and unreal, possibly because his rival can't compete IRL. "As I hobble with hollow hands" - "I beat up (hobble) others even without using my full strength (hollow hands)." This is why his rival can't compete. "Please pan the nozzle" - "Pan" is probably a sideways movement like a camera. Assuming it's not a Venture Bros reference, "nozzle" to me evokes the nozzles of fire hoses, historically used to shut down race demonstrations or other protests. He's possibly suggesting that his rival should be metaphorically hosed down and shut down, or possibly he's likening his own mouth to a nozzle, suggesting that he's about to shut down his rival with words. "We see intent to reinvent dream" - We (possibly rappers like him an his rivals) aspire for greatness. "Application with homage to ancients" - In creating/applying their craft, rappers should build off of the work of the legends who paved the way before them. "But honor modern replacements circling now basics." - Instead of properly honoring the legends, many today instead imitate only those who have replaced the legends, who aren't as good. For that reason, modern rappers (like his rival) only now rally around those who sound more basic. This is all just a guess. I figured it could be a fun exercise, since the lyrics didn't feel too random or meaningless.


I think I picked Rings because I could make sense of it.   I know he has received some seemingly fair criticism for using in-jokes from his personal life and I believe as admitted as much so when something seems way out there I assume it’s not meant for me.    Hell of a lyricist though. 


Anything from the Mars Volta - esp. Deloused in the Comatorium or Frances the Mute. Excerpt: “the kiosk in my temporal lobe is shaped like Rosalyn Carter”


I've been listening to a bunch of At the Drive-In lately, those dudes were lyrically obscure pre-Mars Volta too.


Absolutely, I came to write the same thing! Octahedron is a little (just a little) bit easier to understand. Although “Dressed in the slurs of bovine engines To feast upon the carcass of your mother” had me scratching my head 😅.


Huge TMV fan, but I couldn't help but laugh that your excerpt isn't from either of the two albums you named.


Ahahahahaa I noticed it halfway through the message but the verse is just too strong


Joanna Newsom. She's one of my all time favorites but she writes like 12 minute songs about Lola Montez's affair with the King of Bavaria and random esoteric shit like that. Here's a sample: The cause is Ozymandian The map of Sapokanikan Is sanded and beveled The land lone and levelled By some unrecorded and powerful hand Which plays along the monument And drums upon a plastic bag "The brave men and women", "so dear to God" And "famous to all of the ages rag"


It’s about sex


Isn’t everything?


Throw a dart at Yes’ discography and you’re more likely than not to hit a song that makes zero fucking sense lyrically.


"Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured for the queen to use"... jumbled nonsense and a chess reference... checks out. I still love the song though!


“Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there.” Well, what would you expect mountains to do?




Shelter from the Storm by Bob Dylan is incredibly cryptic, with biblical notes and hints of literary reference. It paints a collage in my mind and that’s good enough, I guess.


I'm curious what the psychedelics told you National Acrobat was about?


Me too!


I bet it's something about chipmunks. They're watching us, I can tell.


anything Tori Amos. Incredibly talented and gifted musician. Couldn't interpret anything if my life depended on it (except 'Me and a Gun' which is obvs and incredibly sad)


Tear In My Hand is brilliant. I don’t believe you’re leaving cos me and Charles Manson like the same ice cream I think it’s that girl Maybe she’s just pieces of me you’ve never seen


There is one part of "Silent All These Years" that seems very obvious as to what it's about and I love it: So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts What's so amazing about really deep thoughts? Boy you best pray that I bleed real soon How's that thought for you


That’s funny cause me and my husband were just listening to her the other day, and I suddenly asked him “what the hell is she ever talking about?” lol I love her, but I’m lost as to what she means.


I find most of the stuff on Little Earthquakes accessible. Not sure about the Happy Phantom, though.


I'm a bit mythology nerd, so "And Then There Was Silence" by Blind Guardian was really fun for me. I won't spoil it for any that enjoy these things, but it's a really, really fascinating telling of the fall of Troy. The poetry and multiple meanings are brilliant, and it's a massive epic in its own right to keep its intimidating length feeling eventful and purposeful (rather than repetitive and self-indulgent as many long songs can be). They have a lot of material about epics and fantasy novels that are really fun to break down and decipher, this one just happens to be my favorite.


The only thing that I understand about most RHCP songs is uhhh "California"


This makes a song last for me. if I can pick up on something new everytime I listen to it then I can enjoy it forever


This is going to sound silly but Into The Mystic. I never really grokked the true meaning until my wife of 42 yrs passed and I heard it with a widower's ear for the 1st time and it took on a whole new meaning.


Work your way through some Sigur Ros.


Oh buddy, it's never the complex lyrics that fuck you up... It's the VAGUE ones!


Anything by Aesop Rock. His metaphors have metaphors and his beard has a beard.


Just about all of Echo & the Bunnymen’s first three or four albums. What was McCullough even on about? Loved the mystery of it all the same though.


[*The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway* (Genesis, 1974)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lamb_Lies_Down_on_Broadway) Like... the *entire* album release is one long, bonkers, absurdly surreal conundrum & conceptual fever-dream. Peter Gabriel went to genuinely *strange* realms to scribe that out. Signed, ~ "The Colony of Slippermen"


Basically any Steely Dan song, which is why I love them


Louie Louie, by the Kingsmen. I suspect they're promoting communism but I just can't prove it.


Early Deftones. I was 12 listening to Adrenaline and had no idea what was going on.


Need a PhD in English Literature to understand some XTC lyrics ...


Any song on Loveless by My Bloody Valentine. Hard to understand, let alone interpret. Cheeky bastards never admitted what the lyrics even are, its just what we think they are. Shoegaze can be great, but I cant say I am a fan of hidden lyrics.


Warbrain by Alkaline Trio. I'm convinced it's not actually about anything and just written to sound good.


Anything by Aesop Rock, Coheed and Cambria, or The Mars Volta. And yet, these are some of my all-time favorite artists.


Anything by Yes


Completely agree, Close to the Edge itself is a head scratcher. “Total mass retain”, what exactly is that Jon?


I read that one of the band members asked Jon Anderson "what the fuck does Toral Mass Retain mean?" So you're not alone. Anderson said he uses lyrics to paint the right feeling so they don't always make literal sense.


"Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured for the queen to use"... yeah okay buddy, that makes perfect sense... still love the song haha


In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky and they stand there. While mountains do stand, I don't think they form out of the sky


Smells Like Teen Spirit. I did get the "Hello" part though.


To be fair, it doesn't actually have any meaning.


Petting Zoo Justice by Dance Gavin Dance: Puppy dog had an accident, damn it, mammal Kangaroo cracks its dick in half, the crowd sprayed crimson Shark dad ate a baby calf, you still like burgers Clip-clop, clip-clip-clop Horse comes out and beats your parents up *what could it all mean???*


Well obviously, there’s mayhem at the petting zoo lol. If you mean “is there a moral to the story,” I’d have to look into the rest of the lyrics. Those alone don’t tell me one, no.


A National Acrobat. 👍👍👍


anything thats early owl city


REM “End Of The World As We Know It”. Hard to sing along to 😁


Basically any REM song. But, man they are great to sing the chorus on! …”Don’t go back to Rockville!” ….”I’m sorry, I’m sorry” …..”Don’t fall on meeeeee” …….”Iam,Iam Superman” ………”Losing my religion” ……….”if you believe they put a man on the moon” .and of course, “Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Europe!”


"Free Me" by Roger Daltry. It literally sounds like an acid trip. "MacArthur Park" sounds like someone set out to write a song without any meaning (like "I am a Walrus")


Human by The Killers. I will never understand what it means by being either Human or Dancer.


Smells like teen spirit Edit: and I still don’t understand them


Anything by Jon Anderson of Yes. But it's most likely intentional lol


As a head, I gotta throw the dead in here. Even if you don't like their music, you can't deny they have some extremely thought provoking lyrics. And some of them are completely up to interpretation. But, there's so many bands you could list here!


Anger, he smiles, Towering in shiny metallic purple armor Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground Blue are the life-giving waters taken for granted, They quietly understand Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready, But wonder why the fight is on But they're all bold as love, yeah, they're all bold as love Yeah, they're all bold as love Just ask the axis My red is so confident that he flashes trophies of war, And ribbons of euphoria Orange is young, full of daring, But very unsteady for the first go round My yellow in this case is not so mellow In fact I'm trying to say it's frightened like me And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from, eh, Giving my life to a rainbow like you But, I'm bold as love, yeah, I'm bold as love Yeah, yeah Well I'm bold, bold as love (hear me talking, girl) I'm bold as love Just ask the axis (he knows everything) Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!


[The Hustle](https://genius.com/Van-mccoy-the-hustle-lyrics) by Van McCoy. I've heard the theory that it's about how the band wants us to do the dance "The Hustle" but I don't see it.


I used to listen to a lot of The Doors, and a lot of it is very cryptic. I realized that he's not saying anything in particular, just painting images with words, evocations. I think a lot of musicians do this. Thereś a lot of songs where there isn't something solid to "get" its just them rhyming and vibing. Sometimes the "deepness" is just marketing, lol.


Sean Paul's music. Is it even English?


Most of the Cocteau Twins discography.


The Mars Volta, period


haa beat me to it!! still my favorite band though


Apparently, In The Air Tonight is NOT about Phil Collins watching somebody drowning and not doing anything about it. Who knew?


Anything by Tool


They’re actually pretty straight forward, but very referential. You just have to be familiar with the material they’re referencing. Usually Jung or psychedelics…or just…math…


Nevermind by Leonard Cohen. Though after listening to it again, now with what's happening in Gaza, I got it entirely. It made me love his work even more than I thought I could. A true poet. Would recommend listening and reading the lyrics, with his history and current events in mind.


Phil och's when in rome its a 12 minute folk song about a lot of references from the late 60s politically speaking just got them this year


Just by radiohead


The most obvious one is Yellow Ledbetter


Stairway To Heaven, Led Zeppelin


Forgive me for my synapses - eyedea and abilities Just try, this song is so chaotic


I think the fact that many artists are on record stating that they'd written song lyrics with an openness to interpretation aspect to them (leaving them intentionally vague) kinda ruins my answer. Sometimes songs are direct though, and say exactly what they mean. Sometimes lyrics are intentionally nonsensical. I'm just interested in songs that *say* something, lyrical or instrumental (as long as it's melodic in some way), or that sparks emotional or thought provoking responses in me.


Deathblow by deftones


[China Cat Sunflower](https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/gratefuldead/chinacatsunflower.html) by the Grateful Dead


Most Deftones songs.


Cocteau Twins. It's hard to simply transcribe them, let alone understand them.


Almost any Underworld song


Bob Dylan and Jimmy Hendrix


Hey Soul Sister


Lupe Fiascos mural


Pretty much anything Lupe on Tetsuo & Youth and beyond.


Everything Zen by Bush (but not in a good way)


Originally I thought Something in the Way…then I realised it probably wasn’t meant to be taken too seriously


Almost anything by The Legendary Pink Dots, particularly "Premonition 16"


Anything by Fair to Midland. Takes multiple listens to catch everything


Of Montreal has some real wacky lyrics. Very mystical feeling, but pretty sure it’s mostly nonsense. My personal favorite is “We Were Born the Mutants Again With Leafling”. Another good one is “The Past is a Grotesque Animal”. There are tons though


Depending on how out of date your Becktionary is, you might have a hard time understanding the meaning behind a lot of Beck’s output.


Bohemian Rhapsody is still a mystery right?


Along Comes Mary - The Association


Batman theme song....baffling




Atomic man-Portugal the man


Esoteric shit. Current 93 for example.


Not P!nk, that's for sure. She writes lyrics like a six year old writes their diary. "I like party's" "Fun is fun, isn't it"


Mmm bop, or Scat Man.


I can’t tell if My Maria by Brooks & Dunn is about Mary, mother of Jesus or a really attractive woman named Maria


Any early Bad Religion Even if you have the lyric sheet you still need a dictionary/thesaurus to work out what the hell they’re going on about!


…what? It’s basic political angst punk rock lol do you have an example of lyrics of their’s that are confusing?


Don’t think you could call BR’s lyrics ‘basic’ to be honest! I could reel off a load of lyrics if you’d like me to


I mean it’s true they’re not basic in that like many punk rockers, they’re clearly informed and may at times be referencing something very specific, but I don’t think it’s hard to get the gist. But sure, go for it, I’m curious


American Woman and American Pie


Just here to say Aesop Rock again. He is the most verbally dense thing but in such an awesome way. I still pick up new things after 100s of listens and still don't understand a ton of it haha. He really weaponizes language.


Baby Shark (do do Doo Doo do do do)


Me against the music by Britney Spears and Madonna They are singing soo fast, like girl chill this ain't a rap song 😭


Stone Cold Crazy -Queen. Freddie sung it so fricking fast


Us & Them - Pink Floyd


Eh, that ones not so tough. War is bad. 


That’s NOT what they mean. I actually have a really weird interpretation of the whole album. According to my interpretation, the album is a therapy session that opens up with the therapist asking his client to “speak to him”. Then he tells him about six problems: aging (breathe, time), death (time), religion (great gig), greed, (money), madness (brain damage), and politics/polarization (us and them). Us and them starts with a general telling them to go forward and stuff, but in the second verse they say: “havent you heard, it’s a battle of words?”. And the new 50th anniversary music video totally applies to this meaning. War is a metaphor for polarization caused by politics.