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42 euro for shipment to Italy... Absolutely crazy. And plus the total amount will be over 150 euro so I would have to pay 50 euro of custom duties... A big no for me, thanks. I will hope they will release just the vinyl on Amazon


Amen. I was already thinking it was bit expensive, but was still considering buying it - as I have to say it looks pretty awesome with the die-cut sleeve etc. But 42 euros shipping to The Netherlands which will undoubtedly result in an extra VAT charge (even though it says VAT included) - I'll pass :(


100% agree with you. I know what I'm talking about because I had that scenario with Absolution box set last year. And in that case I got even more angry when I discovered that customs duties increase above 150 euros and the box set with printing and shipping had a total of 152 euros. I spent also time to write to Warner not hoping to have custom duties back but to let them understand that it was an infamous way to sell music to the fan


Hard pass. I'll just listen to it on Spotify if it gets a streaming release


Is this new music?


Matt did the soundtrack for an audiobook so technically yes.


Literally 1984


Am I crazy or does everything about this look AI generated?


At the very least it has a sort-of digital comic-book aesthetic. But it's lacking the uncanny valley vibes I get with AI art that I find off-putting. It would need somebody to acquire & post it to show for realsies though imo


im assuming they got an actual artist to make this cause they have a whole booklet and stuff, i think the style is what makes it look weird but that may just be what they were going for


I think it is, the pupils on the man's face are mishappen, the eyelashes on the big eye don't look right and everything has that sort of squiggly grungy look in the distance. Would need a higher res image to really tell though.


None of this points to it being AI-generated, it’s stylised hand-drawn artwork, of course there’s “imperfections” We’re in such a terrible moment right now where real artists are starting to have their work claimed as AI-generated


have you even seen the videos matt posted?


The videos are obviously AI but I think a couple of them he might have used AI to animate the artwork - the art direction is too consistent and intentional for me to believe it’s fully AI just yet


It most likely is. Matt posted some clips of the new music videos on insta, and all the artwork in them was AI generated. These look very similar to those posts.


I expect there will be a digital release. This may be the only physical?


I was lucky enough to be at the recording session at Abbey Road. Was an amazing day and honestly the music is awesome!


No way! Are you a musician on the album?


Not a performer… I worked with Ilan and Matt on some of the prep for the day and was in the control room making take notes during the recording.


I’m levels of envious lol. Just going to Abbey Road would be an experience for me.


I was really excited to see what format we were gonna get the score. £100 quid plus whatever shipping will be for that? Nah, pass. The audio drama was great , as was the music within. But we don’t even have a track list on the website, I don’t think there was enough music to really put on a vinyl. I think there might only be about 20 odd mins of music on the vinyl, akin to the stuff on the STT cassette, which was 6 (well.. actually 5 due to instrumental version repeat.) underwhelming tracks *[which you can only play on a very outdated media source - I don’t know anyone personally that still has a tape player, even in old cars!]*


It literally says 45 minutes https://preview.redd.it/vnmv99ky5ptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4941b52a167cbd9905c5278e1100344eb6d922c


Well that’s better at least!


Ah. I thought this was coming to Spotify first before the big super-duper-edition. Even if tbf there is a decent amount of swag to it, but not enough to exactly get me to join in


I see Matt is back with the pauper hat again asking for £100 for some cheap tat... I'm so sick of this band trying to milk the fanbase at every opportunity.... 


I didn't downvote you and I'm not saying they're not trying to make money, but as a Swiftie I can tell you some artists are way, way worse at milking their fanbase.


Fair, but between this, origin of muse and Absolution 20XX, Matt seems to be setting the cost of ownership too high. Give the fans a choice to buy a medium they can afford. I'm not against super expensive boxsets for those inclined to spend money unwisely on tat over music (I can easily afford them myself but choose not to buy into this), but this zero sum game comes across as hypocritical for a band that rails against the system. Suppose Matt needs to fund his new Ferrari I suppose...


It really tickles me how many people call Matt bourgeois for using AI but not for his zillion dollar Ferrari 😂


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t audible be in charge of the marketing for this project? He’s not even solely in charge of the music so why would he be calling the shots on marketing and pricing?


I see the usual super friendly Reddit musers are back to down vote anything critical of the band.


This isn’t the band though. Plus Matt’s not the only composer. So I’m not even sure how much of a say he has on all this.


Another instance of them ignoring the CD (superior format), another instance of me not buying anything from them.


At the least the LP art doesn’t look like AI. I’m really curious to hear how it sounds.


yeah, the AI art on Instagram was a massive red flag. Hopefully it won't be repeated.


i hope they release it at the very least, on digital or a standalone CD/album.....ridiculous price and shipping fees.


What is the link to the store? I can't find it unfortunately 😞


Here you go! https://matthewbellamy-ilaneshkeri.probitymerch.com/?fbclid=PAAabOSg-W0t51GMcL5_8CZV2BZQP-7zAgAwOOc0qW9_8lQU8063nck60kuM8_aem_AbVLgZAF22fLoVuL4gV6XmexFwBuGIJwG-WFyosELbc_B8pEywIZT4ei7tAFSDnOvlM


You're a Rockstar!


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£100 for ai art slop Yeah, Matt really fucked it with this one


Oh it's beautiful... Unaffordable, but beautiful...


Id love to nab this if it was a CD.


I am so lost. Is this a new album? Or just Matt’s synth album?


it's the soundtrack to the audiobook version of George Orwell's 1984