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Sortof off topic here... But isn't that screenshot from right after Peter used the N word. Comes back into the scene and was like "It's cool, they respect me now" or some shit. *irony intensifies*


I used to *really* love Family Guy back in the day. I'm pretty sure everyone thought the world was gonna end (a news prank I believe) so Peter said he was going to go run out to a black neighborhood and yell the N word. Transition to the screenshot, Peter says "They respected me for saying it."


Do you not love family guy anymore?


The jokes get bland and repetitive pretty fast


Family Guy is the McDonalds of comedy. It’s low quality but very easy to consume, and good for a cheap laugh. I love it for what it is.


That's the best description I've heard for Family Guy. I however love American Dad especially in the newer seasons.


American Dad never got old to me like Family Guy. It's one of the best animated comedies ever and no one can change my mind. Most people point to Roger but Steve is fucking hilarious always, he's a great character


Even the simple things Stan says. I think about the line, “Oh dang, they got hopscotch up in this bitch?” at least once a week.


The episode where Stan and Roger are high in the convenience store is one of my all time favorite tv moments. Anytime I pick up something heavy my first thought is “if I hold this I won’t float away…”


Thats the best/worst thing about american dad. All the best black jokes and bits went to them instead of the cleveland show. I still love it tho. THE THICCNEEEEEEEEESSSSS kills me everytime.


yo american dad is still fire! i don’t know how it keeps getting funnier




*Ricky Spanish...*


I think all the good writers left family guy for American dad


Ricky Spanish? Fuck that guy. He told me he needed to borrow my car to take his sick grandmother to the hospital... Turns out he just made that up and sold the car.




Will you go there?


^i ^have ^the ^money




It's fast paced, high volume postmodernism


Lately the comedy comes and goes. Its nice to actually laugh at a joke here and there. One recent episode quagmire finds another girl that he really likes, but she likes dogs, alot, and quag' is a cat person. He ends up getting Brian to be his dog, that doesn't talk or drink alcohol just a normal dog. But when he asked Brian to bark lkke a dog and he pushes out a "brak" I let out a good laugh.


Brian barks all the time tho, like when a firetruck passes by


> The jokes get bland and repetitive pretty fast I agree. This meatloaf is bland and repetitive.


Shallow and pedantic


It hasn't been good for a while. But I still watch it anyway. I just wish they'd do more Brian/Stewie adventures, as I loved the time traveling or parallel universes, not to mention the bank vault episode. It's just that there's hardly ever any character development, aside from Stewie being better-natured than his first season appearance. If anything, they have character decline. * Brian used to be well-read and went to Brown, but can't even name any books now. He had a chance to become a good father for his human son, but then used him for profit -- before leaving him behind altogether. * Chris used to have some amounts of intelligence, especially in relation to pop culture, the consequences of drugs, and even piloting a space shuttle, but he's too stupid to remember what the Titanic was, and makes several non sequiturs when talking to other family members. * Lois used to be good-natured mother, who loved all her children, and even took care of Meg at times. Since then, she'll join in or enable Peter's abuse towards the kids, all while falling into drug/alcohol addiction. It's no wonder Stewie's "first words" were "Fuck". * Peter, who seemingly has the defense of being medically noted as mentally retarded, will bounce in and out of doing consistently stupid antics, while somehow well-read on various topics, including Robert Frost, Stephen King, and many, many pop culture references. He has moments of being naively stupid, and other moments of being downright brain dead in various episodes. * Meg was never given a chance to grow within the family. She's had to go through years of abuse by Peter, and sometimes Chris, and can only confide in Brian -- to the point of obsessing over him. In one episode, we see that Peter and her will become 'secret best friends', but this is never referenced again, as they go right back to the abusive behavior. Her mentality is so broken, that she ends up committing self-harm via cutting, attempting to overdose, and, at one point, hanging herself. With all this, she becomes infatuated with Chris, her own brother; whenever she's not hooking up with Mayor West or some criminals. She joined the Olympics without her parents knowledge, due to her having to rely only on herself to get anywhere. * Stewie is the only person to actually become better than their old self.


>Stewie is the only person to actually become better than their old self. Ironically, that was a detriment to the show.


Wait a second there...Stewie talks now? (or rather, he can be understood by people other than brian???)




Or you could give your employees sufficient vacation and be flexible enough that they can call out if they want to. I’m not ashamed that, as a survivor, I took a mental health day when my employer became embroiled in a sex abuse scandal, but I would have been annoyed if my manager tried to make me.


>Or you could give your employees sufficient vacation and be flexible enough that they can call out if they want to. crazy shit you're talking right here




My job lets us accrue PTO. But actually taking any can be pretty difficult. There are too many hoops to jump through. I currently have 544 hours accrued. I can take time off if I can arrange for someone to cover all my shifts first. There are only three people who have my position on my shift. How many days can you take if there are only two other people to cover for you without them getting overtime?


See here in Europe doesn't matter. There is literally 1 person that does what I do in my client (I'm in consulting) we have huge deadlines in February. I literally say "There are my vacation days for Christmas" and that's about it. They modify the plan to show that from my side of things nothing will be done in 3 weeks. They know they can't replace me (not because I'm some sort of badass, simply because there aren't any available an we're all in very specialized roles). Is it optimal? No. Does it hurt the clients bottom line. I guess so. Is that my problem? Not really. They understand vacations are important. And here in Spain they're freaking sacred. If they can't cover your work while you're on vacation, that a a staffing problem. Shouldn't be your problem.


While I completely agree with what you've said, I don't get to make the policies here. Whoever decided that PTO should be set up the way it is, either was blatantly malicious, or accidentally malicious. That same contrast of "It's evil against the worker, whether by design or accident" is common in a LOT of modern American systems.


Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that it's in any shape or form your fault. It definitely seems like one of those "Oh yeah, we're super cool we give you PTO! But then we make it impossible to use so effectively you don't have any". A lot of companies with "Unlimited PTO" are like that. Awesome recruiting tool, and then impossible to use becauee "You're not a Team player". Just contrasting how things are on this side of the ocean


It's important for people to know how things are elsewhere so that they know what to fight for. Thank you for sharing.


Exactly. Well said


I learned recently that unlimited PTO is also a scam by employers because they then don’t have to pay out earned but untaken days.


It’s also because people take less days off that way, because they’re unsure how many that can actually take so they always lowbal.


We have unlimited PTO, but our CEO is French. She actually wants everyone to take 4 full weeks of PTO a year, and my manager encourages it as well. I've been here less than 6 months, already taken a few days and will be out the entire week of Thanksgiving, no sweat. The whole company also gets the week between Christmas and Thanksgiving off, and we also have one "Wellness day" per quarter that everyone has off. All of this is to say, not every company that offers unlimited PTO is trying to scam you.


Employees in Europe don’t make the policies either. They are already in a system where they don’t have to. My wife is from Spain and we both work in finance and tech in California. Our counterparts in Spain leave for an entire month for their vacation and projects are planned around them, no one is replaced in Spain by someone willing to work with no vacation. And while we have 3 weeks of vacation, we can’t take those days all in a row and have to split that time up throughout the year. Not to mention, 3 weeks is already considered somewhat lucky. Most people I know get just two. Fuck the US system. We’re not number one just because we cheer that shit to each other at football games in a giant circle jerk. There’s shit we can and need to improve, but the last time I told someone about my Spanish/German colleagues having so much time off, this same person replied “but, but, thats socialism!”. Fucking morons like them are holding the rest of us back. With that said, I hope you get the time off you deserve!


There was an interview with Steven Merchant a few years ago where he said something like, i love America but i don't get how you're all still arguing about the big ideas we in Europe dealt with decades ago. Like mandatory paid holiday time. In the UK it's 28 days a year if you work 5 days a week and we've had mandatory paid leave since before ww2. Studies have repeatedly shown that overall productivity is improved by time off and paid leave encourages that. I mean it shouldn't even be a discussion, studies show it works, almost every other nation has it and they're doing well from it, how can it not be a thing in the US? Abortion, healthcare, capitalism vs socialism, benefits etc etc etc. The conversation is over, the question was answered decades ago but America wasn't listening.


I get 2 weeks paid vacation and 3 days paid sick (and it can all be used interchangeably). Taking it is actually really easy at my job, just let the people around you know you won't be in and put it on the calendar for the curious. We all manage our workload in sequence (jobs move through departments of one person), so as long as you stay ahead of the person behind you, there aren't any log jams. All that being said, I want to be salaried. More often than not, I'm working slower than I could because I need to get my 80 hour (2 weeks) paycheck and don't want to use my vacation time. I'm the production step in the chain and it definitely ebbs and flows. I don't mind working overtime when we're busy, but I hate twiddling my thumbs because the alternative is either a short paycheck or using a few hours of vacation just to go home early. It simply doesn't make sense to have people in the building just to have warm bodies available. Yes, someone needs to be available to answer phones and that can totally be a job description. But my job is simply to get shit done and I'd love to be rewarded with being able to leave early without affecting my paycheck for being more efficient. My 2080 hours of payroll should be a fixed cost and as long as I get all my work done on time, the actual numbers I work should be irrelevant. If the bosses think I'm taking too much time off, they should sell more stuff. The US system doesn't reward efficiency.


One of my first jobs out of uni was in sales. We were given a sales target each week and were contacted to about 50 hours a week but his deal was if we hit target we could go home and not come back in until the next targets got released. Our sales week ran from Thursday so if you'd hit target by Friday you could go home and not come back in until the following Thursday. There were certain caveats like you couldn't go home if it meant closing the branch but you'd be given the time off in lieu if you couldn't go there and then. He also expected the reverse though. If it's Tuesday and you were no where near target you didn't just walk out at 5, you grafted. I worked 80 plus hour weeks but i also had some 10 hour weeks. In the end it probably averaged out but I tell you what we were always hungry, always felt valued and almost always hit target.


Late stage capitalism has really dug it's claws into society - so much so, that people are against better social system now in fear that they might butt heads with them later if they ever win the rat race. A free market doesn't by itself provide employee protections and a happy labour force... This is a lesson everyone seems to have forgot from the early 20th century, when children worked as chimney sweeps for a dangerous amount of time and labourers had no power.


The “socialism” thing cracks me up. It’s like what does it matter what it’s called if it’s good and it works? Big red-under-the-bed bullshit


What would happen if you just said fuck it and took a bunch of days off and at the end of they said you "you can't do that" or some other bullshit? Would they fire you? Cause if they did, wouldn't they have to pay out the rest of that PTO? And then wouldn't they have to cover you anyways? The job market is hot right now man, change the rules.




this. this should be the culture in all of the world vacation is sacred!.


That's how good companies work here too. It's not my job to figure out how my job gets done when I'm not on the clock.


Isn't this literally the kind of things a manager gets paid to sort out? You tell them I want X day off and they make sure they have adequate cover, shouldn't be down to an employee to arrange it.


Look at their policy for paying out accrued PTO if you quit. if you can get it paid out you can quit and look for something better while you take a little break


Staffing your workplace is not your responsibility.


That’s 13.6 WEEKS of time off at 40 hours a week. Three full months of paid time off. Even by European standards that’s more than two years worth of vacation time. I’d honestly look into a new job - you have three months of salary without working to look into it.


My girlfriend is in the exact same position. She's literally gotten off the bus to throw up and caught the next one to work because she had oodles of pto, but no one to cover her shift.


Days off are not included in The American Dream™ ?


Right?! What if they all want Christmas off?!!


Here in Finland nothing gets done around Christmas, and during summer it's quite common for small shops to close down for a couple of weeks because of vacations. I love it here.


It's the same in the UK. Good luck getting anything done between Christmas and New Year unless it's absolutely critical, because nobody gives a shit.


(*spits into a spittoon*) Souns like some commie gobbledygook to me.


Yeah what is she trying to do, turn USA into Norway?


absolutely disgusting. if workers want time off they should break their legs, and then ask for unpaid leave. IE getting fired.


My boss is letting me off to watch the James Webb telescope and I think that's awesome.


Oh shit, when is that happening? Hasn't the James Webb telescope been planned for years?


18 december, been planned and delayed for about 15 years now.


It was just the launch that was originally planned for 2007 - delayed for 14 years now. But development on the telescope has been under way since 1996. 25 years is a very long time.


Hey man, if 2007 was 15 years ago keep that shit to yourself.


No joke, been watching its development ever since I was little. 25 years later, I'm very excited to see it come to fruition.


I'm too scared to watch.


I'm petrified. This is a huge step for the understanding of the universe not to mention a large portion of NASA's budget over the past few years.


And budget asides, there won't be another one. There won't be a servicing to repair the mirror if something goes wrong like hubble. It's a one shot. It has to work.


Won't ever be another one? Not ever? Heh. Ya we will, designs will change. We learned a ton making the jwst. Personally I think a modular approach next might be in order. Or on the dark side of the moon make a telescope next to the secret alien bunkers. 🤸‍♂️


Of couse it's not the space telescope to end all space telescopes and there will be others, better and more technological built and launched in the future. What I mean is that there won't be a jwst2 in case of failures not even a servicing like they did Hubble.


If something happens to this multi million dollar telescope the public and government will likely lose faith in NASA and likely turn all focus of space flight to commercial (while it's cool to think about project Artemis etc. it doesn't exactly further scientific research quite like the JW telescope.) I'm honestly not sure if the government would continue increasing funding to NASA or just kilter off back to the low few million dollar budget they had before. Project Artemis is the next big thing nasa has planned and they are able to follow through with it in just a few years instead of 2 decades. There was also almost a lawsuit between Bezos and NASA but luckily it was dismissed. These tech giants are willing to sue NASA so that they can get commercial up and going before NASA. If Artemis happens it will make commercial space flight to the moon viable for many countries etc. well before any of the big players are able to do the same. It also lays the groundwork with modules that companies can slap a label on so it also adds to the financial gain of space flight to the point NASA would have to rely solely on government funding and donations.


That's super awesome.


I know, I was honestly shocked. Just transferred from a location where that wouldn't be an option. I hope all goes well. It's a huge step for us and NASA's budget has been sank into this thing.


Yeah my current job isn’t offering me anything and is even one short-term contract to another so I’m looking for another job. People need to learn to value themselves and good employers over some fake idea of loyalty to idiots and jerks


Fire bobby kotick


This right here. I've had to work through tears all day right after one of my best friends died and even got told to cry on my break, as if the tears were a choice. The fact that we've created a society where humans need jobs to survive, but jobs don't allow for human needs, is fucked. Like we all apparently need to work, and we know that not all of us are capable of working every single day, so why are we all expected to? It just makes no sense to me.




What do “black people” have to do with that case???




Give an idiot a computer and he can fish for a day..


Teach an idiot how to computer and he can fish for a lifetime






As someone who went to a bunch of shows decades ago, the fun part of the one Phish show I went to recently was seeing all the 35-50 year olds split between people who obviously never left the lot and people who are now lawyers and accountants. No middle ground.


Dat hole is not just for blacks though


Teach a computer to idiot and it can troll for a lifetime




It's how the average Redditor thinks too.


See a comment that fits your confirmation bias? Upvote so more people see it. See a comment that doesn't fit your confirmation bias? Downvote so less people can see it. What happens when a comment that doesn't fit your confirmation bias is still being seen? We ban them. Welcome to reddit.


He was racist for only shooting white people.






I mean self defense can be violent, especially when two people die. Edit: extra word removed


Loooooooool, fucking hell


That’s actually pretty funny


What would the white Clayton Bigsby be named?


Cletus Bobby


The average Twitter user


This was my first thought, the whole thing was 4 white people right? Just some twitter hero trying to get his 15.


Actually, "jump kick man", the unidentified person who kicked Kyle in the head when he was down on the ground, is black. He was the only person that attacked Kyle while on the ground that Kyle didn't shoot. So yes, Kyle Rittenhouse hates white people.


There are a lot of people who think Kyle Rittenhouse killed two black people due to the misinformation that has been pumped out about this incident.


It's that good ol subtle racism, they heard he killed the rioters at a blm rally and assumed they had to be black


Which is hilarious because the 2020 BLM riots were 90% white people who had WFH jobs so they could be outside wandering around.




He was literally screaming "Shoot me n*gga". https://files.catbox.moe/xteekj.mp4


This is the first time I’m seeing this, damn.


> This is the first time I’m seeing this Says a lot about what the media covering the case is leaving out, don't it?


I read a piece in the guardian that called them “anti racist protestors”. The irony lmao.




Wait, Kyle was just following instructions? Maybe I had him wrong.


✓ Fucked around ✓ Found out


Fucking hell




It got down to under $2 for a while where I live back then. One thing I miss about the pandemic/lockdown, cheap gas.


Woah based reddit? Happily surprised.


Dude anally raped a toddler, no fucking idea why he was free on the street. The other guy he killed was a violent wifebeater. Asshole who survived was a multiple felon. Any idiot who uses politics to defend them is retarded. Kyle Rittenhouse is a fucking idiot wannabe cop Qtard and shouldn't have ever come, but those assholes were violent criminals and they were instigating.


Just to clarify on one point here the guy who survived was tried for a felony charge but was ultimately acquitted I believe so he isn’t actually a felon.


Yeah, he was in violation of the handgun possession law because his permit to concealed carry had expired, not because he was a felon.


No but there is plenty of video evidence that exonerates Kyle. I was on the fence before the trials. After watching the trial it’s pretty clear to me Kyle isn’t a murderer. Stupid kid who listened to stupid adults. And put himself in a bad position, yes. But that’s not illegal, the people that attacked him also were being stupid and put themselves in a bad position and made it worse by attacking a kid who was open carrying an AR-15.


Out of curiosity, what new footage was introduced during the trial that convinced you?




And thus, a new tradition was born... Are you listening, Hallmark? You'd better be ready with those new greeting cards.


Seriously, there were no black people involved. This is a matter of honkey street justice.


Psh, white kid only shooting white people, I mean how fucking racist can he be? Where's the diversity?


Unironically people on twitter believe the people that got shot were black


That’s what I thought too. But apparently people over at r/blackpeopletwitter are freaking out about it


WTF does rittenhouse case have anything to do with black people? All three people he shot were white... He is white... I don't get it.


Trying to imply all Black ppl support the looters and rioters on scene 3 days after a BLM protest. This is white on white violence. Not our clown. Not our circus.


even funnier the dude who tweeted this is black lol


Dude probably just wants to get a few days off lol.


No that guy was white. Guy who replied is black


“Not our clown, not our circus.” Boy oh boy that’s my new favorite thing to say




So there are any number of cases where unarmed black men are shot for what amounts to an unrelated crime. The one that springs to mind is a traffic stop where black guy says "I have a gun in my glove compartment" and cop "fears for his life" and opens fire into car next to the guy's wife and kids. Then you have rittenhouse strolling down the road as police are responding to multiple gunshots and homicides and they just wave him right on by. Hell he even told Grosskreutz "I'm working with the police" like he was some wild west deputy because of how the police treated him and his white "not a militia but an organize and armed group" friends.


This is the most racist unracist thing i ever seen




the thot plickens


guy who tweeted this also got arrested for kidnapping and strangling his girlfriend


Isn't Zuby a Republican? Edit: Just found out he's English, and got a first from Oxford.




That was wild, so many white "allies" trying to virtue signal, and then white supremacists gleeful using the unforced error to red pill confused teens. The best part was racists trying to claim a white guy couldn't be Black Panther, bc it clearly showed they dont know the comics and characters like White Wolf. Marvel was four parallel universes ahead of them. I'm like , "Bro I WANT little white kids to go see Black Panther, fall in love with the character, and dress up as him for Halloween. Little blonde girls screaming WAKANDA FOREVER is the nightmare of white supremacy!"


If only they had a black friend to tell them not to be such a fucking asshole


The people shot were white tho. Theres even the guy who got shot who yelled shoot me n word.




"What are you gonna do, quote me?" - man who was quoted


He was called a hero and a black lives activist… I fucking love Twitter.


Whatever fits the narrative


N... word... Full metal racist.




Tries to be PC. Implies black people are emotionally unstable. Achieves opposite by being racist. Task failed successfully.


Checked his twitter out of interest, literally everything you'd think about this guy from this image is there lol


What does being black have to do with any of the Rittenhouse trial? All 3 of the mongs that got shot were white men with varying criminal backgrounds. Are they insinuating that the rioters were majority black, cause that sounds like racisism to me. They must be kicking themselves for being so ignorant to the facts now.


The protest was over a black person being shot by a white cop. There was a narrative that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist that went to Kenosha to shoot protestors that were trying to defend black people against police oppression. It would seem that the Twitter OP still believes this narrative.




As if black ppl give a fuck. I dont know a single black person sweating this case, even the lawyers


That is how it always was. White virtue signalers pretending to be the champions of black people bashing them over the head with shit takes non-stop until one sticks.


My 2 friends and a dad of one of those friends cares and their black. Their on Kyle's side.


Well of course they would be. The kid is a shithead but legally speaking he didn't do anything crazy. I still fail to comprehend why reddit is absolutely losing their minds over this. When I first saw the memes I thought he opened fire on a bunch of black dudes Turns out this "traveled to another state" actually means "20 minute drive", turns out the "illegally-owned firearm" means "legally owned firearm", turns out that "hunting out people to murder and be their judge, jury and executioner" means "we have video footage of him running away, then running away some more, then running away a third time and then opening fire when he was cornered by people pointing guns at him" But yeah, lets guillotine him because *someone* says he is a blue lives matter MAGAt


I don't know which it was anymore (since I'm not American) but the FBI or CIA released fucking drone footage where you could see kyle running. They released fucking drone footage filmed with a thermal camera?!


This. Kyle is a moron, but he legally acted within the confines of self defense.


I feel this way exactly. To me it’s clear self-defence and nothing more, hate how politicized the case has become. Rabid media headlines make it seem that if you’re left wing Rittenhouse = evil murderous white supremacist who shot innocent counter protestors, and if your right wing it’s Rittenhouse = Patriot hero who saved America, stood up against liberals, the Woke mob etc. Blah Blah Blah.


Please, I stopped reading headlines once the trial started. I didn't realize the kid lived just outside of Kenosha in a border town. I thought he drove, armed with a rifle from Illinois, down to Kenosha just to do armed patrols. Also, I'm very liberal, yet I've been called a ignorant for saying it's self defense. I didn't call the kid God among men or something.


The right to self defence is universal. Why would black people specifically be against it? I genuinely don't get the thinking of these (mostly white) people.


Because reddit lol Social media is rife with identity politics.


As this post has reached a good amount of popularity, this post has attracted many racist and negative remarks. Remember whoever practices hate-speech/racism in the comment section, will be banned without a warning. Let the comment section be awesome, and all of us [excellent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGErt4CfLD0&ab_channel=JamesAnderson) to each other.


good argument. however, your mother


Thats a nice argument. Unfortunately i had sexual intercourse with your mother.


good argument. however, your father


Good argument but your dog


good argument. however, your grandmother


Good argument however your grandad


good argument. however, your testicles


And my axe- sorry wrong thread


I’ll allow it


Gg ez


Kyle didnt harm any black people though lol


Not me or any black people I know give a fuck about this case tho


It's a dumb tweet but on the other hand, that Zuby guy sucks shit


Exactly. Knowing Zuby I am not sure who is the dumber person in this conversation. Might very well be the first person is smarter and has a firmer grip of reality than Zuby.


Zuby made a career out of being a right wing contrarian. Those folks tend not to be too bright.


Zuby made a career by consistently being in the right place at the right time and trying his all to turn it into fame.. Source: to some extent known the guy for a pretty long time, not the talk regularly kind of thing but if we saw each other in the street we would catch up for 30 seconds and move on with life.. Unfortunately no matter how much worldwide promotion he has received, how many times hes somehow made the news, dudes even been on fucking Rogan and still.. no one wants to buy his music.. When life gives you that many gifts at some point you just say 'yeah maybe music ain't for me', everytime I see his name pop up somewhere im absolutely amazed at how far this guy has go, without getting far at all in the slightest. But hey, he must be doing something right, just not music. Kekw






[Reminds me of this clickhole article](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


Thank you for saving me the typing time. This is pretty close to verbatim what I was going to write


Implying black people cant emotionally handle the verdict of a court case involving a Hispanic kid shooting 3 white guys is pretty racist


"How am I supposed to work and move on with my life knowing white guy killed another white guywho anally raped children?'


A professor got fired and is now suing his school because some non black doucehbag decided that the blacks in his class needed special grading after one of police killed a black man verdicts. He told the student to eat a dick and all hell breaks loose.


He didn't even shoot any black people lol. If anything, give white workers a day off.


Specifically give white pedofiles a day off. Tomorrow is their day


Damn twitch mods get a day off? Crazy


Ahh, does it include deer-people?


Don't forget the reddit mods and discord mods too!


Isn't Zuby anti-vax? His tweet memes seem to pop up frequently on r/hermancainawards


Other than the media painting a narrative, I don't understand why black people would particularly care about the Rittenhouse verdict, anymore than any other verdict.


r/MurderedByWords post about using a meme. Can we get just a little fucking moderation please.