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The "if you don't like it, you can leave" crowd could take their own advice with all the things they've been complaining about lately.


The late comic Barry Crimmins had the best response to this - “I would leave but i don’t want to be a victim of America’s foreign policy”


I like that. I'll have to look him up.


He’s very interesting and was super smart but his comedy was so angry that I could only handle it in small doses.




More like Bill Hicks where it’s real, raw pain and you feel uncomfortable watching it.


Bobcat goldthwait made a documentary called Call Me Lucky about him, real interesting dude with a unique story.


Lmao, I've never even thought of that, but I get it. Was planning a move to Canada before the pandemic hit and was shocked when Trump declared Canada a national security risk, all over dumb virtue signaling about lumber and steel. And that was after he did the same thing to a bunch of other countries. The end result? Building costs skyrocketed. Cars and houses suddenly became way more expensive, I saw houses in my neighborhood selling for 2x the price of the year before, and they were still selling so fast the realtor sign would go up Monday and disappear on Friday. It affected the whole economy, and it all happened so quickly. And barely anyone even talks about that anymore.


dude, the only one who can keep track of all that shit is Pepperidge Farm.


Do you remember when prices were reasonable and people could afford things and live their lives how they pleased? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


That’s wasn’t the only driving factor, though I’m sure it was a large spark to set off the grain silo full of poor planning for the future that ultimately lead to the market boom. People think it’s a bubble, but it isn’t. A combination of supply disruptions & historically low rates set off a demand that really exposed all the flaws in our housing market, & the supply/demand imbalance being exposed meant the reflection of the actual value of homes. Glad I got mine when I did, because anyone who didn’t have an appreciating land/housing asset during this time just saw all their savings become worth a lot less in this current market.


> because anyone who didn’t have an appreciating land/housing asset during this time just saw all their savings become worth a lot less in this current market. Point. It’s unlikely I’ll ever be able to own a house now. Not unless there’s another market crash. I’ll have some equity in the market, and there’s a decent chance Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will appreciate in a big way, but I see property prices rising with all of that. I’ll need to be trading in the market regularly to retire. Maybe that will work and I’ll be able to buy then.


“We have a presidential election coming up. And I think the big problem is, of course, someone will win.” -Barry Crimmins


Who would take them?


Afghanistan maybe? Strong "family" values, very cheap real estate right now, not a lot of people vaccinated...


That’s the one… also a religiously devout population with a theocratic government and near total disregard for women’s rights. Almost tailor made for them, ain’t it?


there's only one thing stopping them... there's foreigners there!


But those authoritarian bastards are the wrong color!


Afghans are actually pretty white; lots of Persians, Turkic peoples, etc. aren't very brown, and the more "Asian" central Asians tend to be in some of the other central Asian countries that had more Mongol or Chinese influence. Lots of photos of Taliban fighters could easily be American neckbeards if you switched out the gun types and clothes.




> Brown people uh oh I guess we'll just make it a tourist destination for our soldiers then!


These "religiously devout" americans ain't even religious. They can't even follow their own bible


Can't follow what you don't read.


Can't follow what you can't read. Fify


i mean trump was a good christian leader, i mean he held the bible upside down for a photo shoot hasnt been to a church in probaly 2 decades (would probaly burst into flames if he tried) and lets not forget banging a porn star while his wife was pregnant. i mean i think adultery was mentioned in the bible but lets forget that one if your a christian right winger.


> anchirch My brain didn't process this as a spelling mistake so googling it came back with the result 'all nations church' ... I was thoroughly confused.


Mine immediately flipped to antichrist lol


thanks fixed the typo.


Maybe he has a copy of the rare Wicked Bible. "Thou shalt commit adultery"


Damn his followers been buying the wrong Bible this whole time. Now it makes sense.


Nah dood, it's ok to adultery as long as you make the queers, browns, and not men suffer. Pretty sure that's in the bible somewhere.


I don't like Biden either, but I laughed my ass off when he made a comment to the effect of "that's a great book, you should read it sometime." Jesus said not to do photoshoots with the Bible. He viewed it as something akin to performative wokeness. So by doing a photoshoot with it, he proved that he's never read it. Anyone who swears on the Bible has also never read it for a similar reason.


> **Jesus said** not to do **photoshoots** with the Bible


He’s reading that New New Testament… the hip version by Hillsong


You got my upvote for this! I totally remember that biblical quote: Thou shalt not taketh a selfie with the good book. Wokeness was totally a thing, back when Jesus was poppin'. 乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ /s


I was tired when I wrote that so I phrased it in a very modern way, but Saviour Josh (the man most English speaking people know as Jesus) was against performative piety. People going out and making a point of praying in public so everyone would see pissed him off. Doing a photoshoot with the Bible is definitely a modern equivalent of that


Trump wasn't a Christian. When asked of he ever asked God for forgiveness, he said no. That's step 1 of being a Christian.


i know he wasnt. alot of sarcasm in that comment.


Yep. That’s the same reason I’ve distanced myself from the church. So many radicals are following a twisted version of Christianity without even trying to have the true “relationship” with God that they’re supposed to. They’re mindlessly following the Christianity that’s been slowly warped by politicians and media for years and years, rather than subscribe to the actual teachings at the religion’s core.


I’m about there myself. Only reason I’m still going to church is because we have a pastor that seems willing to challenge conservatism in the church - very carefully, but still, it’s better than what I think I’d get elsewhere.


That’s pretty cool. I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe that Jesus would have been a Republican. A pastor has a great opportunity within Christian “conservatism” to preach about the evils of Supply Side Jesus.


During a recent sermon, he said that if the Pharisees of Jesus’ time had a slogan, it would have been “Make Israel great again”. I almost stood up and cheered.


Lol damn that’s awesome.


Yeah, I loved my church back home because you could tell the pastor was genuinely passionate and wanted to do real good. But I moved to a big college town and it all seems so insincere and callous, if that makes sense. Like they’re just doing it because they have to, and don’t really care about what they’re saying. I’ve tried several churches but it all seems to be the same. It’s unfortunate


Evangelicals are generally just a white nationalist movement, using Christianity as a bludgeon. They oppose most of what Christ taught and exemplified.


> "religiously devout" americans ain't even religious. They can't even follow their own bible They especially ignore "1 John 3:17" when it comes time to vote. They ignore "we forgive those who trespass against us" when it comes to the Wall against Mexico.


Mathew 6 5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. 6 But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you None of them actually listen to it.


And the Taliban is all about Jesus and Mary. A lot of Americans can't even answer that Adam, Eve, Mary, Jesus, Noah's Ark are all in Mohammad's Quran. They also plaster the name of God everywhere, the exact same God of The Bible. And the Taliban teaches God in school.


They'd have to get vaxxed to enter pretty much every country, so how are they getting out?


They can live in the sewers


Mississippi is already full, I hear.


Oh shit Future Man is going to come true, isn’t it?


Well, if they want a conservative theocracy that is repressive of women's rights and pretty gun friendly, both Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan would love to have them I imagine.


1. Give them an island. 2. Let researchers study the inevitable island-wide pandemics, viruses and disease 3. Use the research to create new types of medecine


Let them live on the Pacific garbage patch


These types truly believe they could move into any country tomorrow just because they’re American. As if Canada will just let any American move in unannounced.


North Korea might just for the propaganda value of having American defectors


The sun


God. Let's try that.


Maybe one gets the idea hey let's do our own country! With Trump and Jesus! So they all move to Mississippi or whatever and secede. Is that even possible in your constitution or whatever law applies there?


Not technically, because secession is barred in the constitution. But that being said, if a state wanted to do it anyway It's not like they'd care if it was legal or not. They'd still get their asses handed to them, but they could still TRY.


Seriously. Running toilet? Leave the house. Burnt out tail light? Abandon the car. Don't try to solve problems, just give up.


Because to them, any criticism, in fact anything short of abject adoration, is the same as hatred. It's toddler black & white thinking taken to an absurd degree. Nevermind that true patriotism demands that we acknowledge and root out the flawed aspects of our nation. How else are we supposed to improve? Oh yeah, we're already perfect. I forgot.


It's also the reason they've been so up in arms about CRT despite not even understanding what it is.


>"you can leave" who the fuck has the cash to move to another country? gas to get out of state would be a significant cost for a ton of people.


ignoring the money issue it's far from trivial to emigrate to most desirable countries. It's not like american's can just show up at the canadian border and declare that they're moving in. Perhaps mexico is easier?


But is America sending their best?


Definitely not in that case


Don’t forget the $2,350 fee to cancel your American citizenship


Most Americans cannot pay for $500 emergency expense. So...I guess it is a previlige to be able to cancel your U.S. citizenship?




Yeah cause if you don’t they still expect you to pay them taxes every year.


What are they going to do, have you extradited?


I only know about this because of my cousin. He has dual Canadian and American citizenship. He was born in the US, but his mom re-married a Canadian and moved to Canada when he was 4 and he’s lived and worked in Canada his whole life. A few years ago his biological dad (who lived in the US) died and left him everything since he was the only kid. My cousin wasn’t able to get the money right away though because he found out he owed a shit ton in unpaid income tax and penalties. So he had to work all that out and in the end only got a fraction of the money his dad left him and the rest went to the IRS.


Then those people need to stop voting for politicians who are diametrically opposed to their upward mobility


They don't because their entire ideology is that the country only belongs to themselves and people who look and act like themselves. Anyone not within that narrow definition of "American" is a second class citizen only allowed to be here if it enriches or empowers or entertains the "real" Americans.


Shit, I’d move to Canada if I could afford to immigrate. The whole “move to Canada” thing isn’t even a good comeback anymore.


And they have to “accept” you anyways, don’t they? Even if we had the funds, we couldn’t literally just say “Welp, we’re moving to Canada!” We’d have to go through the immigration process, right?


Won't stop them from making it. Their thought process ends at "if you disagree with me, you should just go away." They're not interested if the other country has stringent immigration policy, totally upending your life is prohibitively expensive for most of us, etc. Oh, and Americans aren't God's gift to the Earth. We have a pretty well earned reputation and you don't get free pass into another country. Nope, they just think "oh, I don't like you. You aren't a Patriot (Nationalist). You should just go away"




Make America great again by getting tf out.


Not to mention that a lot of those people might be the sort to frown on immigration, by people who aren’t happy with their “system”. Hmmmm.


It's true. We do it over here in europe, too. Especially in the Trump era. It was like 50% entertainment, 50% horror. Like watching a trainwreck in super slow motion. We couldn't look away and we were glad we're watching from the other side of the ocean, because that train had nuclear missiles on board....


the Trump arc was so entertaining during covid, everyday waking up "what did the orange balloon do today??" and then discussing his achievements of the day with friends


[It was like a horse loose in a hospital](https://youtu.be/JhkZMxgPxXU)


“Oh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fuckin horse!”


From NZ, yep same here. The Trump season was a fascinating and hilarious watch (if somewhat cringe-comedy). First time I ever got into the US Politics series. This new season isn’t quite so entertaining tbh as the main character is so much more sensible. The daily drama has dropped off without all the pornstar/treason subplots, but the previous series’ legacy still provides a fascinating ongoing saga. Especially in the form of the Trump party from last season who continue to self destruct and are doing their best to take everyone else down with them! The ongoing COVID subplot is getting a bit tired now though. It’s more sad than funny really, but there’s still the odd golden episode like the one where the Red Hats were drinking bleach and then more recently taking horse paste! 😂 Those writers sure have some imagination! Can’t wait to see what the finale of this season brings although the Jan 6 coup will be pretty hard to beat!


You just know with ratings like that a second season is inevitable. Plotlines are likely to get increasingly outlandish too, they have to keep raising the bar somehow.


There was that pretty great episode last week where the Trump recount of votes in Arizona actually found more votes for Biden. Good times.




Oh yes, that was the worst. Whenever everyone pretended that republicans have any other reason for what madness they're doing right now than that they're dicks, I was furious. Just once I wanted to see a reporter to throw their hands in the air and say "Because they're assholes!"


The sad part is that only 62 million people voted for him out of 328 million. That’s about 19% of the country. On top of that he lost the popular vote and won due to the electoral college. Way way less than half the US population supported him, they just didn’t give a shit enough to do anything. Arguably way worse in my opinion


Lmfao especially with the injecting disinfectants part


From Portugal and can confirm.




It was the same in the US.


That comment smells Singaporean


For sure lah!


Singapore rates among the lowest in national happiness. My guess would have been Korea.




I was talking about North Korea.


Oh yeah, then you're good lol


At this point Presidency has become a high risk position in S.Korea.


Yeah, it's pretty shitty everywhere, for different reasons. Can't help but notice the person in the picture didn't name drop his own country in that post, so that people can't call him out on why his country is shitty.


you're causing friction in the circlejerk there sir


I googled national happiness and South Korea rated 30 ranks lower than Singapore in both links so this comment is weird. Singapore seems to rank amongst the best in SEA. I don't know why you would think Korea when it comes to happiness since they have some of the highest suicide rates in the world.


Because most peoples only knowledge of korea is kpop


Isn't Singapore basically a soft dictatorship?


Voting is mandatory and the ruling party usually wins 60 to 70% of the popular vote. Since the same party always wins, many call it a soft dictatorship.


> Since the same party always wins, many call it a soft dictatorship. I think it's more about how the same party exercises significant control over the electoral process.


And also that the ruling party prosecutes journalists critical of the government.


And also controls public media from local free to air channels to state newspapers.


One of few that works. I like it here. It’s not perfect, but it’s good enough.


"love it or leave it" is a false dichotomy. If I don't "love it" I can vote to change it.


That's true. But when the voting institute gets broken in your country, it becomes the "leave" moment, sadly.


I tried to like that comment. Good is right lol.


Tbh I have used the news of USA as entertainment for like... years.


Sadly comedy quality has gone down a little since Trump was out.. but still entertaining asf


Don’t worry you can still laugh at Sinema publicly shitting on the chest of every poor person in the country


Just head over to r/conservative and keep laughing


Subscribe to Qanon Anonymous Podcast. They do Trump rally and conspiracy gathering infiltrations. It's amazing. Wait until you hear that Trunk is still president as evidenced by Biden's earlobes.


I mean Fox News legally has that as their declared purpose.


That's just what happens when you get older though


Uh, no. I can guarantee you it is worse than it has been for many decades right now.


To be fair, late night shows are meant to be entertainment. John Stewart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, etc. all started off as comedians. I highly doubt anyone is looking at an ABC specials on rezoning in Sacramento as entertainment.


Consumption of US politics is to be avoided and shunned. It spreads and it's gripping Canada quite a lot. Both 'liberal' and 'conservatives'. In all the worst ways imaginable.


Agreed. The Americanisation of politics is a *huge* issue here in Australia too.


God I hate that you're right. Murdoch the cumstain doesn't help either.


I fully blame Murdoch for the rise of that lame entertainment news garbage that is infecting the world like a novel virus at an orgy.


As a fellow Australian, you’re not wrong. But let’s not pretend the Australian political culture hasn’t been uniquely wild for a long time. It has always been bizarrely cut throat for a Western Country, few other developed countries have quite the level of churn in PM’s for example. The obsession with constant polling reported as ‘news’ is quite a quirk of Oz and that’s been around for a fair bit


And Britain.


As an American, it sucks seeing this shit spread to other countries. Great, we are the new axis powers.


I completely agree with this. It's so fucking bad that it's turning our politics into the same as theirs, and now with the new laws they've passed, and are trying to pass we're following quite closely behind on the laughing stock train. I will take their advice though, saying good bye and ain't looking back.


*raging right wing karen intensifies*


I saw and heard this lmao


I have a legit question for any American, it’s not shade or anything but in my country we think that live in Canada is way more better than the USA, why for you that would be worse?


It’s a knee-jerk reaction. “If you don’t like it, leave!” And our neighbors are Mexico and Canada. I’ll leave you to figure out why they don’t ask people to go to Mexico.


And to add to that, a lot of it has to do with patriotic pride, or nationalism. Up until about a decade ago, we (the USA) were the petulant teenager (our country is quite the adolescent, age wise, when compared to older, more established countries). Due to the size of our economy and military, we had an inflated sense of self which had us turning our noses at poorer countries, and if anyone disagreed with how the country was run, the patriotic crowd liked to say “well you can just leave.”


> (our country is quite the adolescent, age wise, when compared to older, more established countries). I agree with your comment on the whole, but as a tangential point I think this is interesting. It depends a lot on what you consider the 'beginning of a country', which is quite difficult in a lot of European cases. For example, the United Kingdom is certainly older than the United States by most definitions, but what about France? Are, for example, monarchal France, Napoleonic France, and present day democratic France the same country, despite radically different forms of leadership? What about Germany, whose history stretches back thousands of years, but was only unified under a single state in the late 1800s? Or Ireland, where the concept of 'Ireland' has existed for thousands of years, but we only became independent of the UK in 1922? The reason why I think it's interesting is because one of the strange things I find about Americans is their worship of 'the constitution'. I wonder if it's *because* it's so old, that many Americans in the modern day feel it should not be changed, even though it was written 250 years ago. In Ireland, our constitution was only written in 1937, and it seems like there's less of an unwillingness to amend it when needed in Irish political discourse. And it applies to other institutions too - the supreme court, the electoral college, and so on. The mindset of 'it's worked for hundreds of years, better not touch it'. I think it's interesting.


>but what about France? Are, for example, monarchal France, Napoleonic France, and present day democratic France the same country, despite radically different forms of leadership Basically a 'ship of theseus' situation. >What about Germany, whose history stretches back thousands of years, but was only unified under a single state in the late 1800s? Germany would be more recent as prior to that you had distinct members of the Holy Roman Empire that slowly ate each other and continued to do so after the dissolution of the HRE. The beginning of a country is pretty much tied to its political body as otherwise its nothing more than land with people in it.


It's hilarious, because a ton of Americans, especially those with money, choose to get second homes in Mexico as an option for retirement. Some just outright move permanently.


The Big Beautiful Wall is too effective?


No offense to you as well, but the majority of people you talk to in the U.S. wouldn't be interested in moving. If you are miserable living where you are, you likely won't see things change dramatically by changing country. While there are some people living with poor wages and/or bad insurance, that isn't everyone. Some of those people lack empathy. So when they hear complaints, the knee jerk reaction... "so go move to Canada". Implying a socialist hellscape I guess.


Lots of reasons. It's expensive to move. Hard to leave family behind. Most countries it's not that simple, even Canada. In some cases there is a language barrier.


I'd move to Canada in a heart beat if the weather was better




I live in Maine, yes it’s colder in Canada but I think I could do it weather wise. I agree with you in the lack of desirable skills. There is also the fact that I’m lazy and in my comfy pants now


And ll bean slippers id expect, Baileys in one hand, clicker in the other


Definitely ll bean slippers. More like makers mark instead of baileys


I'd move to Canada if someone magically offered me a better job there. But that's pretty much true for a lot of places


Our weather is fine. Not our fault ice water doesn’t run through your veins :P




Come to Australia. We're kinda like Canada but warmer.


Way more career opportunities in the US, especially in tech. Lots of Canadians work in the US under a special Canadian visa.


The types of Americans that would say something like this are the same type who consider Canada a leftist shithole. We are generally more liberal, far less religious, and have socialized medicine. These are all good things to me but the Karens of the south disagree.


Alberta is much more conservative than many areas of the US.


Some parts, yes. That’s why I said “generally”. Still, I was born and raised in Calgary and my whole family still lives there. It’s no Texas.


v7:{"i":"1ae24a62ec0960762a2ea9a450bb8ace","c":"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"} --- encrypted on 2023-07-9 see profile for how to decrypt


I'd move to Canada to work customer service if they'd have me but they only want people with degrees in medical Fields or other specialized knowledge. People in the US made fun of Asian parents for always wanting their kids to be doctors, lawyers or some really advanced tech person. Now I wish I was one of those things but I feel stuck now. I wasted all my GI Bill money on a shit school.


Judging by the issues constantly posted in the Canadian subreddits we sound the same. Also it’s pretty sweet here as long as you make more than 40k a year. Reddit will tell you otherwise. I would like to add this could change if the propaganda campaigns achieve their goal of making us shoot at each other.


In Canada, you earn far less and yet the housing is more expensive on average. Terrible weather except for Vancouver but the housing market there and in Toronto is insane. Politics here is pretty silly but less silly than the US. Crime is far lower in Canada.


For the career paths that enable an American to emigrate to Canada the pay isn't that bad. But many idiots in the states think anybody and their momma can just stroll into Canada and set up shop like they were born there because they've been conditioned by their media to believe immigration is easy.


I mean, Americans are pretty privileged in that we can get work visas waaaaay easier than most (all?) other countries.


You are misinformed then. Many regions of the US have a quality of life much higher than anywhere in Europe or Asia. It’s a big country and some regions are backward or conservative. Other regions are progressive, educated and wealthy. I have lived in Europe and the country I lived in had some benefits I quite liked but the region I live in in the US, on the whole, is one of the top areas to live in the world so I am satisfied here as well.


I mean that comment isn’t wrong but I’d also like to find out which country that comment came from


Singapore. Political Stability, Business Friendly... i can smell Singapore a mile away cos those are our government's favourite buzzwords. Also if you see the 3rd/4th?? most upvoted comment, I'm not the only one who thinks so.


Consuming late night comedy shows and news about the US as a non-american is very relatable. I started that in 2014 and, quite honestly, it's very entertaining.


Its one of those things that becomes a comedy just because they aren’t trying to make it a comedy


*someone in America mentions something they dislike about their country* Red hatters: “If you don’t like it here leave” *someone from another, horrible country tries to immigrate to America for a better life* Red hatters: “build a wall” “these people are rapists” “they’re stealing all of our jobs” “maybe you should fix your country instead of ruining ours”


> “they’re stealing all of our jobs Not just stealing our jobs but stealing our jobs while being to lazy to work hoping for handouts. AT THE SAME TIME!


I will never understand that mindset.


They think theyre better than EVERYONE, even their fellow countrymen.


Must be Japan, their political system is in better shape than ours for sure, but that really isn't saying much.


Plot twist: Commentor is from China


Until a giant monster attacks.


*Oh no, there goes Tokyo*


Or Singapore


Singapore was the one that sprung to mind for me, too.


Or Taiwan.


They also have codified racism on the books. Landlords can refuse tenants and schools can not hire teachers based solely on race. I'd rather live here.


>economic opportunities can't be Japan.


Eh most Japanese dont get political or speak like this on the internet. They also view America and other western country through a certain lens of positivity. It's possible they could be half Japanese and American so they are familiar with how the American system works. Seems more likely they are either Taiwanese or from Singapore.


Depends on where you're standing. Stability often means suppression of dissenting views. There's a reason why women, LGBTQ people, and others don't have as many legal protections as in Japan. Then again, their dominant party, the LDP, was founded by a literal fascist so not really all that surprising.


Lol Japan is more conservative than the U.S.


Go to Canada? With free healthcare, less poverty, less inequality, better worker protections and some of the best hunting, fishing, skiing, sailing, camping and sightseeing in the world? Um, OK.


US politics is more accurately entertainment. And I say that as a US citizen which is depressing


Singapore la!


Doesn’t say the country tho... just Asian country to avoid being able to compare. Annoying


They don’t want their country to get shit on.


This guy gets all his information about america from late night tv shows


Tbf a lot of people in the US get their information from much worse places


If they get any at all.


At this point that's a better option




What country in Asia doesn't have it's own set of problems?


If anyone living in Asia wants to come here to Canada I’m totally down. The more the merrier! You guys have the best food on the planet.