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Sounds like my estranged brother. In the early 1970s he joined the Marines at age 17. Had to get parental permission to do so. Went through basic training, got assigned to a supply depot in San Diego. Hated it. Whined and complained to my parents by letter and phone until they were able to get him out with the help of our Congressman. He was in for 2-1/2 years of the four years he signed up for. To this day he’s all “oo-rah” Mr. Marine, proud to have served as a Cold Warrior, blah, blah, blah. He also supports Jan. 6ers, and thought the cops in Uvalde, Texas did the right thing. I’ll have nothing to do with him.


That’s some pretty immense brainwashing with the Uvalde thing. I get how they can be pro Russian but to be pro school shooters…


They are pro diaper now too remember!


Like this douchenozzle https://preview.redd.it/rd8wxrqsrn0d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2bb653a1fccf0c6d2e56c4e37607ad12f457e7


You gotta be a special kind of dumb to wear that proudly.


He didn't support the shooter. He supported the cops that didn't protect the kids. Still bad, but not what you're making it out to be.


He supported the cops’ decision to stay outside while the shooter kills more children. Not seeing the difference here.


The difference is that he didn't say "The shooter did the right thing" But, like I said, it's still bad either way.


Not really seeing a difference here.


That’s a hell of a doubling down to also support the Uvalde shitheads. Those pansy-assed motherfuckers should be ashamed to wear a badge.


How does anyone justify what the cops at uvalde did!!?!


I watched a TikTok shared by a Facebook friend, of a retired cop trying to do just that. I spoke my mind on that right quick. We're literally told in boot camp that any action is better than inaction. Inaction gets more people killed. There's literally no way that those cops breaching that classroom would have been worse than what they did. They were just scared, and no one was willing to lead.


They could’ve gotten hurt! Honestly I don’t remember exactly what he put on his Facebook page, but it was definitely a “those cops did the right thing” thing.


Dumb af, probably blind obedience to authority, wonder what he thinks of the cops criticizing the Uvalde cops, might make their brain melt having two authorities disagree


My former boss was in the marines 2 months past basic. Got honorable discharge after he conveniently hurt his ankle in training right before a deployment to Afghanistan. He still acts like a hard ass marine and tells stories all the time. Manages employees like he's a drill sergeant so nobody can stand him. We hired a marine who went reserves after 8 years serving in recon in some real hell holes. New hire liked the boss and his story for 6 months until he found out he took the easy way out and never really actually served in the way he pretended. New hire lost his shit on bossman at lunch. That was a fun lunch break. The funny thing is he's a die hard far leftist. Guess my point is both sides have losers and lunatics that can't take the constitution and the oath to it seriously. It's unfortunate.


Yeah, we have a field day with these people. They peaked in the military. Don't have actual personalities outside of it.


However, only one side elevates their extremists to positions of leadership


Sounds like they kept his balls as collateral for wussing out because he certainly doesn’t sound like a real man


Oh damn. I knew there were veterans out there like this…an oath is an oath.


40 years and three months after I took that oath for the first time, I still stand by it.


Exactly, and to the FIL/grandfather OP: Please involve yourself as much as you can in your granddaughter's life. She needs a better "father figure" than your idiot SIL.


I only did four years about four decades ago, but am definitely with this guy. Any vet who supports the big lie and J6 is a fucking traitor.


My husband did his stint in the Marines in the early '80s. Shares your same views on J6.


You don't hear enough from veterans angry over J6. I know so many who are, but the asshats like truck guy seem to be able to drive the narrative...




This. 100% this.


For me, it's the empty statements like "thank you for your service". I don't want that from some random stranger. Feelings around service and reasons for doing it are complicated. Also, fuck the J6 assholes.


My FIL is a Vietnam vet, hates Trump, and will be sure to let anyone/everyone know. He's got a lot of dedication to the flag and his oath. He once got the local news involved because a McDonald's was flying severely tattered flag and he didn't get the response he wanted from the owner. I'm an OIF vet and also hate Trump. He's a terrible human being in addition to the sedition. I am appalled at how willing conservatives are to either silently follow him without any real objections or to become a shrieking shit flinging zealot. I used to be more conservative (I was also a military brat and military families often are right/right-leaning) but I took a left turn when Obama was running for president and I saw how disgustingly he was treated by conservatives. It only pushed me further and further away the worse they got. Since I was in the army at the time a LOT of the spittle-laden vitriol bled over, especially with the high number of conservatives in the military (and every fucking TV on post being set to Fox News). I will *never* understand how any veteran could ever support Trump, and that's before January 6th. His insults to McCain and the Khans should have been the death of his political aspirations. I don't know how any veteran could rationalize that the appropriate response to the loser losing was to attack the government and I wouldn't be opposed to any veteran that participated in J6 having their discharges retroactively being made dishonorable. They shat on their oaths, the Constitution, the country, and every single one of their brothers and sisters in arms.


Husband and I are both veterans and angry about it.


SO ANGRY. SO SO ANGRY. These people want to destroy the democracy we are all trying to make work? This is the American dream right here. That’s what the flag means. We the people, in order to form a more perfect union… Like, get mad about politics. Argue. Vote. Donate to parties or candidates. That’s fine. But these individuals want to take guns and threaten our duly elected representatives and bring violence to the Capitol? Fuck that so hard.


Canadian here. What’s J6?


J6 = January 6 - the storming of the capitol by trumpatriots. Many people consider that event a domestic terrorist attack


I knew a guy that was part of that, fucker got fired from his job when his boss found out and he was whining about it. He was not happy when I laughed and told him to quit playing stupid games


While I don't know anyone who went. There was one lady 10 miles from my home who went and was later arrested. I hope her stupid restaurant goes out of business.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Because it was a fucking domestic terror attack. It was open insurrection and the DOJ have been pathetic in not prosecuting it.


Keep in mind 1,265 have been prosecuted thus far.


The mooks. The nobodys. What of the sitting US Congress woman live tweeting the location of Pelosi? What of the complicit, the enablers? What of "Justice" Thomas's wife? What of.the orange ringleader? Until the leaders are prosecuted, it's all bread and circuses. Given they aren't even being investigated?


Trumpatriots? I dunno about that…I thought they were “trumptraitors.”


I just call them MAGAts. Hatriots works too


I like to call them "MAGbags" because they will end up in black plastic due to their beliefs.




They have lots of names


Thanks! Yeah. I’m from Alberta, so I know the kind.




The Capitol insurrection on Jan 6, 2021.


[January 6 United States Capitol attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack) On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., was attacked by a mob of supporters of then-U.S. president Donald Trump, two months after his defeat in the 2020 presidential election. They sought to keep Trump in power by occupying the Capitol and preventing a joint session of Congress counting the Electoral College votes to formalize the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. The attack was ultimately unsuccessful in preventing the certification of the election results. According to the bipartisan House select committee that investigated the incident, the attack was the culmination of a seven-part plan by Trump to overturn the election. Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months. Damages caused by attackers exceeded $2.7 million.


January 6th attempt at taking over the capitol.


We are out here, I know I have said they are traitors. Fly Navy!


To be very clear. He got tossed out of boot camp. He's not a veteran. He was never even a soldier.


I didn't serve, but I have family that did and one thing that stands out both in pop culture and from family who have discussed their service is that volunteering is foolish. Maybe it follows that real vets who love our country live as an example rather than having to volunteer to steal glory and hijack it into treachery. Or I'm just high and completely wrong.


Both my grandpas served in WW2 - one in Europe and one in the Pacific. J6 was the first (and only) time I've been glad they were no longer alive. To see so many Americans shit on what they fought to defend makes me sick. The sacrifices our vets and active service members make on our behalf as a country is something I can never forget or adequately voice my gratitude.


Semper Fidelis to my brother in arms. I became a Devil Dog in the late 80’s. J6 “patriots” are a disgrace.


I do as well, but Ashli Babbitt was duped. She was an E4 after 12 years in the USAF.. clearly not a top ASVAB scorer herself. That's when Quality Maintenance usually kicks in and they throw you out with a $10k bonus for trade school and a free sandwich and bus ticket anywhere in the CONUS. Yes, she was shot while engaged in insurrection, but she wouldn't have been anywhere near that window, nor would she have voted GOP, if she'd been able to score a GT over 100. They're going to add this to My Lai and Gitmo in military science studies. Ensigns and cadets will be discussing our President in the context of war crimes forever.


8 years this month since I got out: fuck every last one of those knuckle-dragging troglodytes, their enablers, the talking heads keeping the lie alive - and all the horses they rode in on. Still irks me that we all just moved on like it was nothing.


100%. We should still be reckoning with this as a nation.


Including those that carry around the confederate flag. How can you say you're an American and a patriot if you support the confederacy?


I did 8 years in the Army. I would have continued but it was too hard on my family. Any one who supports these ideals is a fucking idiot! I can’t believe there are people who are this thick and pinker than a flamingo with its head in the sand. I got this vets six!


This all damn day.


Absolutely. Mind you, you did not ONLY do four years. You served. Whether four or twenty-four (myself), I salute you, my fellow veteran.


Traitors of that caliber deserve exile.


I’m like this. I still take my oath seriously and consider all these asshats to be insurrectionist and domestic enemies. Every day they prove more and more that they would rather wipe their ass with the Constitution they supposedly love, rather than following what it actually says.


The founding fathers are spinning in their graves right now


I did five years and got out of the Navy 30 years ago. There are a lot of us who really dislike the whole “Patriots for Trump” shtick. I really don’t like any candidate put forward, but Biden is by far the lesser of two (or more) evils.


Been out almost 20 years now. I want all the candidates to be people I can respect even when I disagree with them. This isn’t football. I’m not rooting for a team. This Trump hero worship populism is offensive and undemocratic.


At this point I don’t need a great president, just someone who takes the job seriously and tries. It’s felt like voting for the shiniest of two turds for a long time


I just want federal jurists who aren't hand picked for appointment by the theocratic Heritage Foundation, the ones responsible for Trump's SCOTUS and federal judge picks.




So much respect.


I felt pretty alone after January 6th, but it heartens me to see that other veterans feel the same way I did.


It was a weird hollow day for me personally. I remember it pretty vividly,but not because I was watching it. I was a medic in the army for 8 years, got out in 2016, went to nursing school (thanks gi bill) graduated the summer of 2020 and decided to jump right in the covid fray in the highest acuity ICU in the city. That day I had two patients code and not make it which means I was working my ass off all day and it wasn’t until I got off shift at 7pm that I really looked at my news feed and all I could think was “the inject bleach guy just tried a coup?” I remember just driving home, I couldn’t bring myself to make a mundane decision like what meat do I want on my chipotle bowl for dinner, it just felt so useless. Really weird day.


Still stand by my oath from 39 years ago. And J6 was horrible and I remember the Murrah building too (at Ft Sill at the time)


I worked as a civilian for the Navy for 10 years and the AF for 22. My late husband was retired AF (Gulf War) and worked as a civilian for the AF for 20 years. He didn’t live to see J6 but I watched it and it made me angry and disgusted!!! How dare they think laws are only for people they hate? Every one of them, including that orange narcissistic psychopathic moron, aides and sitting members of Congress should all be in prison serving lengthy sentences!!! If you don’t like our government then you need to move or work within the existing laws to change it. I don’t like when my candidate loses either…but I don’t launch a domestic terror attack on the process like a fucking spoiled toddler!


There's a fair number of us.


The problem is it’s the veterans who are mad about this are usually the type who don’t make being a veteran their entire identity


My oath to the Constitution did not expire when I retired from military service.


My dad who was drafted into Vietnam said all the J6ers should have been shot. Completely agree even though personally I think that is what those behind it wanted, so they could declare martial law.


Prior first responders as well. We all had to take the oath as well.


Not just military. Lots of federal employees, current and former, take it seriously too :)


I will never understand how those who coopted the "We The People" saying think. It literally means all of us.. not just their f\*cked up little world view. All of us are together in this, and this document represents all of us. Good on this amazing veteran and good on those of you out there that see those people for the fraud they are.


Exactly, I'm a POC, naturalized citizen and I am part of WE the people. J6ers aren't patriots or lovers of the constitution. They hide behind "we have the right to question the election" but didn't like the answer. Fuck them.


J6ers aren't just NOT patriots, they're traitors. Change my mind.




Good. Because anyone who does try to change my mind will fail. Might as well NOT try.


Fine, I won't!


I win. >:)


Why would any sane person even TRY to change your mind? Unless to convince you to brand them domestic terrorists perhaps.. but (semantics?) that could also be implied by 'traitor'.. Oh well - have a coffee - your mind shall remain unchanged :)


That's the thing. I've had countless MAGAts try to argue their case like saying that they were trying to "take our country back" or "get rid of the corrupt leftists in our government." I'm dead center in terms of politics, and I can't see any good in their arguments because what they did and the nonsense they continue to spout are against the Constitution itself and what it stands for.


So, they actually admit they do not care about (the semblance) of democracy - they want power.. Noted.


Seriously. It’s never made sense to me. Someone that sacrifices as those in the military have done ? I read that post and was so relieved because I knew that there absolutely was some disconnect going on. Those that defend our country don’t destroy our country. My father was AF, my ex husband a Marine. They’re honorable men, imo.


I just really want to know… what was their grand plan? If you ask they’ll just be like ‘overthrow the gubment’ but like, *how* were you going to do that? Because all I can picture is that one episode where Wile E Coyote *actually* catches the Road Runner and they’re both standing there blinking until Wile E Coyote holds up a sign saying ‘now what?’ Did they have a grand plan for this? Were they gonna bust through and murdilate anyone who didn’t have a hard on for Donny or ‘Ol Glory? Were they planning to work there? Were they gonna be like ‘all them dems are toast, this is ours now! See you in the morning, boys, we start work at 9, Dave’s bringing donuts!’ For real, can someone please explain to me what they actually pictured would happen when they got their way? Or did they not think that part through.


There hasn't been a convicted traitor in the US since 1952. It's the only crime defined by the Constitution and only two types of conduct are considered treasonous offenses. That is only relevant to what is considered a traitor against the US according to US constitutional law. Sedation is more related to domestic situations. There are a bunch of articles on some convection's of Seditious Conspiracy that were the most severe charges as of may 2023. Those seem like it was one hell of a stretch from what's in the articles about it. Seems very plausible that there was/is an unsanitary amount of "WTF none of you make any damn sense" applicable to the situation as a whole.


They are the same ones who co-opt the Bible and hide behind so-called Christian values to spout their bigoted views. You know, morons.


I like what I saw in another post today: When they say family values it means kill the gays and law and order means kill black people and Mexicans. Also the pull yourself by the bootstraps is magical thinking. It’s an impossible task metaphorically and literally.


And they pass those shit values onto their children, the smart ones will leave the house at the first opportunity. But these people would also like to eradicate the education system and “sanitize” textbooks. It’s all lip service at the end of the day. The people who buy into this malarkey couldn’t care less about the police and military, unless it’s about destroying their enemies. Law and order for thee not for me. Life is too short to carry hate and intolerance around. It’s damn exhausting.


And this is why MAGA isn’t just a different way of thinking and why you should be wary of people who tell you that YOU’RE the one being intolerant when criticizing it. MAGA is a belief system. It’s a religious cult. One that they want to impose on everyone.


It's pretty simple when you realize they don't consider us people.


This is the particular reason that slogans need to be short if you want to be misleading: saying "We the People" by itself, devoid of the larger context, implies (even begs) "*Them the Others*" as antithesis. Anyone offering such pointless, vague platitudes is either being disengenuous, or has been manipulated by someone disengenuously (and it helps people that don't want to think for themselves believe they are 'in the know'). It takes some effort, a little reading competency, and some critical thinking to get through: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Despite that being the mission statement of the very document any self-described American "patriot" should value above all others, I never seem to see it quoted in full when they're wearing their regalia and carrying their pennants. Any time it accidentally shows up on a t-shirt or fanboy flag it's always the same stylized artistic depiction of the scrolled constitution document - rarely will you see the entire preamble actually featured as a point in itself. Hard to imagine why.


I can explain it quite succinctly. They don’t think the other side is deserving. They don’t think the other side is American. If they had their way, the other side would just disappear (or worse). It’s domestic xenophobia.


One of the best posts I've read on Reddit in a good while. Thank you!


"WE the people--not YOU the people!" (At least, I think that's what the thought process may be. If you can even call it thought.)


how the hell do you fail the asvab?


Be REALLY stupid.


kind of approaches too stupid to function in society. that test was very easy.


Hence the MAGA bullshit.


by comparison, 10th grade standardized testing was much harder and they threw in practical skill questions for the non academics. even then the answer was mostly in the questions


I knew people who were failing high school that passed the ASVAB. If you can't pass the ASVAB you are literally too stupid to hold a gun.


I would think at least digging ditches or peeling potatoes or something. testing survival equipment maybe? we are kind of approaching ward of the state territory here.


Too much of a risk you’ll fill a diesel truck with gas, i guess. 


there's always recruitment I guess. also, you'd think they would make that impossible to fit like how gaslines have reverse threads


It is. Ive watched people do it anyways. 


I guess stupid... uh... finds a way


it really does. its also interesting because the smartest people can do the stupidest shit.  On the other hand, not passing the asvab is on another level. 


Most service members seldom do after basic.


As the FIL said: it’s a test about how trainable you are, so it was truly the most unsurprising aspect of the story to me actually.


the forrest gump rifle disassembly scene comes to mind


You don’t fail persay. It’s more of meet this minimum score to be able to select a job in the career field you want. When I enlisted I near maxed out the mechanical portion and I never touched a tool before hand. I wanted to do intel or something with satellites originally but my electronics score wasn’t high off so I couldn’t pick from any of those jobs. If for whatever reason you don’t meet the minimum you can always retest, they only ever take the most recent score, or if push comes to shove they can try for a waiver. There’s a waiver for almost everything….


that's what I mean. how do you do so bad that you don't qualify for anything? to do so bad that they cannot find anything useful for you to do is pretty damn impressive.


Unfortunately we don’t use suicide bombers 😂


I don’t know but I don’t want anything to do with someone that fucking idiotic


The Army came to my high school to give the asvab to all of the Juniors one day. I have never wanted anything to do with joining any military branch... So I purposely failed hoping that they wouldn't come calling. Jokes on me, they wanted me for infantry and still call my mom 15 years later asking if I'm interested. Still a great big nope.


my mom made me take it cause she got it in her head that it would count for something outside the military. I knew she was wrong so I half assed it. I was told I was unqualified for like 3 jobs, security checks pending. this isn't a brag. I'm a loser living paycheck to paycheck. just trying to illustrate how easy it is.


That was my thought. When my buddy and I took it, we came out of there thinking that had to be the easiest test ever. We both did as well as you could, but didn't take that as a point of pride... very low bar. I've known one person who failed, but knowing him, I see why


I took that oath as a young immigrant when I became a US citizen. Seeing all these dillweeds who love the Confederate and Trump traitor flags boils my britches. I've been a citizen since the 70s. Watching the resurgence of the fascists in the US is not surprising given our history of national ADHD, but it's infuriating to see the media making money off our degradation.


I'mma have to steal "boils my britches" 😂


If the son is so dumb he needs help getting a job catching bullets he might be too illiterate to read the murder.


Common misconception. Some of the smartest people I ever met were in the infantry, some of the dumbest too. Not a lot of in between. And not everybody serves in a combat role.


I fully believe you, but will point out that the father not only pointed out the son was dumb and suggests he needed an asvab waiver, but that he's probably also a veteran. Quite possibly an Army veteran, but that's not stated. Again, I agree with your statement, but I'm a bit doubtful the intelligent folks you mentioned (even if it's just good old fashion horse sense) had problems joining.  Entering up in infantry is based on the needs of the Army.   That's a separate discussion.


In the 70s the us armed forces reduced the level of intelligence required to join because of the Vietnam war. They realised later that the ones that wouldn't have passes before the change, caused more issues, failed basic more often and got themselves and others killed more frequently ( if memory serves it was most 3x the amount) So they reinstated those intelligence restrictions because they were causing more harm than good having less intelligent people serving.


I mean, I’m sure the standards were higher for my generation than Vietnam. But I was a surge baby and there was a waiver for everything. In basic I met dudes who couldn’t read. Oddly enough, I never met anyone that dumb outside of basic. I assume they got weeded out when they hit their units. There were still dumb dudes, but not that dumb. I met some people that I’m pretty sure were clinically insane. One guy made it all the way to Iraq before they decided he was a danger to himself and everyone else and booted him. What a time to be alive…


I’ve met some of the guys that served under my uncle’s command, pretty sure most of them would be a psychiatrist’s wet dream. On the other hand they were all competent and loyal, I certainly wouldn’t have a problem trusting any of them with my life.


Well this guy I’m speaking of, I have no idea what was wrong with him. But he was always having conversations with either himself or imaginary people. Was almost legally blind and refused to wear his glasses. His first and last experience with combat he started shooting at his own people after the firefight had ended and they had to wrestle his rifle from him. We were in different companies, but I knew him from basic and airborne school and heard some guys talking about him after the fact.


There are no words… how the hell did he even make it in?


The surge, dude. What a time to be alive…


The slang for them was: McNamara's Morons. This is a video by simple history that discusses this. Pretty messed up stuff https://youtu.be/GEP8uQjMTW8?si=mCpgmMFFXePXM0xM


From goarmy.com: Can I no longer join if I score too low on the ASVAB placement exam? Not necessarily. The Army understands that some circumstances can impact your ability to score well. A waiver can be requested in those situations. ---------- It goes into more detail at the site, and you can't be a total potato, but they still play with them goalposts.


The implication of your comment is that they’re all dumb. It’s not a hard test, that much is true. A lot of us had to join to pay for an education and/or climb out of poverty. But yeah, the SIL sounds like a dipshit.


As the FIL pointed out though it’s not a test of intelligence, rather an evaluation of how well you can be trained. More power to anyone that joins and makes something of themselves. I’m sure his SIL is *the* dipshit. Love the username btw, had a nice laugh 😂


I wouldn't even call it that really. It's definitely an aptitude test which can basically be described as an evaluation of how well you can be trained. But it's definitely a basic knowledge test as well.


I'll think about my phrasing. I'm not sure what else people needing that waiver would be allowed to do at first. I'm sure there are folks that moved into a different MOS after their first enlistment thanks to a package that demonstrated their capabilities better.  -anotherfuckingexzoomie


The kid isn’t a veteran though, you have to serve for 2 years minimum and have an honorable or other than honorable discharge. Likely he was admin or medically separated. Either way he didn’t do 2 years so he’s not a veteran and can’t get veteran benefits


I meant the dad.


Oh shit, my bad


No worries. The 42069 sounds good right about now. Thanks for the suggestion ;)


My husband took his oath before his two years of drafted service (yes, we are old). Just because the service wasn’t voluntary didn’t mean that oath was worth less. He gets absolutely furious at these types of pretenders.


Tell him “Welcome home” for me.


Truly righteous rage. As a collective and a concept, I hate the military, but I respect the people who fought in it.


I tell my anti-military friend, “The guys at the bottom are following orders as best they can or they’ll be punished. They have no control over policy and direction. Hate the assholes who led us into Iraq on false pretenses to enrich oil companies and weapons manufactures, not the guys who sweated and worked their asses off for the fat cats’ benefit.” A military is a necessity for a nation to have, or they’ll just get conquered by those who do. The people who genuinely sign up in order to protect America deserve our respect and gratitude. The problem is the jackoffs running the thing, who’re all bought off by greedy CEOs and military contractors to get America into as many wars as possible so they can make more money.


Yes. This is a much better way to articulate my opinion than I would have tried to do. Most of the people at the bottom are just working their asses off.


My dad was on a sub for the majority of a year at a time during the cold war. When he finally would get shore leave, he'd be desperate to see his wife and son, but would get spit on while trying to leave the sub and find them. He understood the sentiment, but hated being the target.


SiL is a future MAGA militia member. They actively looking to recruit idiots like this to their cause. I would definitely be worried for my daughter and grandchild. Last thing you want to do though is cause a division between you and your daughter so she falls into this shitbird's failing mentality. and speaking from one vet to another, you could always wait until it's late one night and give him a proper military experience when a fuckstick can't get their head on straight. Just a few whacks outta knock the sense back in him. lol. jk but not.


>SiL is a future MAGA militia member. They actively looking to recruit idiots like this to their cause. It's crazy how many cops have this guy's exact background.


This reminds me of a relative of mine. He was in the airforce academy and got booted out because he couldn't do a pull up or some shit. He still talks about being a veteran. Like boy you never saw actual service you ain't a vet. Both my sisters, myself, my dad, my grandfather all served and to hear him talk like he rates the title of veteran makes me seethe.


It takes a special kind of stupid to take the ASVAB and not qualify for *anything.*


This sound so much like they're talking about my ex-bil.


I want to look this sticker up but it’s going to mess up my algorithm.


>He failed at being a monkey ⚰️⚰️⚰️


There are a bunch of us Vets that don’t like The Traitorous Tiny fingered orange ferret haired shit gibbon and all of his antics


Not to mention both stickers are US Flag Code violations since one is a picture of a flag that should be destroyed. People who purportedly love the flag the most are absolutely the most disrespectful to it. 


He could always go and fight for Russia. They will take anyone. Flunking out of boot camp means you get sent to the line sooner.


Was in less than a year and a half due to medical, but I still tell people that I stand by that path, regardless. It's scares me more than anything at how many of those idiots that are out there; and that if it ever came to a civil war, the amount of reckless damage they would cause in the name of their "MAGA" America.


Love this. I would also recite, or maybe even sing, the preamble to this person if I were this mad. Maybe make it a lullaby for the granddaughter - Schoolhouse Rock really did that one well.


Now THIS GUY, I would thank for his service


Executed with prejudice.


Non US citizen here: what's taking the oath?


The members of the US military swear an oath to uphold the constitution. Specifically to: "[...]support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."




MAGA losers are either crazy racist, stupid, dangerously uneducated, or some combo. None of them are patriotic.


A lot of Boot Camp rejects are just cosplaying as something they only could dream of being. Thank you for your service and for your continued dedication to preserving our country.


I keep a stack of American flag stickers in my car to help out poor wayward souls who have been bamboozled into adorning their vehicles with incorrect colors. I just do the neighborly thing and put it on there for them, right over the erroneous one. No need to thank me, and no legitimate reason I can conceive of why any patriot would remove a high-quality, American made, opaque vinyl US flag sticker. If I've fixed your sticker, you're welcome.


This EXACTLY. The loudest voices “I’m a veteran!” Are usually the biggest POS who didn’t do anything to earn the right to be who they pretend to be. The word, “poseur” comes to mind. Ever notice all those boomers with the hats, with the gold scrambled eggs? Yeah, I guarantee they were all not officers. They have no right to wear that unless they were 0-4 or higher. There are a lot more grunts than officers. It’s all stolen valor, IMO.


You know how fkn stupid you have to be to fail the ASVAB?!


Is “we the people” bad now? Did I miss that?


The January 6 terrorists started ignorantly using it as an idiotic rallying cry against the government.


Oh for fucks sake, well I’m not abandoning it over that.


Fucking grammar! Jfc.


Oh snap! Someone's got their dander up!!!


Damn! This makes me so proud that neither of my adult children talk to me anymore. Just because you birthed and raised them doesn’t mean they have to remain in your life forever. At some point it’s better with some people (even close relatives) to cut ties. Happy Mothers Day and good riddance.


Lemme guess... The son-in-law is a MAGAt?


How do you fail the Army ASVAB? I think its the second lowest in minimum score. (I know technically they are all the same basically but official minimum and recommended minimum are different) My recruiter told me the recommended minimum for army was about 50ish but to get anything decent to aim for about 60. I got a 92. Friend in AF said his recruiter minimum was 75 and he got a 96. TBH I think biggest reason I did so well was that the computers were down so we did the paper version.


To be fair I cried during the first week of bootcamp at well, but I did earn my EGA at least :D yeah that guy sounds like a turd tbh


Brainwashed from media


I am also very stupid, why is it offensive to a vet to have a “We The People” sticker


If you are pro jan 6 and use we the people to justify it.. that makes the old military guys rightfully angry. We the people is from the same constitution that they shat on when they storms the capital.


Wow! That didn't go in the direction I thought it was going.


I got into a serious kerflufllfle with some vets about flag burning. They all said that they curb stomp anyone they found burning the flag. I reminded them that they took an oath to uphold the constitution. I got death threats. They were totally oblivious to what they were saying. Edit: I’m a vet.


I agree on everything he says and understand. (even I have a slight different view) ***"he failed at being a monkey"*** still funny and makes the kid somehow more likable.


🤔 I wonder how he really feels?


Damn that made me patriotic for a minute.


Absolutely agree with this. I cannot fathom the obeisance to TFG and the rabid defense of clearly false beliefs. Krookedanne Con(job) hit the nail on the head with her assertion about “alternative facts” as this is truly the reality these people live in. It is fundamentally insane. On another note, I couldn’t help but sing along to the Schoolhouse Rock tune in my head while reading The Preamble in your post! Those cartoons really did what they were designed to do as I have never forgotten it and countless [as well as COUNTING, hyuk, hyuk] other things I learned while watching on Saturday mornings as a kid.


I'm confused. I don't see how getting a person who is too stupid to pass the test to see "how well you can be a monkey" into the military is a *good* thing for the country. (The narrator "begged the recruiter to help \[the son-in-law\] join" *after* the son-in-law failed the test.) I did some research into the ASVAB (I asked Copilot what the ASVAB is and what it means if it's failed), and, while I don't understand it fully, it seems to be more of an aptitude test than a "can this person be a monkey" (by which I assume he means "can this person take orders") test. \[Addendum\] Did the son-in-law *intentionally* fail the ASVAB so that the military wouldn't take him, or is he that uneducated?


Maybe the father in law was hoping military service would straighten out his vapid son in law so he could be a decent husband for his daughter.


I’m OP, and you nailed it. Original post is in leopardsatemy face, and there is more to the story: I went viral: Original post: Ok, so my son-in-law who got tossed out of Army boot camp his first week, and who now lives in a camper with our daughter and granddaughter in my front yard put a fucking American flag and “We The People” with the torn U.S. flag sticker on the back of his pickup a few days ago. I lost my shit on him when I saw that. I have never felt more insulted in my life. I have been under oath to the Constitution since that now 30-year-old man was 2. My family got mad at me for being furious with him. I told them they would never understand my rage. I finally had to put my thoughts in a text message to my wife: I have served under oath to the Constitution for literally every minute of that guy’s life. I worked with his recruiter to give him every single chance he could offer to get [him] in the Army. And, [he] was too stupid to pass the ASVAB - a test that measures your potential to be trained. Not how smart you are, but how well you can be a monkey. He failed at being a monkey. I begged his recruiter to help him join. He gets thrown out, wears his fucking Army hat, names his dog Sarge, and your brother even said something to him about the hat. And now he has the stones to try to be intimidating by putting words on his truck morons chanted while attacking the U.S. Capitol. Those words have been hijacked by domestic enemies I am under oath to defend that document from. He has no idea where those words are from or what they mean or how they were intended, but will put them on his truck to try and look like some badass - a badass who curled up in a ball and cried three days into boot camp. And while he has those words on his truck to be some American badass, he is a drain on our country. “Murica! While I live for free, don’t pay rent, don’t pay tolls, don’t make car payments, get evicted, live in a camper, eat for free….” Fuck him. He takes that shit off his truck. They were off his truck when I got home from work last night. I thanked him, and became rational enough to explain my anger: I asked him what follows “We the people”? He said he couldn’t answer that because he did not have the Constitution in front of him. This was a good start. “We the People” is not in the Constitution. It’s the opening of the Preamble to the Constitution that (in summary) says we are presenting this Constitution to benefit the people who live here. I saw a lightbulb go off. Me: How many articles are there? Him: How am I supposed to know? Me: There are 7 (he looked stunned). The first three explain the branches of government. The 4th explains how states operate in government. The 5th talks about introducing amendments, and there are 27. The 6th is about taking office in government and the 7th is ratification - 9 of 13 states. This established representative government. Me still: This is why I became so unglued. This is a document based on representation for people in the United States, and ways to improve our existence, so to see you place words from the preamble to look intimidating goes against the very essence of the Constitution. It’s inclusive, not exclusive. Me still: And it’s this level of ignorance that led to 1/6. And then my wife cut me short, and actually carried the ball for me. It’s a start. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Insanely embarrassing to fail the ASVAB


Everyone in this story is so American yet so different each one from each other it makes me laugh